Oopsie. NY Times Corrects Hit Piece on Kavanaugh

I hate fake news! HATE them!

Liars...scum,.... libtards ....DemonCraps :mad:


It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??
Still waiting for that link to 7 people.......

I gave the link earlier.

Oopsie. NY Times Corrects Hit Piece on Kavanaugh

during a ten-month investigation, the Times found that Ramirez’s allegations were corroborated by at least seven people, and uncovered an account of a parallel incident: A former Yale classmate named Max Stier says he witnessed Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different dorm party, and that his friends had pushed his penis into a female student’s hands.

They weren't all first hand witnesses, but they did contaporaniously hear about the incident.
Ahh anonymous uncorroborated statements and you believe them. Not first hand you mean some of the 7 were repeating what someone else told them, ya thats good for a laugh. Lets accuse someone of something cause I heard Joe tell Ralph he saw it.
This is why most Americans will crawl naked over broken glass next November to vote for the guy we really don’t want as President.

They completely fabricated the entire story.

It’s all about smear.

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You may feel a little stupid when the book comes out tomorrow - because this is all included in the book. It was just left out of the advance article on the book. The two authors were just interviewed on Lawrence O'Donnell. It sounds like the book will be very bad for Kavanaugh.

"The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation" by New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly.
Are you saying the rest of the book is like this max stiers account ?

If so the book is a massive disaster
This is why most Americans will crawl naked over broken glass next November to vote for the guy we really don’t want as President.

They completely fabricated the entire story.

It’s all about smear.

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So she was drunk, it doesn't mean anything. No one makes up these stories. So we have 2 republicans on the supreme court that now have sexually abused women , either physically or verbally.
tramp is defending and is picking on the media.


President Trump issued a full-throated call for resignations and changes in management at The New York Times during a fiery rally in Democratic-leaning New Mexico on Monday night, after the paper published a bombshell allegation of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh -- before later acknowledging, under pressure, that the alleged victim said she had no recollection of the event.

The slew of Democrats running for president who quickly called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment over the weekend based on the Times' reporting indicated later on Monday they weren't backing down, despite the Times' major revision to the story.
Trump demands resignations at NYT amid Kavanaugh outcry: 'The Times is dead, long live the New York Times'

The FBI was told not to investigate a lot. We have a rogue FBI now , but didn't before, at least before they were doing their jobs.

Who in the hell can make a story up like Fords, no one. He has a history of being a womanizer.
This is why most Americans will crawl naked over broken glass next November to vote for the guy we really don’t want as President.

They completely fabricated the entire story.

It’s all about smear.

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So she was drunk, it doesn't mean anything. No one makes up these stories. So we have 2 republicans on the supreme court that now have sexually abused women , either physically or verbally.
There is no evidence she was drunk.

She does niot recall which contradicts the allegation and in all probability it did not happen.

You are truly naive and gullible to claim no one makes these stories up Lies like this are common.

Your claim that any supreme court justice as sexually abused women is a slanderous partisan lie.

Cough up some evideence or you are outed as stupid liar
tramp is defending and is picking on the media.


President Trump issued a full-throated call for resignations and changes in management at The New York Times during a fiery rally in Democratic-leaning New Mexico on Monday night, after the paper published a bombshell allegation of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh -- before later acknowledging, under pressure, that the alleged victim said she had no recollection of the event.

The slew of Democrats running for president who quickly called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment over the weekend based on the Times' reporting indicated later on Monday they weren't backing down, despite the Times' major revision to the story.
Trump demands resignations at NYT amid Kavanaugh outcry: 'The Times is dead, long live the New York Times'

The FBI was told not to investigate a lot. We have a rogue FBI now , but didn't before, at least before they were doing their jobs.

Who in the hell can make a story up like Fords, no one. He has a history of being a womanizer.

You are out of touch with reality.

The story was vague, implausible and unsupported by a shred of evidence and only an uneducated FOOL would claim no one can make up a stpory like this.
This is why most Americans will crawl naked over broken glass next November to vote for the guy we really don’t want as President.

They completely fabricated the entire story.

It’s all about smear.

View attachment 279531


So she was drunk, it doesn't mean anything. No one makes up these stories. So we have 2 republicans on the supreme court that now have sexually abused women , either physically or verbally.
No one makes up these stories.

So you agree Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Thank you.
This is why most Americans will crawl naked over broken glass next November to vote for the guy we really don’t want as President.

They completely fabricated the entire story.

It’s all about smear.

View attachment 279531


So she was drunk, it doesn't mean anything. No one makes up these stories. So we have 2 republicans on the supreme court that now have sexually abused women , either physically or verbally.

