Only 2 million UNINSURED signed up for obamacare

Unfortunately, folks were blackmailed into buying insurance. The hammer will fall next year when folks fill out their tax returns. That's when the IRS fines will begin.

I take it you're talking about the folks who FOX News told not to buy insurance and when they finally decided to it was too late?
I agree the "45 million uninsured Americans" figure was completely bogus. Disseminating that lie undermined the integrity of ObamaCare proponents.

However, the Right doesn't have an honest leg to stand on, either. McKinsey and Associates? Really?

Nor did the Right ever offer a comprehensive alternative to ObamaCare.

ObamaCare is here to stay. So let's take a look at what we can expect it to accomplish as time passes by looking at the performance of its closest relative, RomneyCare:

When it was implemented, about 8.4 percent of Massachusetts citizens were uninsured; by 2010, just 3 percent were uninsured. Uninsured rates fell most among minorities: In 2006, 15 percent of African-Americans were uninsured, in 2010, that rate was at 3.4 percent. Uninsured rates for Hispanics in the state fell from 20 percent to 9.2 percent during the same period.
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If Obamacare was such a great program or "great deal", there would have to be no mandate forcing people to buy it (unconstitutionally.)

If people were on average going to save 2,500$ and get better plans there is simply no way Obamacare could have failed without a mandate.

I mean imagine if as a business owner you could offer a product that is superior to ANYTHING on the market and around 30% cheaper... You wouldn't need to force people to buy it, you would have a wait list with millions on it to sell to because you can't keep up with demand.

And G5, stop pretending you can see the future, it just makes you look stupid.
If Obamacare was such a great program or "great deal", there would have to be no mandate forcing people to buy it (unconstitutionally.)

Just like Common Core, the individual mandate was a Right cause. Then, in true Orwellian fashion, when the Left adopted it, the Right said, "We have always been at war with the mandate!"

And G5, stop pretending you can see the future, it just makes you look stupid.

The only people who look stupid are the brainwashed proles like you who cannot see the handwriiting on the wall right in front of your faces.

I am making an educated prediction based on an actual benchmark. And so far, my predictions have been coming true.

You'll see. Four years from now, a majority of Americans will say ObamaCare needs fixing but they want to keep it around.

Sooner than that, you will stop hearing Republican politicians calling it ObamaCare and start calling it the ACA.
If Obamacare was such a great program or "great deal", there would have to be no mandate forcing people to buy it (unconstitutionally.)

Just like Common Core, the individual mandate was a Right cause. Then, in true Orwellian fashion, when the Left adopted it, the Right said, "We have always been at war with the mandate!"

And G5, stop pretending you can see the future, it just makes you look stupid.

The only people who look stupid are the brainwashed proles like you who cannot see the handwriiting on the wall right in front of your faces.

I am making an educated prediction based on an actual benchmark. And so far, my predictions have been coming true.

You'll see. Four years from now, a majority of Americans will say ObamaCare needs fixing but they want to keep it around.

Sooner than that, you will stop hearing Republican politicians calling it ObamaCare and start calling it the ACA.

Again, stop pretending you can predict the future.

You have one of the most divisive laws in US history. You have it failing on every single front. People get tired of hearing about it but going forward if the law ends up costing people more and more year by year it will be a hot topic issue election after election.

With crushing taxes, crushing debt and crushing deficits Obamacare would have serious problems.
Yup. I already had insurance. But for some reason it wasn't good enough for ass in chief.

Did you get your new insurance by shopping in the exchanges? If so was it cheaper and better?

I liked my policy. The President repeatedly said that I could keep it.

The President repeatedly lied.

The President. Of the United States of America.

Screw that semi-negro.

That's right...let it out.
If Obamacare was such a great program or "great deal", there would have to be no mandate forcing people to buy it (unconstitutionally.)

Just like Common Core, the individual mandate was a Right cause. Then, in true Orwellian fashion, when the Left adopted it, the Right said, "We have always been at war with the mandate!"

And G5, stop pretending you can see the future, it just makes you look stupid.

The only people who look stupid are the brainwashed proles like you who cannot see the handwriiting on the wall right in front of your faces.

I am making an educated prediction based on an actual benchmark. And so far, my predictions have been coming true.

You'll see. Four years from now, a majority of Americans will say ObamaCare needs fixing but they want to keep it around.

Sooner than that, you will stop hearing Republican politicians calling it ObamaCare and start calling it the ACA.

Again, stop pretending you can predict the future.

You have one of the most divisive laws in US history. You have it failing on every single front. People get tired of hearing about it but going forward if the law ends up costing people more and more year by year it will be a hot topic issue election after election.

