Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Republicans are Fiscally Irresponsible Liars that Cause Government Failures to back their Claims Government Always Fails. It's seems to only fail because or Republicans. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served. Democrats never caused a depression & rarely a recession.

The Bush administration may have broken the law on Medicare.

Federal documents show that the Bush administration estimated the new Medicare prescription-drug benefit could cost almost $600 billion, more than half again as much as it publicly predicted at the time. Even worse, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has concluded that administration efforts to conceal this and other unflattering cost forecasts of the proposal while it was debated “appear to violate a specific and express prohibition of federal law.”

Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard S. Foster, recalls sharing figures on the drug plan with his former boss, Thomas Scully, Medicare’s then-administrator. Foster’s numbers far exceeded the $395 billion, ten-year cost at which the Congressional Budget Office appraised the drug bill. Foster says Scully replied: “We can’t let that get out.”

Scully’s alleged comment epitomized the Bush administration’s evident desire to keep Congress and taxpayers ignorant of figures that showed this already controversial legislation might cost 50% more than CBO’s $395 billion valuation that the administration publicly touted.
you can replace the word republicans with democrats and your post would still be true

Wrong Again Idiot, Democrats Never cause Job Killing Depressions & rarely recessions. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served.
I don’t see it. What are you basing all that on? Labor force participation low, wages growth low, first quarter was only 2.2% growth, and deficits are growing.
I know you don't see it. That's part of the problem.

Again, Trump put cash back in the hands of those who owned businesses and create jobs. What ensued?

Businesses returned to the US.
Workers got bonuses.
Workers got raises.
MORE jobs were created.
More FULL-TIME Jobs were created.
The stock market stabilized / rose.
Unemployment went down - to record levels
Housing prices went up.
The economy soared to levels not seen in decades.
The cost of utilities went down.
The amount of Taxes paid into the Federal Govt have hit historic highs...

Yes, deficits are growing again...they have constantly been growing for years...but the deficits have continued to soar because we still have self-destructive, criminally fiscal a$$holes who are looking BEYOND the exploding deficits to the projects / special interest groups, etc they want to spend money on ... willing to dump the ticking time bomb in our kds' and grand kids' laps.... POLITICIANS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE HAVE BEEN DONIG THAT FOR MORE THAN A DECADE...

For example, regarding spending - it was reported in the news to day that the Federal Govt is spending something like $300k on a study to 'ENSURE LESBIANS ARE USING THE 'RIGHT' KIND OF CONTRACEPTIVE'.

Correct me if I am wrong, but science / nature has not come up with a way for two people of the same sex to create life - become pregnant - so why do lesbians having sex with one another need CONTRACEPTIVES at all? AND WHY DOES THE FEDERAL GOVT HAVE TO USE MY TAX DOLLARS TO PAY FOR IT? Talk about FRAUD, WATE, and ABUSE!

It does not matter WHOSE idiot - GOP or DEM - agreed to fund this, the money should be immediately withdrawn from the douche bag's personal savings account immediately!

You don’t seem to have any numbers to back that up. You are just babbling. None of that is happening.

You don't know? Is that because these things don't appear on CNN, in The Nation or on MediaMatters?
I see you don't provide and stats to back it up either. No surprise.
And you never answered my question about you voting against your reps and senators if they voted to raise the debt ceiling.

Since you don't deny voting against those people who don't give a shit about the debt I can only assume you did vote for them ergo you do not care about the debt
I've already said I vote out those who increase the debt, how slow are you?
Republicans are Fiscally Irresponsible Liars that Cause Government Failures to back their Claims Government Always Fails. It's seems to only fail because or Republicans. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served. Democrats never caused a depression & rarely a recession.

The Bush administration may have broken the law on Medicare.

Federal documents show that the Bush administration estimated the new Medicare prescription-drug benefit could cost almost $600 billion, more than half again as much as it publicly predicted at the time. Even worse, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has concluded that administration efforts to conceal this and other unflattering cost forecasts of the proposal while it was debated “appear to violate a specific and express prohibition of federal law.”

Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard S. Foster, recalls sharing figures on the drug plan with his former boss, Thomas Scully, Medicare’s then-administrator. Foster’s numbers far exceeded the $395 billion, ten-year cost at which the Congressional Budget Office appraised the drug bill. Foster says Scully replied: “We can’t let that get out.”