And you have no proof of it. Which means you have left wing speculation
tramp is defending and is picking on the media.


President Trump issued a full-throated call for resignations and changes in management at The New York Times during a fiery rally in Democratic-leaning New Mexico on Monday night, after the paper published a bombshell allegation of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh -- before later acknowledging, under pressure, that the alleged victim said she had no recollection of the event.

The slew of Democrats running for president who quickly called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment over the weekend based on the Times' reporting indicated later on Monday they weren't backing down, despite the Times' major revision to the story.
Trump demands resignations at NYT amid Kavanaugh outcry: 'The Times is dead, long live the New York Times'

The FBI was told not to investigate a lot. We have a rogue FBI now , but didn't before, at least before they were doing their jobs.

Who in the hell can make a story up like Fords, no one. He has a history of being a womanizer.

I'd sure hate to have you on a jury. Partisan hacks make terrible jurists. Depending on politics you'd deem someone guilty or innocent. Sad life.
This is why most Americans will crawl naked over broken glass next November to vote for the guy we really don’t want as President.

They completely fabricated the entire story.

It’s all about smear.

View attachment 279531


So she was drunk, it doesn't mean anything. No one makes up these stories. So we have 2 republicans on the supreme court that now have sexually abused women , either physically or verbally.

And you have no proof of it. Which means you have left wing speculation

There are more than enough witnesses.
tramp is defending and is picking on the media.


President Trump issued a full-throated call for resignations and changes in management at The New York Times during a fiery rally in Democratic-leaning New Mexico on Monday night, after the paper published a bombshell allegation of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh -- before later acknowledging, under pressure, that the alleged victim said she had no recollection of the event.

The slew of Democrats running for president who quickly called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment over the weekend based on the Times' reporting indicated later on Monday they weren't backing down, despite the Times' major revision to the story.
Trump demands resignations at NYT amid Kavanaugh outcry: 'The Times is dead, long live the New York Times'

The FBI was told not to investigate a lot. We have a rogue FBI now , but didn't before, at least before they were doing their jobs.

Who in the hell can make a story up like Fords, no one. He has a history of being a womanizer.

I'd sure hate to have you on a jury. Partisan hacks make terrible jurists. Depending on politics you'd deem someone guilty or innocent. Sad life.

So being 18 and drunk gets one off of female abuse. Being young and drunk doesn't keep one off the supreme court. You republicans are sleazy. OK.
This is why most Americans will crawl naked over broken glass next November to vote for the guy we really don’t want as President.

They completely fabricated the entire story.

It’s all about smear.

View attachment 279531


So she was drunk, it doesn't mean anything. No one makes up these stories. So we have 2 republicans on the supreme court that now have sexually abused women , either physically or verbally.

And you have no proof of it. Which means you have left wing speculation

There are more than enough witnesses.

Name them.
tramp is defending and is picking on the media.


President Trump issued a full-throated call for resignations and changes in management at The New York Times during a fiery rally in Democratic-leaning New Mexico on Monday night, after the paper published a bombshell allegation of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh -- before later acknowledging, under pressure, that the alleged victim said she had no recollection of the event.

The slew of Democrats running for president who quickly called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment over the weekend based on the Times' reporting indicated later on Monday they weren't backing down, despite the Times' major revision to the story.
Trump demands resignations at NYT amid Kavanaugh outcry: 'The Times is dead, long live the New York Times'

The FBI was told not to investigate a lot. We have a rogue FBI now , but didn't before, at least before they were doing their jobs.

Who in the hell can make a story up like Fords, no one. He has a history of being a womanizer.

I'd sure hate to have you on a jury. Partisan hacks make terrible jurists. Depending on politics you'd deem someone guilty or innocent. Sad life.

So being 18 and drunk gets one off of female abuse. Being young and drunk doesn't keep one off the supreme court. You republicans are sleazy. OK.

There is no proof! Do you think Clinton was guilty? Because as you say no one would make up those stories and he had several women come forward with their stories and they won't make them up.

Then you have this: Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story

Now as you claim, women wouldn't make up these stories, right?
"An organization that leads the protest movement against President Trump’s judicial nominees and presents itself as grassroots is really the project of Arabella Advisors, a largely unknown, massively funded strategy company pushing the interests of wealthy leftist donors.

The Arabella firm manages four nonprofits: the
New Venture Fund, Sixteen Thirty Fund, Windward Fund, and Hopewell Fund. These nonprofit entities play host to hundreds of groups and projects that promote interests and political movements strategically deployed in a long-term campaign to nudge the country to the left.

