Only 2 million UNINSURED signed up for obamacare


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
1/4th of 8 million is just 2 million. In 2010 obozo said obamacare would see to it that our 50 million uninsured got insurance!! What a huge failure.


Revealed: 74% of Obamacare 'Enrollees' Already Had Insurance

11 May 2014,

A devastating new McKinsey & Co. report finds that Obamacare's purported purpose – providing coverage for the previously uninsured – has failed.

The report concludes that 74% of Obamacare enrollees at the end of the first open enrollment period already had insurance; just 26% reported being previously uninsured. Of those who were previously uninsured, the figure drops to only 22% when considered alongside whether the individual has activated his plan by paying his first month's premium.

According to the Associated Press, at least 4.7 million Americans had their health insurance plans canceled due to Obamacare. Many of those individuals simply went through the Obamacare exchanges to buy policies to replace the ones President Barack Obama's healthcare program outlawed.
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So for the most part Obamacare has been an expansion of Medicaid and forcing people to change their insurance...right?
Yup. I already had insurance. But for some reason it wasn't good enough for ass in chief.

Did you get your new insurance by shopping in the exchanges? If so was it cheaper and better?
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Yup. I already had insurance. But for some reason it wasn't good enough for ass in chief.

Did you get your new insurance by shopping in the exchanges? If so was it cheaper and better?

The board notes your attempt to change the subject. Obama promised 50 million uninsured would get insurance and now we find out it's only 2 mill. Address that please.
Yup. I already had insurance. But for some reason it wasn't good enough for ass in chief.

Did you get your new insurance by shopping in the exchanges? If so was it cheaper and better?

The board notes your attempt to change the subject. Obama promised 50 million uninsured would get insurance and now we find out it's only 2 mill. Address that please.

4% of the promised total

A CEO would be fired for those kind of results.

Remind me how much the web page cost again?
Yup. I already had insurance. But for some reason it wasn't good enough for ass in chief.

Did you get your new insurance by shopping in the exchanges? If so was it cheaper and better?

The board notes your attempt to change the subject. Obama promised 50 million uninsured would get insurance and now we find out it's only 2 mill. Address that please.

I didn't try to change the topic. I asked him a question because he's one of the people forced out of his insurance.
Yup. I already had insurance. But for some reason it wasn't good enough for ass in chief.

Did you get your new insurance by shopping in the exchanges? If so was it cheaper and better?

I liked my policy. The President repeatedly said that I could keep it.

The President repeatedly lied.

The President. Of the United States of America.

Screw that semi-negro.
We were told many times that 40+ million people did not have insurance so we needed ObamaCare.
We were also told if we liked our plan and our Doctor we could keep them...

Well we saw what happened.

Neither was true!

Obama and the Democrats lied.
Did you get your new insurance by shopping in the exchanges? If so was it cheaper and better?

The board notes your attempt to change the subject. Obama promised 50 million uninsured would get insurance and now we find out it's only 2 mill. Address that please.

I didn't try to change the topic. I asked him a question because he's one of the people forced out of his insurance.

There was no need to "shop the exchanges" as my current insurance provider sent me an ACA policy that most closely mirrored my previous one. At a 120% increase in premium.

Then, ass in chief steps in and graciously grants a one-year reprieve for folks that are already covered. Nevertheless, my policy still needed to be ACA compliant. And so it is... at a 28% increase in premium.

This time next year I'll be priced out and will most likely decide to fuck it and pay the penalty, which would be a fraction of the $1,250 premium once the "grace period" expires.

I did, however, visit a website that was developed by three young code writers... in a matter of days. You enter your zip code, age, number in household and their ages... and presto- up pops the available exchange premiums.

And there it is... $1,250/month.

Trio of young coders build health-care website in days -
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And for what?

This candidate solemnly pledged on June 5, 2008: “In an Obama administration, we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.”
Unfortunately, the experts working for Medicare’s actuary have (yet again[1]) reported that in its first 10 years, Obamacare will boost health spending by “roughly $621 billion” above the amounts Americans would have spent without this misguided law[/I]
Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four - Forbes

And for what?
Obama said there were.."“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today.
CURL: We overhauled U.S. health care ? to insure 4.2 million people? - Washington Times

There never were 46 million Americans that were unable to be covered THAT wanted to be covered!
1) Obama's Census told us 10 million of the 46 million were not CITIZENS... Leaves 36 million...
2) Obama's failures at getting 14 million people at the poverty level BEFORE ACA covered under Medicaid.. Leaves 22 million!
3) 18 million people under 34 don't need, but can afford at $50k per year refuse employers' plans... They don't want! Leaves 4 million!!

4 million that truly need and wanted coverage and all that would be needed would be to charge lawyers 10% of their $270 billion a year in fees
to provide each and every one of the 4 million a $5,000/year premium!

That's how simple it would be!

Instead Obama prefers 1,300 insurance companies that employ 400,000 and that pay $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local and property taxes
go out of business because in his OWN words:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Obama speaking to the Illinois AFL-CIO, June 30, 2003.
Let's take a look at the numbers.


It looks very top heavy for the older sicker population. And of those below 45 years, how many are in Medicaid
and therefore not paying participants. And it was stated by the administration that they need 35% to be in the
age group below 35 years and that looks skimpy to say the least, particularly considering that Medicaid demo.
Let's take a look at the numbers.


It looks very top heavy for the older sicker population. And of those below 45 years, how many are in Medicaid
and therefore not paying participants. And it was stated by the administration that they need 35% to be in the
age group below 35 years and that looks skimpy to say the least, particularly considering that Medicaid demo.

