Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Funny....liberals trying to figure out 'tax cut math' but can't solve a simple math problem.... :p


After freezing on a simple question 'of 'What is 63 - 15', "a voice off camera, either an aide or a reporter jumped in with “47.” “47, is it?” Pelosi said in response."

Ummm, NO. It's 48!

Why she declared large bonuses (for the people who got them) to equate to nothing more than 'crumbs'.


Pelosi freezes during simple math problem: 63 minus 15 - '47, is it?' - The American Mirror

Ladies and gentlemen....your Speaker of the House, should the Democrats take the House during the Mid-Terms...God help us. :p
"The financial outlook for Medicare’s Hospital Insurance Trust Fund deteriorated in the last year, and Social Security still faces serious long-term financial problems, the Trump administration said on Tuesday.

The projections are the first from the administration since President Trump signed a $1.5 trillion tax cut into law in December. They show no sign that a burst of economic growth will significantly improve the finances of the government’s largest entitlement programs.

The Medicare trust fund will be depleted in 2026, the administration said. By contrast, the government said last year that the trust fund would be exhausted in 2029."

This is driving up the 10 year bond prices.
god I wish you had some education. you should actually look up entitlements and their failures. you might actually learn something. just so you know, one can't save SS or Medicare. They are losing programs, PERIOD, just like Welfare. It's why countries like the Soviet Union and such have gone broke fool. They are not sustainable. The GOP has been telling you that for over 20 years now. You don't wish to listen. All of the sudden now you care? LOL. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

One last thing, if you took all of the trillions from the rich, you won't save SS or Medicare.
You Lie! Stop Deficits that cause prices to spiral out of control. Cut spending, not taxes to balance budget & create a surplus like Clinton did. Repubtards stole the money from the SS & Medicare trust funds at zero interest & gave them IOU's.
clinton did not, but you're too lazy to check on that. And cutting spending is the only way to stop the deficit. And guess what, no one will touch SS or Medicare so how do you intend to do it?

You Lie! - Clinton created a surplus. Republicans take money from Big Pharma to extend existing patents & ban importing low cost generics to keep US Drug Prices High. They do this to drain medicare with their "prescription drug program" Bush lied about!
no he didn't, just post up a link that says that. I'll wait. tick tock.
More Lies from you. Tic Toc - Multiple Fails to prove Republicans are not bankrupting Medicare.

Clinton Surplus is a FACT!!!
"The financial outlook for Medicare’s Hospital Insurance Trust Fund deteriorated in the last year, and Social Security still faces serious long-term financial problems, the Trump administration said on Tuesday.

The projections are the first from the administration since President Trump signed a $1.5 trillion tax cut into law in December. They show no sign that a burst of economic growth will significantly improve the finances of the government’s largest entitlement programs.

The Medicare trust fund will be depleted in 2026, the administration said. By contrast, the government said last year that the trust fund would be exhausted in 2029."

This is driving up the 10 year bond prices.
Thanks for the info. And for not providing proof of what Trump did.
god I wish you had some education. you should actually look up entitlements and their failures. you might actually learn something. just so you know, one can't save SS or Medicare. They are losing programs, PERIOD, just like Welfare. It's why countries like the Soviet Union and such have gone broke fool. They are not sustainable. The GOP has been telling you that for over 20 years now. You don't wish to listen. All of the sudden now you care? LOL. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

One last thing, if you took all of the trillions from the rich, you won't save SS or Medicare.
You Lie! Stop Deficits that cause prices to spiral out of control. Cut spending, not taxes to balance budget & create a surplus like Clinton did. Repubtards stole the money from the SS & Medicare trust funds at zero interest & gave them IOU's.
clinton did not, but you're too lazy to check on that. And cutting spending is the only way to stop the deficit. And guess what, no one will touch SS or Medicare so how do you intend to do it?

You Lie! - Clinton created a surplus. Republicans take money from Big Pharma to extend existing patents & ban importing low cost generics to keep US Drug Prices High. They do this to drain medicare with their "prescription drug program" Bush lied about!
no he didn't, just post up a link that says that. I'll wait. tick tock.
More Lies from you. Tic Toc - Multiple Fails to prove Republicans are not bankrupting Medicare.

