One state will tell the tale for GOP in 2016.

CA has 55. Chock full of illegals, absentee and provisional ballots, corruption to the core. Not too mention online registration. And Old School worried about Wyoming. nice try.

You forgot a GDP larger than Canada.
CA has 55. Chock full of illegals, absentee and provisional ballots, corruption to the core. Not too mention online registration. And Old School worried about Wyoming. nice try.

California is the most "under" represented state in the country in regards to the electoral college...if there were true proportional representation California would have 65 electoral votes out of a total of 538.

Yes, we already know that each State has at least three electoral votes (2 Senators + 1 Representative).
CA has 55. Chock full of illegals, absentee and provisional ballots, corruption to the core. Not too mention online registration. And Old School worried about Wyoming. nice try.

You forgot a GDP larger than Canada.

The looming issue is whether the Big Blue States will be bailed out of bankruptcy by the federal government...
Last edited:
If Florida goes GOP in 2016, then there's a chance. If not, it's over. Period. That's what sucks about the Electoral College system and how the demographics are. Just like in 2000, Florida will pick our President.

Florida is about 85% probability for the GOP this time around due to Obysmal incompetence with the Castro brothers, and how the Cuban population of Florida is going to accept that. Ohio is another matter. If the GOP nominee is smart and picks that useless rino Kasich as his running mate, Ohio is then just about a done deal. If the GOP is serious about winning the Presidency, that is exactly what they will do, just as Reagan took rino Bush as his running mate to get the establishment on board.

And now we come to the rest of the swing states. If you have Cruz or Rubio, Candycorn is correct, it is going to be an early night, and Hillary is in permanent retirement, hopefully, lol! Why? Because to believe for even 5 seconds that this supposed Hispanic love fest going on with Democrats won't be partially fractured with an Hispanic nominee is almost laughable bravado on the lefties side. And, being Hispanic myself, I know for a fact that "Machismo" of 1st generation Hispanics is going to put a huge damper on Clinton male, Hispanic votes. They see her as many on the GOP side see her........a female who rode her husbands coat tails into power.

Now Eva Perron over came that problem in Central America, but somehow, I do not see Hillary being able to duplicate that feat-)

Neither side can say Florida is a 85%'s going to be a tossup regardless of who the candidates are. It's a very finely divided state.

Even in his 2010 Senate race, Rubio only got about 49% of the vote. And that was during a REALLY good year for Republicans. Rick Scott got about 48% of the vote in "both" his elections. Romney and McCain "both" got around 48-49% as well in their elections.

You just don't see blowout wins in Florida anymore, for either side. Both sides have very high floors, around 46% or 47% of the vote. It really is just the last ~8% of the vote that both sides are fighting for.

That was BEFORE Obama threw 80% of the Cuban American vote out the window for this election cycle with his fan dance while hugging the Castro brothers. Florida goes GOP by 4 to 6 points in 16, book it!

Internal polls show this, even if Debbie Wasserman Shutlz doesn't want to tell her troops, the loyal lefty, arrogant ones.

On to Ohio!
If Florida goes GOP in 2016, then there's a chance. If not, it's over. Period. That's what sucks about the Electoral College system and how the demographics are. Just like in 2000, Florida will pick our President.

you're going to lose the popular vote, too. so it doesn't matter all that much.

and, frankly, no republican has ever won without ohio. and you're not going to get ohio either.
CA has 55. Chock full of illegals, absentee and provisional ballots, corruption to the core. Not too mention online registration. And Old School worried about Wyoming. nice try.

You forgot a GDP larger than Canada.

The looming issue is whether the Big Blue States will be bailed out of bankruptcy by the federal government...

the poorest and least educated states are red states.

and red states take more money from the feds than they pay in, while blue states pay more than they take.

try again.
If Florida goes GOP in 2016, then there's a chance. If not, it's over. Period. That's what sucks about the Electoral College system and how the demographics are. Just like in 2000, Florida will pick our President.

