Only Black Senator Not Invited to March on Washington

Why was none of this written before yesterday?
Because it isn't true. It's a deflection from the criticism.
Senator Scott was very graceful and dignified in his answer on why he was not invited.
Tim Scott Takes High Road After MLK Anniversary Snub

Sen Scott is no different than any other Republican. He chose to avoid the official ceremony where content would be uncomfortable for Republicans and attend a Republican only event where they could control content
Sorry Republicans, But Sen. Tim Scott Was Invited To the March On Washington

The latest in Republican false meme creation began when ABC “Benghazi emails” News reported, “The only African American serving in the Senate, Republican Tim Scott, wasn’t invited to partake in the festivities today, a spokesman confirmed to ABC News.” This statement was also reported by the Newscorp owned Wall Street Journal, which was then quoted by The Washington Post.

But according to the event organizers, this isn’t true. Roll Call broke with the mainstream media tradition of taking a Republican’s word for it by actually asking the organizers of the event if Republicans were invited. In an email statement, a spokesperson for the event said, “This was truly a bipartisan outreach effort…All members of congress were invited to attend and the Republican leadership was invited to speak. Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s office was very helpful in trying to find someone to speak at the event. Making this commemoration bi-partisan was especially important to members of the King family, too.”

Darn it!!! You beat me to it! I was just about to post that FACT. I wonder how the race baiting rightwing republican "conservative" bigots who were posting that crap in the beginning of this thread feel now? Probably nothing because all they have is hate and NO CLASS whatsoever.
Sorry Republicans, But Sen. Tim Scott Was Invited To the March On Washington

The latest in Republican false meme creation began when ABC “Benghazi emails” News reported, “The only African American serving in the Senate, Republican Tim Scott, wasn’t invited to partake in the festivities today, a spokesman confirmed to ABC News.” This statement was also reported by the Newscorp owned Wall Street Journal, which was then quoted by The Washington Post.

But according to the event organizers, this isn’t true. Roll Call broke with the mainstream media tradition of taking a Republican’s word for it by actually asking the organizers of the event if Republicans were invited. In an email statement, a spokesperson for the event said, “This was truly a bipartisan outreach effort…All members of congress were invited to attend and the Republican leadership was invited to speak. Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s office was very helpful in trying to find someone to speak at the event. Making this commemoration bi-partisan was especially important to members of the King family, too.”
So the NEW Senator from South Carolina isn't part of the "Republican Leadership" yet? Why not?
Sorry Republicans, But Sen. Tim Scott Was Invited To the March On Washington

The latest in Republican false meme creation began when ABC “Benghazi emails” News reported, “The only African American serving in the Senate, Republican Tim Scott, wasn’t invited to partake in the festivities today, a spokesman confirmed to ABC News.” This statement was also reported by the Newscorp owned Wall Street Journal, which was then quoted by The Washington Post.

But according to the event organizers, this isn’t true. Roll Call broke with the mainstream media tradition of taking a Republican’s word for it by actually asking the organizers of the event if Republicans were invited. In an email statement, a spokesperson for the event said, “This was truly a bipartisan outreach effort…All members of congress were invited to attend and the Republican leadership was invited to speak. Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s office was very helpful in trying to find someone to speak at the event. Making this commemoration bi-partisan was especially important to members of the King family, too.”

Darn it!!! You beat me to it! I was just about to post that FACT. I wonder how the race baiting rightwing republican "conservative" bigots who were posting that crap in the beginning of this thread feel now? Probably nothing because all they have is hate and NO CLASS whatsoever.

It's not about facts or thruth. It's about planting a seed in the minds of the Tea Party and Republican base. It's called disinformation, the purposeful reporting of misinformation. If a poll is taken next week the entire Tea Party and at least 30% of the Republican party will insist that Republicans were shunned and left out of the ceremony. Instead of the Republican's insulting the black community, it is being turned around to appear the exect opposite. That is what guys like O'Riley do. They plant seeds for the base to devour because they know they are suckers.
Lets stop the Bullshit and cut to the chase...

Republicans boycotted the event because Obama was the keynote speaker. This fake outrage over Sen Scott not being asked to speak is just another smoke screen to cover up the fact that Republicans are afraid that TeaTards will use it against them...Bad photo-ops

Republicans Decline To Speak At March On Washington Commemoration | News One

Not a single Republican elected official — not one — participated in the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, despite invitations from event organizers, reports the Washington Post.