Clinton Surplus is a FACT!!!
dude, I have no idea what you just posted. but oh well.
god I wish you had some education. you should actually look up entitlements and their failures. you might actually learn something. just so you know, one can't save SS or Medicare. They are losing programs, PERIOD, just like Welfare. It's why countries like the Soviet Union and such have gone broke fool. They are not sustainable. The GOP has been telling you that for over 20 years now. You don't wish to listen. All of the sudden now you care? LOL. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

One last thing, if you took all of the trillions from the rich, you won't save SS or Medicare.
You Lie! Stop Deficits that cause prices to spiral out of control. Cut spending, not taxes to balance budget & create a surplus like Clinton did. Repubtards stole the money from the SS & Medicare trust funds at zero interest & gave them IOU's.
clinton did not, but you're too lazy to check on that. And cutting spending is the only way to stop the deficit. And guess what, no one will touch SS or Medicare so how do you intend to do it?

You Lie! - Clinton created a surplus. Republicans take money from Big Pharma to extend existing patents & ban importing low cost generics to keep US Drug Prices High. They do this to drain medicare with their "prescription drug program" Bush lied about!
no he didn't, just post up a link that says that. I'll wait. tick tock.
More Lies from you. Tic Toc - Multiple Fails to prove Republicans are not bankrupting Medicare.

Clinton Surplus is a FACT!!!

Well, your handy chart seems to prove Clinton and Obama spent like drunken sailors.
Are you really that dishonest or do you not know republicans control the government?
they do. how do they do that?
And another dummy. Thanks for the laugh.
you don't know that the senate needs 9 democrats to pass a bill and you call me the dummy. yep, only in america.
And it took lots of repubs to pass all that spending and trump signed it! But you keep playing stupid, it fits you.
don't need the 9 dems for those kinds of bills. But the ones you keep referencing, they do. like healthcare, immigration and permanent tax cuts for the middle class. Why aren't the dems for permanent tax cuts for the middle class? I thought they were all for it. huh?
Well they are adding to the deficit. I thought repubs were fiscally responsible?
Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Tax cut scoreboard: Workers $6 billion; Shareholders $171 billion

Wow, this is one of the most expensive tax cuts in history. And at a time when corporations are doing really, really well. Why not share with the workers?


ARC: Athens County back to 'distressed' status

This is Appalachia, the center of the Republican Party. The area that has the 10 poorest counties in the United States. Those counties being more than 98% white.

Why not pass some of those tax cuts along as wage increases for whites living in the Appalachia area?

The nasty truth for you is tax revenue from businesses has increased this year over last year, so instead of losing money like you want to believe, the exact opposite is happening. Good luck with your doom and gloom lies.
But you still vote for one or the other party so you change nothing and the debt keeps increasing
If everyone voted out the spenders, they would stop spending.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts wouldn't we all have a Merry Christmas?
You just keep not voting, and wasting your life on political forums. That is a special kind of stupid.

No what's stupid is voting for republicans and / or democrats and expecting the debt to be addressed
It did work when we had Clinton as president. Perot made it happen.

And Clinton did not reduce the debt so if you voted for Perot you basically voted for Clinton and the debt still increased
But you still vote for one or the other party so you change nothing and the debt keeps increasing
If everyone voted out the spenders, they would stop spending.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts wouldn't we all have a Merry Christmas?
You just keep not voting, and wasting your life on political forums. That is a special kind of stupid.

No what's stupid is voting for republicans and / or democrats and expecting the debt to be addressed
You think throwing your vote away and voting on third party candidates will get the debt addressed. You funny.

There is not one republican or democrat out there that will address the debt

and that's how you people want it.

Debt doesn't matter to you or anyone else for that matter which is why I don't waste my time voting anymore.
Republicans are Fiscally Irresponsible Liars that Cause Government Failures to back their Claims Government Always Fails. It's seems to only fail because or Republicans. Every ob Killing Depression was caused by Republicans. Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recessions for Every term they served. Democrats never caused a depression & rarely a recession.

The Bush administration may have broken the law on Medicare.

