Only MAGA Republicans care about Meaningless Fake Hunter Biden Scandals, the Majority of America Doesn't Care

To note, Trump promised to investigate and prosecute Hillary. What happened?

We will see but Trump could have investigated Hunter also but did nothing.
you would never believe me if i told you about what i knew of the first sentence there on Hillery and i would not blame you because for over a year i did not believe it took me MANY dozens of dozens of hours of looking through alternative media before i believed it myself over a year later,its a rabbit hole many dont want to go down and i cant blame them.

,only if you go to to this one informative site the awake visit that you dont know about, would you know there is a lot of stuff that has taken place on that front that HAS been taken care of on her your never going to hear from the MSM media,i dont expect you to believe me and i dont blame you.

most people at this site dont know about this,only a few on my following list. im just going to leave you with EVERYTHING you thought hollywood was teling you all this time growing up as fiction,its actually for real and not fiction,it just sounded to bizaare out of this world to believe and sense it was only a movie,,most dismissed it.Its not fiction,they been shoving it right in our faces all this time telling us. most of us just thought sense it was coming out of hollywood though it was all make believe,but its not. as i said,its a rabbit hole most americans would never believe is for real.hell i still see people today that live in the fantasyworld that oswald killed jfk like the banker all the time.:rolleyes-41:

let me ask you this? do you deny that there are UFOS out there of unknown earth origin that come here and visit us? if you can accept that reality i will refer you to the place to go to but if you cant,then it would be a waste of time cause you are obviously still asleep as half the population is,the sheep.
here is a realiy banker baby troll will never accept. when challeneged to debunk it,he will do this-:scared1:


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The Modern GOP is the party of fake scandal mongering.
The GOP have scandal mongered numerous overblown scandals that produce nothing but government waste and go nowhere.
Scandals like:
a) White Water, that failed miserably and turned into Monica Lewinsky, a nothing burger scandal that was way overblown. Mega overblown.
b) Then the repeated investigations into HRC that produced absolutely nothing at all, maybe 20 fake HRC investigations that produced nothing at all
c) Nothing against Obama at all, or Biden, so now Hunter Biden, big woop...

BUT The Scandal mongering GOP cry and cry when they get investigated into extremely serious scandals and crimes like:
a) WaterGate and the subsequent web of lies and impeachment of Nixon
b) Iran Contra Mega scandal
c) Scooter Libby Iraq War scandal (a GOP scandal to lie and deceive Americans into supporting the Bush war in Iraq)
d) Trump's serious scandal into leveraging military aid for political gain (then Trump's best buddy invades Ukraine)
e) Trump's riot at the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened
f) Trump's serious mishandling of classified documents

The GOP have been found guilty of all those scandals guilty (Or are caught red handed), but the dems are guilty of no scandals, let me repeat: Dems guilty of nothing, except lying about a BJ...

Worse still the GOP cry like little babies everytime they are investigated (like Trump is right now), then they go out an over investigate and fake scandal monger against the Dems, and never ever find any guilt.

The Dems have never been found guilty of anything serious at all, meanwhile the GOP have been impeached, trading drugs for arms, outing secret agents to start a war in Iraq that we don't need, rioting at the Capitol on lies, and mishandling top secret material.

The dems are guilty of nothing but Monica Lewinsky, and never have been guilty of anything, but the GOP are guilty of everything and repeatedly commit extremely serious crimes that destroy America and cost us trillions.
That's D vs R, good vs evil.

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The Modern GOP is the party of fake scandal mongering.
The GOP have scandal mongered numerous overblown scandals that produce nothing but government waste and go nowhere.
Scandals like:
a) White Water, that failed miserably and turned into Monica Lewinsky, a nothing burger scandal that was way overblown. Mega overblown.
b) Then the repeated investigations into HRC that produced absolutely nothing at all, maybe 20 fake HRC investigations that produced nothing at all
c) Nothing against Obama at all, or Biden, so now Hunter Biden, big woop...

BUT The Scandal mongering GOP cry and cry when they get investigated into extremely serious scandals and crimes like:
a) WaterGate and the subsequent web of lies and impeachment of Nixon
b) Iran Contra Mega scandal
c) Scooter Libby Iraq War scandal (a GOP scandal to lie and deceive Americans into supporting the Bush war in Iraq)
d) Trump's serious scandal into leveraging military aid for political gain (then Trump's best buddy invades Ukraine)
e) Trump's riot at the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened
f) Trump's serious mishandling of classified documents

The GOP have been found guilty of all those scandals guilty (Or are caught red handed), but the dems are guilty of no scandals, let me repeat: Dems guilty of nothing, except lying about a BJ...

Worse still the GOP cry like little babies everytime they are investigated (like Trump is right now), then they go out an over investigate and fake scandal monger against the Dems, and never ever find any guilt.

