One Reason why "Urban" Education fails Blacks


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

"I have seen the enemy and he is us."

So here we have Black parents and "community organizers" fighting an attempt by the school district administration to re-institute a policy that allows disruptive students to be disciplined (basically, removed from the classroom for a time) due to multiple "minor infractions," because...

Well, that's the question here. Why are they fighting this? Disruptive students STEAL TIME AND THE TEACHERS' ATTENTION from the students who want to learn, and these "activists" think - apparently - that is better to keep the disruptive bastards in the classroom, lest their feelings be hurt.

And let's be honest: just about everyone involved in this whole matter is Black. Black disruptors, Black parents, mostly Black fellow students, mostly Black school administrators, with a few honkies thrown in for effect.

Where is the groundswell of Black parents saying, "This is harming my child, who wants to learn!"? "Get them the hell out of the classroom."

They are sabotaging the whole education process for the sake of a "few bad actors."

I don't get it.

President Obama was a strong proponent of keeping the bad actors in school. Yet another example of the reality that he was not as smart as advertised, although he was "clean."
You know what the #1 reason for firing first year teachers is?

They're unable to maintain classroom discipline.

And that's out in the heartland with 100% white kids.

And thank you for using a legit source.
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You know what the #1 reason for firing first year teachers is?

They're unable to maintain classroom discipline.

And that's out in the heartland with 100% white kids.

And thank you for using a legit source.

The old school teachers, nuns, priests, religious brothers, all used extreme violence and the threat of it to keep us in line pretty well.

Students are unlikely to act out if they knew they would get their head pounded on to a black board or get curbstomped when they did.

"I have seen the enemy and he is us."

So here we have Black parents and "community organizers" fighting an attempt by the school district administration to re-institute a policy that allows disruptive students to be disciplined (basically, removed from the classroom for a time) due to multiple "minor infractions," because...

Well, that's the question here. Why are they fighting this? Disruptive students STEAL TIME AND THE TEACHERS' ATTENTION from the students who want to learn, and these "activists" think - apparently - that is better to keep the disruptive bastards in the classroom, lest their feelings be hurt.

And let's be honest: just about everyone involved in this whole matter is Black. Black disruptors, Black parents, mostly Black fellow students, mostly Black school administrators, with a few honkies thrown in for effect.

Where is the groundswell of Black parents saying, "This is harming my child, who wants to learn!"? "Get them the hell out of the classroom."

They are sabotaging the whole education process for the sake of a "few bad actors."

I don't get it.

President Obama was a strong proponent of keeping the bad actors in school. Yet another example of the reality that he was not as smart as advertised, although he was "clean."
Until we make the word "Bastard" a shameful thing to be again, it will always stay the same

Shame these bastard making fathers and unfit mothers loud and clear

Seems we have a lot of worthless fucking bastards here for sure

Ewwwww...Damned. For the first post of the day, that was pretty brutal even by my standards....But ya know what. THE TRUTH IS A VERY BRUTAL THING TO FACE!!!!
The old school teachers, nuns, priests, religious brothers, all used extreme violence and the threat of it to keep us in line pretty well.

Students are unlikely to act out if they knew they would get their head pounded on to a black board or get curbstomped when they did.
They used some rape too in that formula
The old school teachers, nuns, priests, religious brothers, all used extreme violence and the threat of it to keep us in line pretty well.

Students are unlikely to act out if they knew they would get their head pounded on to a black board or get curbstomped when they did.
They taught you respect for others, yourself, and property loud and clear. The crippled up knuckles of an old nun going across your head did wonders
Liberals assumed that after removing roadblocks to black achievement through civil rights legisation in the 1950’s and ‘60’s that blacks would progress normally like everyone else

But they didnt

And it was caused in large part to LBJ’s ill conceived War on Poverty which led to the break up of black families

Because boys without fathers do not make good students
The blacks are disruptive because they believe that the white man and the govt. suppressed them and they want to be disruptive to screw the man.
Liberals assumed that after removing roadblocks to black achievement through civil rights legisation in the 1950’s and ‘60’s that blacks would progress normally like everyone else

But they didnt

And it was caused in large part to LBJ’s ill conceived War on Poverty which led to the break up of black families

Because boys without fathers do not make good students
Nothing stops an individual from learning except that individual. You either believe in personal responsibility or you make excuses.
Nothing stops an individual from learning except that individual. You either believe in personal responsibility or you make excuses.

