Only an imbecile would vote for a 70 percent tax.....Link included fool

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this
This idiot...or sock puppet...thinks that the 70% tax rate would apply to people making minimum wage?

And other idiots liked its stupid post?

My God fucking gullible can you be

Lol the dems just canned her as I said they would

Ocasio-Cortez de-listed from board of Justice Democrats after controversy
Care to explain your stupidity in the OP?

Or were you just lying...
Nothing is wrong with the OP, taxing the rich that way will cause them to leave, leaving only the middle class and poor to pay. You just don't live in reality

Be honest, if you earned a billion dollars a year, would you give AOC 700 million or move to the Bahamas and keep it all.

Grow up kid
How much income taxes do billionaires pay?

So each of his heirs are worth approximately 35 billion. The annual returns on 35 billion at 5 percent (conservative estimate) is 1.7 billion per year.

Now no one can spend $1.7 billion. One of his heirs was building a museum in Arkansas, which Jon Stewart quipped was “far from where any one would see one”. Followed by “for gods sake pay your people”.

Gates says billionaires should pay 'significantly' more taxes

Billionaires buy Republican politicians to keep their taxes artificially low. Why does the Republican base work so hard to defend the people that are screwing them over?
Flat tax, as we are all equal
Thomas Jefferson was in favor of a HUGE inheritance tax. He though the rich would accumulate so much of the nation's wealth that...well it would get like it is...
Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Nothing is wrong with the OP, taxing the rich that way will cause them to leave, leaving only the middle class and poor to pay. You just don't live in reality

Be honest, if you earned a billion dollars a year, would you give AOC 700 million or move to the Bahamas and keep it all.

Did you not read your own OP stupid. You were claiming that minimum wage earners would get hit with a 70% tax that only kicks in at .....hold on now....TEN MILLION DOLLARS

You're certainly lying now...were you lying then or just stupid as shit...
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How much income taxes do billionaires pay?

So each of his heirs are worth approximately 35 billion. The annual returns on 35 billion at 5 percent (conservative estimate) is 1.7 billion per year.

Now no one can spend $1.7 billion. One of his heirs was building a museum in Arkansas, which Jon Stewart quipped was “far from where any one would see one”. Followed by “for gods sake pay your people”.

Gates says billionaires should pay 'significantly' more taxes

Billionaires buy Republican politicians to keep their taxes artificially low. Why does the Republican base work so hard to defend the people that are screwing them over?
Flat tax, as we are all equal
You're a real winner. A revenue neutral flat tax would have to be between 17% and 20%,

That a MASSIVE tax cut for the wealthy and a pretty damn big INCREASE for everyone else. Double for a lot of middle class folks...worse for the poor
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.

Really!? Do you folks have any common sense at all. True, the 70% would only apply to wages in excess of $10 million. Everyone else's would go up a lesser percent. So in all your wisdom, how much would you like your taxes going up?

Please provide a link that shows "Everyone else's would go up a lesser percent" under AOC's plan.

This is what is why right-wingers think left-wingers are brain damaged. Because you are not using your brain. You are simply parroting what is being fed you.

Have you not learned yet that what people say, and what really happens, are two different things?

Obama said you could keep your doctor.
Obama said it would reduce insurance premiums.
Obama said the CARD act would protect borrowers.

Instead people lost options on what doctors they could see, paid much higher premiums and higher deductibles, and interest rates on credit cards went up.

AOC can 'say' that people will never pay higher taxes except for the rich. She can say that until the end of time. The reality is, higher taxes on wealthy will not pay for all of her social programs. Those taxes will never bring in the money she and others like her 'say' and claim it will.

It never has. Look at France. They jacked up taxes on the rich, and the rich fled the country. So badly in fact, that they had to repeal the tax.

Who did the government then have to levy taxes against? The poor and middle class, which is exactly why they have the yellow vest protests going on.

Yellow Vest Protests Prompt France to Ban Some Demonstrations

You keep saying "she is not saying she is pushing taxes for the lower and middle class!" yeah, she isn't saying it.

