Oops! CNN and MSNBC Caught Using the Same ‘Live’ Guest at the Same Time

I assume both networks will vote for each other's Participation Trophy at their next annual industry get together to praise themselves again.
And if you look closely the scarf pattern is changed by the position changes of her scarf.
Should we be surprised by CNN's version of time lines? I'm about to post their huge blunder on their History of Jesus.
Telling the demonized story of King Herod at the birth of Jesus which never happened and a little timeline fact CNN failrd researching..
Lysanias died in 35bc Herod in 4bc, census was 7bc, none jiving with a baby in the time of Lysanias and King Herod just before the census. CNN has the worst investigative and research team, itcs become nothing nore then a tabloid news broadcast. Don't be surprised during Obamas questioning they will report Elvis was spotted with Big foot on a secret Mars colony.

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