Only 33% of 1,969 mile U.S./Mexico border fenced...but Obama's pen gave "permisos"

Please someone, anyone, tell me what is our end game?

What in the hell would immigration reform do? If we give amnesty to those who have already violated the existing law isn't that just going to increase the number crossing the border?

Is the goal to empty Mexico and Central America of all their unemployed, diseased, and mentally ill? Is there a finite number of them so we know when the madness will end?

Really, honestly what is our goal?
You don't have a "goal". Capitalism loves cheap labor and they do work Americans won't do so when there are jobs they come right across
your uncontrolled border.
For 60 years you've done nothing serious to fix this issue and now you have another huge population well-establish here who are Americans in all but name only. If you want to change that it's a huge bill to do so and the capitalists don't want it done, so it isn't...

LIE: 60 years done nothing! LIE!!!

President Bush this morning signed into law a bill authorizing the federal government to install fencing, cameras, motion sensors
and other types of barriers to stem illegal immigration along 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexican border.
"This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will help make our borders more secure," Bush said before signing the legislation.
Bush signs bill to build 700-mile fence on U.S.-Mexico border -

Department of Homeland Security officials told us they have finished 649 out of 652 miles of fencing (99.5 percent),
which includes 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 350 miles of pedestrian fence.
Obama says the border fence is "now basically complete" | PolitiFact

So where is YOUR proof of your stupid idiotic comment: "60 years done nothing"???????
Please someone, anyone, tell me what is our end game?

What in the hell would immigration reform do? If we give amnesty to those who have already violated the existing law isn't that just going to increase the number crossing the border?

Is the goal to empty Mexico and Central America of all their unemployed, diseased, and mentally ill? Is there a finite number of them so we know when the madness will end?

Really, honestly what is our goal?
You don't have a "goal". Capitalism loves cheap labor and they do work Americans won't do so when there are jobs they come right across
your uncontrolled border.
For 60 years you've done nothing serious to fix this issue and now you have another huge population well-establish here who are Americans in all but name only. If you want to change that it's a huge bill to do so and the capitalists don't want it done, so it isn't...

LIE: 60 years done nothing! LIE!!!

President Bush this morning signed into law a bill authorizing the federal government to install fencing, cameras, motion sensors
and other types of barriers to stem illegal immigration along 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexican border.
"This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will help make our borders more secure," Bush said before signing the legislation.
Bush signs bill to build 700-mile fence on U.S.-Mexico border -

Department of Homeland Security officials told us they have finished 649 out of 652 miles of fencing (99.5 percent),
which includes 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 350 miles of pedestrian fence.
Obama says the border fence is "now basically complete" | PolitiFact

So where is YOUR proof of your stupid idiotic comment: "60 years done nothing"???????
How long is the border? Do you call it doing something when you fence off 35% of your land and expect people to pretend you fenced 100%?
The native American's way of life had come to a sad end but end it had to. No way a small group of people were going to control vast areas of land. They refused to assimilate, went to war, and lost. Just like many civilizations before them It is life, get over it.
The native American's way of life had come to a sad end but end it had to. No way a small group of people were going to control vast areas of land. They refused to assimilate, went to war, and lost. Just like many civilizations before them It is life, get over it.

Over and done with, and the American genocide is in the history books, except for the people who like to pretend that it didn't happen.
Please someone, anyone, tell me what is our end game?

What in the hell would immigration reform do? If we give amnesty to those who have already violated the existing law isn't that just going to increase the number crossing the border?

Is the goal to empty Mexico and Central America of all their unemployed, diseased, and mentally ill? Is there a finite number of them so we know when the madness will end?

Really, honestly what is our goal?
You don't have a "goal". Capitalism loves cheap labor and they do work Americans won't do so when there are jobs they come right across your uncontrolled border. For 60 years you've done nothing serious to fix this issue and now you have another huge population well-establish here who are Americans in all but name only. If you want to change that it's a huge bill to do so and the capitalists don't want it done, so it isn't...

OK, these are children being shoved across the border not working men and women. Your cheap labor BS is just that. If there are jobs to be done that pay a living wage then Americans should either have to take those jobs or make it on their own. What you are suggesting is we keep up the slave labor we have now, how democrat of you.

Besides, once again you have no answer, what is the end game. Do we just open the border and let Mexico and Central America empty into the US? Do we stop immigration for Europe so we have the resources available for all the new "citizens?" Is there ever going to be enough is enough? It doesn't help if we secure the borders then have a POTUS that opens the doors and encourages people to flood in.
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The native American's way of life had come to a sad end but end it had to. No way a small group of people were going to control vast areas of land. They refused to assimilate, went to war, and lost. Just like many civilizations before them It is life, get over it.