Do you think the people of France had politicians "saying" they would tax the lower and middle class? No. Of course not. But when you push for free health care, and free education, and free mass transit, and on and on.... guess who has to pay for all that? The rich? Yeah, that didn't work. So who has to pay for it?

The poor and middle class.

So yes, we all understand that AOC is not saying she will increase taxes on all of us.... we get that.

The difference between all of us, and those like you.... to be blunt.... we're not stupid enough to believe her.

She will jack up taxes on the rich. Then she'll jack up spending based on what she believes those taxes will bring in. The rich will shield their money from the taxes, by either moving it out of the country, or into protected investments.

Then she'll either have to cut programs, which would result in her instant removal from office for cutting the programs she claims to support... or she'll jack up taxes to pay for her programs.

She'll jack up taxes on everyone to pay for her programs.

And you are idiot if you believe otherwise. There is a reason why the middle class in Denmark are paying 60% of their income in taxes. There is a reason why the middle class in Sweden is paying a 24% sales tax on top of their 50% income tax.

There is a reason why a carpet installer in France, which would be a middle class income in the US, is earning a lower class income in France. Because after all the taxes you pay, what you have is just above poverty.

All those places got to where they are, based on mindless lemmings believing clever politicians who claimed the rich would pay for everything. The politicians got into office, made tons of money, and everyone suffered and became poorer. The rich got richer, the poor got poorer, and idiots in American celebrate it.
All of them.

It would be hard for me to even come up with one job that is NOT created by bigcorp.
So which bigcorps have been hiring lately? More than a few?

Every job is created by big corp. Name one that isn't.

Name one job, that would exist without bigcorp.

Let me help you with that. Take a small independent shop. What product are they selling that isn't from a corporation? What product isn't transported there from a corporation? What materials used in the construction of that shop, did not come from a corporation?

Whether the mega corps directly hire, or whether the products they create are used to create jobs, either way.... all jobs are due to the corporations. All of them.
OK, but that does not answer my question. Surely we have an economic system.

My premise is where would that money better serve the strength of our economy?

Personally, I'd have to ask, "If it's not YOUR money, why do you think you get to decide?"

Corporations and the rich use more f the nations infrastructure, education, and health care because they need skilled, healthy employees to work for them, safety and security, and a strong federal government to protect their Intellectual and real property rights. And yet their share of the tax bill is the lowest, whiles wages as a percentage of costs have been declining since 1980.

It is long past time that corporations paid a larger percentage of income for both wages and taxes - taxes being your share of the costs of living in a first world country.

If I want to hear the glories of government slavery from the brainwashed slave, I'll let you know. If I want to hear about liver-eating envy of those who aren't useless from those who are, I will also let you know.
All of them.

It would be hard for me to even come up with one job that is NOT created by bigcorp.
So which bigcorps have been hiring lately? More than a few?

Every job is created by big corp. Name one that isn't.

Name one job, that would exist without bigcorp.

Let me help you with that. Take a small independent shop. What product are they selling that isn't from a corporation? What product isn't transported there from a corporation? What materials used in the construction of that shop, did not come from a corporation?

Whether the mega corps directly hire, or whether the products they create are used to create jobs, either way.... all jobs are due to the corporations. All of them.
OK, but that does not answer my question. Surely we have an economic system.

My premise is where would that money better serve the strength of our economy?

Personally, I'd have to ask, "If it's not YOUR money, why do you think you get to decide?"
Whose money, exactly? Production is the only way to create wealth.

If you actually don't know how to tell who money legally belongs to, I'm guessing you get arrested a lot.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this
This idiot...or sock puppet...thinks that the 70% tax rate would apply to people making minimum wage?

And other idiots liked its stupid post?

My God fucking gullible can you be

Lol the dems just canned her as I said they would

Ocasio-Cortez de-listed from board of Justice Democrats after controversy
Care to explain your stupidity in the OP?

