Only an imbecile would vote for a 70 percent tax.....Link included fool

Jeff Bezos sells stuff, he can do so from the Bahamas.

Trust me genius

PS. Any stock can be bought from anywhere in the World

Ask around

Minor loophole thats easily closed .

You think I can get out of paying my states income tax by changing my address to a Florida P.O. Box ?

Monaco and the Bahamas as well as other places are tax free kid.

Get educated then come back

We could eliminate those tax havens if we wanted to .

Simply tell amazon we don’t care where your address is. You sell X amount of stuff in the USA . You are considered a USA company . Don’t like it? Pack up your shit and leave .

You think amazon will abandon the US market?

Bezos can leave with his money, and sell to the rest of the World, with a 70 percent tax on what he sells in the USA.

He would still be the Worlds richest man

You're an economic imbecile. You didn't even read the part about income over $10 million. Please take an economics course before commenting further. Even the dumbest conservatives on this board know more than you.

The people making that amount are too small to make a difference even in decreasing the national debt increases. Try doing the math yourself fool. Then 50 percent of these people move out of the USA

What then dork

LOL Do the economics on that fool
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.

No it doesn't. It's a horrible deal. Only stupid people would give up 70 percent in taxes to a govt that is 22 trillion in the hole and spends money on horrid foreign, domestic policy, never ending wars, and endless welfare social programs. It's time the govt does without.
Kick those rancid elements in government out, so the taxpayer can benefit.
History shows the 70 percent marginal tax benefits economy.

only 13,000 families make over 10 million per year, and only income in excess of 10 million would be taxed at 70%. That’s how marginal rates work. This tax would only impact 13,000 families.

The other 300+ million Americans should start voting in their personal best interest instead of the best interest of 13,000 of the richest families in the country.
Kid you forgot to include how much money those 13000 taxpayers would contribute?

Hint it won't be enough for shit, we are still 22 trillion in debt, the money raised would not even stop the debt from increasing

But you keep babbling
great job

Moron alert

Obama raised the debt by 8 trillion
We were recovering from a recession during that time, worst since the great depression.
President doesnt originate spending, who had the house during Obama?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this
Only a moron thinks AOC's plan means a $15.00 wage would be taxed at 70 percent.

Catastrophic fail. You obviously didn't even read your own link! :lol:

Priceless. You made a fool of yourself in public.
The people making 10 million or more are too small to make a difference even in decreasing the national debt increases. Try doing the math yourself fool. Then 50 percent of these people move out of the USA

What then dork
We did fine for the decades that was in place before. That's when the Middle Class was growing.

The rest of the world was smouldering ruins from WW2 then....we had no competition, no trade deficits....we had little debt and the mexicans were in mexico instead of here...the good old days. MAGA!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
Actually if you tax everyone with money the people who own the companies that much.

They will all move out of the USA and unemployment here will be 50 percent, and with all the rich people gone, who will suffer.

Grow up kid it can not happen, though it did in Cuba and Venezuela

They are going to move out of the market where they make all their money ?

Who said they make all there money in this market?


Is GM selling more automobiles inside or outside the US? Outside.


Where is apple making it's money? Only 34% of apple sales are in the Americans, and that number includes places outside the US.

So this idea that companies can't leave the US market, that might have been true in the 50s to the 90s. But it is most certainly not true today.
We did fine for the decades that was in place before. That's when the Middle Class was growing.

And why was that, exactly? Are you really trying to compare the global economy of the 1950s to that of 2019? If so, you might want to stop now and save yourself the embarrassment.
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.

No it doesn't. It's a horrible deal. Only stupid people would give up 70 percent in taxes to a govt that is 22 trillion in the hole and spends money on horrid foreign, domestic policy, never ending wars, and endless welfare social programs. It's time the govt does without.
Kick those rancid elements in government out, so the taxpayer can benefit.
History shows the 70 percent marginal tax benefits economy.

only 13,000 families make over 10 million per year, and only income in excess of 10 million would be taxed at 70%. That’s how marginal rates work. This tax would only impact 13,000 families.

The other 300+ million Americans should start voting in their personal best interest instead of the best interest of 13,000 of the richest families in the country.
Kid you forgot to include how much money those 13000 taxpayers would contribute?

Hint it won't be enough for shit, we are still 22 trillion in debt, the money raised would not even stop the debt from increasing

But you keep babbling
great job

If you really believe that national debt and deficits isn't a big deal... you are crazy.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this
Only a moron thinks AOC's plan means a $15.00 wage would be taxed at 70 percent.

Catastrophic fail. You obviously didn't even read your own link! :lol:

Priceless. You made a fool of yourself in public.

Someone has to pay the bill. The middle class in California is paying double the taxes of other states.

When you drastically increase spending, you have to drastically increase taxes.

Why do you think all the Nordic countries that have all the programs that AOC and her idiot friends support, all have the middle class paying more than 50% of their income in taxes?
I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
And it was 90% under Eisenhower. And I think the start rate was 2 or 3 million.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this
Only a moron thinks AOC's plan means a $15.00 wage would be taxed at 70 percent.

Catastrophic fail. You obviously didn't even read your own link! :lol:

Priceless. You made a fool of yourself in public.
The people making 10 million or more are too small to make a difference even in decreasing the national debt increases. Try doing the math yourself fool. Then 50 percent of these people move out of the USA

What then dork
You thought a person earning $15.00 an hour would be taxed at 70 percent.

You are engaged in a debate on a subject in which you are completely ignorant.

To what country would a billionaire move to escape high taxes, tards?

Some "shithole" somewhere? :lol:
I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
And it was 90% under Eisenhower. And I think the start rate was 2 or 3 million.
But, there were so many loopholes that no one was taxed at 90%
Good point. Wasn't it Leona Helmsley who said that taxes are for little people?
Didn't she do some jail time for being a tax cheat?
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.

Did you read the article? They are already planning on how to shield their money from the tax, before it is even enacted.

Your system doesn't work. Stop pushing failed policies.
Some people are moving and putting their money in Swiss accounts too

How does this help America

The Swiss stopped allowing Americans to have secret accounts a long time ago.

There are still tax havens, but Switzerland isn't one any more.
Technically anyplace with a more favorable tax structure would do. The Bahamas work as well, as does Monaco. See it's not about hiding money, but being allowed to earn and keep what you have earned. Why would someone earning a billion dollars a year stay here and give up 700 million. This will never happen and a 70 percent tax will turn the USA into a third world poor country
Let them go. But don't let them sell their shit here.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
Actually if you tax everyone with money the people who own the companies that much.

They will all move out of the USA and unemployment here will be 50 percent, and with all the rich people gone, who will suffer.

Grow up kid it can not happen, though it did in Cuba and Venezuela
To what country would all these rich people move, tard?
I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
And it was 90% under Eisenhower. And I think the start rate was 2 or 3 million.
But, there were so many loopholes that no one was taxed at 90%
Just as there are $1.4 trillion of "loopholes" in our tax code today.
Go ahead and list them for us, clown.

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