Only 13% of Americans trust media “a great deal” per new Gallup poll

I wonder which would come in last, trust in the media or trust in our gov't.
Which is weird because Republicans live by Fox News.
You lie with every breath. Many people here that are conservative have started many times Fox is almost as sorry as the rest, including me.
No shock here. The media is more interested in selling their narrative of the facts based on their target audience. Fact finding journalism has been superseded by profit driven partisan sensationalism!
The MSM is a tentacle of the shadow government along with the CFR, CIA ( which was created by the CFR - look it up) the NSA, the MIC, DHS, DOD and on and on. All connected at the hip through Wall Street and Washington - and the war profiteers from Raytheon, Lockheed, Northrop - we all know the list.

Operation Mockingbird never went's more prevalent now than ever.
EX-CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp Expose' on the Shadow Government - Teil 1 von 3

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