Republicans came up with a laundry list of excuses, from ill health to scheduling conflicts, to justify their absence, but former Republican Chair Michael Steele said that the conservative response is a typical — and damaging — one:

“It’s part of a continuing narrative that the party finds itself in with these big deals for minority communities around the country and how they perceive our response to them,” he said.

We had a very concerted effort, because this is not a political moment. This was about us coming together as a community, so we wanted to be sure that we had all political representations,” Daughtry said. “We attempted very vigorously to have someone from the GOP participate and unfortunately they were unable to find someone who was able to participate.”

Though the GOP couldn’t find time to attend the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, the Republican National Committee did manage to organize a separate event at the Capitol Hill Club. Former U.S. Rep. Allen West and T.W. Shannon, speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, were in attendance, as were other high ranking conservative officials.

Once again, kudos and respect to Michael Steele!!!
Yep. I don't know why they canned him.


Yeah, no clue at all! :lol: Good to see you posting here again, I hope all is well.

Funny, I thought the title of this thread was, "Only Black Senator Not Invited to March on Washington". Sure looks like the source you're bashing pretty much disproves that.

Here's another one for you to bash:

Tim Scott Declined Invitation To Attend MLK Event As Spectator | TPM LiveWire


Yep, I just became aware of this and decide to come and find this thread and post the update.

Tim Scott Declined Invite to Attend MLK March as Spectator | The World's Greatest Deliberative Body
Tim Scott Declined Invitation To Attend MLK Event As Spectator | TPM LiveWire
Senator Tim Scott Turned Down Invitation to 50th Anniversary of MLK Speech | Mediaite

And as it turns out, they asked a long list of Republican leaders to come out and to a man/woman they all turned it down...
'They asked a long list of Republicans to come' - The Maddow Blog
Boehner, Cantor Turned Down Invitation To Speak At MLK Anniversary
Boehner, Cantor Turned Down Chance to Speak at March Anniversary (Updated) | Goppers

WoW!! This thread is not only a big FAIL, but a big LIE!!

What else to expect from another USMB rabid RW Republican poster.


Fact of the matter is that no Republican was going to sit there and listen to speaker after speaker attack Republican voter suppression and meekly scowl

Fact is that no Republican was going to get up and try to explain to tens of thousands of blacks why GOP policies are in their best interests
They had the BIGGEST and BEST opportunity to reach out to blacks during this thing. Literally a ONCE in a lifetime event, but their hateful rhetoric and politics wouldn't let them do it.

To the Republican Party, you done EFFED up! You know it right?

[ame=]U done fucked up - YouTube[/ame]

Lets stop the Bullshit and cut to the chase...

Republicans boycotted the event because Obama was the keynote speaker. This fake outrage over Sen Scott not being asked to speak is just another smoke screen to cover up the fact that Republicans are afraid that TeaTards will use it against them...Bad photo-ops

Republicans Decline To Speak At March On Washington Commemoration | News One

Not a single Republican elected official — not one — participated in the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, despite invitations from event organizers, reports the Washington Post.

Republicans came up with a laundry list of excuses, from ill health to scheduling conflicts, to justify their absence, but former Republican Chair Michael Steele said that the conservative response is a typical — and damaging — one:

“It’s part of a continuing narrative that the party finds itself in with these big deals for minority communities around the country and how they perceive our response to them,” he said.

We had a very concerted effort, because this is not a political moment. This was about us coming together as a community, so we wanted to be sure that we had all political representations,” Daughtry said. “We attempted very vigorously to have someone from the GOP participate and unfortunately they were unable to find someone who was able to participate.”

Though the GOP couldn’t find time to attend the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, the Republican National Committee did manage to organize a separate event at the Capitol Hill Club. Former U.S. Rep. Allen West and T.W. Shannon, speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, were in attendance, as were other high ranking conservative officials.

Once again, kudos and respect to Michael Steele!!!
Yep. I don't know why they canned him.

You really don't know?

Just take a wild guess.

I'll give you one go.

Go for it.
They had the BIGGEST and BEST opportunity to reach out to blacks during this thing. Literally a ONCE in a lifetime event, but their hateful rhetoric and politics wouldn't let them do it.

To the Republican Party, you done EFFED up! You know it right?

