Only an imbecile would vote for a 70 percent tax.....Link included fool

I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
And it was 90% under Eisenhower. And I think the start rate was 2 or 3 million.
But, there were so many loopholes that no one was taxed at 90%
Just as there are $1.4 trillion of "loopholes" in our tax code today.
Go ahead and list them for us, clown.
Hey dumbass: After Tax Reform, Tax Expenditures Remain Costly

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) recently released its latest tax expenditure estimates. The report shows that despite the 2017 tax law, which was billed as an effort to reduce tax breaks, tax expenditures will continue to cost $1.5 trillion per year.
Don't like it....change, you voted for the politicians. Look in the mirror, there is your culprit.
You are all deliberately kept ignorant about the real causes of our debt.

Our politicians are only doing what we demand of them. You get the politicians you deserve.

If you are pissed about all the spending and borrowing going on, look in the mirror. There's your culprit.
And if you give them a big check with you demand, you are more likely to get it.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
The poor are so stupid that they will vote for a 70 percent tax on themselves, because they will get free stuff...………………..…..That they paid for
That is not AOC's plan. In fact, that has never been anyone's plan.

So it appears the stupid person in this picture is YOU. Not the poor.

"The poor are so stupid..." How revealing of your character.
AOC has no plan, she thinks unemployment is low because everyone like you has 2 jobs.

You have no idea how retarded she is
I know how retarded you are. You keep showing all of us with every post you make. You are neck and neck with AOC in the stupidity race.
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.
/——/ lets see you make 5 million and we’ll know how you really think
A person who earns $5 million in income in one year would be taxed at 37% under AOC's plan.

Just as they currently are.
So the national debt goes up 10 trillion a year under her plan

Now you understand It does not go up $10 trillion.

Stop listening to the voices in your head, retard. I've already warned you that you are WAY over your head on this subject. Stop making a public fool of yourself!
Her plan for free healthcare for all would cost 38 trillion dollars over 10 years, even the dems are mocking her

You listen to the fool, fool

CNN is mocking her

So is Tapper

Only a moron thinks AOC's plan means a $15.00 wage would be taxed at 70 percent.

Catastrophic fail. You obviously didn't even read your own link! :lol:

Priceless. You made a fool of yourself in public.
And you support her plan, based on what you read?

No, I have made it very clear many times how I feel about the "tax the rich more" solution by the Left.

Including in this topic.

Unlike most of the hacks on this forum, I will not let an untruth about ANYONE, Left or Right, pass without straightening the record. Just because I explode someone's lie does not mean I support the person they are lying about. This seems to escape most of the tards on this forum.

It is the rejection of integrity and truth by pseudocons which pisses me off more than anything else. It's self-sabotage. It's fucking stupid beyond belief. They are destroying conservatism and the GOP from within. That is why I hate Trump so much.
The Swiss stopped allowing Americans to have secret accounts a long time ago.

There are still tax havens, but Switzerland isn't one any more.
Technically anyplace with a more favorable tax structure would do. The Bahamas work as well, as does Monaco. See it's not about hiding money, but being allowed to earn and keep what you have earned. Why would someone earning a billion dollars a year stay here and give up 700 million. This will never happen and a 70 percent tax will turn the USA into a third world poor country
Let them go. But don't let them sell their shit here.

That will hurt us, more than them. They'll be rich, and we'll be scraping by.
That is dead money anyway. How many jobs are being created by Bigcorp?

All of them.

It would be hard for me to even come up with one job that is NOT created by bigcorp.
So which bigcorps have been hiring lately? More than a few?
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.
/——/ lets see you make 5 million and we’ll know how you really think
A person who earns $5 million in income in one year would be taxed at 37% under AOC's plan.

Just as they currently are.
So the national debt goes up 10 trillion a year under her plan

Now you understand It does not go up $10 trillion.

Stop listening to the voices in your head, retard. I've already warned you that you are WAY over your head on this subject. Stop making a public fool of yourself!
Her plan for free healthcare for all would cost 38 trillion dollars over 10 years, even the dems are mocking her

You listen to the fool, fool

CNN is mocking her

So is Tapper

But that would be less than we are paying now.
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.
So after a person earns 10 million dollars they are punished for the rest of their lives

You are sick
/——/ lets see you make 5 million and we’ll know how you really think
A person who earns $5 million in income in one year would be taxed at 37% under AOC's plan.

Just as they currently are.
So the national debt goes up 10 trillion a year under her plan

Now you understand It does not go up $10 trillion.

Stop listening to the voices in your head, retard. I've already warned you that you are WAY over your head on this subject. Stop making a public fool of yourself!
Her plan for free healthcare for all would cost 38 trillion dollars over 10 years, even the dems are mocking her

You listen to the fool, fool

CNN is mocking her

So is Tapper

But that would be less than we are paying now.

Where do your figures come from?

Or do you make up nonsense as you go
And it was 90% under Eisenhower. And I think the start rate was 2 or 3 million.
But, there were so many loopholes that no one was taxed at 90%
Good point. Wasn't it Leona Helmsley who said that taxes are for little people?
Didn't she do some jail time for being a tax cheat?
Don't remember. That was a long time ago and I didn't care that much.
You brought her were interested that much until I brought up that she was busted for
being a tax cheat. weird
I just remembered it because it was an interesting meme.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

She is not proposing a 70% tax on all income...just on monies made AFTER $10 million. No one making $15/hour would be affected.

