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One Term Donnie

She must be your hero.
She's not your hero?
No. She’s all yours.
So you are MORE than Ok with what President Trump, did correct?

Unless you are a sadistic SOB who likes taking a drill to a 4 year old boys leg in front of his mom....right?
Your Hero, General Salami once took a cordless drill to a 4 year old boy's leg because his parents weren't cooperating with him. Does that kind of stuff go on in your part of the world? Maybe you are ok with that.

Maybe deep down inside you are a Terrible, Evil and Immoral Person, and the only thing that makes you feel good is to point your finger at others.

That is the only way to explain your posts. You are a calloused Cretan with no Moral Compass.
Lies and more lies. That’s all you crazed warmongers ever offer.
She's not your hero?
No. She’s all yours.
So you are MORE than Ok with what President Trump, did correct?

Unless you are a sadistic SOB who likes taking a drill to a 4 year old boys leg in front of his mom....right?
Your Hero, General Salami once took a cordless drill to a 4 year old boy's leg because his parents weren't cooperating with him. Does that kind of stuff go on in your part of the world? Maybe you are ok with that.

Maybe deep down inside you are a Terrible, Evil and Immoral Person, and the only thing that makes you feel good is to point your finger at others.

That is the only way to explain your posts. You are a calloused Cretan with no Moral Compass.
Lies and more lies. That’s all you crazed warmongers ever offer.

No kidding.

Folks have this terrible willingness to believe anything.

Paulie is like, oh, the left hates Trump, that must mean he is good? Well, the right hates the left? Does that mean they are good?

And Original Tree doesn't link to this outrageous story of the general torturing a kid. .. so I guess that means we should just all believe Trump is a pussy grabbing, womanizing guy that loves to watch whores piss, right?

Good lord, folks will believe what ever they want. . .

Discussion is pointless now.
No. She’s all yours.
So you are MORE than Ok with what President Trump, did correct?

Unless you are a sadistic SOB who likes taking a drill to a 4 year old boys leg in front of his mom....right?
Your Hero, General Salami once took a cordless drill to a 4 year old boy's leg because his parents weren't cooperating with him. Does that kind of stuff go on in your part of the world? Maybe you are ok with that.

Maybe deep down inside you are a Terrible, Evil and Immoral Person, and the only thing that makes you feel good is to point your finger at others.

That is the only way to explain your posts. You are a calloused Cretan with no Moral Compass.
Lies and more lies. That’s all you crazed warmongers ever offer.

No kidding.

Folks have this terrible willingness to believe anything.

Paulie is like, oh, the left hates Trump, that must mean he is good? Well, the right hates the left? Does that mean they are good?

And Original Tree doesn't link to this outrageous story of the general torturing a kid. .. so I guess that means we should just all believe Trump is a pussy grabbing, womanizing guy that loves to watch whores piss, right?

Good lord, folks will believe what ever they want. . .

Discussion is pointless now.
Why did Soleimani bother going to Iraq when THE UN had a Travel Ban on him forbidding him to leave Iran because of his Terrorist Activities & his involvement in Iran's Illegal Nuclear Weapons Program?

Soleimani was a Russia Asset and The Democrats still want to Kiss His Dead Ass.

Qasem Soleimani

Soleimani was banned from international travel because of his 2007 U.N. designation for his role in Iran’s nuclear program.* Nonetheless, he reportedly flew to Moscow at least three times—in July 2015, April 2016, and February 2017—for meetings with Russian officials.* After Soleimani reportedly traveled to Russia for military discussions in April 2016, the U.S. State Department confirmed that U.N. travel sanctions on Soleimani remained in effect despite the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1.*
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That’s right. He won’t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.
Bwahaaaa!...suck it lib....lol

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No. She’s all yours.
So you are MORE than Ok with what President Trump, did correct?

Unless you are a sadistic SOB who likes taking a drill to a 4 year old boys leg in front of his mom....right?
Your Hero, General Salami once took a cordless drill to a 4 year old boy's leg because his parents weren't cooperating with him. Does that kind of stuff go on in your part of the world? Maybe you are ok with that.

Maybe deep down inside you are a Terrible, Evil and Immoral Person, and the only thing that makes you feel good is to point your finger at others.

That is the only way to explain your posts. You are a calloused Cretan with no Moral Compass.
Lies and more lies. That’s all you crazed warmongers ever offer.

No kidding.

Folks have this terrible willingness to believe anything.

Paulie is like, oh, the left hates Trump, that must mean he is good? Well, the right hates the left? Does that mean they are good?

And Original Tree doesn't link to this outrageous story of the general torturing a kid. .. so I guess that means we should just all believe Trump is a pussy grabbing, womanizing guy that loves to watch whores piss, right?

Good lord, folks will believe what ever they want. . .

Discussion is pointless now.
The deep state doesn’t control the entire Republican Party the way they controlled the Democrat party.