Florida is about 85% probability for the GOP this time around due to Obysmal incompetence with the Castro brothers, and how the Cuban population of Florida is going to accept that. Ohio is another matter. If the GOP nominee is smart and picks that useless rino Kasich as his running mate, Ohio is then just about a done deal. If the GOP is serious about winning the Presidency, that is exactly what they will do, just as Reagan took rino Bush as his running mate to get the establishment on board.

And now we come to the rest of the swing states. If you have Cruz or Rubio, Candycorn is correct, it is going to be an early night, and Hillary is in permanent retirement, hopefully, lol! Why? Because to believe for even 5 seconds that this supposed Hispanic love fest going on with Democrats won't be partially fractured with an Hispanic nominee is almost laughable bravado on the lefties side. And, being Hispanic myself, I know for a fact that "Machismo" of 1st generation Hispanics is going to put a huge damper on Clinton male, Hispanic votes. They see her as many on the GOP side see her........a female who rode her husbands coat tails into power.

Now Eva Perron over came that problem in Central America, but somehow, I do not see Hillary being able to duplicate that feat-)

Neither side can say Florida is a 85%'s going to be a tossup regardless of who the candidates are. It's a very finely divided state.

Even in his 2010 Senate race, Rubio only got about 49% of the vote. And that was during a REALLY good year for Republicans. Rick Scott got about 48% of the vote in "both" his elections. Romney and McCain "both" got around 48-49% as well in their elections.

You just don't see blowout wins in Florida anymore, for either side. Both sides have very high floors, around 46% or 47% of the vote. It really is just the last ~8% of the vote that both sides are fighting for.

That was BEFORE Obama threw 80% of the Cuban American vote out the window for this election cycle with his fan dance while hugging the Castro brothers. Florida goes GOP by 4 to 6 points in 16, book it!

Internal polls show this, even if Debbie Wasserman Shutlz doesn't want to tell her troops, the loyal lefty, arrogant ones.

On to Ohio!

Okay....what about the tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans moving to central Florida "Each Year"? That's going to have a pretty big impact in a state usually decided by less than 100k votes. Not all Cubans are against making ties to Cuba either, it does open up bridges to lost family members for some.
If Florida goes GOP in 2016, then there's a chance. If not, it's over. Period. That's what sucks about the Electoral College system and how the demographics are. Just like in 2000, Florida will pick our President.

Florida is about 85% probability for the GOP this time around due to Obysmal incompetence with the Castro brothers, and how the Cuban population of Florida is going to accept that. Ohio is another matter. If the GOP nominee is smart and picks that useless rino Kasich as his running mate, Ohio is then just about a done deal. If the GOP is serious about winning the Presidency, that is exactly what they will do, just as Reagan took rino Bush as his running mate to get the establishment on board.

And now we come to the rest of the swing states. If you have Cruz or Rubio, Candycorn is correct, it is going to be an early night, and Hillary is in permanent retirement, hopefully, lol! Why? Because to believe for even 5 seconds that this supposed Hispanic love fest going on with Democrats won't be partially fractured with an Hispanic nominee is almost laughable bravado on the lefties side. And, being Hispanic myself, I know for a fact that "Machismo" of 1st generation Hispanics is going to put a huge damper on Clinton male, Hispanic votes. They see her as many on the GOP side see her........a female who rode her husbands coat tails into power.

Now Eva Perron over came that problem in Central America, but somehow, I do not see Hillary being able to duplicate that feat-)

Neither side can say Florida is a 85%'s going to be a tossup regardless of who the candidates are. It's a very finely divided state.

Even in his 2010 Senate race, Rubio only got about 49% of the vote. And that was during a REALLY good year for Republicans. Rick Scott got about 48% of the vote in "both" his elections. Romney and McCain "both" got around 48-49% as well in their elections.

You just don't see blowout wins in Florida anymore, for either side. Both sides have very high floors, around 46% or 47% of the vote. It really is just the last ~8% of the vote that both sides are fighting for.

That was BEFORE Obama threw 80% of the Cuban American vote out the window for this election cycle with his fan dance while hugging the Castro brothers. Florida goes GOP by 4 to 6 points in 16, book it!

Internal polls show this, even if Debbie Wasserman Shutlz doesn't want to tell her troops, the loyal lefty, arrogant ones.

On to Ohio!

