oooh, did Gini leak Supreme Court info to Trump's whackadoodle Big Lie Lawyer?

Nothing says diversity quite like salivating to throw the only black male justice off the SCOTUS.
I guess diversity is only good when it's been brainwashed & approved by the wokesters
Nothing says diversity quite like salivating to throw the only black male justice off the SCOTUS.
I guess diversity is only good when it's been brainwashed & approved by the wokesters
oh, I don't want Clarence put in jail. IF Gini leaked, I just want her investigated and tarred like any clerk who leaked on Alito.
oh, I don't want Clarence put in jail. IF Gini leaked, I just want her investigated and tarred like any clerk who leaked on Alito.
So you have proof she leaked info to the press... I'd like to see that.
Can we investigate all the justices families or only the conservative black guys?
OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH a new shiny object... to throw doubt on others and to deflect from the leak by a Liberal justice on the abortion issue... Who could not see this one coming...

The left is trying to dismantle the courts legitimacy with every lie on the books...

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