Ooops! EPA Head Deleted Those Msgs, Oh Well.

Why no one simply subpoenas the NSA's copies of all these communications I don't understand. And no one seems to ever get in trouble for violating the law about preserving communications.
Thus it continues. And will until someone realizes the consequences of their actions. Until then it is a free for all.

I had understood the nsa was approached on the irs scandal, but don't think there has been any response. I'm sure they probably don't feel threatened if they don't. Why should they?
Why no one simply subpoenas the NSA's copies of all these communications I don't understand. And no one seems to ever get in trouble for violating the law about preserving communications.
Thus it continues. And will until someone realizes the consequences of their actions. Until then it is a free for all.

I had understood the nsa was approached on the irs scandal, but don't think there has been any response. I'm sure they probably don't feel threatened if they don't. Why should they?
Why no one simply subpoenas the NSA's copies of all these communications I don't understand. And no one seems to ever get in trouble for violating the law about preserving communications.

Anyone approaching the NSA would likely be given a list of all the web sites he/she visited while in his/her office and told to leave it alone.
Can you think of 1 investigation that hasn't involved either missing emails, deleted emails, deleted messages, missing messages, or hardrives that have been destroyed?
The culture is so deeply embedded throughout government I don't know if there stands a chance of weeding it out. New laws do need to be passed regarding communications and severe penalties for destruction of any. As hubby said last night, do personal devices need to be confiscated every work day with video of the search for them?? Also, no computers, drives, cells allowed in that are personal or removal of any work- flies, papers, computers, such as tablets, lap tops, hard drives, drives of any sort, etc. And if cells are needed for emergencies after hours, all communications must be saved upstream, and no ability to delete anything.

Obama will have to burn down the Whitehouse to cover up any wrongdoing when he leaves.
The culture is so deeply embedded throughout government I don't know if there stands a chance of weeding it out. New laws do need to be passed regarding communications and severe penalties for destruction of any. As hubby said last night, do personal devices need to be confiscated every work day with video of the search for them?? Also, no computers, drives, cells allowed in that are personal or removal of any work- flies, papers, computers, such as tablets, lap tops, hard drives, drives of any sort, etc. And if cells are needed for emergencies after hours, all communications must be saved upstream, and no ability to delete anything.

Obama will have to burn down the Whitehouse to cover up any wrongdoing when he leaves.

Used to be all of this didn't used to be needed. Now we have to change laws to prevent it in the future.
Sadly true. It's almost as though to keep the integrity as high as possible you have to revert back in time. Now, it's as easy as using a flash drive to operate messenger or whatever and just remove it each day, along with its evidence.

The culture is so deeply embedded throughout government I don't know if there stands a chance of weeding it out. New laws do need to be passed regarding communications and severe penalties for destruction of any. As hubby said last night, do personal devices need to be confiscated every work day with video of the search for them?? Also, no computers, drives, cells allowed in that are personal or removal of any work- flies, papers, computers, such as tablets, lap tops, hard drives, drives of any sort, etc. And if cells are needed for emergencies after hours, all communications must be saved upstream, and no ability to delete anything.

Obama will have to burn down the Whitehouse to cover up any wrongdoing when he leaves.

Used to be all of this didn't used to be needed. Now we have to change laws to prevent it in the future.
Sadly true. It's almost as though to keep the integrity as high as possible you have to revert back in time. Now, it's as easy as using a flash drive to operate messenger or whatever and just remove it each day, along with its evidence.

The culture is so deeply embedded throughout government I don't know if there stands a chance of weeding it out. New laws do need to be passed regarding communications and severe penalties for destruction of any. As hubby said last night, do personal devices need to be confiscated every work day with video of the search for them?? Also, no computers, drives, cells allowed in that are personal or removal of any work- flies, papers, computers, such as tablets, lap tops, hard drives, drives of any sort, etc. And if cells are needed for emergencies after hours, all communications must be saved upstream, and no ability to delete anything.

Obama will have to burn down the Whitehouse to cover up any wrongdoing when he leaves.

Used to be all of this didn't used to be needed. Now we have to change laws to prevent it in the future.
Oh, it was all destroyed immediately, and they've been stonewalling so the investigation appears old when they finally get an admission.

By that time "what difference does it make".

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