Okay....what about the tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans moving to central Florida "Each Year"? That's going to have a pretty big impact in a state usually decided by less than 100k votes. Not all Cubans are against making ties to Cuba either, it does open up bridges to lost family members for some.

I am not making this stuff up, the internals show what I say is true, at the moment. Things can always change as we know, but as of this moment, Florida would not even be considered a battleground state. The media is just regurgitating the tried and true thought process, because if the internals of both party's show this, then the media is either incompetent, or very aware of it also, it just plays it this way because it is good for ratings.

As far as the new voters; who knows, maybe you are correct. But, as of this moment and snapshot in time, you are not, and it has been relatively consistent since about a month after Obama gave the Castro brothers his love, so most would logically assume it is Cuban Americans who have become disenchanted with the Democrats.
If Florida goes GOP in 2016, then there's a chance. If not, it's over. Period. That's what sucks about the Electoral College system and how the demographics are. Just like in 2000, Florida will pick our President.

Florida is about 85% probability for the GOP this time around due to Obysmal incompetence with the Castro brothers, and how the Cuban population of Florida is going to accept that. Ohio is another matter. If the GOP nominee is smart and picks that useless rino Kasich as his running mate, Ohio is then just about a done deal. If the GOP is serious about winning the Presidency, that is exactly what they will do, just as Reagan took rino Bush as his running mate to get the establishment on board.

And now we come to the rest of the swing states. If you have Cruz or Rubio, Candycorn is correct, it is going to be an early night, and Hillary is in permanent retirement, hopefully, lol! Why? Because to believe for even 5 seconds that this supposed Hispanic love fest going on with Democrats won't be partially fractured with an Hispanic nominee is almost laughable bravado on the lefties side. And, being Hispanic myself, I know for a fact that "Machismo" of 1st generation Hispanics is going to put a huge damper on Clinton male, Hispanic votes. They see her as many on the GOP side see her........a female who rode her husbands coat tails into power.

Now Eva Perron over came that problem in Central America, but somehow, I do not see Hillary being able to duplicate that feat-)

Neither side can say Florida is a 85%'s going to be a tossup regardless of who the candidates are. It's a very finely divided state.

Even in his 2010 Senate race, Rubio only got about 49% of the vote. And that was during a REALLY good year for Republicans. Rick Scott got about 48% of the vote in "both" his elections. Romney and McCain "both" got around 48-49% as well in their elections.

You just don't see blowout wins in Florida anymore, for either side. Both sides have very high floors, around 46% or 47% of the vote. It really is just the last ~8% of the vote that both sides are fighting for.

That was BEFORE Obama threw 80% of the Cuban American vote out the window for this election cycle with his fan dance while hugging the Castro brothers. Florida goes GOP by 4 to 6 points in 16, book it!

Internal polls show this, even if Debbie Wasserman Shutlz doesn't want to tell her troops, the loyal lefty, arrogant ones.

On to Ohio!

Okay....what about the tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans moving to central Florida "Each Year"? That's going to have a pretty big impact in a state usually decided by less than 100k votes. Not all Cubans are against making ties to Cuba either, it does open up bridges to lost family members for some.

I am not making this stuff up, the internals show what I say is true, at the moment. Things can always change as we know, but as of this moment, Florida would not even be considered a battleground state. The media is just regurgitating the tried and true thought process, because if the internals of both party's show this, then the media is either incompetent, or very aware of it also, it just plays it this way because it is good for ratings.

As far as the new voters; who knows, maybe you are correct. But, as of this moment and snapshot in time, you are not, and it has been relatively consistent since about a month after Obama gave the Castro brothers his love, so most would logically assume it is Cuban Americans who have become disenchanted with the Democrats.

2012 - Florida: Romney vs. Obama | RealClearPolitics

Romney lead Obama in Florida polls throughout most of 2012 as didn't mean much in the end. There are hardly any polls out this early anyway. I REALLY think you're putting too much stock into a few polls that might show a GOP candidate leading a Democrat, when we don't really even know the candidates yet.
Florida is about 85% probability for the GOP this time around due to Obysmal incompetence with the Castro brothers, and how the Cuban population of Florida is going to accept that. Ohio is another matter. If the GOP nominee is smart and picks that useless rino Kasich as his running mate, Ohio is then just about a done deal. If the GOP is serious about winning the Presidency, that is exactly what they will do, just as Reagan took rino Bush as his running mate to get the establishment on board.