Yup. Optics, man, optics.
Why was none of this written before yesterday?
Because it isn't true. It's a deflection from the criticism.
Senator Scott was very graceful and dignified in his answer on why he was not invited.
Tim Scott Takes High Road After MLK Anniversary Snub
Uhm...there's a thing called FACTS. You might have heard of it.

See, a reputable media outlet would work on getting those first, before they flew off the handle and started spouting off the source of the OP.

The OP website should be considered a DISREPUTABLE source going forward to anyone who's interested in credibility and/or being taken seriously.
Sorry Republicans, But Sen. Tim Scott Was Invited To the March On Washington

The latest in Republican false meme creation began when ABC “Benghazi emails” News reported, “The only African American serving in the Senate, Republican Tim Scott, wasn’t invited to partake in the festivities today, a spokesman confirmed to ABC News.” This statement was also reported by the Newscorp owned Wall Street Journal, which was then quoted by The Washington Post.

But according to the event organizers, this isn’t true. Roll Call broke with the mainstream media tradition of taking a Republican’s word for it by actually asking the organizers of the event if Republicans were invited. In an email statement, a spokesperson for the event said, “This was truly a bipartisan outreach effort…All members of congress were invited to attend and the Republican leadership was invited to speak. Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s office was very helpful in trying to find someone to speak at the event. Making this commemoration bi-partisan was especially important to members of the King family, too.”

Darn it!!! You beat me to it! I was just about to post that FACT. I wonder how the race baiting rightwing republican "conservative" bigots who were posting that crap in the beginning of this thread feel now? Probably nothing because all they have is hate and NO CLASS whatsoever.

It's not about facts or thruth. It's about planting a seed in the minds of the Tea Party and Republican base. It's called disinformation, the purposeful reporting of misinformation. If a poll is taken next week the entire Tea Party and at least 30% of the Republican party will insist that Republicans were shunned and left out of the ceremony. Instead of the Republican's insulting the black community, it is being turned around to appear the exect opposite. That is what guys like O'Riley do. They plant seeds for the base to devour because they know they are suckers.

I guarantee that lie will be popping up again and again forever.

Yep, I just became aware of this and decide to come and find this thread and post the update.

Tim Scott Declined Invite to Attend MLK March as Spectator | The World's Greatest Deliberative Body
Tim Scott Declined Invitation To Attend MLK Event As Spectator | TPM LiveWire
Senator Tim Scott Turned Down Invitation to 50th Anniversary of MLK Speech | Mediaite

And as it turns out, they asked a long list of Republican leaders to come out and to a man/woman they all turned it down...
'They asked a long list of Republicans to come' - The Maddow Blog
Boehner, Cantor Turned Down Invitation To Speak At MLK Anniversary
Boehner, Cantor Turned Down Chance to Speak at March Anniversary (Updated) | Goppers

WoW!! This thread is not only a big FAIL, but a big LIE!!

What else to expect from another USMB rabid RW Republican poster.


Fact of the matter is that no Republican was going to sit there and listen to speaker after speaker attack Republican voter suppression and meekly scowl

Fact is that no Republican was going to get up and try to explain to tens of thousands of blacks why GOP policies are in their best interests
They had the BIGGEST and BEST opportunity to reach out to blacks during this thing. Literally a ONCE in a lifetime event, but their hateful rhetoric and politics wouldn't let them do it.

To the Republican Party, you done EFFED up! You know it right?

[ame=]U done fucked up - YouTube[/ame]


I wonder if their spin doctors realize that...but instead of trying to patch things up, jumped the shark with the Big Lie about being snubbed.

Fact of the matter is that no Republican was going to sit there and listen to speaker after speaker attack Republican voter suppression and meekly scowl

Fact is that no Republican was going to get up and try to explain to tens of thousands of blacks why GOP policies are in their best interests
They had the BIGGEST and BEST opportunity to reach out to blacks during this thing. Literally a ONCE in a lifetime event, but their hateful rhetoric and politics wouldn't let them do it.

To the Republican Party, you done EFFED up! You know it right?

[ame=]U done fucked up - YouTube[/ame]


I wonder if their spin doctors realize that...but instead of trying to patch things up, jumped the shark with the Big Lie about being snubbed.

