Only an imbecile would vote for a 70 percent tax.....Link included fool

But would that company exist, without major corporations? My suggestion to you is, no.

Based on WHAT?

Name a small business that would exist with a corporation?

Joe's Welding.

Steve's refrigeration. Just about any restaurant.

What planet do you liveon?
WE don't live in Sweden or Cuba, using other country's to show good or bad policies is not productive. our focus needs to be here where we live. what do Americans value?
plunging from one extreme to another, not healthy.

Until 1982, the moneys to pay for the Public Works like Dams, Interstates, Rail repair, etc. came by taxing anything over 240,000 dollars income from private tax payers BEFORE they were allowed to start doing their slight of hand deductions. They paid from 70% up to 90 percent for anything over 240,000. That paid for wars, Public Works and more. It kept personal taxes on the middle class low. But in 1982, that was dropped. The people making those exhorbant sums now could do their slight of hands tax forms and pay little or no tax. And our Public Works went to hell in a handbasket and the middle class taxes went up. Meanwhile, the tax rates for the rich went down and they still did the Magical Mystery Tour tax figuring allowing them to pay little or no tax. Since you don't seem to want to plug the holes, this is a way to put money back into the National Public Works. And, yes Dorathy, this includes the friggin wall.
Why do you think all the Nordic countries that have all the programs that AOC and her idiot friends support, all have the middle class paying more than 50% of their income in taxes?

I'd be curious to know what the costs would be for all those programs.

For instance we already pay for healthcare in various ways. How much of our income goes to that?

Yes. They pay a lot of taxes...and I'm not necessarily saying we should emulate them but we ought examine what they get for those taxes.

Imagine if we didn't have to pay for college or healthcare?

That frees up a lot of money

Having worked my way through college, I would much rather have my income, than have a free education.

Having free education works when you are blowing tons of money for an education you could get a fraction of the cost.

As for health care, I've run the numbers dozens of times, and I can't ever see them working out in favor of the tax payer. The cost of an insurance premium is always cheaper than the cost of high taxes.
But would that company exist, without major corporations? My suggestion to you is, no.

Based on WHAT?

Name a small business that would exist with a corporation?

Joe's Welding.

Steve's refrigeration. Just about any restaurant.

What planet do you liveon?

Any restaurant.

Who built the building the restaurant is operating out of? A corporation.
Where did they get the materials to make the building with? Another corporation.
Where did they get the furniture in the restaurant? Another corporation.
Where are they getting the gas and electricity to operate the restaurant with? Another corporation.
Where did they get the plates and utensils from? Another corporation.
Where did they get the food to serve from? The napkins? The soap to wash the dishes? The ovens, the ventilation system, the fire suppression system, and on and on and on.

From corporations.

Without corporations none of that would exist.

Steve's Refrigeration. Where does Steve get the compressors? Corporations.
The refrigerant? Another corporation.
The tools to replace parts with? Another corporation.

And where do the customers Steve services, get the refrigeration units that would need fixed or replaced? From a corporation.

If there were no corporation, what car, would the small independently owned auto repair shop, be fixing?

Nearly all jobs are created by corporations. Without the wealth created by corporations, you likely wouldn't have a job.

Even if you look at a tiny itty bitty store that sells a mom&pops farm of organic food. Where did they get the seeds? A corporation. The fertilizer? Corporation. The tractors and harvest? Corporations. And how did they get the food to the store? From a vehicle built by a corporation, powered by fuel provided by a corporation, and rolling on a road built by a corporation.

So, all jobs are created by corporation. No corporations, and almost none of those jobs would exist.
I wish that I could have as much a right to my money as the leftardz think THEY have a right to it.
Why do you think all the Nordic countries that have all the programs that AOC and her idiot friends support, all have the middle class paying more than 50% of their income in taxes?

I'd be curious to know what the costs would be for all those programs.

For instance we already pay for healthcare in various ways. How much of our income goes to that?

Yes. They pay a lot of taxes...and I'm not necessarily saying we should emulate them but we ought examine what they get for those taxes.

Imagine if we didn't have to pay for college or healthcare?

That frees up a lot of money
Good points. Our corporate media constantly tells us that universal health care will cost $32Trillion. What they never mention is that universal health care will cost us $2Trillion less than our current system. And, our current system has a lot of problems.

What are the advantages? Everyone will be covered including for dental and vision. There will be no premiums, co pays, deductibles, or pre existing conditions.

What else? How much easier would it be for small and startup businesses if everyone they hired was already covered. They would not have the hassle and expense of finding coverage for their people. This would be a great boost to our economy.

People would have the freedom to change jobs or start a business without worrying about health care.

What about those who have their lives ruined or get stiffed by medical bankruptcy? Won't happen with universal health care.
Since, as I pointed out, nearly every single job and product in the country is due to corporations....

You are so full of shit...even Forbes pisses on you

The Surprising Truth About Where New Jobs Come From

No, actually it doesn't contradict anything I said.

The problem is, you are not understanding my point.

You say "Jobs are created by firms less than 5 years old".

I never denied that. My point was yes that new company created jobs. I get that.

But would that company exist, without major corporations? My suggestion to you is, no.

Name a company that would exist without major corporations? Feel free to name one. I'm listening.

Every small business in the USA would exist without a major corporations. If anything mega corporations are small business killers. Walmart is single handedly responsible for off-shoring of hundreds of thousands of jobs because they pushed suppliers to cut costs. Not to mention their predatory practices in small towns drove all the small retailers out of business, cratering downtowns and devastating the business tax base everywhere they went. And then they lowered wages to retail workers which other big box stores had to follow suit on in order to remain competitive.

Instead of locally sourced goods made from quality materials, and with fine workmanship, we have cheap goods, made of garbage material, by third world workers which fall apart quickly and have to be replaced often, to churn business.

Walmart frequently went into towns and sold goods below cost until they drove all the other retailers out of business and they were the only retailer within miles. Then prices went back up.

Reagan’s gutting of the anti-trust laws, had lead to mega-mergers and lots of mega-companies.

The problem with mega corporations is that the only people making any money, are the executives and the shareholders. Employee wages and benefits are as low as possible, profits are the highest in world history.
Why do you think all the Nordic countries that have all the programs that AOC and her idiot friends support, all have the middle class paying more than 50% of their income in taxes?

I'd be curious to know what the costs would be for all those programs.

For instance we already pay for healthcare in various ways. How much of our income goes to that?

Yes. They pay a lot of taxes...and I'm not necessarily saying we should emulate them but we ought examine what they get for those taxes.

Imagine if we didn't have to pay for college or healthcare?

That frees up a lot of money
Good points. Our corporate media constantly tells us that universal health care will cost $32Trillion. What they never mention is that universal health care will cost us $2Trillion less than our current system. And, our current system has a lot of problems.

What are the advantages? Everyone will be covered including for dental and vision. There will be no premiums, co pays, deductibles, or pre existing conditions.

What else? How much easier would it be for small and startup businesses if everyone they hired was already covered. They would not have the hassle and expense of finding coverage for their people. This would be a great boost to our economy.

People would have the freedom to change jobs or start a business without worrying about health care.

What about those who have their lives ruined or get stiffed by medical bankruptcy? Won't happen with universal health care.

Plus, the world will be so much prettier with all those unicorns prancing around, farting glitter.

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