And now we come to the rest of the swing states. If you have Cruz or Rubio, Candycorn is correct, it is going to be an early night, and Hillary is in permanent retirement, hopefully, lol! Why? Because to believe for even 5 seconds that this supposed Hispanic love fest going on with Democrats won't be partially fractured with an Hispanic nominee is almost laughable bravado on the lefties side. And, being Hispanic myself, I know for a fact that "Machismo" of 1st generation Hispanics is going to put a huge damper on Clinton male, Hispanic votes. They see her as many on the GOP side see her........a female who rode her husbands coat tails into power.

Now Eva Perron over came that problem in Central America, but somehow, I do not see Hillary being able to duplicate that feat-)

Neither side can say Florida is a 85%'s going to be a tossup regardless of who the candidates are. It's a very finely divided state.

Even in his 2010 Senate race, Rubio only got about 49% of the vote. And that was during a REALLY good year for Republicans. Rick Scott got about 48% of the vote in "both" his elections. Romney and McCain "both" got around 48-49% as well in their elections.

You just don't see blowout wins in Florida anymore, for either side. Both sides have very high floors, around 46% or 47% of the vote. It really is just the last ~8% of the vote that both sides are fighting for.

That was BEFORE Obama threw 80% of the Cuban American vote out the window for this election cycle with his fan dance while hugging the Castro brothers. Florida goes GOP by 4 to 6 points in 16, book it!

Internal polls show this, even if Debbie Wasserman Shutlz doesn't want to tell her troops, the loyal lefty, arrogant ones.

On to Ohio!

Okay....what about the tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans moving to central Florida "Each Year"? That's going to have a pretty big impact in a state usually decided by less than 100k votes. Not all Cubans are against making ties to Cuba either, it does open up bridges to lost family members for some.

I am not making this stuff up, the internals show what I say is true, at the moment. Things can always change as we know, but as of this moment, Florida would not even be considered a battleground state. The media is just regurgitating the tried and true thought process, because if the internals of both party's show this, then the media is either incompetent, or very aware of it also, it just plays it this way because it is good for ratings.

As far as the new voters; who knows, maybe you are correct. But, as of this moment and snapshot in time, you are not, and it has been relatively consistent since about a month after Obama gave the Castro brothers his love, so most would logically assume it is Cuban Americans who have become disenchanted with the Democrats.

2012 - Florida: Romney vs. Obama | RealClearPolitics

Romney lead Obama in Florida polls throughout most of 2012 as didn't mean much in the end. There are hardly any polls out this early anyway. I REALLY think you're putting too much stock into a few polls that might show a GOP candidate leading a Democrat, when we don't really even know the candidates yet.

You may very well be correct, but most polls at this stage are about personalities. This poll is about a pertinent subject affecting the Cuban American population. Kind of like South of the border 1st generation Hispanics will never like Trump due to his stance on illegal immigration, and with that I agree.

Still, unless something over rides the distaste that Cuban Americans have for the Castro brothers, if I was forced to bet the farm and with what internals show, I would have to bet on the GOP easily taking Florida, and instead concentrating more assets on other states the GOP needs. If the GOP can get their foot out of their rearends and see their way clear to nominate Kasich as the VP, then all the lefts bravado will probably not be able to save them this election cycle, regardless of the fuzzy math they claim almost cements them the Whitehouse.
By the don't really think Kasich is running for President do you? I think not. He is actually running for the VP spot, and making a commanding case for it if the GOP want to pull this not so shocking shocker off!
CA has 55. Chock full of illegals, absentee and provisional ballots, corruption to the core. Not too mention online registration. And Old School worried about Wyoming. nice try.

You forgot a GDP larger than Canada.

The looming issue is whether the Big Blue States will be bailed out of bankruptcy by the federal government...

the poorest and least educated states are red states.

and red states take more money from the feds than they pay in, while blue states pay more than they take.

try again.


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