Over and done with, and the American genocide is in the history books, except for the people who like to pretend that it didn't happen.

Those who did so were liberals.
You don't have a "goal". Capitalism loves cheap labor and they do work Americans won't do so when there are jobs they come right across
your uncontrolled border.
For 60 years you've done nothing serious to fix this issue and now you have another huge population well-establish here who are Americans in all but name only. If you want to change that it's a huge bill to do so and the capitalists don't want it done, so it isn't...

LIE: 60 years done nothing! LIE!!!

President Bush this morning signed into law a bill authorizing the federal government to install fencing, cameras, motion sensors
and other types of barriers to stem illegal immigration along 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexican border.
"This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will help make our borders more secure," Bush said before signing the legislation.
Bush signs bill to build 700-mile fence on U.S.-Mexico border -

Department of Homeland Security officials told us they have finished 649 out of 652 miles of fencing (99.5 percent),
which includes 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 350 miles of pedestrian fence.
Obama says the border fence is "now basically complete" | PolitiFact

So where is YOUR proof of your stupid idiotic comment: "60 years done nothing"???????
How long is the border? Do you call it doing something when you fence off 35% of your land and expect people to pretend you fenced 100%?

I would expect people to respect property rights with or without a fence.
You don't have a "goal". Capitalism loves cheap labor and they do work Americans won't do so when there are jobs they come right across
your uncontrolled border.
For 60 years you've done nothing serious to fix this issue and now you have another huge population well-establish here who are Americans in all but name only. If you want to change that it's a huge bill to do so and the capitalists don't want it done, so it isn't...

LIE: 60 years done nothing! LIE!!!

President Bush this morning signed into law a bill authorizing the federal government to install fencing, cameras, motion sensors
and other types of barriers to stem illegal immigration along 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexican border.
"This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will help make our borders more secure," Bush said before signing the legislation.
Bush signs bill to build 700-mile fence on U.S.-Mexico border -

Department of Homeland Security officials told us they have finished 649 out of 652 miles of fencing (99.5 percent),
which includes 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 350 miles of pedestrian fence.
Obama says the border fence is "now basically complete" | PolitiFact

So where is YOUR proof of your stupid idiotic comment: "60 years done nothing"???????
How long is the border? Do you call it doing something when you fence off 35% of your land and expect people to pretend you fenced 100%?

That what the title is 33% of the border!
BUT YOUR statement was 60 years done nothing is a totally fu..king LIE! Obviously people like you exaggerate, don't use any facts just throw out sh..T!
My point was the influx was done by a stoke of a pen! "permiso"!!!
And YOU can't even be honest enough like I am to agree that there is NOT enough on the border! WE AGREE!
So why don't you agree that your statement was false! Obviously 33% is not enough BUT it is NOT nothing done for 60 years! LIE
LIE: 60 years done nothing! LIE!!!

President Bush this morning signed into law a bill authorizing the federal government to install fencing, cameras, motion sensors
and other types of barriers to stem illegal immigration along 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexican border.
"This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will help make our borders more secure," Bush said before signing the legislation.
Bush signs bill to build 700-mile fence on U.S.-Mexico border -

Department of Homeland Security officials told us they have finished 649 out of 652 miles of fencing (99.5 percent),
which includes 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 350 miles of pedestrian fence.
Obama says the border fence is "now basically complete" | PolitiFact

So where is YOUR proof of your stupid idiotic comment: "60 years done nothing"???????
How long is the border? Do you call it doing something when you fence off 35% of your land and expect people to pretend you fenced 100%?

I would expect people to respect property rights with or without a fence.
I'm sure that you would but would you expect them to respect your 35 ft fence on 100 feet of your front yard? Should I use the gate, or just walk around?
LIE: 60 years done nothing! LIE!!!

President Bush this morning signed into law a bill authorizing the federal government to install fencing, cameras, motion sensors
and other types of barriers to stem illegal immigration along 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexican border.
"This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will help make our borders more secure," Bush said before signing the legislation.
Bush signs bill to build 700-mile fence on U.S.-Mexico border -

Department of Homeland Security officials told us they have finished 649 out of 652 miles of fencing (99.5 percent),
which includes 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 350 miles of pedestrian fence.
Obama says the border fence is "now basically complete" | PolitiFact

So where is YOUR proof of your stupid idiotic comment: "60 years done nothing"???????
How long is the border? Do you call it doing something when you fence off 35% of your land and expect people to pretend you fenced 100%?

