Open Letter On Donald Trump From GOP National Security Leaders

Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left rag site that is the equivalent of the onion!
The statement above was coordinated by Dr. Eliot A. Cohen, former Counselor of the Department of State (2007–8), and Bryan McGrath, Managing Director of The FerryBridge Group, a defense consultancy. They encourage other members of the Republican foreign policy and national security communities wishing to sign the declaration to contact them.
WOTR didn't write the letter or sign it; they just published it. This was not an opinion piece by WOTR. It was an opinion piece by the 121 Republicans who wrote and signed it. You can't use that argument this time.

thank you.

and *that* is the reality... thank you. it is easy for extremists to discount that reality because it doesn't suit their talking points.
It's a bit early in the morning, but I haven't seen any actual arguments countering what is in the letter here, which is typical with these shit slingers. I'm beginning to lose any respect for the conservative point of view until someone starts actually explaining why these concerned Republicans are wrong. Calling us names is not going to do the trick.
It's their opinion, they are entitled to it and nobody needs your respect. Who do you think you are?

their opinion is based on their expertise and on reality.

keep thinking that way.... it's why you lose national elections and we're all making fun of you

That poster loses at the state level too.

That poster is in my state which is one of the Blue Wall States. Our electoral votes have not gone to a republican presidential candidate in 32 years.

We haven't had a republican governor in about the same amount of time.

The state congress is mostly democrats. All but one of the state top offices are held by democrats.

The only place a conservative can get elected here is out in the middle of the desert on the eastern side of the state which is mostly rural and has low population.
The statement above was coordinated by Dr. Eliot A. Cohen, former Counselor of the Department of State (2007–8), and Bryan McGrath, Managing Director of The FerryBridge Group, a defense consultancy. They encourage other members of the Republican foreign policy and national security communities wishing to sign the declaration to contact them.
WOTR didn't write the letter or sign it; they just published it. This was not an opinion piece by WOTR. It was an opinion piece by the 121 Republicans who wrote and signed it. You can't use that argument this time.

thank you.

and *that* is the reality... thank you. it is easy for extremists to discount that reality because it doesn't suit their talking points.
It's a bit early in the morning, but I haven't seen any actual arguments countering what is in the letter here, which is typical with these shit slingers. I'm beginning to lose any respect for the conservative point of view until someone starts actually explaining why these concerned Republicans are wrong. Calling us names is not going to do the trick.
It's their opinion, they are entitled to it and nobody needs your respect. Who do you think you are?

their opinion is based on their expertise and on reality.

keep thinking that way.... it's why you lose national elections and we're all making fun of you

That poster loses at the state level too.

That poster is in my state which is one of the Blue Wall States. Our electoral votes have not gone to a republican presidential candidate in 32 years.

We haven't had a republican governor in about the same amount of time.

The state congress is mostly democrats. All but one of the state top offices are held by democrats.

The only place a conservative can get elected here is out in the middle of the desert on the eastern side of the state which is mostly rural and has low population.

Oh the irony of that post from a far left drone with a clown face..
The statement above was coordinated by Dr. Eliot A. Cohen, former Counselor of the Department of State (2007–8), and Bryan McGrath, Managing Director of The FerryBridge Group, a defense consultancy. They encourage other members of the Republican foreign policy and national security communities wishing to sign the declaration to contact them.
WOTR didn't write the letter or sign it; they just published it. This was not an opinion piece by WOTR. It was an opinion piece by the 121 Republicans who wrote and signed it. You can't use that argument this time.

thank you.

and *that* is the reality... thank you. it is easy for extremists to discount that reality because it doesn't suit their talking points.
It's a bit early in the morning, but I haven't seen any actual arguments countering what is in the letter here, which is typical with these shit slingers. I'm beginning to lose any respect for the conservative point of view until someone starts actually explaining why these concerned Republicans are wrong. Calling us names is not going to do the trick.
It's their opinion, they are entitled to it and nobody needs your respect. Who do you think you are?

their opinion is based on their expertise and on reality.

keep thinking that way.... it's why you lose national elections and we're all making fun of you

That poster loses at the state level too.