A central component of Arabella’s activism is opposition to Trump’s conservative judicial nominees. One Arabella-tied organization calling itself Demand Justice quickly thrust itself into the center of opposition to Trump’s Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh. The Capital Research Center
has explained that Demand Justice is actually a project of Arabella’s Sixteen Thirty Fund.

Even before Trump announced Kavanaugh as his nominee, Demand Justice, founded by former members of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign,
committed to spending about $5 million to oppose the eventual pick."

Will the revelation that wealthy Leftist Extremists who want to force the country to the Left, who include former Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential Campaign Members, and Leftist Counter-Intelligence / Propaganda-Pushing organizations like the N. Y. Times are engaged in a conspiracy / crusade to destroy Trump Judicial picks - like Kavanaugh - and rule through judicial activists because they can not get their agenda passed through Congress finally wake snowflakes up to the fact that they are being 'played', manipulated, HERDED to the Left by wealthy power-hungry Leftists, such as those who ran Hillary's campaign in 2016?

Or do you think snowflakes will shrug off / reject these discoveries and keep marching to the Leftist Socialist Democrat drum beat?

Unmasked: Secretive Arabella Advisors Really Behind ‘Grassroots’ Protest Movement Opposing Trump’s Judicial Nominees
This is why most Americans will crawl naked over broken glass next November to vote for the guy we really don’t want as President.

They completely fabricated the entire story.

It’s all about smear.

View attachment 279531


So she was drunk, it doesn't mean anything. No one makes up these stories. So we have 2 republicans on the supreme court that now have sexually abused women , either physically or verbally.

And you have no proof of it. Which means you have left wing speculation

There are more than enough witnesses.
So far there are absolutely no witnesses to the newest allegations.

There are rumors of witnesses to the allegations from Ramirez but no names or confirmation yet.

So actually no there are not any witnesses.
tramp is defending and is picking on the media.


President Trump issued a full-throated call for resignations and changes in management at The New York Times during a fiery rally in Democratic-leaning New Mexico on Monday night, after the paper published a bombshell allegation of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh -- before later acknowledging, under pressure, that the alleged victim said she had no recollection of the event.

The slew of Democrats running for president who quickly called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment over the weekend based on the Times' reporting indicated later on Monday they weren't backing down, despite the Times' major revision to the story.
Trump demands resignations at NYT amid Kavanaugh outcry: 'The Times is dead, long live the New York Times'

The FBI was told not to investigate a lot. We have a rogue FBI now , but didn't before, at least before they were doing their jobs.

Who in the hell can make a story up like Fords, no one. He has a history of being a womanizer.

I'd sure hate to have you on a jury. Partisan hacks make terrible jurists. Depending on politics you'd deem someone guilty or innocent. Sad life.

So being 18 and drunk gets one off of female abuse. Being young and drunk doesn't keep one off the supreme court. You republicans are sleazy. OK.

Alegations of abuse must be proven by evidence.

In the absence of evidence the presumption of innocence gets one off.
tramp is defending and is picking on the media.


President Trump issued a full-throated call for resignations and changes in management at The New York Times during a fiery rally in Democratic-leaning New Mexico on Monday night, after the paper published a bombshell allegation of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh -- before later acknowledging, under pressure, that the alleged victim said she had no recollection of the event.

The slew of Democrats running for president who quickly called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment over the weekend based on the Times' reporting indicated later on Monday they weren't backing down, despite the Times' major revision to the story.
Trump demands resignations at NYT amid Kavanaugh outcry: 'The Times is dead, long live the New York Times'

The FBI was told not to investigate a lot. We have a rogue FBI now , but didn't before, at least before they were doing their jobs.

Who in the hell can make a story up like Fords, no one. He has a history of being a womanizer.

I'd sure hate to have you on a jury. Partisan hacks make terrible jurists. Depending on politics you'd deem someone guilty or innocent. Sad life.

So being 18 and drunk gets one off of female abuse. Being young and drunk doesn't keep one off the supreme court. You republicans are sleazy. OK.

Where did I say 18 and drunk gets one off of female abuse? Why do you make up stupid BS? Because you are nothing but a partisan whack job. Ted Kennedy got away with letting a woman drown and you nut jobs idolized him. So spare me you fake righteous indignation. Democrats and Republicans like yourself are what is wrong with America, you love your party of our country.
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so you think the democrats should support all the big money donor right wing groups, who are pushing their hateful agenda towards the working man... (so wrongfully called) conservative causes?

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