I dont think the answer to problems caused by government intervention is more government intervention

So I would end welfare assistance to able bodied Americans and let them figure it out for themselves

I dont think the answer to problems caused by government intervention is more government intervention

So I would end welfare assistance to able bodied Americans and let them figure it out for themselves
Do you think the govt. can stop a human from learning you must be mad...Nothing stops learning but the individual and even they can't stop it totally since every day something new can be learned even if it is not in school.
Do you think the govt. can stop a human from learning you must be mad...Nothing stops learning but the individual and even they can't stop it totally since every day something new can be learned even if it is not in school.
Ok, whatever you say

"I have seen the enemy and he is us."

So here we have Black parents and "community organizers" fighting an attempt by the school district administration to re-institute a policy that allows disruptive students to be disciplined (basically, removed from the classroom for a time) due to multiple "minor infractions," because...

Well, that's the question here. Why are they fighting this? Disruptive students STEAL TIME AND THE TEACHERS' ATTENTION from the students who want to learn, and these "activists" think - apparently - that is better to keep the disruptive bastards in the classroom, lest their feelings be hurt.

And let's be honest: just about everyone involved in this whole matter is Black. Black disruptors, Black parents, mostly Black fellow students, mostly Black school administrators, with a few honkies thrown in for effect.

Where is the groundswell of Black parents saying, "This is harming my child, who wants to learn!"? "Get them the hell out of the classroom."

They are sabotaging the whole education process for the sake of a "few bad actors."

I don't get it.

President Obama was a strong proponent of keeping the bad actors in school. Yet another example of the reality that he was not as smart as advertised, although he was "clean."
Simple really.

It's the same reason BLM is at war with the Patriarchal family. By removing the father from the home, single moms are almost guaranteed to wind up poor, and have their children find their father figure in the streets filled with crime. Then when they grow up criminals, blame white laws for all the disproportionate black arrests. It is the same reason the Left places abortion mills all around black neighborhoods and ignores black on black violence in democrat controlled cities.

They want blacks disempowered and depopulated while convincing them they are their savior.
The old school teachers, nuns, priests, religious brothers, all used extreme violence and the threat of it to keep us in line pretty well.

Students are unlikely to act out if they knew they would get their head pounded on to a black board or get curbstomped when they did.
Pretty bad idea.
The blacks are disruptive because they believe that the white man and the govt. suppressed them and they want to be disruptive to screw the man.
I wonder who/where they got that idea from? Playing the victim card hasn't really worked out too well, has it? It seems like whenever I read about a successful black person it's usually a story about somebody in their early life that made discliplined them in some way and made them do whatever was necessary to be successful. Successful people do not get that way by blaming others for their own mistakes and bad decisions.

Nothing stops an individual from learning except that individual. You either believe in personal responsibility or you make excuses.

This is 100% true.

So here we have Black parents and "community organizers" fighting an attempt by the school district administration to re-institute a policy that allows disruptive students to be disciplined (basically, removed from the classroom for a time) due to multiple "minor infractions," because...

Why aren't those black parents doing whatever is necessary to stop their kids from being disruptive in the 1st place? As Mac-7 and others have noted above, when the gov't incentivized single motherhood, the fathers got kicked out. And kids, especially boys need a father many times to keep them in line. By subsidizing single mothers, the gov't perhaps unintentionally created more single mothers. And more problem children.
It worked when I was in school. Getting cracked in the back of the head really catches a kid's attention.
There are plenty of kids in the school where I teach who could pick you up fully off the ground by the top of your head with one hand. Do you want school or fight club?

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