Scully’s alleged comment epitomized the Bush administration’s evident desire to keep Congress and taxpayers ignorant of figures that showed this already controversial legislation might cost 50% more than CBO’s $395 billion valuation that the administration publicly touted.
you can replace the word republicans with democrats and your post would still be true

Wrong Again Idiot, Democrats Never cause Job Killing Depressions & rarely recessions. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served.

If you haven't learned that there is little to no difference between republicans and democrats you are naive to the point of mental retardation
I know you don't see it. That's part of the problem.

Again, Trump put cash back in the hands of those who owned businesses and create jobs. What ensued?

Businesses returned to the US.
Workers got bonuses.
Workers got raises.
MORE jobs were created.
More FULL-TIME Jobs were created.
The stock market stabilized / rose.
Unemployment went down - to record levels
Housing prices went up.
The economy soared to levels not seen in decades.
The cost of utilities went down.
The amount of Taxes paid into the Federal Govt have hit historic highs...

Yes, deficits are growing again...they have constantly been growing for years...but the deficits have continued to soar because we still have self-destructive, criminally fiscal a$$holes who are looking BEYOND the exploding deficits to the projects / special interest groups, etc they want to spend money on ... willing to dump the ticking time bomb in our kds' and grand kids' laps.... POLITICIANS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE HAVE BEEN DONIG THAT FOR MORE THAN A DECADE...

For example, regarding spending - it was reported in the news to day that the Federal Govt is spending something like $300k on a study to 'ENSURE LESBIANS ARE USING THE 'RIGHT' KIND OF CONTRACEPTIVE'.

Correct me if I am wrong, but science / nature has not come up with a way for two people of the same sex to create life - become pregnant - so why do lesbians having sex with one another need CONTRACEPTIVES at all? AND WHY DOES THE FEDERAL GOVT HAVE TO USE MY TAX DOLLARS TO PAY FOR IT? Talk about FRAUD, WATE, and ABUSE!

It does not matter WHOSE idiot - GOP or DEM - agreed to fund this, the money should be immediately withdrawn from the douche bag's personal savings account immediately!

You don’t seem to have any numbers to back that up. You are just babbling. None of that is happening.

You don't know? Is that because these things don't appear on CNN, in The Nation or on MediaMatters?
I see you don't provide and stats to back it up either. No surprise.
And you never answered my question about you voting against your reps and senators if they voted to raise the debt ceiling.

Since you don't deny voting against those people who don't give a shit about the debt I can only assume you did vote for them ergo you do not care about the debt
I've already said I vote out those who increase the debt, how slow are you?

So you voted for Romney not Obama?
You don’t seem to have any numbers to back that up. You are just babbling. None of that is happening.

You don't know? Is that because these things don't appear on CNN, in The Nation or on MediaMatters?
I see you don't provide and stats to back it up either. No surprise.
And you never answered my question about you voting against your reps and senators if they voted to raise the debt ceiling.

Since you don't deny voting against those people who don't give a shit about the debt I can only assume you did vote for them ergo you do not care about the debt
I've already said I vote out those who increase the debt, how slow are you?

So you voted for Romney not Obama?
Republicans are Fiscally Irresponsible Liars that Cause Government Failures to back their Claims Government Always Fails. It's seems to only fail because or Republicans. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served. Democrats never caused a depression & rarely a recession.

The Bush administration may have broken the law on Medicare.

Federal documents show that the Bush administration estimated the new Medicare prescription-drug benefit could cost almost $600 billion, more than half again as much as it publicly predicted at the time. Even worse, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has concluded that administration efforts to conceal this and other unflattering cost forecasts of the proposal while it was debated “appear to violate a specific and express prohibition of federal law.”

Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard S. Foster, recalls sharing figures on the drug plan with his former boss, Thomas Scully, Medicare’s then-administrator. Foster’s numbers far exceeded the $395 billion, ten-year cost at which the Congressional Budget Office appraised the drug bill. Foster says Scully replied: “We can’t let that get out.”

Scully’s alleged comment epitomized the Bush administration’s evident desire to keep Congress and taxpayers ignorant of figures that showed this already controversial legislation might cost 50% more than CBO’s $395 billion valuation that the administration publicly touted.
you can replace the word republicans with democrats and your post would still be true

Wrong Again Idiot, Democrats Never cause Job Killing Depressions & rarely recessions. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served.