That what the title is 33% of the border!
BUT YOUR statement was 60 years done nothing is a totally fu..king LIE! Obviously people like you exaggerate, don't use any facts just throw out sh..T!
My point was the influx was done by a stoke of a pen! "permiso"!!!
And YOU can't even be honest enough like I am to agree that there is NOT enough on the border! WE AGREE!
So why don't you agree that your statement was false! Obviously 33% is not enough BUT it is NOT nothing done for 60 years! LIE
Do you prefer Might As Well Have Done Nothing? The result is the same. Maybe you should start dealing in reality, not semantics.
The native American's way of life had come to a sad end but end it had to. No way a small group of people were going to control vast areas of land. They refused to assimilate, went to war, and lost. Just like many civilizations before them It is life, get over it.

Thank God they started uses horses those evil white Spaniards brought over....because the buffalo would have been decimated!
Before horses indians most commonly, entire tribes were organized to form shouting, robe-waving columns that would try to stampede a herd over a cliff. Men waited below with lances to finish the animals off.
How Did The Indians Hunt The Buffalo Before They Had Horses? - Blurtit
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Sorry this thread got off to strange areas.. buffalo stampedes???

The point of the thread was illegal immigration was nominal for years and yes a problem..
BUT when Obama signed the DACA decree -- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which allowed thousands of illegal immigrants to stay in this country if they came at a young age -- created, in effect, a magnet for young people to try to enter the U.S. illegally.

The main reason the subjects chose this particular time to migrate to the United States was to take advantage of the "new" U.S. "law" that grants a "free pass" or permit (referred to as "permisos") being issued by the U.S. government to female adult OTMs traveling with minors and to UACs. (Comments: The "permisos" are the Notice to Appear documents issued to undocumented aliens, when they are released on their own recognizance pending a hearing before an immigration judge.) The information is apparently common knowledge in Central America and is spread by word of mouth, and international and local media. A high percentage of the subjects interviewed stated their family members in the U.S. urged them to travel immediately, because the United States government was only issuing immigration "permisos" until the end of June 2014…The issue of "permisos" was the main reason provided by 95% of the interviewed subjects.
On immigrant surge, White House story falls apart |

This NOW created the need to spend $3.8 billion ! For these illegals that HE OFFERED "permisos"!!!
The White House on Tuesday will request $3.8 billion from Congress in emergency funding to deal with an influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America, a far higher amount than the Obama administration had previously signaled, according to a Capitol Hill source familiar with the plans.
White House to seek $3.8 billion for border control, more than previously signaled - The Washington Post
The end game is obvious.
Progressives attempts to turn us into a third world country were going too slow, so they have brought the third world to us.
Rich people are richer than ever before in history, just like a third-world country.

Fucking morons.
Rich people are richer than ever before in history, just like a third-world country.

Fucking morons.

Isn't that something? All under Obama!
The rich get richer! And YOU all thought he was one of you!!!

I mean this guy talks a good talk.."My brother's keeper..
YET his own brother lives in a $12/year hut.
You know if people weren't so snowed by Obama's words and paid more attention to his actions maybe we wouldn't have these problems.
Remember he told these illegals hey come on we won't send you back !!!
Again just to remind you obamatrons here is what the Central American papers told their people how Obama WANTS them to come!

The surge in illegal immigrants jumping the U.S. border in recent weeks is almost entirely due to U.S. policy, according to an internal Border Patrol intelligence memo that says the immigrants are taking advantage of the catch-and-release system of enforcement.

The immigrants come seeking “permisos,” which apparently are the “Notices to appear” or NTAs, the legal documents given to non-Mexicans
caught at the border that officially put them in deportation proceedings — but that also grant them at least a temporary entry to the interior of the U.S.
According to the memo, which was viewed by The Washington Times and mentioned at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, agents interviewed more than 200 non-Mexican immigrants on May 28, and 95 percent of them said they came because they’d heard they could get a “permiso,” or “free pass.”

“This information is apparently common knowledge in Central America and is spread by word of mouth, and international and local media,” the memo reads.
“A high percentage of the subjects interviewed stated their family members in the U.S. urged them to travel immediately, because the United States government was only issuing immigration ‘permisos’ until the end of June 2014.”

The memo conflicts with the Obama administration’s public stance that the surge in unaccompanied minors and young women with families is due to spiking violence in Central America, not to lax enforcement in the U.S.
"Permisos" - Illegal immigrants flooding the borders seeking "free passes" to enter US | Poor Richard's News

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