You would know this if you’d get your head out of your ass. I thought the same way you did for the last 13 years of my life but I discovered I was quite wrong about it. And the ones who they did have in the Republican Party, which were mainly the ones controlling congressional committees to keep crimes from being investigated, have either flipped (Lindsay graham for instance) or have still been running their mouths against trump (Romney for example, who we all already knew was deep state anyway).

You’re still stuck in the Hegelian dialectic and those days are over.

Wake up. Or don’t. I couldn’t care less anymore about those of you who refuse to see anything good happening. But you’re going to come back here and tell me how right I was and how wrong you were, if you have any integrity.
No matter the wishful thinking from the far left, they have actually done everything in their power to make sure Trump wins 2020.

We do know that the DNC can not let an old white man get the nomination as they would defeat all their talking points, especially Biden!
That’s right. He won’t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

So your actually going to vote this time?

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No. I have always done so in the past. Not anymore. It clearly is a waste of time. Join me.

Imagine if they held an election and no one came. So much for consent of the governed.

Orange man is the only thing holding russia, libya, ethiopia, turkey, iran from invading israel to take over the leviathon fields. Yes, if dems win, the region will blow up........literally. Is that what you want?
Now Don’s a god damned fascist. WTF!

"Iraq’s elected parliament voted very clearly for the removal of America’s military presence in the interests of its own sovereignty, and Trump has stated, in his typical accidentally-honest way, that America will not honor that vote."

now? donny has always wanted to be one. look what world 'leaders' who he cuddles up to to has complimented. our nato allies who fight against fascism? no. putin, erdogan, the NK piglet, duterte. he admires autocracy.
Now Don’s a god damned fascist. WTF!

"Iraq’s elected parliament voted very clearly for the removal of America’s military presence in the interests of its own sovereignty, and Trump has stated, in his typical accidentally-honest way, that America will not honor that vote."

& has double downed on perhaps committing a war crime. cultural sites? who would stand for the washington monument or mt rushmore or the golden gate bridge getting blown up?
What the fuck happened to you? :dunno:
We can only hope the Ayatollahs show restraint. You know? The Ayatollahs Americans are told are blood thirsty animals. If they don’t, here comes WWIII.

Crazy Don has really fucked up. Ironic that we have to hope the leaders of Iran keep their heads.
You watch way too much television news.
I don’t watch any. I’m just a lot smarter than you.
lol we’ll see.

Good lord Paulie, when are you going to wake up? :dunno:

Before or after the U.N is throwing you in a cage and the Chinese and Russian bombs are raining down on the land?






People in Iran and Across the Globe Celebrate Qassem Soleimani’s Death

Yeah, snowflakes prognosticate the downfall of President Donald 'Donnie' Trump because, much like Barry bragged of doing with his own personal assassination program with which he killed American citizens, he took down the leader of the officially designated IRCG terrorist organization after a rocket attack that killed an American citizen and injured others and after an attack on an American Embassy.

BTW, the photos above are people in the Middle East CELEBRATING that terrorist POS being blown to hell.

Funny, the worst convicted inmates in our prison system will not tolerate anyone who hurts a child and will quickly kill pedophiles after they enter prison....while Democrats prey on / have sex with children and protect high-ranking/ profile elitist Democrats who do. Like wise, while most of the world celebrates the death of this terrorist POS, Democrats and snowflakes turn into sympathizers and apologists...Pelosi seeks to protect terrorists by stripping the president of the ability to terminate evil filth like this.
That’s right. He won’t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.
and yet here you are posting something hoping it is true. too fking funny son. renegger you are. dark side boob.
That’s right. He won’t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

You just fucking now figured out he is a liar, really?
That’s right. He won’t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

On the flip side, had an American ambassador been all over the national news being drug down the street and killed you would have posted the same thing. It would have been trumps fault to and he would only be a one term presidant because of that.
I don’t know if Trump will get re-elected. But the killing of Soleimani certainly won’t hurt. The guy is responsible for the death of hundreds of Americans, and Americans like when the President is tough against terrorists.

The only caveat to that is if tensions escalate dramatically. Iran will retaliate. If we get into a full-blown shooting war, then Trump could be in trouble because the nation doesn’t want it. But I doubt that will happen.
Totally stupid and uninformed, but typical of the dumb American who gets all his information from the government and billionaires.

Please read and refute any of this.
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality there’s no evidence for any of the reasons we’ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an “imminent threat” is completely without evidence, rumored to be “razor thin“, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Pence’s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • There’s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • There’s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any “attack” on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldn’t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The “hundreds of American deaths” line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldn’t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation don’t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was “a terrorist” is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

You already posted that. And it was tl;dr the first time.

You have your opinion. But it’s out of step with what most Americans believe.

No, it is out of step with what YOU believe. Most Americans are not a dumbass like you.
That’s right. He won’t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

You just fucking now figured out he is a liar, really?

Clinton, W, O, were all liars but no one seemed to care then.
It is awesome that many of our resident conspiracy theorists don't believe anything that anyone ever tells them....but have chosen
to believe Donald Trump.

I cannot tell you how awesome that is.

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