Open conversation

Said1 said:
Are both of you saying Nazis were twisted Christians? Am I missing something?

You pretty much have it. We still disagree about if they are still Christians despite all their perversions or not.

I say yes. RWA says no.
elephant said:
You pretty much have it. We still disagree about if they are still Christians despite all their perversions or not.

I say yes. RWA says no.

They were christians in name only. Christian doctrine does not support what they did.

They also wore shoes. Do YOU wear shoes, elephant? do ya? do ya? huh?
elephant said:
You pretty much have it. We still disagree about if they are still Christians despite all their perversions or not.

I say yes. RWA says no.

I'm not gonna go back and re-read everything, but I think this post is pretty telling.

rwa said:
Twisted christianity != christianity. deal.
Said1 said:
I'm not gonna go back and re-read everything, but I think this post is pretty telling.

I've got poor people to oppress and "an aspiring economist" to taunt.

See you at the land rush!!
Hey elephant. are you a boy elephant or a girl elephant or a bizarre androgynous being?
elephant said:
I've got poor people to oppress and "an aspiring economist" to taunt.

See you at the land rush!!

Hey! Back of the line sister. :death:
rtwngAvngr said:
Hey elephant. are you a boy elephant or a girl elephant or a bizarre androgynous being?

Gish, the Christian stomping elephant. Yo. :rock:
HorhayAtAMD said:
To be honest, I'm much more interested in the situation as it stands today rather than how it was recorded 1-3000 years ago. I don't care if you found a quote in the bible that said Thou shalt rape all women and subjugate them and they are dirty and evil and blah blah blah. The truth is that in most judeo-christian societies today, women are treated as equals or fairly close to it. They are allowed to vote, to walk next to men, to TALK to men, to show their faces, etc. Tell the women in Saudi Arabia who weren't allowed to vote last month that 1000 years ago, some guy wrote a chapter in the Koran and named it after a woman. If I was a Saudi Arabian woman, my reply to you would be I don't care. Last month I couldn't vote but my brother could. Do you see the difference?

okay we are in the same line

christianity in the bible dont give the woman her full right ,,
and we deal in Islam the woman have her right

so why you look at the Islam as a bad unequal religion,, you can look to muslims Not islam

as you look to the country not the christianity

did u got the point and as i told im a muslim girl ,, and thanx to allah i have all the rights you are talking about

and plz tell me in what you can see these rights you are talking about
cptpwichita said:
Mohammad allowed his followers to rape women .
Mohammad robbed caravans for 2 years.
mohammad murdered those who disagreed with him.
mohammad practiced torture on his enemies.
mohammad attacked and pillaged towns.
mohammad got a 1/5 of everything

yeah mohammad was a great guy

who said soo

from where you got this crap

where is your clue or verses or you are just talking
gop_jeff said:
Now that is a historical fact I would agree with.

Yes, the key word is "used" Christianity, in reference to the National Socialist Party(Nazis). They were by no means "Christians".
Eightball said:
Yes, the key word is "used" Christianity, in reference to the National Socialist Party(Nazis). They were by no means "Christians".

Absolutely - and that is why I agree.
Arabian said:
who said soo

from where you got this crap

where is your clue or verses or you are just talking

Do you really want me to flood this board with the overwhelming proof of mohammads evil?I think everyone already knows how evil mohammad was and have probably heard the stories from the hadiths thousands of times.
You are going to sit there and deny mohammad tortured,raped,robbed and murdered in cold blood?
Arabian said:
who said soo

from where you got this crap

where is your clue or verses or you are just talking

Original post below:

Originally Posted by cptpwichita
Mohammad allowed his followers to rape women .
Mohammad robbed caravans for 2 years.
mohammad murdered those who disagreed with him.
mohammad practiced torture on his enemies.
mohammad attacked and pillaged towns.
mohammad got a 1/5 of everything

yeah mohammad was a great guy

First of all, why do you use the word "crap?'' Can you use this word under Islam? It is a form of cursing, no?

Where does this "crap" come from? Easy, look it up, any source will grant you your wish.