If you haven't learned that there is little to no difference between republicans and democrats you are naive to the point of mental retardation
Which is why I have no problem voting out either one.
You don't know? Is that because these things don't appear on CNN, in The Nation or on MediaMatters?
I see you don't provide and stats to back it up either. No surprise.
And you never answered my question about you voting against your reps and senators if they voted to raise the debt ceiling.

Since you don't deny voting against those people who don't give a shit about the debt I can only assume you did vote for them ergo you do not care about the debt
I've already said I vote out those who increase the debt, how slow are you?

So you voted for Romney not Obama?
why don't I believe that?
Republicans are Fiscally Irresponsible Liars that Cause Government Failures to back their Claims Government Always Fails. It's seems to only fail because or Republicans. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served. Democrats never caused a depression & rarely a recession.

The Bush administration may have broken the law on Medicare.

Federal documents show that the Bush administration estimated the new Medicare prescription-drug benefit could cost almost $600 billion, more than half again as much as it publicly predicted at the time. Even worse, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has concluded that administration efforts to conceal this and other unflattering cost forecasts of the proposal while it was debated “appear to violate a specific and express prohibition of federal law.”

Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard S. Foster, recalls sharing figures on the drug plan with his former boss, Thomas Scully, Medicare’s then-administrator. Foster’s numbers far exceeded the $395 billion, ten-year cost at which the Congressional Budget Office appraised the drug bill. Foster says Scully replied: “We can’t let that get out.”

Scully’s alleged comment epitomized the Bush administration’s evident desire to keep Congress and taxpayers ignorant of figures that showed this already controversial legislation might cost 50% more than CBO’s $395 billion valuation that the administration publicly touted.
you can replace the word republicans with democrats and your post would still be true

Wrong Again Idiot, Democrats Never cause Job Killing Depressions & rarely recessions. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served.

If you haven't learned that there is little to no difference between republicans and democrats you are naive to the point of mental retardation
Which is why I have no problem voting out either one.
But you still vote for one or the other party so you change nothing and the debt keeps increasing
I see you don't provide and stats to back it up either. No surprise.
And you never answered my question about you voting against your reps and senators if they voted to raise the debt ceiling.

Since you don't deny voting against those people who don't give a shit about the debt I can only assume you did vote for them ergo you do not care about the debt
I've already said I vote out those who increase the debt, how slow are you?

So you voted for Romney not Obama?
why don't I believe that?
You are an idiot? I've voted for a lot more Republicans than I have Dems. But it recent years it has become clearer how dishonest republicans are. They are the ones always running on being fiscally responsible, but look at spending after years of them controlling the purse strings. I didn't come to appreciate Obama till his second term, the first wasn't so good. But he definitely left the country in better shape than when he got it. Trump has benefited greatly from that fact.
Republicans are Fiscally Irresponsible Liars that Cause Government Failures to back their Claims Government Always Fails. It's seems to only fail because or Republicans. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served. Democrats never caused a depression & rarely a recession.

The Bush administration may have broken the law on Medicare.

Federal documents show that the Bush administration estimated the new Medicare prescription-drug benefit could cost almost $600 billion, more than half again as much as it publicly predicted at the time. Even worse, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has concluded that administration efforts to conceal this and other unflattering cost forecasts of the proposal while it was debated “appear to violate a specific and express prohibition of federal law.”

Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard S. Foster, recalls sharing figures on the drug plan with his former boss, Thomas Scully, Medicare’s then-administrator. Foster’s numbers far exceeded the $395 billion, ten-year cost at which the Congressional Budget Office appraised the drug bill. Foster says Scully replied: “We can’t let that get out.”

Scully’s alleged comment epitomized the Bush administration’s evident desire to keep Congress and taxpayers ignorant of figures that showed this already controversial legislation might cost 50% more than CBO’s $395 billion valuation that the administration publicly touted.
you can replace the word republicans with democrats and your post would still be true

Wrong Again Idiot, Democrats Never cause Job Killing Depressions & rarely recessions. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served.

If you haven't learned that there is little to no difference between republicans and democrats you are naive to the point of mental retardation
Which is why I have no problem voting out either one.
But you still vote for one or the other party so you change nothing and the debt keeps increasing
If everyone voted out the spenders, they would stop spending.
And you never answered my question about you voting against your reps and senators if they voted to raise the debt ceiling.

Since you don't deny voting against those people who don't give a shit about the debt I can only assume you did vote for them ergo you do not care about the debt
I've already said I vote out those who increase the debt, how slow are you?

