Only honest answers please


Active Member
Jan 21, 2012
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.
You will not get the answers you want. I am registered Republican and vote every 2 years or other years if a tight school budget is up. I vote for a democrat that is Sheriff and I voted for the Democrat on my US House seat. ( not because he is great but because the Republican in the seat is really a democrat and I prefer to have the appropriate letter after his name.)

Obama is a joke, his whole defense is " I do not Know" If some Republican made that claim the liberals on this board would go nuts.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

ive voted in every election since i was old enough to vote.
I will vote for who ever is best for the nation. I don't care if its a dem or not.
I never supported his administration. I wish hillary had run, she would have been much better.

so now be honest, why do you ask?
I only vote in local elections.

Local elections in my area are generally non-partisan, and generally, all of the candidates would be considered "Democrats".

I have never felt the need to "support" the Obama administration.
I vote

If hillary runs i will vote for her for President . I do not vote party line locally the best guy or gal gets my selection

I support President Obama .
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

ive voted in every election since i was old enough to vote.
I will vote for who ever is best for the nation. I don't care if its a dem or not.
I never supported his administration. I wish hillary had run, she would have been much better.

so now be honest, why do you ask?

i asked the question because i am interested in whether people can see what is happening to us due to this administration or if they are still in la la land supporting obama. I am interested in seeing how many people out there would vote for these same career seeking politicians that are literally ruining our lives.........and Hillary is a career politician and i will not vote for her or anyone that has held office in this administration in the next elections.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

I vote and . Not only NO but HELL NO would I vote for Obama administration plus I am going to vote against some REP who voted for Obamacare. Like Chambliss of GA .
I have voted since 1978. I think I may missed one midterm when I was in Germany.

I have never voted for a Democrat for President since voting for Carter in 1980.

Yes, I was young, dumb, and a Democrat even though I was in the service at the time.

By the time President Reagan ran for re-election, I had smarten up enough to know that I would vote for him and hell would freeze over before voting for another Liberal for President.

And I haven't.

I have voted for some Democrats for county and city positions, but that is as high as I will go for voting for a Democrat.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

I vote in every election.

I wouldn't vote for a democrat EVER, for ANY reason. I've been burned one time too many by these commies.

I have never supported this administration. I don't have any faith whatsoever in this man. He is no more qualified today to be president than he was his first term.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

I vote
The last Democrat I voted for was JFK...only because he was Irish Catholic.
I never supported Obama and never will. He is an empty suit.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

ive voted in every election since i was old enough to vote.
I will vote for who ever is best for the nation. I don't care if its a dem or not.
I never supported his administration. I wish hillary had run, she would have been much better.

so now be honest, why do you ask?

Agreed. Hillary would have handled many things better. Obama's presidency was only possible because of the idiocy that preceded him and the animosity it inspired.
I only vote in local elections.

Local elections in my area are generally non-partisan, and generally, all of the candidates would be considered "Democrats".

I have never felt the need to "support" the Obama administration.

Even most who are CRA endorsed! ;)
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

I vote in every board to President

I have never voted a straight ticket

I still support the Obama administration

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