OOPS: GOP Rep. Inadvertently Makes The Case For Nearly Doubling The Minimum Wage


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
President Obama’s State of the Union proposal to raise the minimum wage to $9 an hour and index it to inflation so that it keeps up with growth in the economy was quickly rebuked by top Republicans like Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), who claim the minimum wage will kill jobs and hurt small businesses.

Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) chose a different reason to oppose the proposal today. A stronger minimum wage, Blackburn said, would negatively affect the ability of young workers to enter the workforce as teenagers, and would prevent them from learning responsibility like she did when she was a teenage retail employee making a seemingly-measly $2.15 an hour in Mississippi:

BLACKBURN: What we’re hearing from moms and from school teachers is that there needs to be a lower entry level, so that you can get 16-, 17-, 18-year-olds into the process. Chuck, I remember my first job, when I was working in a retail store, down there, growing up in Laurel, Mississippi. I was making like $2.15 an hour. And I was taught how to responsibly handle those customer interactions. And I appreciated that opportunity.

OOPS: GOP Rep. Inadvertently Makes The Case For Nearly Doubling The Minimum Wage | ThinkProgress
GOP Rep. Inadvertently Makes The Case For Nearly Doubling The Minimum Wage

then the question is, is there a case for letting the libturds dictate the price of labor or th eprice of anything. If so what is the case????????????????

A liberal will lack the IQ to answer so should not attempt it.
Shitheads and Republicans generally have no sense of history--much less of current events. They tend to be lumped as being "Conservative," blocking cabinet appointments of members of their very own party--they are that very stupid--and widely known for it.

"Conservative" is actually lampooned in Matthew 25:14-30. Three servants get talents of silver, put to the banking and exchanges of the time--at fixed percentage interest. The servant receiving the least of the silver can see no chance to ever keep up. That silver never gets spent or invested, but is put into a savings account--at current interest rates like Conservatives are for--if at all favoring saving. The rich person makes no money from that!

Liberals, and apparently Mormons, actually support the raising and indexing of the Minimum Wage. In Matthew 20: 1-16, the laborers get paid an equal amount, regardless of the time spent at labor. Then anyone liberal would say that the first free market is actually therein presented. All the laborers have sufficient spending power to rush off to the marketplace!

Applied as the "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," of Obama-Biden: U. S. Households got an equal amount of about $400.00 per person--regardless if they had worked all the year or not. All they had to do was file the federal Income Tax form.

The Republicans cheerfully took that away, likely making epithets about any Smarmy Jew who was born among the pigs, and cows and mules of ancient Nazareth. This was not at all a proper little Heb: Even by Holllywood standards(?)! Where was the Circumcision Ceremony in all of this?!

Famously, the exchanges have been the norm throughout all of history. The Third Reich Nazis supported the law, and kept all the money. The U. S. Nationals supported the law, and kept all the money--sending troops off to die without body armor, and creating mortgage bundles including paper that was all unaffordable. That was Matthew 25:14-30 gone mad again, just like supported in the The German Third Republic!

So if there is an equal amount Minimum Wage, and that gets paid to a bundle of laborers instead--and then it is indexed: Then The Nazis and the Republican Adminstrations are avoided, the marketplaces thrive--and even advancement above Minimum Wage is set in motion. The alternative tends to death camps--one way or another!

Mostly, anyone notices that the Republicans have that penchant: Of taking way property and anything else that actually belongs to other people(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Now: There is a basis for standing in front of a schoolhouse door--and not letting anybody in at all(?)! In fact. . . .School is really more or less like that already(?): When it comes go Greek-deity based stories, from Jewish people born in Nazareth(?): Clearly not supportive of The Law, and especially of Moses!)
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Mostly, anyone notices that the Republicans have that penchant: Of taking way property and anything else that actually belongs to other people(?)!

and can you provide us with your best example or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so????
President Obama’s State of the Union proposal to raise the minimum wage to $9 an hour and index it to inflation so that it keeps up with growth in the economy was quickly rebuked by top Republicans like Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), who claim the minimum wage will kill jobs and hurt small businesses.

Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) chose a different reason to oppose the proposal today. A stronger minimum wage, Blackburn said, would negatively affect the ability of young workers to enter the workforce as teenagers, and would prevent them from learning responsibility like she did when she was a teenage retail employee making a seemingly-measly $2.15 an hour in Mississippi:

BLACKBURN: What we’re hearing from moms and from school teachers is that there needs to be a lower entry level, so that you can get 16-, 17-, 18-year-olds into the process. Chuck, I remember my first job, when I was working in a retail store, down there, growing up in Laurel, Mississippi. I was making like $2.15 an hour. And I was taught how to responsibly handle those customer interactions. And I appreciated that opportunity.

OOPS: GOP Rep. Inadvertently Makes The Case For Nearly Doubling The Minimum Wage | ThinkProgress


Making $2.15 an hour certainly does sound worse than today’s minimum wage, which federal law mandates must be at least $7.25 an hour. But what Blackburn didn’t realize is that she accidentally undermined her own argument, since the value of the dollar has changed immensely since her teenage years. Blackburn was born in 1952, so she likely took that retail job at some point between 1968 and 1970. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ inflation calculator, the $2.15 an hour Blackburn made then is worth somewhere between $12.72 and $14.18 an hour in today’s dollars, depending on which year she started.

At that time, the minimum wage was $1.60, equivalent to $10.56 in today’s terms. Today’s minimum wage is equivalent to just $1.10 an hour in 1968 dollars, meaning the teenage Blackburn managed to enter the workforce making almost double the wage she now says is keeping teenagers out of the workforce.

Making $2.15 an hour certainly does sound worse than today’s minimum wage, which federal law mandates must be at least $7.25 an hour. But what Blackburn didn’t realize is that she accidentally undermined her own argument, since the value of the dollar has changed immensely since her teenage years. Blackburn was born in 1952, so she likely took that retail job at some point between 1968 and 1970. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ inflation calculator, the $2.15 an hour Blackburn made then is worth somewhere between $12.72 and $14.18 an hour in today’s dollars, depending on which year she started.

At that time, the minimum wage was $1.60, equivalent to $10.56 in today’s terms. Today’s minimum wage is equivalent to just $1.10 an hour in 1968 dollars, meaning the teenage Blackburn managed to enter the workforce making almost double the wage she now says is keeping teenagers out of the workforce.

our course today we have more idiotic liberal economic policies, plus, 20 million illegals,competition from China India and Mexico; so we need a lower real wage to stay competitive and to keep people employed.

Way over a liberals head -right??

Making $2.15 an hour certainly does sound worse than today’s minimum wage, which federal law mandates must be at least $7.25 an hour. But what Blackburn didn’t realize is that she accidentally undermined her own argument, since the value of the dollar has changed immensely since her teenage years. Blackburn was born in 1952, so she likely took that retail job at some point between 1968 and 1970. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ inflation calculator, the $2.15 an hour Blackburn made then is worth somewhere between $12.72 and $14.18 an hour in today’s dollars, depending on which year she started.

At that time, the minimum wage was $1.60, equivalent to $10.56 in today’s terms. Today’s minimum wage is equivalent to just $1.10 an hour in 1968 dollars, meaning the teenage Blackburn managed to enter the workforce making almost double the wage she now says is keeping teenagers out of the workforce.

our course today we have more idiotic liberal economic policies, plus, 20 million illegals,competition from China India and Mexico; so we need a lower real wage to stay competitive and to keep people employed.

Way over a liberals head -right??

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Making $2.15 an hour certainly does sound worse than today’s minimum wage, which federal law mandates must be at least $7.25 an hour. But what Blackburn didn’t realize is that she accidentally undermined her own argument, since the value of the dollar has changed immensely since her teenage years. Blackburn was born in 1952, so she likely took that retail job at some point between 1968 and 1970. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ inflation calculator, the $2.15 an hour Blackburn made then is worth somewhere between $12.72 and $14.18 an hour in today’s dollars, depending on which year she started.

At that time, the minimum wage was $1.60, equivalent to $10.56 in today’s terms. Today’s minimum wage is equivalent to just $1.10 an hour in 1968 dollars, meaning the teenage Blackburn managed to enter the workforce making almost double the wage she now says is keeping teenagers out of the workforce.

our course today we have more idiotic liberal economic policies, plus, 20 million illegals,competition from China India and Mexico; so we need a lower real wage to stay competitive and to keep people employed.

Way over a liberals head -right??

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

ship 20 million illegals home and there would be plenty of upward pressure on wages. End the liberal tax breaks for moving off shore and again you'd have competition for workers.

Its too complex for a liberal to understand.

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