Only honest answers please

How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

I vote. I'm a Democrat. I vote for whoever I feel will do the job best. I made a horrible mistake voting for Obama the first time. I didn't vote for him the second time.
How many of you vote?

I have in every election (except 2008) since 1996, and I plan to keep doing so.

Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.

I'll vote for a democrook right after ice skating on the 7th level of hell.

How many of you still support the obama administration.

I have never suffered head trauma serious enough to ever have supported the moonbat messiah. I held just the slightest thread of hope he might shift the balance of power from the entrenched political elites, but alas he empowered them even more and it was evident during his regime's first week in power.

It makes me wonder how someone could survive head trauma serious enough to cause a person too be fooled by a "man" who can't deliver a speech to 3rd graders w/o a teleprompter.
Even though I'm a registered Republican, I tend to look at the candidates and will vote for the person I feel is the best candidate.

I didn't vote for Obama the first time around and sure as hell didn't vote for him the second time around. I wasn't thoroughly thrilled about Romney, but over the term of the campaign I did see a side of Romney and his family that seemed to be quite down to earth. Maybe my vote could be considered more a vote against Obama than a vote for Romney.

I voted for a Democrat in my first local election since moving to TN. I voted for his Republican opponent in this last election. The Dem's claims against his Rep opponent were SO far over the top that even a moron could see that the claims were impossible to have taken place.

One thing that bothers me about elections is that so many people vote for a particular party because "grandma and grandpa and mother and daddy voted for that party and by damn ... so will I." They don't look at the consequences of the agenda of a party and/or candidate, but just by default agree to that agenda even if they despise the agenda.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

Yes...I vote..Every year
Depends on who is running and for what they stand. Party affiliation means nothing. Only the message of the candidate's will.
Never have.
I vote

If hillary runs i will vote for her for President . I do not vote party line locally the best guy or gal gets my selection

I support President Obama .

Why would you vote for Hillary Clinton?. Please do not come back with "because she is a woman".
So you have a hidden agenda to see who agrees with you or who does not, it makes this quit bogus.
If someone votes they should be more than a person voting for a single issue. But that is not how it happens.
Voting is a right and privilege and should be taken seriously.

How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

ive voted in every election since i was old enough to vote.
I will vote for who ever is best for the nation. I don't care if its a dem or not.
I never supported his administration. I wish hillary had run, she would have been much better.

so now be honest, why do you ask?

i asked the question because i am interested in whether people can see what is happening to us due to this administration or if they are still in la la land supporting obama. I am interested in seeing how many people out there would vote for these same career seeking politicians that are literally ruining our lives.........and Hillary is a career politician and i will not vote for her or anyone that has held office in this administration in the next elections.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

I vote

I vote for Democrats at the federal level almost exclusively but state wide and local, I split my tickets.

As far as "still" supporting the Obama administration...I think we made the right choice on 2008, 2012 and if the election were held today, I'd cast my ballots the exact same way.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

Every election for at least the last 30 years, maybe missed a few but can't remember missing many.

I will probably vote of some democrats on the local level. I might not I have not decided. I pretty much am fed up with the lying that comes from the democrat party. (spelling intentional)

I can't find one reason to support Obama.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

every election

i used to vote for dems

then some dems

now i will not vote for any dems

there may be good ones out there

cant take the chance at having pelosi back in the seat

and the need to get reid out of his seat

overrides that

why would i support a president that actively

targets the 1st 2nd and the 4th amendments

has kill lists and is completely in the dark

on the activities of his administration
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

I vote

I vote for Democrats at the federal level almost exclusively but state wide and local, I split my tickets.

As far as "still" supporting the Obama administration...I think we made the right choice on 2008, 2012 and if the election were held today, I'd cast my ballots the exact same way.

Me too on all points.

In addition, people who don't vote really tick me off.
I try very hard to vote as a Christian. I'm prolife, for godly husband & wife marriage, freedom of open religious expression, separation of governmental influence in education, promotion of home schooling. I vote every election. I do not trust either party but find that there are more seemingly biblically led politicians among the Republicans at present.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

ive voted in every election since i was old enough to vote.
I will vote for who ever is best for the nation. I don't care if its a dem or not.
I never supported his administration. I wish hillary had run, she would have been much better.

so now be honest, why do you ask?

Agreed. Hillary would have handled many things better. Obama's presidency was only possible because of the idiocy that preceded him and the animosity it inspired.

Typical leftist response. That broad can't manage a marriage, but she can manage a country.....

And you wonder why we are 17 Trillion dollars in debt.....

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