Yup - if you're 50+ and poor, obamacare is a good deal and those people grabbed it. It's a poor deal for the young and so they skipped out. People acted in their self interest and it appears stupid obama didn't see that coming.
Yup. I already had insurance. But for some reason it wasn't good enough for ass in chief.

I and a handful of my coworkers were allowed to keep our premium policy (grandfathered in) but it costs me an additional $20.00 per paycheck (roughly $40.00 per month) and that's just for me. Had my wife and stepson still been with me I would have had to cancel and take a lesser policy due to the extreme cost increase.

As for Obamacare, did anyone really believe it would be a success (outside of the nuts)?
Let's take a look at the numbers.


It looks very top heavy for the older sicker population. And of those below 45 years, how many are in Medicaid
and therefore not paying participants. And it was stated by the administration that they need 35% to be in the
age group below 35 years and that looks skimpy to say the least, particularly considering that Medicaid demo.

Yup - if you're 50+ and poor, obamacare is a good deal and those people grabbed it. It's a poor deal for the young and so they skipped out. People acted in their self interest and it appears stupid obama didn't see that coming.

Unfortunately, folks were blackmailed into buying insurance. The hammer will fall next year when folks fill out their tax returns. That's when the IRS fines will begin. That nice little paycheck that everyone expects each year will be confiscated. How expensive will the punishment be for not buying from the huge, insurance corporations? I don't know but the entire thing is a scam to take money from the working class and put it in the pockets of Reid, Obama, Pelosi, and their buddies (insurance moguls) living high on the hog atop the MetLife building.
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Insurance, by itself, is a scam (in my opinion). We all see the endless commercials like Geico, Metropolitan Life, Allstate, State Farm, Esurance, etc. etc. Not only are they able to afford these endless, expensive, prime-time commercials but they're able to afford huge, sprawling skyscrapers.

The scam got even bigger when the government FORCED everyone to buy insurance -- or else.
Insurance, by itself, is a scam (in my opinion). We all see the endless commercials like Geico, Metropolitan Life, Allstate, State Farm, Esurance, etc. etc. Not only are they able to afford these endless, expensive, prime-time commercials but they're able to afford huge, sprawling skyscrapers.

The scam got even bigger when the government FORCED everyone to buy insurance -- or else.

Until about 60 years ago most americans did NOT have health insurance and we got by just fine and healthcare was much cheaper.

With health insurance people go to doctors for every little thing and they don't care much about the cost.
Insurance, by itself, is a scam (in my opinion). We all see the endless commercials like Geico, Metropolitan Life, Allstate, State Farm, Esurance, etc. etc. Not only are they able to afford these endless, expensive, prime-time commercials but they're able to afford huge, sprawling skyscrapers.

The scam got even bigger when the government FORCED everyone to buy insurance -- or else.

Until about 60 years ago most americans did NOT have health insurance and we got by just fine and healthcare was much cheaper.

With health insurance people go to doctors for every little thing and they don't care much about the cost.

Agreed. I look back on the many centuries that folks have been on this planet and have survived and thrived without going to the doctor for the sniffles or a paper cut.
1/4th of 8 million is just 2 million. In 2010 obozo said obamacare would see to it that our 50 million uninsured got insurance!! What a huge failure.


Revealed: 74% of Obamacare 'Enrollees' Already Had Insurance

11 May 2014,

A devastating new McKinsey & Co. report finds that Obamacare's purported purpose – providing coverage for the previously uninsured – has failed.

The report concludes that 74% of Obamacare enrollees at the end of the first open enrollment period already had insurance; just 26% reported being previously uninsured. Of those who were previously uninsured, the figure drops to only 22% when considered alongside whether the individual has activated his plan by paying his first month's premium.

According to the Associated Press, at least 4.7 million Americans had their health insurance plans canceled due to Obamacare. Many of those individuals simply went through the Obamacare exchanges to buy policies to replace the ones President Barack Obama's healthcare program outlawed.

This is the second time McKinsey has skewered a fraudulent poll to convey fraudulent numbers. I'm sure they'll refuse to release their methodology on this one too.

Not a Prediction | The White House

After nearly two weeks of widespread queries and criticisms, McKinsey & Company, the management consulting firm, posted on Monday the questionnaire and methodology of an online survey it had released that was denounced by the White House and others for contending that nearly a third of employers would definitely or probably drop coverage for employees when provisions of the health care law took effect in 2014.

The White House responded on Monday night. “As we learn more, it’s become clear that this one flawed study from McKinsey is truly an outlier,” Nancy-Ann DeParle, an assistant to the president and deputy chief of staff, said in a blog post.

The White House initially pointed to forecasts by the Congressional Budget Office and other experts whose estimates were much smaller in terms of whether employees would lose some or all coverage. For example, an Urban Institute study to be released on Tuesday suggests that employees in small businesses may receive more coverage, not less.

McKinsey also came under fire for not providing access to the survey’s authors, and for not publishing the questions, the types of employers taking part or the survey methodology.

In posting “details regarding the survey” on its Web site Monday, McKinsey acknowledged that its survey was “not comparable” to the studies by the budget office, Urban Institute or others using economic modeling.

Rather, it surveyed business owners using an online panel. McKinsey said it paid for the survey by Ipsos, a French marketing firm, “to capture the attitudes of employers,” large and small.

In addition, McKinsey seemed to be trying to address the criticisms by the White House and others, asserting that its report was not intended to be predictive.

McKinsey’s explanations did not satisfy Senator Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and several from the House who have inquired.

“This report is filled with cherry-picked facts and slanted questions,” he said in a statement. “It did not provide employers with enough information for them to make honest choices and fair evaluations. Rather than correct the major deficiencies in their report, McKinsey has chosen to again stand by their faulty analysis and misguided conclusions.”

I'm sure this latest employer survey will suffer the same fate.

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