What is interesting is that you never once refuted what was claimed. You simply pulled the 'ol' "crap" in the hat trick.

Are you here simply to argue, or are you here to learn? What is your call? To dawah? Or to argue?

You see, I do not think that the Islamic thinking can overcome, for it is flawed. Without going into details, you fight religion with religion, yet claim that your allah, is the same as the Christian God, moreover, you claim that Jesus is a mere mortal. In the same breath you claim the "west" is at war with Islam. Simply amazing. Who is Islam at war with? Who are Islam's enemies? What are we to do with Islam's enemies?
Yurt said:
What is interesting is that you never once refuted what was claimed. You simply pulled the 'ol' "crap" in the hat trick.

To give Arabian the benefit of a doubt, it is rather difficult to prove what someone didn't do. Thats exactly why our court system was established with an innocent until proven guilty mindset.
cptpwichita said:
Do you really want me to flood this board with the overwhelming proof of mohammads evil?I think everyone already knows how evil mohammad was and have probably heard the stories from the hadiths thousands of times.
You are going to sit there and deny mohammad tortured,raped,robbed and murdered in cold blood?

give me ahint of what u mean
i may see the subject from other view
Yurt said:
Original post below:

You see, I do not think that the Islamic thinking can overcome, for it is flawed. Without going into details, you fight religion with religion, yet claim that your allah, is the same as the Christian God, moreover, you claim that Jesus is a mere mortal. In the same breath you claim the "west" is at war with Islam. Simply amazing. Who is Islam at war with? Who are Islam's enemies? What are we to do with Islam's enemies?

ask who are always attaking the Islam

if you think a little you will see that the most attacked religion is the Islam
especially in the west ,,,
im not asking this to show that muslims are innocent and this stuff

im just says ,, that make you think why Islam especially ,,,
why not Buddism or Jews or christianity ,,
although all of their prophets fight and preach to their message,, cause allah order them to do soo
5. The Table

Today I have perfected your religion for you, and completed My favor towards you, and have consented to grant you [Islam] as a religion: a commitment to live in peace.)

no religion came with this verse
all prophets allah sent them ,, and muslims believe in all religions ,, its the only religion who order their followers to respect and believe every religion ,,,

im gonna say something hope u could get what i mean

if you were in a high mountain ,, and you were near the edge and going to fall , and someone just came and took your hand soo hard ,, and saved you from falling,, but when he took your hand he hurted your hand ,,
would you tell him Ohh you hurted my hand

which you want more to live for a small time happy ,, or for ever happy
Arabian said:
ask who are always attaking the Islam

if you think a little you will see that the most attacked religion is the Islam
especially in the west ,,,
im not asking this to show that muslims are innocent and this stuff

Are you serious? Islam is, if anything, the most tolerated of the Western religions. In many Islamic countries, Christians are imprisoned, tortured, and killed. Yet in Christian countries, Muslims are not mistreated in this way.

5. The Table

Today I have perfected your religion for you, and completed My favor towards you, and have consented to grant you [Islam] as a religion: a commitment to live in peace.)

no religion came with this verse

No religion comes with a promise of peace? How about this:

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." -- Jesus, in John 14:27

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -- Jesus, in John 16:33

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." - Paul, Romans 5:1

"For he (Jesus) himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near." -- Paul, Ephesians 2:14-17
Arabian said:
and muslims believe in all religions ,, its the only religion who order their followers to respect and believe every religion

Even if this was true (which it absolutely is not), then I have to say that muslims around the world are doing a TERRIBLE job of following their religion. While all organized religions seem to have gone through phases where intolerance towards other religions was accepted if not encouraged, muslims are the only ones today killing tens of thousands of people in the name of their religion. Muslims are so intolerant that a couple days ago, they killed at least 115 other muslims over a difference of opinion about who took over after mohammed died.

Again you cling to the belief that because you can pull one or two isolated examples out of the koran that suggest islam is the most wonderful, peaceful religion in the world, that this must be how it is in the world today. I will take 115 obituaries in one day as a more realistic indicator of islam's tolerance for other religions.

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