Only 35% approve of this Administration's handling of the economy.. .surprised it isn't 3.5%


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

I wonder who these 35% are?

govt workers?

probably... and others who have gotten rich on the demise of the US economy...

(btw: Trump won in 2016... so why do commentators act like DeSantis' making 6 weeks the cut-off point for legalized abortion some big deal to voters? when TRUMP abolished the infamous Roe... )

I wonder who these 35% are?

govt workers?

probably... and others who have gotten rich on the demise of the US economy...

(btw: Trump won in 2016... so why do commentators act like DeSantis' making 6 weeks the cut-off point for legalized abortion some big deal to voters? when TRUMP abolished the infamous Roe... )
who do you think they are?.....mostly the die hard democrats.....

I wonder who these 35% are?

govt workers?

probably... and others who have gotten rich on the demise of the US economy...

(btw: Trump won in 2016... so why do commentators act like DeSantis' making 6 weeks the cut-off point for legalized abortion some big deal to voters? when TRUMP abolished the infamous Roe... )
I can't seem to find a list or transcript of the exact questions asked. Wording is important, especially in polling.

I wonder who these 35% are?

govt workers?

probably... and others who have gotten rich on the demise of the US economy...

(btw: Trump won in 2016... so why do commentators act like DeSantis' making 6 weeks the cut-off point for legalized abortion some big deal to voters? when TRUMP abolished the infamous Roe... )
17-day old link.
Must be a slow news day. Haha.
Government workers. They don't dare speak out against their mommy and daddy.

I wonder who these 35% are?

govt workers?

probably... and others who have gotten rich on the demise of the US economy...

(btw: Trump won in 2016... so why do commentators act like DeSantis' making 6 weeks the cut-off point for legalized abortion some big deal to voters? when TRUMP abolished the infamous Roe... )

It's a sad example of just how many stupid people we have in our electorate.

I'm working, my wife is working, we can still afford the nice things in life, so the economy (for us) is doing great!
A media estimate claims 35% support Biden. It must be their favorite bogus polling number.
17-day old link.
Must be a slow news day. Haha.
Here is one for April 22, with his new numbers.
The president's approval rating stood at 42.4 percent on Friday, according to that analysis, while disapproval of the job Biden's doing was 52.9 percent - a gap of more than 10 points.

Biden's approval rating has also fallen over the past month. On March 21, Biden enjoyed 43.1 percent approval in FiveThirtyEight's measure, while disapproval stood at 51.6 percent, representing a gap of more than eight points.
I'm sure the majority of that 35% are either democrats, or people with a lot of money and it doesn't effect them really.

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