With crushing taxes, crushing debt and crushing deficits Obamacare would have serious problems.

This failure of ObamaCare is just wishful thinking on your part.

Don't get me wrong. I detest ObamaCare with the passion of a thousand burning suns. It's a piece of shit. It is socialistic in nature. It is a government takeover of healthcare. Amen, amen, amen, brother!

I just don't let my detestation get in the way of critical thinking.

If something survives, it has succeeded. And by that measure, ObamaCare is a success by the mere fact of its survival.

It will continue to survive, too. I have accepted this. You have not.

My predictions are based on the record of RomneyCare in Massachusetts. In fact, that is the only valid benchmark from which to speak about ObamaCare. And it is a simple fact that a super-majority of the people of Massachusetts wanted to preserve RomneyCare five years after its implementation, even though they felt it still needed fixes.

You are wallowing in the Denial and Anger stages of grief, as are many other people on the Right, and this prevents them from offereing any comprehensive solutions. You just whine and whine and whine and whine, and people tune you out.

It is you whiners who are failing.
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Yup. I already had insurance. But for some reason it wasn't good enough for ass in chief.

Did you get your new insurance by shopping in the exchanges? If so was it cheaper and better?

The board notes your attempt to change the subject. Obama promised 50 million uninsured would get insurance and now we find out it's only 2 mill. Address that please.

One, ACA has flattened the inflation curve of health care.

Two, many more folks can access quality health care at costs they can afford.

Three, 10mm have been added to Medicare, which will flatten the demand on ER.

Four, SS's 2mm is at least 2mm too low.

Five, and, yes, eventually almost everyone will be covered.
Just like Common Core, the individual mandate was a Right cause. Then, in true Orwellian fashion, when the Left adopted it, the Right said, "We have always been at war with the mandate!"

The only people who look stupid are the brainwashed proles like you who cannot see the handwriiting on the wall right in front of your faces.

I am making an educated prediction based on an actual benchmark. And so far, my predictions have been coming true.

You'll see. Four years from now, a majority of Americans will say ObamaCare needs fixing but they want to keep it around.

Sooner than that, you will stop hearing Republican politicians calling it ObamaCare and start calling it the ACA.

Again, stop pretending you can predict the future.

You have one of the most divisive laws in US history. You have it failing on every single front. People get tired of hearing about it but going forward if the law ends up costing people more and more year by year it will be a hot topic issue election after election.

With crushing taxes, crushing debt and crushing deficits Obamacare would have serious problems.

This failure of ObamaCare is just wishful thinking on your part.

Don't get me wrong. I detest ObamaCare with the passion of a thousand burning suns. It's a piece of shit. It is socialistic in nature. It is a government takeover of healthcare. Amen, amen, amen, brother!

I just don't let my detestation get in the way of critical thinking.

If something survives, it has succeeded. And by that measure, ObamaCare is a success by the mere fact of its survival.

It will continue to survive, too. I have accepted this. You have not.

My predictions are based on the record of RomneyCare in Massachusetts. In fact, that is the only valid benchmark from which to speak about ObamaCare. And it is a simple fact that a super-majority of the people of Massachusetts wanted to preserve RomneyCare five years after its implementation, even though they felt it still needed fixes.

You are wallowing in the Denial and Anger stages of grief, as are many other people on the Right, and this prevents them from offereing any comprehensive solutions. You just whine and whine and whine and whine, and people tune you out.

It is you whiners who are failing.

Oh fuck off g5, I'm not whining nor have I ever about Obamacare. All I have done is point out that Obamacare is failing, people don;t like it and it has a projected future that will piss more people off... And that could get the law repealed.

Not to re-mention the debt it's adding to our already massive deficit.
yeah, suds, you are whining, ACA is succeeding and will get better, 70% of people like it or want it improved, and, yeah, you are just pissed off.
If Obamacare was such a great program or "great deal", there would have to be no mandate forcing people to buy it (unconstitutionally.)

Just like Common Core, the individual mandate was a Right cause. Then, in true Orwellian fashion, when the Left adopted it, the Right said, "We have always been at war with the mandate!"

And G5, stop pretending you can see the future, it just makes you look stupid.

The only people who look stupid are the brainwashed proles like you who cannot see the handwriiting on the wall right in front of your faces.

I am making an educated prediction based on an actual benchmark. And so far, my predictions have been coming true.

You'll see. Four years from now, a majority of Americans will say ObamaCare needs fixing but they want to keep it around.

Sooner than that, you will stop hearing Republican politicians calling it ObamaCare and start calling it the ACA.

Again, stop pretending you can predict the future.

