only 2% of battles were won as a result of a direct attack.The majority of successful armies throughout history, all had the “power of endurance to


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
The West needs to provide Ukraine with the weapons, ammunition, finances, and moral support to not only endure, but WIN. :thup:

only 2% of battles were won as a result of a direct attack.The majority of successful armies throughout history, all had the “power of endurance to last.”

Yeah right, Litwin just insulted and dismissed the entire Marine Corps efforts in the WW2 Pacific. Go for it foreign idiots, you just sink your efforts deeper and deeper.
Yeah right, Litwin just insulted and dismissed the entire Marine Corps efforts in the WW2 Pacific. Go for it foreign idiots, you just sink your efforts deeper and deeper.

I count nine 🇷🇺pig-dogs , all standing there listening to one lightbulb-shaped dipshit in flip-flops tell them (I assume) the 'strategy.'What are they afraid of?
Why not waste one bullet instead of catching a thousand?
The dark, mysterious maskal 🇷🇺 soul, I guess. Hope we lost 0.

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