The Dems have never been found guilty of anything serious at all, meanwhile the GOP have been impeached, trading drugs for arms, outing secret agents to start a war in Iraq that we don't need, rioting at the Capitol on lies, and mishandling top secret material.

The dems are guilty of nothing but Monica Lewinsky, and never have been guilty of anything, but the GOP are guilty of everything and repeatedly commit extremely serious crimes that destroy America and cost us trillions.
That's D vs R, good vs evil.

The dems are guilty of nothing but Monica Lewinsky, and never have been guilty of anything,

except making up charges to impeach Trump, TWICE.
Republicans are good at deficit spending schemes & blaming it on democrats. Republicans unsustainable deficits schemes always collapse into Job Killing Recessions.
banker is really crying over this news.:auiqs.jpg:

video imageplay 17369:56

Republicans Opens Investigation into Biden and his Family for Corruption!

except making up charges to impeach Trump, TWICE.
Trump was guilty that's the point, he incited a riot at the Capitol and he leveraged military aid for a fake investigation.

Nixon was guilty
Reagan was guilty
Bush was guilty- outing a secret agents to lie to go to war in Iraq...
Trump is guilty

yet no dem is guilty of anything but lying about a bj
no dem is guilty and HRC was found guilty of nothing.
Republicans are good at deficit spending schemes & blaming it on democrats. Republicans unsustainable deficits schemes always collapse into Job Killing Recessions.

On top of that the GOP have committed serious crimes, serious scandals with serious consequences, while the dems are guilty of nothing at all except lying about a BJ

The GOP is a corrupt failure.
The Modern GOP is the party of fake scandal mongering.
The GOP have scandal mongered numerous overblown scandals that produce nothing but government waste and go nowhere.
Scandals like:
a) White Water, that failed miserably and turned into Monica Lewinsky, a nothing burger scandal that was way overblown. Mega overblown.
b) Then the repeated investigations into HRC that produced absolutely nothing at all, maybe 20 fake HRC investigations that produced nothing at all
c) Nothing against Obama at all, or Biden, so now Hunter Biden, big woop...

BUT The Scandal mongering GOP cry and cry when they get investigated into extremely serious scandals and crimes like:
a) WaterGate and the subsequent web of lies and impeachment of Nixon
b) Iran Contra Mega scandal
c) Scooter Libby Iraq War scandal (a GOP scandal to lie and deceive Americans into supporting the Bush war in Iraq)
d) Trump's serious scandal into leveraging military aid for political gain (then Trump's best buddy invades Ukraine)
e) Trump's riot at the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened
f) Trump's serious mishandling of classified documents

The GOP have been found guilty of all those scandals guilty (Or are caught red handed), but the dems are guilty of no scandals, let me repeat: Dems guilty of nothing, except lying about a BJ...

Worse still the GOP cry like little babies everytime they are investigated (like Trump is right now), then they go out an over investigate and fake scandal monger against the Dems, and never ever find any guilt.

The Dems have never been found guilty of anything serious at all, meanwhile the GOP have been impeached, trading drugs for arms, outing secret agents to start a war in Iraq that we don't need, rioting at the Capitol on lies, and mishandling top secret material.

The dems are guilty of nothing but Monica Lewinsky, and never have been guilty of anything, but the GOP are guilty of everything and repeatedly commit extremely serious crimes that destroy America and cost us trillions.
That's D vs R, good vs evil.

Putin done it.

Besides, January 6th.
The Modern GOP is the party of fake scandal mongering.
The GOP have scandal mongered numerous overblown scandals that produce nothing but government waste and go nowhere.
Scandals like:
a) White Water, that failed miserably and turned into Monica Lewinsky, a nothing burger scandal that was way overblown. Mega overblown.
b) Then the repeated investigations into HRC that produced absolutely nothing at all, maybe 20 fake HRC investigations that produced nothing at all
c) Nothing against Obama at all, or Biden, so now Hunter Biden, big woop...

BUT The Scandal mongering GOP cry and cry when they get investigated into extremely serious scandals and crimes like:
a) WaterGate and the subsequent web of lies and impeachment of Nixon
b) Iran Contra Mega scandal
c) Scooter Libby Iraq War scandal (a GOP scandal to lie and deceive Americans into supporting the Bush war in Iraq)
d) Trump's serious scandal into leveraging military aid for political gain (then Trump's best buddy invades Ukraine)
e) Trump's riot at the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened
f) Trump's serious mishandling of classified documents

The GOP have been found guilty of all those scandals guilty (Or are caught red handed), but the dems are guilty of no scandals, let me repeat: Dems guilty of nothing, except lying about a BJ...