That poster is in my state which is one of the Blue Wall States. Our electoral votes have not gone to a republican presidential candidate in 32 years.

We haven't had a republican governor in about the same amount of time.

The state congress is mostly democrats. All but one of the state top offices are held by democrats.

The only place a conservative can get elected here is out in the middle of the desert on the eastern side of the state which is mostly rural and has low population.
The libturds in the Seattle area control most of the votes but Dino Rossi did win. And he won the recount. The left wing activists kept counting votes until they turned up right.

Being the libturd that you are facts don't matter, however ...

Partisan composition of state houses - Ballotpedia
Party Number Percentage
Democratic state representatives 2,340 43.2%
Republican state representatives 3,029 56.4%
Independent state representatives 17 0.31%
Third party representatives 8 0.14%
Vacancies 17 0.314%
"We the undersigned, members of the Republican national security community, represent a broad spectrum of opinion on America’s role in the world and what is necessary to keep us safe and prosperous. We have disagreed with one another on many issues, including the Iraq war and intervention in Syria. But we are united in our opposition to a Donald Trump presidency. Recognizing as we do, the conditions in American politics that have contributed to his popularity, we nonetheless are obligated to state our core objections clearly:

His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle. He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence.

His advocacy for aggressively waging trade wars is a recipe for economic disaster in a globally connected world.

His embrace of the expansive use of torture is inexcusable.

His hateful, anti-Muslim rhetoric undercuts the seriousness of combating Islamic radicalism by alienating partners in the Islamic world making significant contributions to the effort. Furthermore, it endangers the safety and Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of American Muslims.

Controlling our border and preventing illegal immigration is a serious issue, but his insistence that Mexico will fund a wall on the southern border inflames unhelpful passions, and rests on an utter misreading of, and contempt for, our southern neighbor."

More at link

Open Letter on Trump from GOP National Security Leaders

it is signed by

Ken Adelman
David Adesnik
Michael Auslin
Mike Baker
Christopher Barton
Kevin W. Billings
Robert D. Blackwill
Daniel A. Blumenthal
Max Boot
Ellen Bork
Anna Borshchevskaya
Joseph A. Bosco
Michael Chertoff
Patrick Chovanec
James Clad
Eliot A. Cohen
Gus Coldebella
Carrie Cordero
Michael Coulter
Chester A. Crocker
Patrick M. Cronin
Seth Cropsey
Tom Donnelly
Daniel Drezner
Colin Dueck
Eric Edelman
Joseph Esposito
Charles Fairbanks
Richard A. Falkenrath
Peter D. Feaver
Niall Ferguson
Richard Fontaine
Aaron Friedberg
Dan Gabriel
Greg Garcia
Jana Chapman Gates
Jeffrey Gedmin
Reuel Marc Gerecht
James K. Glassman
David Gordon
Christopher J. Griffin
Mary R. Habeck
Paul Haenle
Melinda Haring
Robert Hastings
Rebeccah Heinrichs
Francis Q. Hoang
Rachel Hoff
Jeffrey W. Hornung
William C. Inboden
Jamil N. Jaffer
Ash Jain
Marc C. Johnson
Myriah Jordan
Robert G. Joseph
Tim Kane
Kate Kidder
Robert Kagan
Rep. Jim Kolbe
David Kramer
Stephen Krasner

Matthew Kroenig
Frank Lavin
Philip I. Levy
Philip Lohaus
Mary Beth Long
Peter Mansoor
John Maurer
Matthew McCabe
Bryan McGrath
Richard G. Miles
Paul D. Miller
Charles Morrison
Michael B. Mukasey
Scott W. Muller
Lester Munson
Andrew S. Natsios
Michael Noonan