Or were you just lying...
Nothing is wrong with the OP, taxing the rich that way will cause them to leave, leaving only the middle class and poor to pay. You just don't live in reality

Be honest, if you earned a billion dollars a year, would you give AOC 700 million or move to the Bahamas and keep it all.

Grow up kid
Yea except your thread was a lie to begin there's really no where for it to go

Save the Ayn Randian nonsense..that was a novel and a bad one at that
That will hurt us, more than them. They'll be rich, and we'll be scraping by.
That is dead money anyway. How many jobs are being created by Bigcorp?

All of them.

It would be hard for me to even come up with one job that is NOT created by bigcorp.
So which bigcorps have been hiring lately? More than a few?

Every job is created by big corp. Name one that isn't.

Name one job, that would exist without bigcorp.

Let me help you with that. Take a small independent shop. What product are they selling that isn't from a corporation? What product isn't transported there from a corporation? What materials used in the construction of that shop, did not come from a corporation?

Whether the mega corps directly hire, or whether the products they create are used to create jobs, either way.... all jobs are due to the corporations. All of them.
OK, but that does not answer my question. Surely we have an economic system.

My premise is where would that money better serve the strength of our economy?

Ok? So based on my previous post, I think I just answered that question.

Since, as I pointed out, nearly every single job and product in the country is due to corporations....

Where do you think the money would be better to serve the strength of our system?

In the hands of those who earned it by created products, services, and jobs across the entire economy?

Or in the hands of politicians and their political backers?

And by the way, I agree with the other posters in asking... why is it your business anyway? Who are you to say that the money others have earned, is somehow your business?

Is theft justified by what you personally define as good for the economy? Because the moment you agree to such a system, that system can be used against you. This is exactly what happened in Russia under the Soviets, where people who supported the Soviets were later killed by the Soviets and their property confiscated.

In fact this happened in Rome. Where people who supported the confiscation of property, ended up having their own property confiscated.

A more modern example would be Venezuela, where some of the backers of Hugo Chavez, ended up having their companies nationalized.

And if we are going to say that taking people's money is justified because it is good for the system.... well that's a small step from any other property. What if a massive mineral deposit was found under your property?

You can't afford to build a mine shaft yourself. But evicting you, confiscating your property, and drilling for those minerals would be a huge boon for the economy.

So therefore that is moral and right according to your own standard.
All of them.

It would be hard for me to even come up with one job that is NOT created by bigcorp.
So which bigcorps have been hiring lately? More than a few?

Every job is created by big corp. Name one that isn't.

Name one job, that would exist without bigcorp.

Let me help you with that. Take a small independent shop. What product are they selling that isn't from a corporation? What product isn't transported there from a corporation? What materials used in the construction of that shop, did not come from a corporation?

Whether the mega corps directly hire, or whether the products they create are used to create jobs, either way.... all jobs are due to the corporations. All of them.
OK, but that does not answer my question. Surely we have an economic system.

My premise is where would that money better serve the strength of our economy?

Personally, I'd have to ask, "If it's not YOUR money, why do you think you get to decide?"
Whose money, exactly? Production is the only way to create wealth.

If I sell you something, and you agree to the sale voluntarily, then that money is MY money. Just like Apple Computers money, is their money.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this


Maybe she's trying to Make America Great Again?

Wasn't the 50's pretty good if you were white when we were on top of the (bombed out) world?
Wow look at that chart. Looks like the super low taxes gave us the great depression.

lol, I like that.

I really don't know if I'd say the low taxes gave us the great depression but yeah, funny coincidence.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this


Maybe she's trying to Make America Great Again?

Wasn't the 50's pretty good if you were white when we were on top of the (bombed out) world?
Wow look at that chart. Looks like the super low taxes gave us the great depression.
/——/ Before 1913 we had no income taxes. So why didn’t we have a 137 year long depression?
All of them.

It would be hard for me to even come up with one job that is NOT created by bigcorp.
So which bigcorps have been hiring lately? More than a few?

