Only an imbecile would vote for a 70 percent tax.....Link included fool

I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
And it was 90% under Eisenhower. And I think the start rate was 2 or 3 million.
But, there were so many loopholes that no one was taxed at 90%
Good point. Wasn't it Leona Helmsley who said that taxes are for little people?
Didn't she do some jail time for being a tax cheat?
Don't remember. That was a long time ago and I didn't care that much.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
Actually if you tax everyone with money the people who own the companies that much.

They will all move out of the USA and unemployment here will be 50 percent, and with all the rich people gone, who will suffer.

Grow up kid it can not happen, though it did in Cuba and Venezuela
To what country would all these rich people move, tard?
Cuba has a gated community. It is called Miami.
I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
And it was 90% under Eisenhower. And I think the start rate was 2 or 3 million.
But, there were so many loopholes that no one was taxed at 90%
Just as there are $1.4 trillion of "loopholes" in our tax code today.
Go ahead and list them for us, clown.
Hey dumbass: After Tax Reform, Tax Expenditures Remain Costly

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) recently released its latest tax expenditure estimates. The report shows that despite the 2017 tax law, which was billed as an effort to reduce tax breaks, tax expenditures will continue to cost $1.5 trillion per year.
If Jeff Bezos moved to a country with a lower tax rate (like, say, Australia) that would not affect employment in any way. We would still have, and Americans would still be buying from it, and the Amazon jobs would not move to Australia.

You people are parroting bullshit talking points. Your propagandists depend on your willful ignorance and stupidity.
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.

Did you read the article? They are already planning on how to shield their money from the tax, before it is even enacted.

Your system doesn't work. Stop pushing failed policies.
Some people are moving and putting their money in Swiss accounts too

How does this help America

The Swiss stopped allowing Americans to have secret accounts a long time ago.

There are still tax havens, but Switzerland isn't one any more.
Technically anyplace with a more favorable tax structure would do. The Bahamas work as well, as does Monaco. See it's not about hiding money, but being allowed to earn and keep what you have earned. Why would someone earning a billion dollars a year stay here and give up 700 million. This will never happen and a 70 percent tax will turn the USA into a third world poor country
Let them go. But don't let them sell their shit here.

That will hurt us, more than them. They'll be rich, and we'll be scraping by.
The Left thinks our deficits are caused by not taxing rich people enough.

The Right doesn't think at all. They actually believe that deficits are caused by taxing rich people too much. :lol:

Both sides are wrong.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this
Only a moron thinks AOC's plan means a $15.00 wage would be taxed at 70 percent.

Catastrophic fail. You obviously didn't even read your own link! :lol:

Priceless. You made a fool of yourself in public.
The people making 10 million or more are too small to make a difference even in decreasing the national debt increases. Try doing the math yourself fool. Then 50 percent of these people move out of the USA

What then dork
You thought a person earning $15.00 an hour would be taxed at 70 percent.

You are engaged in a debate on a subject in which you are completely ignorant.


Actually I know that taxing the rich at 70 percent will not raise nearly enough to prevent the poor from paying their share as well. I also know that if someone will earn a billion dollars and give up 700 million if they stay here that they will choose to leave putting more of the burden on the poor, like you
You are all deliberately kept ignorant about the real causes of our debt.

Our politicians are only doing what we demand of them. You get the politicians you deserve.

If you are pissed about all the spending and borrowing going on, look in the mirror. There's your culprit.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
The poor are so stupid that they will vote for a 70 percent tax on themselves, because they will get free stuff...………………..…..That they paid for
Did you read the article? They are already planning on how to shield their money from the tax, before it is even enacted.

Your system doesn't work. Stop pushing failed policies.
Some people are moving and putting their money in Swiss accounts too

How does this help America

The Swiss stopped allowing Americans to have secret accounts a long time ago.

There are still tax havens, but Switzerland isn't one any more.
Technically anyplace with a more favorable tax structure would do. The Bahamas work as well, as does Monaco. See it's not about hiding money, but being allowed to earn and keep what you have earned. Why would someone earning a billion dollars a year stay here and give up 700 million. This will never happen and a 70 percent tax will turn the USA into a third world poor country
Let them go. But don't let them sell their shit here.

That will hurt us, more than them. They'll be rich, and we'll be scraping by.
That is dead money anyway. How many jobs are being created by Bigcorp?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
The poor are so stupid that they will vote for a 70 percent tax on themselves, because they will get free stuff...………………..…..That they paid for
That is not AOC's plan. In fact, that has never been anyone's plan.

So it appears the stupid person in this picture is YOU. Not the poor.

"The poor are so stupid..." How revealing of your character.
I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
And it was 90% under Eisenhower. And I think the start rate was 2 or 3 million.
But, there were so many loopholes that no one was taxed at 90%
Good point. Wasn't it Leona Helmsley who said that taxes are for little people?
Didn't she do some jail time for being a tax cheat?
Don't remember. That was a long time ago and I didn't care that much.
You brought her were interested that much until I brought up that she was busted for
being a tax cheat. weird
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.
/——/ lets see you make 5 million and we’ll know how you really think
A person who earns $5 million in income in one year would be taxed at 37% under AOC's plan.

Just as they currently are.
So the national debt goes up 10 trillion a year under her plan

Now you understand It does not go up $10 trillion.

Stop listening to the voices in your head, retard. I've already warned you that you are WAY over your head on this subject. Stop making a public fool of yourself!
Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
Well, since even the most modest
-sized employers gross over $10 million, I assume you are naive about business and how much economic damage to the middle class such a tax scheme would likely cause.

Some people are moving and putting their money in Swiss accounts too

How does this help America

The Swiss stopped allowing Americans to have secret accounts a long time ago.

There are still tax havens, but Switzerland isn't one any more.
Technically anyplace with a more favorable tax structure would do. The Bahamas work as well, as does Monaco. See it's not about hiding money, but being allowed to earn and keep what you have earned. Why would someone earning a billion dollars a year stay here and give up 700 million. This will never happen and a 70 percent tax will turn the USA into a third world poor country
Let them go. But don't let them sell their shit here.

That will hurt us, more than them. They'll be rich, and we'll be scraping by.
That is dead money anyway. How many jobs are being created by Bigcorp?

All of them.

It would be hard for me to even come up with one job that is NOT created by bigcorp.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
The poor are so stupid that they will vote for a 70 percent tax on themselves, because they will get free stuff...………………..…..That they paid for
That is not AOC's plan. In fact, that has never been anyone's plan.

So it appears the stupid person in this picture is YOU. Not the poor.

"The poor are so stupid..." How revealing of your character.
AOC has no plan, she thinks unemployment is low because everyone like you has 2 jobs.

You have no idea how retarded she is
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

She is not proposing a 70% tax on all income...just on monies made AFTER $10 million. No one making $15/hour would be affected.

BTW - I am TOTALLY against high taxes on anyone. All it will do is force them to leave America and take their money with them.

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