You have one of the most divisive laws in US history. You have it failing on every single front. People get tired of hearing about it but going forward if the law ends up costing people more and more year by year it will be a hot topic issue election after election.

With crushing taxes, crushing debt and crushing deficits Obamacare would have serious problems.

Here's an interesting read for you Avory.
The U.S. Does Not Have A Debt Problem ... It Has A Health Care Cost Problem
"That’s not my line, I took it from The Economist, but it’s a good one. If health care costs were under control, i.e. growing no faster than the economy, we could manage our debt. However, health care spending is growing at about 1.5x the rate of growth of GDP and is already close to 20% of the economy. In this post I will talk about the scary numbers. In the next post I will offer some thoughts on what we can do manage the situation.
If the trends of the last 20 years continue, health care spending will eat up U.S. GDP in our children’s lifetimes. See the first chart. The blue line is the federal government’s projection of health care spending. The red line projects spending at the trend growth rate of the last 20 years.
Health care spending will eat up the federal government’s budget even sooner, and that is the root cause of the U.S. sovereign debt problem. The second chart shows projected federal spending on health care as a percent of GDP rising from 5% today to about 18% of GDP, leaving no room for social security, defense, or any of the other federal government roles. In 2012 the entire federal budget is about 24% of GDP, up sharply from 20% before the financial crisis. If this forecast comes to pass, either taxes will rise to Swedish levels, or the U.S. will be a junk-quality sovereign credit like the European “PIGS”."
The U.S. Does Not Have A Debt Problem ... It Has A Health Care Cost Problem - Forbes

Now I am not a fan of Obamacare, specifically because of the mandate. But it's very, very obvious the status quo isn't the answer either. It hurts individuals, families, businesses and the American economy.
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1/4th of 8 million is just 2 million. In 2010 obozo said obamacare would see to it that our 50 million uninsured got insurance!! What a huge failure.


revealed: 74% of obamacare 'enrollees' already had insurance

11 may 2014,

a devastating new mckinsey & co. Report finds that obamacare's purported purpose – providing coverage for the previously uninsured – has failed.

The report concludes that 74% of obamacare enrollees at the end of the first open enrollment period already had insurance; just 26% reported being previously uninsured. Of those who were previously uninsured, the figure drops to only 22% when considered alongside whether the individual has activated his plan by paying his first month's premium.

According to the associated press, at least 4.7 million americans had their health insurance plans canceled due to obamacare. Many of those individuals simply went through the obamacare exchanges to buy policies to replace the ones president barack obama's healthcare program outlawed.
breitbart: The ultimate right wing sewer site.
1/4th of 8 million is just 2 million. In 2010 obozo said obamacare would see to it that our 50 million uninsured got insurance!! What a huge failure.


revealed: 74% of obamacare 'enrollees' already had insurance

11 may 2014,

a devastating new mckinsey & co. Report finds that obamacare's purported purpose – providing coverage for the previously uninsured – has failed.

The report concludes that 74% of obamacare enrollees at the end of the first open enrollment period already had insurance; just 26% reported being previously uninsured. Of those who were previously uninsured, the figure drops to only 22% when considered alongside whether the individual has activated his plan by paying his first month's premium.

According to the associated press, at least 4.7 million americans had their health insurance plans canceled due to obamacare. Many of those individuals simply went through the obamacare exchanges to buy policies to replace the ones president barack obama's healthcare program outlawed.
breitbart: The ultimate right wing sewer site.


Glad you are happy with the ACA.

It must be great because Breitbart says it isn't.
Avory, the debt problem could easily be solved in three simple steps:

1. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligiblity ages to 70, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

2. Ban all tax expenditures.

3. Cut Defense spending to Cold War levels.

The federal government would be awash with so much cash if we did these things, we could pay down the debt and lower tax rates for everyone.
Yup. I already had insurance. But for some reason it wasn't good enough for ass in chief.

Did you get your new insurance by shopping in the exchanges? If so was it cheaper and better?

The board notes your attempt to change the subject. Obama promised 50 million uninsured would get insurance and now we find out it's only 2 mill. Address that please.

I believe Obama used the figure "45 million uninsured Americans" during the 2008 campaign. A ridiculous number.

After he was elected, but before the passage of ObamaCare, he then began talking about the "30 million involuntarily uninsured".

Bait and switch.

Another bait and switch was the "per capita spending on health care" argument used to support the passage of ObamaCare by its proponents.

Per capita spending on health care in America is by far the highest in the world.

ObamaCare will not bend the cost curve down. Now all we hear is that it slows the rise of health care costs.

Bait and switch.

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