In fact...I bet we get MORE than an earful about them being "snubbed" on Hannity et al on FOX.
You are absolutely right bodecea

They are going to dig in tonight on both O'Riled Up and Sean "I Lost My Sanity" Hannity's shows tonight. And Greta the slightly retarded RW host will do the "some people are saying" cowardly thing she always does like the rancid COCKAROACH she is.

So....Tim Scott...being a Republican leader was invited to speak, right?
Looks like all of Congress was invited. That includes Tim Scott.

But FOXNEWS didn't invite Tim Scott on, either.

And you know that Mitch, Boehner, Lyin' Ryan, Ayn Rand Paul, Marco (Polo!), and Rafael Cruz are not gonna sit there listening to speech after speech railing against the restrictions to the Constitutional right to vote.

They ain't got the stones to defend their actions.

yeah, I think that's hammer on nail. Not that there aren't gopers with records on discrimination that are admirable. Orin Hatch comes immediately to mind. McCain absolutely refused to play the J. Wright race card, even knowing it was probably his only chance. Romney, unfortuntely, discarded his manhood in search of a nomination of a party controlled by a lunatic fringe.

But, how can any goper with any integrity stand up there when you see to voter suppression efforts at the state level? And then there's the civil rights act stuff. I really was for trashing the whole justice dept oversight stuff, but then the various states went forth and pretty much said we want Jim Crow back.

It's pathetically sad, because LBJ never could have passed his agenda without guys like Dirksen

My only contention with this post is Hatch. It's easy to be magnanimous and non-discriminatory in your rhetoric when you represent one of the states with the fewest Blacks in the country. A state that would probably be dead last on a list of states Blacks would want to move to.
Sorry Republicans, But Sen. Tim Scott Was Invited To the March On Washington

The latest in Republican false meme creation began when ABC “Benghazi emails” News reported, “The only African American serving in the Senate, Republican Tim Scott, wasn’t invited to partake in the festivities today, a spokesman confirmed to ABC News.” This statement was also reported by the Newscorp owned Wall Street Journal, which was then quoted by The Washington Post.

But according to the event organizers, this isn’t true. Roll Call broke with the mainstream media tradition of taking a Republican’s word for it by actually asking the organizers of the event if Republicans were invited. In an email statement, a spokesperson for the event said, “This was truly a bipartisan outreach effort…All members of congress were invited to attend and the Republican leadership was invited to speak. Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s office was very helpful in trying to find someone to speak at the event. Making this commemoration bi-partisan was especially important to members of the King family, too.”

Typical crap. Cherry pick paragraphs. No mention that Cantors invite was an afterthought 12 days before the event after he had already committed to other events, albeit, non official.

You guys are so fucking hell bent on painting the GOP as a bunch of racists, you refuse to see what the fuck is happening around you.

Let's turn this around and look at it from a serious, professional viewpoint:

Why would Eric Cantor, John Boehner, etc. make plans to be elsewhere? They have top-notch staffs as Speaker and Majority Leader. These staffs know how to read a calendar.

If anyone in Washington had "scheduling conflicts" it was deliberate.
:lol: Of course, we all know that you're not a real black person unless you're a Democrat. Just one more example of why we don't need to take these fools seriously about anything they say or want.

Nation?s only black Senator not invited to speak at March on Washington had to be invited? What did the invitation look like? Was it on special paper? Did you have to RSVP?

actually yes, they did send out invitations, its an organized event, what, folks just show up? they had 3 days of events/speaking slots to organize and schedule.

It would be interesting to see if for instance, the organizers had contacted say, the National Black Republican Association and offer them slots etc....*shrugs*...
When the 50th Anniversary was coming up, I knew there would be whining and gnashing of teeth by the was just a question of what form it would take. Now we know.
:lol: Of course, we all know that you're not a real black person unless you're a Democrat. Just one more example of why we don't need to take these fools seriously about anything they say or want.

Nation?s only black Senator not invited to speak at March on Washington had to be invited? What did the invitation look like? Was it on special paper? Did you have to RSVP?

actually yes, they did send out invitations, its an organized event, what, folks just show up? they had 3 days of events/speaking slots to organize and schedule.

It would be interesting to see if for instance, the organizers had contacted say, the National Black Republican Association and offer them slots etc....*shrugs*...
They would have, but they were too busy filing Articles of Impeachment on the Kenyan Usurper.

I'm sure they would have been delighted to share the stage with "aka, Barry Soetoro".

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