One state will tell the tale for GOP in 2016.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
If Florida goes GOP in 2016, then there's a chance. If not, it's over. Period. That's what sucks about the Electoral College system and how the demographics are. Just like in 2000, Florida will pick our President.
If Florida goes GOP in 2016, then there's a chance. If not, it's over. Period. That's what sucks about the Electoral College system and how the demographics are. Just like in 2000, Florida will pick our President.
The GOP gets a substantial advantage thanks to the electoral college, since several of their states barely have a population, but still get to send the minimum 3 delegates.
2 states will tell the tale...

As long as the gop wins those two then they could lose virgina and get Co and Iowa to make up for it.

Still it is very close to being 3 states telling the tale!

Hillary has a huge advantage.
I saved this off from USMB. I don't remember who to credit for it?

I saved this off from USMB. I don't remember who to credit for it?

View attachment 58233

Nev has gone blue because it has shifted 12% hispanic in the past 13 years.

Iowa isn't likely vote republican

Co has voted against republicans the past 2 elections...Has gone even more liberal!

Minosota? Don't make me laugh! It will go hillary be 10%!

Michigan? Lol. 5-9% hillary! The state hasn't voted republican at the presidential level in two decades.

Pa? lol, very unlikely.

All this with the reality that Florida and Ohio are very much toss ups.

Please think before posting such things again. Nothing in recent history shows that the American people are going to vote loserterian this election.
If the GOP doesn't win Florida, game over.

We should know pretty early on Election night who the next President will be.

I think that is one of the reasons that Hillary hasn't brought up Social Security yet. She wants to have the debate when the Seniors are paying attention and hearing from the GOP how good they have it. This will likely be one of the key things that she goes back on in her first term--at some point we have to raise the retirement age. Not only to save the investment but because it makes sense given the longer life spans and better health of the aged public.

Its sad that Rubio and Bush have been neutered by The Donald into almost total and shameful silence. A strong politician could lock up the vote for their party if not for themselves.
Using current federal spending projections, we will have structural deficits exceeding $1 trillion per year after 2025, most of it due to Social Security and Medicare. And yet the libtard posters on this thread are quite willing to demagogue these programs for political purposes...

This is why the Constitution was set up: To establish a decentralized form of government in order to prevent tyranny by a "democratic" majority. This principle has been eroded to the point that the Electoral College is one of its last vestiges. But even this last bastion of federalism has been compromised by winner-take-all popular voting within states.

Rather than a direct popular vote for President, which would further increase the likelihood and influence of vote "irregularities" (especially in large cities/states), why not preserve the current system but require the apportionment of electoral votes within states based on the percentage of votes received by each candidate?

Alternatively, one electoral vote could be awarded to the winning candidate in each Congressional district, plus two electoral votes for the statewide winner. Although subject to gerrymandered districts, this is probably closer to the original Constitutional intent of having Presidential electors appointed by state legislatures.
CA has 55. Chock full of illegals, absentee and provisional ballots, corruption to the core. Not too mention online registration. And Old School worried about Wyoming. nice try.

California is the most "under" represented state in the country in regards to the electoral college...if there were true proportional representation California would have 65 electoral votes out of a total of 538.
If Florida goes GOP in 2016, then there's a chance. If not, it's over. Period. That's what sucks about the Electoral College system and how the demographics are. Just like in 2000, Florida will pick our President.

Florida is about 85% probability for the GOP this time around due to Obysmal incompetence with the Castro brothers, and how the Cuban population of Florida is going to accept that. Ohio is another matter. If the GOP nominee is smart and picks that useless rino Kasich as his running mate, Ohio is then just about a done deal. If the GOP is serious about winning the Presidency, that is exactly what they will do, just as Reagan took rino Bush as his running mate to get the establishment on board.

And now we come to the rest of the swing states. If you have Cruz or Rubio, Candycorn is correct, it is going to be an early night, and Hillary is in permanent retirement, hopefully, lol! Why? Because to believe for even 5 seconds that this supposed Hispanic love fest going on with Democrats won't be partially fractured with an Hispanic nominee is almost laughable bravado on the lefties side. And, being Hispanic myself, I know for a fact that "Machismo" of 1st generation Hispanics is going to put a huge damper on Clinton male, Hispanic votes. They see her as many on the GOP side see her........a female who rode her husbands coat tails into power.

Now Eva Perron over came that problem in Central America, but somehow, I do not see Hillary being able to duplicate that feat-)
Candycorn, that is true, but if I was hillary I would just be 100% in support of ssi and medicare. this will hurt the republican very badly in florida if they're the ones threatening to abolish it.

The ones threatening to abolish it are the lefty demagogues who have for decades pretended there is nothing to worry about.
If Florida goes GOP in 2016, then there's a chance. If not, it's over. Period. That's what sucks about the Electoral College system and how the demographics are. Just like in 2000, Florida will pick our President.

Florida is about 85% probability for the GOP this time around due to Obysmal incompetence with the Castro brothers, and how the Cuban population of Florida is going to accept that. Ohio is another matter. If the GOP nominee is smart and picks that useless rino Kasich as his running mate, Ohio is then just about a done deal. If the GOP is serious about winning the Presidency, that is exactly what they will do, just as Reagan took rino Bush as his running mate to get the establishment on board.

And now we come to the rest of the swing states. If you have Cruz or Rubio, Candycorn is correct, it is going to be an early night, and Hillary is in permanent retirement, hopefully, lol! Why? Because to believe for even 5 seconds that this supposed Hispanic love fest going on with Democrats won't be partially fractured with an Hispanic nominee is almost laughable bravado on the lefties side. And, being Hispanic myself, I know for a fact that "Machismo" of 1st generation Hispanics is going to put a huge damper on Clinton male, Hispanic votes. They see her as many on the GOP side see her........a female who rode her husbands coat tails into power.

Now Eva Perron over came that problem in Central America, but somehow, I do not see Hillary being able to duplicate that feat-)

Neither side can say Florida is a 85%'s going to be a tossup regardless of who the candidates are. It's a very finely divided state.

Even in his 2010 Senate race, Rubio only got about 49% of the vote. And that was during a REALLY good year for Republicans. Rick Scott got about 48% of the vote in "both" his elections. Romney and McCain "both" got around 48-49% as well in their elections.

You just don't see blowout wins in Florida anymore, for either side. Both sides have very high floors, around 46% or 47% of the vote. It really is just the last ~8% of the vote that both sides are fighting for.

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