Only Black Senator Not Invited to March on Washington

When the 50th Anniversary was coming up, I knew there would be whining and gnashing of teeth by the was just a question of what form it would take. Now we know.

yes and we saw what form the 'rally' took, heres a perfect example of pathological denial coupled with narcissistic personality disorder...;

Realize the Dream Rally and March

C-Span coverage

Randi Weingarten starts at 3:16: 53

Realize the Dream Rally and March - C-SPAN Video Library
Sorry Republicans, But Sen. Tim Scott Was Invited To the March On Washington

The latest in Republican false meme creation began when ABC “Benghazi emails” News reported, “The only African American serving in the Senate, Republican Tim Scott, wasn’t invited to partake in the festivities today, a spokesman confirmed to ABC News.” This statement was also reported by the Newscorp owned Wall Street Journal, which was then quoted by The Washington Post.

But according to the event organizers, this isn’t true. Roll Call broke with the mainstream media tradition of taking a Republican’s word for it by actually asking the organizers of the event if Republicans were invited. In an email statement, a spokesperson for the event said, “This was truly a bipartisan outreach effort…All members of congress were invited to attend and the Republican leadership was invited to speak. Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s office was very helpful in trying to find someone to speak at the event. Making this commemoration bi-partisan was especially important to members of the King family, too.”

Typical crap. Cherry pick paragraphs. No mention that Cantors invite was an afterthought 12 days before the event after he had already committed to other events, albeit, non official.

You guys are so fucking hell bent on painting the GOP as a bunch of racists, you refuse to see what the fuck is happening around you.

Let's turn this around and look at it from a serious, professional viewpoint:

Why would Eric Cantor, John Boehner, etc. make plans to be elsewhere? They have top-notch staffs as Speaker and Majority Leader. These staffs know how to read a calendar.

If anyone in Washington had "scheduling conflicts" it was deliberate.

as the only sitting black senator would you have gone as a 'spectator'?
Typical crap. Cherry pick paragraphs. No mention that Cantors invite was an afterthought 12 days before the event after he had already committed to other events, albeit, non official.

You guys are so fucking hell bent on painting the GOP as a bunch of racists, you refuse to see what the fuck is happening around you.

Let's turn this around and look at it from a serious, professional viewpoint:

Why would Eric Cantor, John Boehner, etc. make plans to be elsewhere? They have top-notch staffs as Speaker and Majority Leader. These staffs know how to read a calendar.

If anyone in Washington had "scheduling conflicts" it was deliberate.

as the only sitting black senator would you have gone as a 'spectator'? IS about him being black?
Let's turn this around and look at it from a serious, professional viewpoint:

Why would Eric Cantor, John Boehner, etc. make plans to be elsewhere? They have top-notch staffs as Speaker and Majority Leader. These staffs know how to read a calendar.

If anyone in Washington had "scheduling conflicts" it was deliberate.

as the only sitting black senator would you have gone as a 'spectator'? IS about him being black?

:lol: of course it is, you'd invite prominent gays to speak at an event lauding gay rights wouldn't you?
Typical crap. Cherry pick paragraphs. No mention that Cantors invite was an afterthought 12 days before the event after he had already committed to other events, albeit, non official.

You guys are so fucking hell bent on painting the GOP as a bunch of racists, you refuse to see what the fuck is happening around you.

Let's turn this around and look at it from a serious, professional viewpoint:

Why would Eric Cantor, John Boehner, etc. make plans to be elsewhere? They have top-notch staffs as Speaker and Majority Leader. These staffs know how to read a calendar.

If anyone in Washington had "scheduling conflicts" it was deliberate.

as the only sitting black senator would you have gone as a 'spectator'?

Really now?

If top Republican leadership had said....We cannot attend but will send Sen Scott to represent the party
You think he would have been a spectator?

Come straight.......GOP leadership passed the word that nobody attends and they would save face by attending the GOP sponsored event
Typical crap. Cherry pick paragraphs. No mention that Cantors invite was an afterthought 12 days before the event after he had already committed to other events, albeit, non official.