Worse still the GOP cry like little babies everytime they are investigated (like Trump is right now), then they go out an over investigate and fake scandal monger against the Dems, and never ever find any guilt.

The Dems have never been found guilty of anything serious at all, meanwhile the GOP have been impeached, trading drugs for arms, outing secret agents to start a war in Iraq that we don't need, rioting at the Capitol on lies, and mishandling top secret material.

The dems are guilty of nothing but Monica Lewinsky, and never have been guilty of anything, but the GOP are guilty of everything and repeatedly commit extremely serious crimes that destroy America and cost us trillions.
That's D vs R, good vs evil.

Do you know how fucking stupid you and your fellow fascist democrats are, the leftist propaganda mills could loudly proclaim that Trump & his family are aliens from Jupiter and you would have listed that as a scandal in your whining hate/rage op, that is how fucking stupid you retards are! :banana:
The majority of Americans elected republicans to reprsent them in congress. Let's see what they have to say before y'all lefties get hysterical.
After all the repeated nonstop scandals and crimes of Trump including several criminal investigations that could result in criminal charges, the majority of voters and independent voters do not care about more fake made up Hunter Biden scandals that mean little when we have real problems to deal with.
Problems like:
US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2020: $3.1T
and Putins invasion of Ukraine, and several other serious problems.

If the Republicans think these pointless scandals matter to anybody besides MAGA republicans, they are mistaken like always. Republicans just lost several midterms races that they should have easily won because of this MAGA baloney, nobody cares at all anymore (except MAGA republicans), its not 2016.
They are going to waste millions and maybe billions on fake scandals nobody cares about, and they will gain little politically, and possibley even lose politically, just like in the midterms.

Dipshit if it was fake the media wouldn't have covered it up and the FBI wouldn't have held on to the laptop for over a year.
Do you know how fucking stupid you and your fellow fascist democrats are, the leftist propaganda mills could loudly proclaim that Trump & his family are aliens from Jupiter and you would have listed that as a scandal in your whining hate/rage op, that is how fucking stupid you retards are! :banana:
yet we have Trump on tape inciting a riot at the Capitol and he is caught red handed illegally mishandling classified material...

sorry you lose
The Modern GOP is the party of fake scandal mongering.
The GOP have scandal mongered numerous overblown scandals that produce nothing but government waste and go nowhere.
Scandals like:
a) White Water, that failed miserably and turned into Monica Lewinsky, a nothing burger scandal that was way overblown. Mega overblown.
b) Then the repeated investigations into HRC that produced absolutely nothing at all, maybe 20 fake HRC investigations that produced nothing at all
c) Nothing against Obama at all, or Biden, so now Hunter Biden, big woop...

BUT The Scandal mongering GOP cry and cry when they get investigated into extremely serious scandals and crimes like:
a) WaterGate and the subsequent web of lies and impeachment of Nixon
b) Iran Contra Mega scandal
c) Scooter Libby Iraq War scandal (a GOP scandal to lie and deceive Americans into supporting the Bush war in Iraq)
d) Trump's serious scandal into leveraging military aid for political gain (then Trump's best buddy invades Ukraine)
e) Trump's riot at the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened
f) Trump's serious mishandling of classified documents

The GOP have been found guilty of all those scandals guilty (Or are caught red handed), but the dems are guilty of no scandals, let me repeat: Dems guilty of nothing, except lying about a BJ...

Worse still the GOP cry like little babies everytime they are investigated (like Trump is right now), then they go out an over investigate and fake scandal monger against the Dems, and never ever find any guilt.

The Dems have never been found guilty of anything serious at all, meanwhile the GOP have been impeached, trading drugs for arms, outing secret agents to start a war in Iraq that we don't need, rioting at the Capitol on lies, and mishandling top secret material.

The dems are guilty of nothing but Monica Lewinsky, and never have been guilty of anything, but the GOP are guilty of everything and repeatedly commit extremely serious crimes that destroy America and cost us trillions.
That's D vs R, good vs evil.

a) WaterGate and the subsequent web of lies and impeachment of Nixon

What was wrong with Watergate?
After all the repeated nonstop scandals and crimes of Trump including several criminal investigations that could result in criminal charges, the majority of voters and independent voters do not care about more fake made up Hunter Biden scandals that mean little when we have real problems to deal with.
Problems like:
US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2020: $3.1T
and Putins invasion of Ukraine, and several other serious problems.

If the Republicans think these pointless scandals matter to anybody besides MAGA republicans, they are mistaken like always. Republicans just lost several midterms races that they should have easily won because of this MAGA baloney, nobody cares at all anymore (except MAGA republicans), its not 2016.
They are going to waste millions and maybe billions on fake scandals nobody cares about, and they will gain little politically, and possibley even lose politically, just like in the midterms.

Of course liberals dont care if dems cheat,you've proven that for years.

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