Federal documents show that the Bush administration estimated the new Medicare prescription-drug benefit could cost almost $600 billion, more than half again as much as it publicly predicted at the time. Even worse, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has concluded that administration efforts to conceal this and other unflattering cost forecasts of the proposal while it was debated “appear to violate a specific and express prohibition of federal law.”

Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard S. Foster, recalls sharing figures on the drug plan with his former boss, Thomas Scully, Medicare’s then-administrator. Foster’s numbers far exceeded the $395 billion, ten-year cost at which the Congressional Budget Office appraised the drug bill. Foster says Scully replied: “We can’t let that get out.”

Scully’s alleged comment epitomized the Bush administration’s evident desire to keep Congress and taxpayers ignorant of figures that showed this already controversial legislation might cost 50% more than CBO’s $395 billion valuation that the administration publicly touted.
you can replace the word republicans with democrats and your post would still be true
Hard to believe.
Republicans passed tax cuts for the rich under both Bush and Trump creating trillions in debt.

Republicans let Bin Laden go.

Republicans paid for wars via credit card.

Republicans are 90% white.

Replace Republicans with Democrats and everyone would know it was lies.
and the end result is the same more government and more debt

It doesn't matter what road you take if you all end up in the same place
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I don’t see it. What are you basing all that on? Labor force participation low, wages growth low, first quarter was only 2.2% growth, and deficits are growing.
name a poor man that created a job!!!!
cause you said you don't see it. So show us where a poor man created jobs.

Twenty Billionaires Who Started With Nothing
Funny....liberals trying to figure out 'tax cut math' but can't solve a simple math problem.... :p


After freezing on a simple question 'of 'What is 63 - 15', "a voice off camera, either an aide or a reporter jumped in with “47.” “47, is it?” Pelosi said in response."

Ummm, NO. It's 48!

Why she declared large bonuses (for the people who got them) to equate to nothing more than 'crumbs'.


Pelosi freezes during simple math problem: 63 minus 15 - '47, is it?' - The American Mirror

Ladies and gentlemen....your Speaker of the House, should the Democrats take the House during the Mid-Terms...God help us. :p
God doesn't help stupid people.

Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Only 5 million received those raises and bonuses. That's 5 million out of 159 million workers. Or about 2.7% of all workers. And that's what you are bragging about? That?

What Trump sold versus what Republicans bought:

Q - Can anyone name a Republican President in History that did not cause Job Killing Recessions & Depressions???

A - There aren't any!!!

However there are Many Democrat Presidents than never caused a recession & none caused a depression.
cause you said you don't see it. So show us where a poor man created jobs.
I don't see his claims that the money was used to create more jobs, create full-time jobs, give raises.... That is complete fantasy.
You are welcome to provide proof. So far nobody can...
You can't either? Shocking.
dude, it's over your head.
Q - Can anyone name a Republican President in History that did not cause Job Killing Recessions & Depressions???

A - There aren't any!!!

However there are Many Democrat Presidents than never caused a recession & none caused a depression.
can anyone recall a republican president not ridiculed by the left? Any, everyone called some insulting name. The fact is the left hate republicans, we know this, it's useless to even discuss with you all cause you'll never understand economics.
they do. how do they do that?
And another dummy. Thanks for the laugh.
you don't know that the senate needs 9 democrats to pass a bill and you call me the dummy. yep, only in america.
And it took lots of repubs to pass all that spending and trump signed it! But you keep playing stupid, it fits you.
don't need the 9 dems for those kinds of bills. But the ones you keep referencing, they do. like healthcare, immigration and permanent tax cuts for the middle class. Why aren't the dems for permanent tax cuts for the middle class? I thought they were all for it. huh?
Well they are adding to the deficit. I thought repubs were fiscally responsible?
you mean the debt?
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I don’t see it. What are you basing all that on? Labor force participation low, wages growth low, first quarter was only 2.2% growth, and deficits are growing.
name a poor man that created a job!!!!
cause you said you don't see it. So show us where a poor man created jobs.

Twenty Billionaires Who Started With Nothing
everyone that needed a rich dude to help them. still hasn't answered the question.

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