Every job is created by big corp. Name one that isn't.

Name one job, that would exist without bigcorp.

Let me help you with that. Take a small independent shop. What product are they selling that isn't from a corporation? What product isn't transported there from a corporation? What materials used in the construction of that shop, did not come from a corporation?

Whether the mega corps directly hire, or whether the products they create are used to create jobs, either way.... all jobs are due to the corporations. All of them.
OK, but that does not answer my question. Surely we have an economic system.

My premise is where would that money better serve the strength of our economy?

Personally, I'd have to ask, "If it's not YOUR money, why do you think you get to decide?"

Corporations and the rich use more f the nations infrastructure, education, and health care because they need skilled, healthy employees to work for them, safety and security, and a strong federal government to protect their Intellectual and real property rights. And yet their share of the tax bill is the lowest, whiles wages as a percentage of costs have been declining since 1980.

It is long past time that corporations paid a larger percentage of income for both wages and taxes - taxes being your share of the costs of living in a first world country.
Corporations and the rich use more f the nations infrastructure, education, and health care because they need skilled, healthy employees to work for them,

And they want somebody else to pay for it.
So which bigcorps have been hiring lately? More than a few?

Every job is created by big corp. Name one that isn't.

Name one job, that would exist without bigcorp.

Let me help you with that. Take a small independent shop. What product are they selling that isn't from a corporation? What product isn't transported there from a corporation? What materials used in the construction of that shop, did not come from a corporation?

Whether the mega corps directly hire, or whether the products they create are used to create jobs, either way.... all jobs are due to the corporations. All of them.
OK, but that does not answer my question. Surely we have an economic system.

My premise is where would that money better serve the strength of our economy?

Personally, I'd have to ask, "If it's not YOUR money, why do you think you get to decide?"
Whose money, exactly? Production is the only way to create wealth.

If you actually don't know how to tell who money legally belongs to, I'm guessing you get arrested a lot.
You missed the point.
That is dead money anyway. How many jobs are being created by Bigcorp?

All of them.

It would be hard for me to even come up with one job that is NOT created by bigcorp.
So which bigcorps have been hiring lately? More than a few?

Every job is created by big corp. Name one that isn't.

Name one job, that would exist without bigcorp.

Let me help you with that. Take a small independent shop. What product are they selling that isn't from a corporation? What product isn't transported there from a corporation? What materials used in the construction of that shop, did not come from a corporation?

Whether the mega corps directly hire, or whether the products they create are used to create jobs, either way.... all jobs are due to the corporations. All of them.
OK, but that does not answer my question. Surely we have an economic system.

My premise is where would that money better serve the strength of our economy?

Ok? So based on my previous post, I think I just answered that question.

Since, as I pointed out, nearly every single job and product in the country is due to corporations....

Where do you think the money would be better to serve the strength of our system?

In the hands of those who earned it by created products, services, and jobs across the entire economy?

Or in the hands of politicians and their political backers?

And by the way, I agree with the other posters in asking... why is it your business anyway? Who are you to say that the money others have earned, is somehow your business?

Is theft justified by what you personally define as good for the economy? Because the moment you agree to such a system, that system can be used against you. This is exactly what happened in Russia under the Soviets, where people who supported the Soviets were later killed by the Soviets and their property confiscated.

In fact this happened in Rome. Where people who supported the confiscation of property, ended up having their own property confiscated.

A more modern example would be Venezuela, where some of the backers of Hugo Chavez, ended up having their companies nationalized.

And if we are going to say that taking people's money is justified because it is good for the system.... well that's a small step from any other property. What if a massive mineral deposit was found under your property?

You can't afford to build a mine shaft yourself. But evicting you, confiscating your property, and drilling for those minerals would be a huge boon for the economy.

So therefore that is moral and right according to your own standard.
Why do you think all the Nordic countries that have all the programs that AOC and her idiot friends support, all have the middle class paying more than 50% of their income in taxes?
Care to link a cite to that assertion?

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