So you voted for Romney not Obama?
why don't I believe that?
You are an idiot? I've voted for a lot more Republicans than I have Dems. But it recent years it has become clearer how dishonest republicans are. They are the ones always running on being fiscally responsible, but look at spending after years of them controlling the purse strings. I didn't come to appreciate Obama till his second term, the first wasn't so good. But he definitely left the country in better shape than when he got it. Trump has benefited greatly from that fact.

So you still vote only for republicans or democrats and the debt increases every year no matter who is in office yet you say you care about the debt.

Face it you are do not care about the debt and your voting record proves it
you can replace the word republicans with democrats and your post would still be true

Wrong Again Idiot, Democrats Never cause Job Killing Depressions & rarely recessions. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served.

If you haven't learned that there is little to no difference between republicans and democrats you are naive to the point of mental retardation
Which is why I have no problem voting out either one.
But you still vote for one or the other party so you change nothing and the debt keeps increasing
If everyone voted out the spenders, they would stop spending.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts wouldn't we all have a Merry Christmas?
I've already said I vote out those who increase the debt, how slow are you?

So you voted for Romney not Obama?
why don't I believe that?
You are an idiot? I've voted for a lot more Republicans than I have Dems. But it recent years it has become clearer how dishonest republicans are. They are the ones always running on being fiscally responsible, but look at spending after years of them controlling the purse strings. I didn't come to appreciate Obama till his second term, the first wasn't so good. But he definitely left the country in better shape than when he got it. Trump has benefited greatly from that fact.

So you still vote only for republicans or democrats and the debt increases every year no matter who is in office yet you say you care about the debt.

Face it you are do not care about the debt and your voting record proves it
Face it, you aren't coming close to an intelligent thought.
Wrong Again Idiot, Democrats Never cause Job Killing Depressions & rarely recessions. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served.

If you haven't learned that there is little to no difference between republicans and democrats you are naive to the point of mental retardation
Which is why I have no problem voting out either one.
But you still vote for one or the other party so you change nothing and the debt keeps increasing
If everyone voted out the spenders, they would stop spending.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts wouldn't we all have a Merry Christmas?
You just keep not voting, and wasting your life on political forums. That is a special kind of stupid.
If you haven't learned that there is little to no difference between republicans and democrats you are naive to the point of mental retardation
Which is why I have no problem voting out either one.
But you still vote for one or the other party so you change nothing and the debt keeps increasing
If everyone voted out the spenders, they would stop spending.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts wouldn't we all have a Merry Christmas?
You just keep not voting, and wasting your life on political forums. That is a special kind of stupid.

No what's stupid is voting for republicans and / or democrats and expecting the debt to be addressed
you can replace the word republicans with democrats and your post would still be true

Wrong Again Idiot, Democrats Never cause Job Killing Depressions & rarely recessions. Every Job Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served.

If you haven't learned that there is little to no difference between republicans and democrats you are naive to the point of mental retardation
Which is why I have no problem voting out either one.
But you still vote for one or the other party so you change nothing and the debt keeps increasing
If everyone voted out the spenders, they would stop spending.
Republicans would not have been able to pass their budget without giving the Democrats what they wanted. Democrats still have the filibuster.
Additionally, people want to vote out other peoples politicians, their own politician who get Fed money to spend on State projects they keep re-electing because they bring home the bacon. Since they aren't allowed to vote out other people politicians and since they keep voting in their own bread getter things don't change.
Which is why I have no problem voting out either one.
But you still vote for one or the other party so you change nothing and the debt keeps increasing
If everyone voted out the spenders, they would stop spending.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts wouldn't we all have a Merry Christmas?
You just keep not voting, and wasting your life on political forums. That is a special kind of stupid.

No what's stupid is voting for republicans and / or democrats and expecting the debt to be addressed
It did work when we had Clinton as president. Perot made it happen.
Which is why I have no problem voting out either one.
But you still vote for one or the other party so you change nothing and the debt keeps increasing
If everyone voted out the spenders, they would stop spending.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts wouldn't we all have a Merry Christmas?
You just keep not voting, and wasting your life on political forums. That is a special kind of stupid.

No what's stupid is voting for republicans and / or democrats and expecting the debt to be addressed
You think throwing your vote away and voting on third party candidates will get the debt addressed. You funny.

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