Only One Purpose for 1st Degree Murder Charge of Chicago Cop


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Murder 1 requires premeditation. No sane jury can say it was premeditated murder.
Why Murder 1?
He will be found not guilty because he doesn't meet the requirements of murder 1.
Democrats will then riot across America with Obama and the usual suspects prodding them along.
All around election time next year.
Expect Obama to declare Martial law then.
Murder 1 requires premeditation. No sane jury can say it was premeditated murder.
Why Murder 1?
He will be found not guilty because he doesn't meet the requirements of murder 1.
Democrats will then riot across America with Obama and the usual suspects prodding them along.
All around election time next year.
Expect Obama to declare Martial law then.

Agreed to this very oddity in another thread. No way they prove 1st degree so if the jurors are limited to that, and can't find him guilty of 2nd or manslaughter, he'll be aquitted.

And having seen the video several times now, he should be aquitted. The guy was moving in a very aggressive manner almost stomping as he walked. The BLM guest on CNN described it as meandering think it was, but it wasn't. It was a frightful stomping and moving with purpose. When he got within that imaginary circle of lethality for knives the cop did what I woulda done. Especially with brother officers right next to him.

If the guy was known to be on PCP to the officers that'll help but dunno if they knew about that.
That a copy shot a suspect walking away from him sixteen times is the Only One Purpose for 1st Degree Murder Charge of Chicago Cop
None of the other police fired their guns . This guy shot 16x ? !?
Murder 1 requires premeditation. No sane jury can say it was premeditated murder.
Why Murder 1?
He will be found not guilty because he doesn't meet the requirements of murder 1.
Democrats will then riot across America with Obama and the usual suspects prodding them along.
All around election time next year.
Expect Obama to declare Martial law then.

Agreed to this very oddity in another thread. No way they prove 1st degree so if the jurors are limited to that, and can't find him guilty of 2nd or manslaughter, he'll be aquitted.

And having seen the video several times now, he should be aquitted. The guy was moving in a very aggressive manner almost stomping as he walked. The BLM guest on CNN described it as meandering think it was, but it wasn't. It was a frightful stomping and moving with purpose. When he got within that imaginary circle of lethality for knives the cop did what I woulda done. Especially with brother officers right next to him.

If the guy was known to be on PCP to the officers that'll help but dunno if they knew about that.
Depends upon Illinois law. In some states, juries are permitted to ask for instructions on lesser charges if they believe the higher charge does not meet the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Some state's laws permit the jury to consider ONLY the charge made by the People.
None of the other police fired their guns . This guy shot 16x ? !?
Something very wrong with that.
!st degree murder may not be warranted, but video shows the possibility the cop IS guilty of causing that person's death by an unlawful means.
At this point, I am a bit taken aback that there have been no federal civil rights violation charges brought.
Perhaps the US Attorney is waiting to see the outcome of the State trial.
That a copy shot a suspect walking away from him sixteen times is the Only One Purpose for 1st Degree Murder Charge of Chicago Cop
Rule One in firearm training: If you must shoot at a human being you shoot to kill. As in dead. You leftists think life is like Hollywood where you shoot him in the hand or shoulder and he surrenders.
That a copy shot a suspect walking away from him sixteen times is the Only One Purpose for 1st Degree Murder Charge of Chicago Cop
Rule One in firearm training: If you must shoot at a human being you shoot to kill. As in dead. You leftists think life is like Hollywood where you shoot him in the hand or shoulder and he surrenders.
Shooting to kill does not mean shooting the individual 16 times.

1st degree murder does not really fit though. As you said, that requires premeditation.
Murder 1 requires premeditation. No sane jury can say it was premeditated murder.
Why Murder 1?
He will be found not guilty because he doesn't meet the requirements of murder 1.
Democrats will then riot across America with Obama and the usual suspects prodding them along.
All around election time next year.
Expect Obama to declare Martial law then.

Personally I think shooting someone sixteen times is way OTT, actually it's outrageous.

I've noticed that the Leftist media appear to be doing all they can to incite the black community to go on a rioting spree. Typically base behaviour from them, like they always do. I have zero respect for the MSM.
That a copy shot a suspect walking away from him sixteen times is the Only One Purpose for 1st Degree Murder Charge of Chicago Cop
Rule One in firearm training: If you must shoot at a human being you shoot to kill. As in dead. You leftists think life is like Hollywood where you shoot him in the hand or shoulder and he surrenders.

I agree, but surely did it take sixteen shots to kill the man? I don't know.

I'm a Rightist, but even I think it was pretty outrageous.
Temporary insanity after first shot(s). Cop thought perp had weapon, then panic attack? Manslaughter maybe.

Don't put yourselves in these kind of situations DAILY, bound to be accidents. When the last time you running down middle of street with knife? Or try to take Cops gun INSIDE police car? or punch any Cop?
That a copy shot a suspect walking away from him sixteen times is the Only One Purpose for 1st Degree Murder Charge of Chicago Cop
Rule One in firearm training: If you must shoot at a human being you shoot to kill. As in dead. You leftists think life is like Hollywood where you shoot him in the hand or shoulder and he surrenders.

This is true... the only thing more dangerous than a crackhead on PCP wielding a knife, is to wound that jackass... such would be akin to lighting a bonfire around a gas tanker and throwing dynamite on it.
That a copy shot a suspect walking away from him sixteen times is the Only One Purpose for 1st Degree Murder Charge of Chicago Cop
Rule One in firearm training: If you must shoot at a human being you shoot to kill. As in dead. You leftists think life is like Hollywood where you shoot him in the hand or shoulder and he surrenders.

I agree, but surely did it take sixteen shots to kill the man? I don't know.

I'm a Rightist, but even I think it was pretty outrageous.
When I was thinking of becoming a cop and doing the training we had a cop and bad guy standing 10 feet apart shoot at each other one night during a call. Both emptied their clips and both were not hit. A lot of crazy things happen in a panic situation where your only thought is survival.
That a copy shot a suspect walking away from him sixteen times is the Only One Purpose for 1st Degree Murder Charge of Chicago Cop
Rule One in firearm training: If you must shoot at a human being you shoot to kill. As in dead. You leftists think life is like Hollywood where you shoot him in the hand or shoulder and he surrenders.
Shooting to kill does not mean shooting the individual 16 times.

1st degree murder does not really fit though. As you said, that requires premeditation.
You going to do a medical diagnoses in the 7 seconds during the shooting?

No, if he is twitching he is still dangerous.
None of the other police fired their guns .

They did not need to. The Threat was taken care of.

Based upon what?

I've read nothing that claims the threat was 'taken care of'.

Only one Cop needed to shoot. They keep saying "no other Cop fired". I say the others did not have to fire. The one firing was enough? Do all of them start firing if any one does? Maybe i should STFU? I never been a Cop. I never had any Cop need to pull a gun on me either.....what do I know?
That a copy shot a suspect walking away from him sixteen times is the Only One Purpose for 1st Degree Murder Charge of Chicago Cop
Rule One in firearm training: If you must shoot at a human being you shoot to kill. As in dead. You leftists think life is like Hollywood where you shoot him in the hand or shoulder and he surrenders.

I agree, but surely did it take sixteen shots to kill the man? I don't know.

I'm a Rightist, but even I think it was pretty outrageous.
When I was thinking of becoming a cop and doing the training we had a cop and bad guy standing 10 feet apart shoot at each other one night during a call. Both emptied their clips and both were not hit. A lot of crazy things happen in a panic situation where your only thought is survival.

Of course in a chaotic situation all manner of crazy things can and do occur. I just think sixteen shots is a bit much IMHO.

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