BTW - I am TOTALLY against high taxes on anyone. All it will do is force them to leave America and take their money with them.
Once the rich all leave there will be no one to tax except the poor and middle

When the jobs leave for China everyone will pay
Democrats are such hypocrites. Either that or anger and frustration has turned them into complete idiots. There are entire corporations dedicated to legally saving money in taxes and no doubt democrats utilize them like everyone else. On the other hand democrats claim to want to impose killer taxes. Maybe they think nobody is paying attention or democrat politicians plan to exempt themselves.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
The poor are so stupid that they will vote for a 70 percent tax on themselves, because they will get free stuff...………………..…..That they paid for
That is not AOC's plan. In fact, that has never been anyone's plan.

So it appears the stupid person in this picture is YOU. Not the poor.

"The poor are so stupid..." How revealing of your character.
AOC has no plan, she thinks unemployment is low because everyone like you has 2 jobs.

You have no idea how retarded she is
I know how retarded you are. You keep showing all of us with every post you make. You are neck and neck with AOC in the stupidity race.
AOC is not stupid no matter how many ridiculous memes the GOP propaganda machine throws at her...THE problem in the United States is the rich are taxed at the same rate as everyone else if you count all taxes, and that is not enough to keep up our infrastructure or to invest in our people. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes, we are the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap college and training, good infrastructure and vacations, and of course the reason for all this, criminal GOP tax rates on the mega rich. Change the channel, brainwashed functional morons.
Technically anyplace with a more favorable tax structure would do. The Bahamas work as well, as does Monaco. See it's not about hiding money, but being allowed to earn and keep what you have earned. Why would someone earning a billion dollars a year stay here and give up 700 million. This will never happen and a 70 percent tax will turn the USA into a third world poor country
Let them go. But don't let them sell their shit here.

That will hurt us, more than them. They'll be rich, and we'll be scraping by.
That is dead money anyway. How many jobs are being created by Bigcorp?

All of them.

It would be hard for me to even come up with one job that is NOT created by bigcorp.
So which bigcorps have been hiring lately? More than a few?

Every job is created by big corp. Name one that isn't.

Name one job, that would exist without bigcorp.

Let me help you with that. Take a small independent shop. What product are they selling that isn't from a corporation? What product isn't transported there from a corporation? What materials used in the construction of that shop, did not come from a corporation?

Whether the mega corps directly hire, or whether the products they create are used to create jobs, either way.... all jobs are due to the corporations. All of them.
A person who earns $5 million in income in one year would be taxed at 37% under AOC's plan.

Just as they currently are.
So the national debt goes up 10 trillion a year under her plan

Now you understand It does not go up $10 trillion.

Stop listening to the voices in your head, retard. I've already warned you that you are WAY over your head on this subject. Stop making a public fool of yourself!
Her plan for free healthcare for all would cost 38 trillion dollars over 10 years, even the dems are mocking her

You listen to the fool, fool

CNN is mocking her

So is Tapper

But that would be less than we are paying now.

Where do your figures come from?

Or do you make up nonsense as you go

Libertarian Study Shows Medicare-For-All Saves $2 Trillion

So the national debt goes up 10 trillion a year under her plan

Now you understand It does not go up $10 trillion.

Stop listening to the voices in your head, retard. I've already warned you that you are WAY over your head on this subject. Stop making a public fool of yourself!
Her plan for free healthcare for all would cost 38 trillion dollars over 10 years, even the dems are mocking her

You listen to the fool, fool

CNN is mocking her

So is Tapper

But that would be less than we are paying now.

Where do your figures come from?

Or do you make up nonsense as you go

Libertarian Study Shows Medicare-For-All Saves $2 Trillion

/——/No thank you. I’ll pay my own way.
No it doesn't. It's a horrible deal. Only stupid people would give up 70 percent in taxes to a govt that is 22 trillion in the hole and spends money on horrid foreign, domestic policy, never ending wars, and endless welfare social programs. It's time the govt does without.
Kick those rancid elements in government out, so the taxpayer can benefit.
History shows the 70 percent marginal tax benefits economy.

only 13,000 families make over 10 million per year, and only income in excess of 10 million would be taxed at 70%. That’s how marginal rates work. This tax would only impact 13,000 families.

The other 300+ million Americans should start voting in their personal best interest instead of the best interest of 13,000 of the richest families in the country.
Kid you forgot to include how much money those 13000 taxpayers would contribute?

Hint it won't be enough for shit, we are still 22 trillion in debt, the money raised would not even stop the debt from increasing

But you keep babbling
great job

Moron alert

Obama raised the debt by 8 trillion
We were recovering from a recession during that time, worst since the great depression.
President doesnt originate spending, who had the house during Obama?

Wait, g5000 said that the conservative controlled house decreased the deficit under O? Guys, get your lies together.
Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
The poor are so stupid that they will vote for a 70 percent tax on themselves, because they will get free stuff...………………..…..That they paid for
That is not AOC's plan. In fact, that has never been anyone's plan.

So it appears the stupid person in this picture is YOU. Not the poor.

"The poor are so stupid..." How revealing of your character.
AOC has no plan, she thinks unemployment is low because everyone like you has 2 jobs.

You have no idea how retarded she is
I know how retarded you are. You keep showing all of us with every post you make. You are neck and neck with AOC in the stupidity race.
AOC is not stupid no matter how many ridiculous memes the GOP propaganda machine throws at her...THE problem in the United States is the rich are taxed at the same rate as everyone else if you count all taxes, and that is not enough to keep up our infrastructure or to invest in our people. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes, we are the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap college and training, good infrastructure and vacations, and of course the reason for all this, criminal GOP tax rates on the mega rich. Change the channel, brainwashed functional morons.
Actually the Democrats just canned her she is dead in the water

Ocasio-Cortez de-listed from board of Justice Democrats after controversy

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