Oops: Child-support error costs Man nearly $21,000

no deflection here. we weren't discussing what I would do. Why doesn't Rev Wright deserve some of his own medicine?

And giving him a taste of "his own medicine" will do what Elvis? Will it solve anything? Will it make you feel better? Will it quench your thirst to see Rev. Wright get his comeuppence?

Do unto to others as you would undo to yourself. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. If you want to say you're better than a person like Rev. Wright, prove it. Be ABOVE their level, don't go down to theirs. All you prove is that person gets to you.

As Benjamin Frankin once said, "Tis more noble to forgive, and more manly to despise, than to revenge an Injury."

eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind. Hmm. I guess Gandhi and you wouldn't execute Hitler or Pol Pot.
eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind. Hmm. I guess Gandhi and you wouldn't execute Hitler or Pol Pot.

There is a difference between this and Hitler. By the way, Godwin law much? :lol:
if Gandhi is against eye for an eye, hitler must fall under his rule. I like to keep laws intact.

Difference between the laws and revenge. Especially here in the American Justice system. There is a reason why Lady Liberty is suppose to be blind.
I will have to think about that!

oh! wait! YOu are married, you bastard!:razz:

I'll think about it. Ugh! Haven't heard that since 8th grade. of course I haven't asked that question since 8th grade either. :lol::lol::lol:

you have been with your wife since 8th grade?
or you never bothered to ask her out?:lol:

I asked girls to "go with me" (whatever that meant) in 8th grade. I asked my wife "do you wanna go out Monday?" as in movie and food. been with my wife since 12th grade.
I asked girls to "go with me" (whatever that meant) in 8th grade. I asked my wife "do you wanna go out Monday?" as in movie and food. been with my wife since 12th grade.

Still, racism means holding a standard for one race that is different from another. I don't see how saying ****** or coon or yid makes one a racist.
Still, racism means holding a standard for one race that is different from another. I don't see how saying ****** or coon or yid makes one a racist.

You're thinking of Affirmative Action in that first part. Racism is the idea when someone holds that their race is superior over another.

As for the part I bolded, you're right. It doesn't make you racist. However, it's all about the context you put it in. Though, just saying the words randomly in regular conversation is pretty rude anyway.
Still, racism means holding a standard for one race that is different from another. I don't see how saying ****** or coon or yid makes one a racist.

You're thinking of Affirmative Action in that first part. Racism is the idea when someone holds that their race is superior over another.

As for the part I bolded, you're right. It doesn't make you racist. However, it's all about the context you put it in. Though, just saying the words randomly in regular conversation is pretty rude anyway.

Ok. now we may be getting somewhere. Does Pale's use of the word ****** in reference to Obama reflect his hatred for Obama? Absolutely. does it indicate he thinks his race is superior to Obama's? I don't believe so. that is what you have to prove.
Ok. now we may be getting somewhere. Does Pale's use of the word ****** in reference to Obama reflect his hatred for Obama? Absolutely. does it indicate he thinks his race is superior to Obama's? I don't believe so. that is what you have to prove.

Considering his continued usage against Rev. Wright and other people he considers "N words" the hate is certainly proven. The context is hate, and the word itself is to disparaging towards an entire race of people.

For example, if I use a slur that insults Jewish people over and over against Jewish people, then that would make me racist against Jews. If I use a slur which entire purpose is to demean African Americans over and over against African Americans then I would be racist against African Americans.
Ok. now we may be getting somewhere. Does Pale's use of the word ****** in reference to Obama reflect his hatred for Obama? Absolutely. does it indicate he thinks his race is superior to Obama's? I don't believe so. that is what you have to prove.

Considering his continued usage against Rev. Wright and other people he considers "N words" the hate is certainly proven. The context is hate, and the word itself is to disparaging towards an entire race of people.

For example, if I use a slur that insults Jewish people over and over against Jewish people, then that would make me racist against Jews. If I use a slur which entire purpose is to demean African Americans over and over against African Americans then I would be racist against African Americans.

you have to show that he uses the words to demean an entire race and not simply Obama and Wright. tough to do. I don't think he'd have the same feelings about Alan Keyes.
you have to show that he uses the words to demean an entire race and not simply Obama and Wright. tough to do. I don't think he'd have the same feelings about Alan Keyes.

You're not realizing my point here. The entire purpose of the N word is to demean African Americans. That's the whole point of it's existence. The use of the word itself is demeaning against an entire race.

Just because in a conversation I'm only using a slur against one or two people specifically doesn't make it any better.
you have to show that he uses the words to demean an entire race and not simply Obama and Wright. tough to do. I don't think he'd have the same feelings about Alan Keyes.

You're not realizing my point here. The entire purpose of the N word is to demean African Americans. That's the whole point of it's existence. The use of the word itself is demeaning against an entire race.

Just because in a conversation I'm only using a slur against one or two people specifically doesn't make it any better.

the word itself is neutral. it serves only the purpose used by the individual. 20 million people's intentions of the word say nothing about pale's intentions. and what about the rap stars who use it? are they then denigrating an entire race?
the word itself is neutral. it serves only the purpose used by the individual. 20 million people's intentions of the word say nothing about pale's intentions. and what about the rap stars who use it? are they then denigrating an entire race?

The word itself is not neutral in any way. You would have to prove that the word's existence is to not demean African Americans. And again, I'm not defending Rap here but they aren't using that word in their lyrics far as I know. I don't listen to today's rap so I couldn't tell you for sure but I have never heard a song use the N word that Pale is throwing around hatefully.
the word itself is neutral. it serves only the purpose used by the individual. 20 million people's intentions of the word say nothing about pale's intentions. and what about the rap stars who use it? are they then denigrating an entire race?

The word itself is not neutral in any way. You would have to prove that the word's existence is to not demean African Americans. And again, I'm not defending Rap here but they aren't using that word in their lyrics far as I know. I don't listen to today's rap so I couldn't tell you for sure but I have never heard a song use the N word that Pale is throwing around hatefully.

the fact it has a different meaning when rappers use it proves it is neutral.
I'll think about it. Ugh! Haven't heard that since 8th grade. of course I haven't asked that question since 8th grade either. :lol::lol::lol:

you have been with your wife since 8th grade?
or you never bothered to ask her out?:lol:

I asked girls to "go with me" (whatever that meant) in 8th grade. I asked my wife "do you wanna go out Monday?" as in movie and food. been with my wife since 12th grade.
That is cool! :)

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