You guys are so fucking hell bent on painting the GOP as a bunch of racists, you refuse to see what the fuck is happening around you.

Let's turn this around and look at it from a serious, professional viewpoint:

Why would Eric Cantor, John Boehner, etc. make plans to be elsewhere? They have top-notch staffs as Speaker and Majority Leader. These staffs know how to read a calendar.

If anyone in Washington had "scheduling conflicts" it was deliberate.

as the only sitting black senator would you have gone as a 'spectator'?
I'm saying that this event has been on the calendar for 50 years!

If Senator Scott was interested in participating, his Senate staff would have made the arrangements. United States Senators have highly competent, top-notch staffs. Don't try to tell me that this crept up on him.

It's already been shown that everyone in Congress was invited. He turned that down. If he felt that he deserved special consideration because he's Black (a weird thing for a Republican to argue), then he could have voiced that concern. He did not. His staff did not.
Look, I am not going to argue dueling links which all seem to back each other up in that he was invited , as to an invite to attend the event, the links make their own delineation(s) as to an invite, spectator role and speaking etc...*shrugs*
Look, I am not going to argue dueling links which all seem to back each other up in that he was invited , as to an invite to attend the event, the links make their own delineation(s) as to an invite, spectator role and speaking etc...*shrugs*
Statist libs are all about parsing,'s how they rule their lives. Lives in shades of gray, where nothing is certain, black, or white. Truth for them is a hard pill to swallow.
Let's turn this around and look at it from a serious, professional viewpoint:

Why would Eric Cantor, John Boehner, etc. make plans to be elsewhere? They have top-notch staffs as Speaker and Majority Leader. These staffs know how to read a calendar.

If anyone in Washington had "scheduling conflicts" it was deliberate.

as the only sitting black senator would you have gone as a 'spectator'?
I'm saying that this event has been on the calendar for 50 years!

If Senator Scott was interested in participating, his Senate staff would have made the arrangements. United States Senators have highly competent, top-notch staffs. Don't try to tell me that this crept up on him.

It's already been shown that everyone in Congress was invited. He turned that down. If he felt that he deserved special consideration because he's Black (a weird thing for a Republican to argue), then he could have voiced that concern. He did not. His staff did not.

wait wait wait...
If he felt that he deserved special consideration because he's Black (a weird thing for a Republican to argue)

you're going to play that card? seriously?:lol: from a party that celebrates every single democratic black, woman, gay, hispanic etc etc etc who attains any kind of status?

he should not have had to ask, everyone from la raza to the NEA president to the first black DC dog catcher got a slot;).........please huh. :rolleyes:
Look, I am not going to argue dueling links which all seem to back each other up in that he was invited , as to an invite to attend the event, the links make their own delineation(s) as to an invite, spectator role and speaking etc...*shrugs*
Statist libs are all about parsing,'s how they rule their lives. Lives in shades of gray, where nothing is certain, black, or white. Truth for them is a hard pill to swallow.
You see things in black and white.

I see things in Technicolor.
as the only sitting black senator would you have gone as a 'spectator'?
I'm saying that this event has been on the calendar for 50 years!

If Senator Scott was interested in participating, his Senate staff would have made the arrangements. United States Senators have highly competent, top-notch staffs. Don't try to tell me that this crept up on him.

It's already been shown that everyone in Congress was invited. He turned that down. If he felt that he deserved special consideration because he's Black (a weird thing for a Republican to argue), then he could have voiced that concern. He did not. His staff did not.

wait wait wait...
If he felt that he deserved special consideration because he's Black (a weird thing for a Republican to argue)

you're going to play that card? seriously?:lol: from a party that celebrates every single democratic black, woman, gay, hispanic etc etc etc who attains any kind of status?

he should not have had to ask, everyone from la raza to the NEA president to the first black DC dog catcher got a slot;).........please huh. :rolleyes:

How many Congressmen, Black or Otherwise, were invited to speak?
Look, I am not going to argue dueling links which all seem to back each other up in that he was invited , as to an invite to attend the event, the links make their own delineation(s) as to an invite, spectator role and speaking etc...*shrugs*
Statist libs are all about parsing,'s how they rule their lives. Lives in shades of gray, where nothing is certain, black, or white. Truth for them is a hard pill to swallow.
You see things in black and white.

