One statement you will NEVER hear from a rightwinger

Please explain.

90% of your posts are nothing more than regurgitated talking points.

Clear enough for you?

Regurgitated talking points are when you just pull something out of your butt without any type of evidence. See "Death Panels" "Socialist" "Fascist" "Kill Grandma".

But when I say, "only 6% of scientists are Republican", it's based on actual data:


Interesting tack you're taking there. Attempting to disprove that you regurgitate mindless talking regurgitating a mindless talking point.

Don't think it helped your cause, but :thup: for giving it the old college try.
Please explain.

90% of your posts are nothing more than regurgitated talking points.

Clear enough for you?

Regurgitated talking points are when you just pull something out of your butt without any type of evidence. See "Death Panels" "Socialist" "Fascist" "Kill Grandma".

But when I say, "only 6% of scientists are Republican", it's based on actual data:

and its something you have said 500 times.....ey Chrissy Dean...
"I do not have enough knowledge to make an informed opinion on this matter, therefore, I choose not to have an opinion"

Hmmm...........not at all my experience for the last 30 years. Spend enough time with a lib in a debate and they storm off saying, "I cant even talk to you..............yada.............yada.............". Now........perhaps that is because when they throw out their philisophical shit, I stand there with a smirk on my face every time as I respond while they, in typical lib fashion ( and any true conservative knows EXACTLY what Im talking about) get angrier and more miserable with each passing moment. Its fcukking hysterical..................THEY ALL BAIL!!

Know why they all bail?? They bail because when discussion about policy ultimately emerges from "good intentions" to "results", the liberal starts pwning themselves and thats difficult for anybody to deal with, much less a lefty who has the backbone of a Hershey Bar as it is.

INdeed..........dollar to a thousand stale donuts the dopey author of this absurd thread got publically pwned today, thus, the weenie title of the thread!!!:lol:

If you are a day over 17, and talk the way you do, you are in a BAD WAY my friend. Seriously, get some help.
"I do not have enough knowledge to make an informed opinion on this matter, therefore, I choose not to have an opinion"

or from a liberal democrat leftie "We mad a big mistake electing Obama, he is a liar, everything he said while running was a total lie and he is to inexperienced to be a good president!!!!"
"I do not have enough knowledge to make an informed opinion on this matter, therefore, I choose not to have an opinion"

That seems to be par for the course for people on both sides of the aisle, but you already knew that. You're just trying to stir up a conflict. Bored?

Actually, no.

Republicans are a party of mostly one race and one religion.

Democrats are a true coalition made up of many different types of people. People that have to negotiate to arrive at an agenda they can all agree upon.

The two parties are vastly different with agendas that are poles apart. One party is working for the good of the US, the other party strictly for their race and religion.


What have we learned from this trainwreck?

"Republicans are a party of mostly one race and one religion."

We learn here that one race and one religion are felt to be wrong, based upon their race and their religion... by this Democrat.

As is typical, she doesn't say why one race and one religion is felt to be wrong... and the reason for this is that she lacks the intellectual means to negotiate such high minded equations...

"Democrats are a true coalition made up of many different types of people. People that have to negotiate to arrive at an agenda they can all agree upon."

Here we learn that she erroneously believes that coalitions can be true or false; and as funny as THAT is; it pales in comparison to the notion that compromise through negotiation bears some form of moral superiority... that the act of compromise itself results in sound, sustainable conclusions, policy or decisions...

"The two parties are vastly different with agendas that are poles apart. One party is working for the good of the US, the other party strictly for their race and religion."

And she closes with the founding false premise... that there is something inherently wrong in race and religion.

Classic addle-minded pap from what stands for a mind in the typical ideological leftist... OKA: The Moderate Centrist Mainstream Progressive...
"I do not have enough knowledge to make an informed opinion on this matter, therefore, I choose not to have an opinion"

You will also never hear us repeating communist or fascist talking points....
Mack (R) compares Ariz. law to Nazi Germany - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

LOL... Oh! Good work... advance an erroneous conclusion of a Progressive, as fact...


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In ze pasychiatrrrrrrric prrrrrrofession, ve zee zis behaviorrrrr mozt often avter a dischapointing rrrrrezuult vrom a debate, jah?

Ve wuuld ovten call zis behaviorrrrrr "Getzerebutt Derschpanken Nognosis" or "Debatoloserphobia".

Zat ist mein diagnozis Wunderbar, zer gut, gesheunteit!
"The Onion is a credible news source"

Hence why we know that you are as far away from the political right (and group known as intelligent human beings) as humanly possible

Oh come on Dave, jokes aside, you don't really think the political right in this country is some kind of cache of intelligence, do you?

Nope... plenty of stupid people among the wingers on both sides.. and spidey is their king
One statement you will NEVER hear from a rightwinger

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
One statement you will never hear from a conservative: 'You gotta admit FDR, LBJ, and now Obama have done things that help the nation, their policies have helped all Americans and not just the rich and powerful. The statistics demonstrate that clearly. We may need to evaluate whether our conservative libertarian policies overall move the nations forward and lead to a stable society of haves."

One statement you will hear from every conservatives: "Are you crazy!"

"What improves the circumstances of the greater part can never be regarded as an inconveniency to the whole. No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable." Adam Smith 'The Wealth of Nations,' Book I Chapter VIII
"I do not have enough knowledge to make an informed opinion on this matter, therefore, I choose not to have an opinion"

Interestingly, I've never heard it from the lefties either. Personally, I have said it several times myself... but I'm smart enough to recognize when I don't have ALL the facts. And, since I am a 'rightwinger', your OP is bullshit.

Also, it's interesting how many people - left and right - rely on the media as a source of factually accurate information. That always makes me laugh.
Not knowing what we're talking about and still foisting off our opinions must be one of those inalienable rights we hear so much about.
Not knowing what we're talking about and still foisting off our opinions must be one of those inalienable rights we hear so much about.

Personally, I learn by sharing my opinion. That is why I come here. I'll make a statement about my opinion and then discuss it with those that think I am wrong. I've learned a hell of a lot in the last ten years coming here. It may not all be factual, but I have learned what others think about different issues and I've learned to look at things from a different point of view.

When I started posting on a now defunct board probably ten years ago, I used to think liberals relished abortion. Some of those "liberals" taught me a thing or two about that idea. I've come to realize most of them are just as disgusted by the idea as I am, they simply don't think Uncle Sam should be deciding the issue for a woman. There are a lot of things I have learned about what people think by reading their opinions. Sometimes they actually affect my opinion as well.

Nothing wrong with sharing a wrong opinion, if you are willing to learn from it.

"I do not have enough knowledge to make an informed opinion on this matter, therefore, I choose not to have an opinion"

Isn't that what Obama said when asked about the Cambridge police arresting his professor buddy?


This is what the Campaigner-in Chief said,

"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that [Gates case]. But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. That's just a fact."

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