Only 100 days remaining for the United States of America

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Is this a thread to see who can get laid the most before it's all gone?
Have you checked out the link?????
Fucking unbelievable hilarious!
And people wonder if there are really mentally insane people walking around.
100 days? Good. I'm filing an extension on my taxes then. Fuck those bastards.....
100 days? Good. I'm filing an extension on my taxes then. Fuck those bastards.....
Anyone want to buy my 2009 Maserati GT? I had a 'Tubi' package installed four years ago.
When Gabriel blows his horn I don't want to look like a fucking 1% er!
100 days? Good. I'm filing an extension on my taxes then. Fuck those bastards.....
Anyone want to buy my 2009 Maserati GT? I had a 'Tubi' package installed four years ago.
When Gabriel blows his horn I don't want to look like a fucking 1% er!

put some spinners on it and you should be fine...
I never thought of that. The 'brothers' are good for something afterall.
I love threads like this. They bring people of all backgrounds, all political persuasions, living across our entire country together in mocking the OP.

Its the Coca-Cola of rhetorical batshit.

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Earth formed, primates evolve 4.5 billion years later, 100,000 years after that primates think they can destroy Earth 'just 'cuz'. No other species in history of Earth ever ponders end of Earth. Primate 'evolution' is questioned.

Birds still fly, frogs still croak, cats still sleep, spiders still do all the creepy shit spiders do...

...and the end of the world comes and goes...again...
The value of the US dollar ($) has dropped to $.99, the other nations are only being nice..

In less than eighteen (18) hours it will drop to $.98 at which time there will only remain 98 days until all nations will be annihilated (destroyed).

When the value of the US dollar ($) drops below $.50, all other nations will attack the United States of America.

I can protect your money in my Paypal Ed....I'll send you instructions. You wont need it in Heaven

Earth formed, primates evolve 4.5 billion years later, 100,000 years after that primates think they can destroy Earth 'just 'cuz'. No other species in history of Earth ever ponders end of Earth. Primate 'evolution' is questioned.

Birds still fly, frogs still croak, cats still sleep, spiders still do all the creepy shit spiders do...

...and the end of the world comes and goes...again...
Still popping LSD I see. Go lay down.

Earth formed, primates evolve 4.5 billion years later, 100,000 years after that primates think they can destroy Earth 'just 'cuz'. No other species in history of Earth ever ponders end of Earth. Primate 'evolution' is questioned.

Birds still fly, frogs still croak, cats still sleep, spiders still do all the creepy shit spiders do...

...and the end of the world comes and goes...again...
Still popping LSD I see. Go lay down.

Never lay down after LSD, you'll see the end of the world and think it real.

That batshit-of-the-day proclivity of the human race never ends.

The world will end 5 billion years from now. Perhaps an asteroid strike or two bewteen now and then. Other than that HOW ABOUT NO.
There are 97 days remaining; the value of the US dollar ($) has dropped to $.97.

Forty-seven days until nuclear conflict.
I went to the Vancouver version of Sea World, and they had a display of frogs, with warning signs that frogs are on the cusp of a world wide mass extinction event.

This kind of insanity is why I don't believe liberals.
There are 97 days remaining; the value of the US dollar ($) has dropped to $.97.

Forty-seven days until nuclear conflict.
So when the dollar goes back up to .98 does that mean we get to add one day?
No one has made an offer on my maserati yet so I could use an extra day or so please.
The dollar drops to $.96.

The faceless coward makes its appearance.
Relative to what other currency? Stupid asshole!
Go back to eating dog-shit so you'll live forever. Wasn't that what you were prothletising on another forum last year?
In less than five hours (according to the first time zone) there will only be 99 days remaining for the United States of America until it is annihilated (destroyed).

The only way to make it easier on yourselves is to force the Queen Mary II to return to New York and follow the guidelines for the Day of the Lord Cruise.

The Day of the Lord Cruise to the Mount of Olives and the Holy Land : In Jesus' Name We Pray

End of the world (or end of the U.S.A.)......hmmmmmm I think we have heard this before. And what are you going to do when you are proven wrong? Oh yeah, come up with another date of course.
The Apocalypse takes more than a day, just saying.
The Apocalypse took more than a day in the first estimates of time.
Since then there have been many improvements to the science of apocalizing, Its very possible that the process could come in under budget and ahead of schedule now.

Let me point out since the question was raised as to who would do the taking out,,
Since there is a chance of coming in ahead of schedule and under budget, we can with great certainty rule out the involvement of the U.S government in this most rewarding endeavor
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