Oops: Child-support error costs Man nearly $21,000

Still waiting for that so called victory that proves you right by the law. I have the law by my side, you have a billboard.

Man, this is a tough one. :lol:

You need one of these Pale:

Aside from your little immature, sophomoric crap, you and I both will have to wait for justice. But make no mistake, justice WILL prevail, sooner or later, it WILL prevail.

Until then, all we have are the facts, and the most important fact is, obama has NEVER produced a "real birth certificate," which proves WHERE he was born... NEVER. No one knows. Not YOU... not ME... not ANYONE.

So it boils down to I want the constitution followed and justice to be served, and you don't.

Did I miss anything?
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Still waiting for that so called victory that proves you right by the law. I have the law by my side, you have a billboard.

Man, this is a tough one. :lol:

You need one of these Pale:


we're waiting for you to prove pale is a racist. the fact he uses racial slurs doesn't cut it.

He'd rather ridicule and post youtube videos elvis. I guess that's his way of trying to win a debate.

No wonder he has to TELL people to DISCUSS... :lol:
we're waiting for you to prove pale is a racist. the fact he uses racial slurs doesn't cut it.

Pale's own words prove it. Just because you don't like someone doesn't make it right to start throwing around racial slurs.
Aside from your little immature, sophomoric crap, you and I both will have to wait for justice. But make no mistake, justice WILL prevail, sooner or later, it WILL prevail.

Until then, all we have are the facts, and the most important fact is, obama has NEVER produced a "real birth certificate," which proves WHERE he was born... NEVER. No one knows. Not YOU... not ME... not ANYONE.

So it boils down to I want the constitution followed and justice to be served, and you don't.

Did I miss anything?

:popcorn: Justice has already prevailed, over and over again. The Birthers are what? 0-50?

You don't have the facts, you have your delusions which you SEE as facts. Obama has in fact produced a legal birth certificate that is real. Whether you like it or not, those are the facts.
Is it not racist to say it's ok for blacks to use a word, but not whites?
so 90 percent of the rapstars are racists, then?

It's all about the context of the words. The way Pale uses the word and they use the word is entirely different. Pale is using it as apart of hate speech. As for rap, my opinion on that is well-known. In fact, I posted my opinion on it today in a thread I created.
Is it not racist to say it's ok for blacks to use a word, but not whites?

Personally? I don't think anyone should say it. However, for you to sit there and think Pale is using it in the same context as some others is ridiculous.

I add this, The N word is the most ugly word in the English language.
Is it not racist to say it's ok for blacks to use a word, but not whites?

Personally? I don't think anyone should say it. However, for you to sit there and think Pale is using it in the same context as some others is ridiculous.

I add this, The N word is the most ugly word in the English language.

1. how is it worse than Bastard?

2. he is using it in the same context as the rappers who talk about how a nigga like it like dat.
1. how is it worse than Bastard?

2. he is using it in the same context as the rappers who talk about how a nigga like it like dat.

I really rather not have to explain the difference between the two forms of that word. You know it, and I know it.

And it is certainly worse than Bastard.

Let me ask you this Elvis, if you disagree with someone like Ghook, you going to start throwing around slurs against Jews?
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1. how is it worse than Bastard?

2. he is using it in the same context as the rappers who talk about how a nigga like it like dat.

I really rather not have to explain the difference between the two forms of that word. You know it, and I know it.

And it is certainly worse than Bastard.

Let me ask you this Elvis, if you disagree with someone like Ghook, you going to start throwing around slurs against Jews?

we're not talking about me. We're talking about pale. they used to stamp the word "Bastard" on people's birth certificates if they were indeed.
we're not talking about me. We're talking about pale. they used to stamp the word "Bastard" on people's birth certificates if they were indeed.

And if one calls someone a bastard today, is it not considered an insult?

And if one calls someone the N word in such a manner, is it not considered an insult?

We're talking about all of us. Don't deflect. You wouldn't go around calling Ghook or any other Jewish member of USMB here some Jewish slurs if you had a intense dislike of them. Why? Because it's wrong and offensive.

Same thing applies to the N word and the use of it when it comes to Pale. He calls Rev. Wright the N word. Say what you want about Rev. Wright, but the man doesn't deserve to be called such a thing in such a hateful manner. No man does.

Seriously, there is no "taking" of the N word back here Elvis. It's been an offensive word forever and will continue to be.

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we're not talking about me. We're talking about pale. they used to stamp the word "Bastard" on people's birth certificates if they were indeed.

And if one calls someone a bastard today, is it not considered an insult?

And if one calls someone the N word in such a manner, is it not considered an insult?

We're talking about all of us. Don't deflect. You wouldn't go around calling Ghook or any other Jewish member of USMB here some Jewish slurs if you had a intense dislike of them. Why? Because it's wrong and offensive.

Same thing applies to the N word and the use of it when it comes to Pale. He calls Rev. Wright the N word. Say what you want about Rev. Wright, but the man doesn't deserve to be called such a thing in such a hateful manner. No man does.

no deflection here. we weren't discussing what I would do. Why doesn't Rev Wright deserve some of his own medicine?
no deflection here. we weren't discussing what I would do. Why doesn't Rev Wright deserve some of his own medicine?

And giving him a taste of "his own medicine" will do what Elvis? Will it solve anything? Will it make you feel better? Will it quench your thirst to see Rev. Wright get his comeuppence?

Do unto to others as you would undo to yourself. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. If you want to say you're better than a person like Rev. Wright, prove it. Be ABOVE their level, don't go down to theirs. All you prove is that person gets to you.

As Benjamin Frankin once said, "Tis more noble to forgive, and more manly to despise, than to revenge an Injury."

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