Only honest answers please

I try very hard to vote as a Christian. I'm prolife, for godly husband & wife marriage, freedom of open religious expression, separation of governmental influence in education, promotion of home schooling. I vote every election. I do not trust either party but find that there are more seemingly biblically led politicians among the Republicans at present.

I would be interested in learning of christian Republicans. I don't know of any.
I vote in every election.

I vote for whoever is the best candidate-a lot are Dems but it really depends on the candidate for local elections especially. Next election I will be voting for my Rep and Senator who is up for election and they are both Dems. I've actually met and talked with them both and they are great.

Although I'm not happy with everything he has done, I still support Obama at this time. If Hillary runs in 2016, I'd support her too.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

ive voted in every election since i was old enough to vote.
I will vote for who ever is best for the nation. I don't care if its a dem or not.
I never supported his administration. I wish hillary had run, she would have been much better.

so now be honest, why do you ask?

I think it's clear from her time as Sec. of State Hillary was a disaster.

When I was in Somalia in 93 the same policy that led to 4 dead in Benghazi exposed us to unnecessary risk.

Hillary ran the Clinton White House back then. She decided that the United States didn't need to secure the safety of it's troops when everyone else in the world did. We were refused the measures that every other country gave it's troops without a second thought. We were forced to drive around a hostile city in aluminum and canvas Humvees while everyone else was driving around in tanks and armored personnel carriers. You see, Hillary believes that if you act passive your enemies will be nice to you. I can say unequivocally that she still hasn't learned her lesson.

BTW, Hillary did run for president and lost to somebody that had a bigger organization than she did. The nomination was pulled right from under her. Personally the only difference would have been Eric Holder wouldn't be taking out his racism on the country from the DoJ. The IRS would still be targeting conservatives.
I vote in every election. I will probably never vote for a democrat for any national office because the dem party has become the party of marx.

locally I vote for the best candidate regardless of party

the obama administration has been the most corrupt and incompetent in history. I could see that coming during the campaign but the media refused to properly vet him because they got all teary eyed over the first black president.

its really a shame that the first black president was such a loser and a fraud.
How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.


Fuck No

Never have, Fuck obama :cool:

My Voting record
1980 Reagan
1984 Reagan
1988 Bush
1992 Clinton (I must have been on dope)
1996 sat this one out (Clinton was a crook, Doyle was boring, Perot was bat shit crazy)
2000 Bush
2004 Bush
2008 Mcain (very reluctanly, lesser of two evils)
2012 Romney
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How many of you vote?
Are you going to vote for the democrats next election.
How many of you still support the obama administration.

I have voted in every election since 1978.

Until 2008 I alway voted for the Libertarians.

Depend on the issue. Nothing is black or white.

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