I see things in Technicolor.
Still on an acid trip?

Cute response...won't cut butter no matter how hot YOU think you are.
as the only sitting black senator would you have gone as a 'spectator'?
I'm saying that this event has been on the calendar for 50 years!

If Senator Scott was interested in participating, his Senate staff would have made the arrangements. United States Senators have highly competent, top-notch staffs. Don't try to tell me that this crept up on him.

It's already been shown that everyone in Congress was invited. He turned that down. If he felt that he deserved special consideration because he's Black (a weird thing for a Republican to argue), then he could have voiced that concern. He did not. His staff did not.

wait wait wait...
If he felt that he deserved special consideration because he's Black (a weird thing for a Republican to argue)
you're going to play that card? seriously?:lol: from a party that celebrates every single democratic black, woman, gay, hispanic etc etc etc who attains any kind of status?

he should not have had to ask, everyone from la raza to the NEA president to the first black DC dog catcher got a slot;).........please huh. :rolleyes:

I'm not playing any card.

I'm pointing out that it would be a weird thing for Republicans to argue.
Look, I am not going to argue dueling links which all seem to back each other up in that he was invited , as to an invite to attend the event, the links make their own delineation(s) as to an invite, spectator role and speaking etc...*shrugs*
Statist libs are all about parsing,'s how they rule their lives. Lives in shades of gray, where nothing is certain, black, or white. Truth for them is a hard pill to swallow.

I am CERTAIN, that if I invited someone to an event and they sent regrets, stating they were going to be out of state at that time, I would NOT waste my time then asking them to speak at that event. I know they cannot make is that parsing?
Statist libs are all about parsing,'s how they rule their lives. Lives in shades of gray, where nothing is certain, black, or white. Truth for them is a hard pill to swallow.
You see things in black and white.

I see things in Technicolor.
Still on an acid trip?

Cute response...won't cut butter no matter how hot YOU think you are.

How is inviting someone, having them decline because they say they will be out of the state at that time "parsing" things?
I'm saying that this event has been on the calendar for 50 years!

If Senator Scott was interested in participating, his Senate staff would have made the arrangements. United States Senators have highly competent, top-notch staffs. Don't try to tell me that this crept up on him.

It's already been shown that everyone in Congress was invited. He turned that down. If he felt that he deserved special consideration because he's Black (a weird thing for a Republican to argue), then he could have voiced that concern. He did not. His staff did not.

wait wait wait...
If he felt that he deserved special consideration because he's Black (a weird thing for a Republican to argue)

you're going to play that card? seriously?:lol: from a party that celebrates every single democratic black, woman, gay, hispanic etc etc etc who attains any kind of status?

he should not have had to ask, everyone from la raza to the NEA president to the first black DC dog catcher got a slot;).........please huh. :rolleyes:

How many Congressmen, Black or Otherwise, were invited to speak?

I have no idea......
Look, I am not going to argue dueling links which all seem to back each other up in that he was invited , as to an invite to attend the event, the links make their own delineation(s) as to an invite, spectator role and speaking etc...*shrugs*
Statist libs are all about parsing,'s how they rule their lives. Lives in shades of gray, where nothing is certain, black, or white. Truth for them is a hard pill to swallow.

I am CERTAIN, that if I invited someone to an event and they sent regrets, stating they were going to be out of state at that time, I would NOT waste my time then asking them to speak at that event. I know they cannot make is that parsing?

why wasn't he asked to speak straight away? cart,, cart.
Anyone have a guess as to what Tim Scott *would* have said, would he have decided to attend and speak?
...he hates everything democrats stand for, so just what exactly would have been his message, as he stood there, on the stage with the NAACP?

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