Tom Nichols
John Noonan
Roger F. Noriega
Stephen E. Ockenden
John Osborn
Robert T. Osterhaler
Mackubin T. Owens
Daniel Pipes
Everett Pyatt
Martha T. Rainville
Stephen Rodriguez
Marc A. Ross
Nicholas Rostow
Michael Rubin
Daniel F. Runde
Benjamin Runkle
Richard L. Russell
Andrew Sagor
Kori Schake
Randy Scheunemann
Gary J. Schmitt
Gabriel Schoenfeld
Russell Seitz
Kalev I. Sepp
Vance Serchuk
David R. Shedd
Gary Shiffman
Kristen Silverberg
Michael Singh
Ray Takeyh
Jeremy Teigen
William H. Tobey
Frances F. Townsend
Jan Van Tol
Daniel Vajdich
Ruth Wedgwood
Albert Wolf
Julie Wood
Dov S. Zakheim
Roger Zakheim
Sam Zega
Philip Zelikow
Robert B. Zoellick
Laurence Zuriff

and they are REPUBLICANS. (not that fact matters to the radical right)

dumb donald is dangerous.

who didn't sign it, the kitchen sink?
Donald: The truth is out there. Information does not have to be gleaned from message boards.


Look tinydancer, you may have some idea about the way the world works in your head, but bi-partisan rejection of Trump by foreign policy experts puts Hillary on a winning offensive anytime Trump opens his mouth on the topic.

How the world operates is not in my head. I deal in facts. Rarely opinion. Including my own. Because opinions are a dime a dozen usually based solely on a headline.

Bi partisan rant here. Left and right both commit to opining based on skeletal information. Take the issue with Trump now being buddies with Putin. No proof whatsoever.
Hillary Clinton's campaign manager came out and flatly admitted they were running with this narrative *cough* "because they heard it on CNN".


Meanwhile back at the ranch at the good old USMB board you have your typical minions of the Clinton campaign now claiming treason on the part of Trump.

People and posters like that fail to amuse me anymore. It's just flat out tiresome. And posters who put up all these foolish threads suck up all the air off the front page of USMB and in their own way suppress any meaningful dialogue on issues or candidates outside the realm of the Presidency.

Sadly this board has gone the way of "Republicans have poopy pants" and "Democrats have cooties". Pathetic.

As to the dime a dozen "so and so won't vote for <fill in the blank> threads they are meaningless. Take this OP. Who are these people within what agency and what are their ranks?

How can one actually discuss the OP properly because these are just meaningless people who supposedly work as national security advisors. Really? Prove they do by giving their rank and where exactly they work within the Obama administration AND prove to me they are Republicans.

Or it doesn't mean jack shit to me. And with all due respect,. it shouldn't mean jack shit to you either.
Donald: The truth is out there. Information does not have to be gleaned from message boards.


Look tinydancer, you may have some idea about the way the world works in your head, but bi-partisan rejection of Trump by foreign policy experts puts Hillary on a winning offensive anytime Trump opens his mouth on the topic.

How the world operates is not in my head. I deal in facts. Rarely opinion. Including my own. Because opinions are a dime a dozen usually based solely on a headline.

Bi partisan rant here. Left and right both commit to opining based on skeletal information. Take the issue with Trump now being buddies with Putin. No proof whatsoever.
Hillary Clinton's campaign manager came out and flatly admitted they were running with this narrative *cough* "because they heard it on CNN".


Meanwhile back at the ranch at the good old USMB board you have your typical minions of the Clinton campaign now claiming treason on the part of Trump.

People and posters like that fail to amuse me anymore. It's just flat out tiresome. And posters who put up all these foolish threads suck up all the air off the front page of USMB and in their own way suppress any meaningful dialogue on issues or candidates outside the realm of the Presidency.

Sadly this board has gone the way of "Republicans have poopy pants" and "Democrats have cooties". Pathetic.

As to the dime a dozen "so and so won't vote for <fill in the blank> threads they are meaningless. Take this OP. Who are these people within what agency and what are their ranks?

How can one actually discuss the OP properly because these are just meaningless people who supposedly work as national security advisors. Really? Prove they do by giving their rank and where exactly they work within the Obama administration AND prove to me they are Republicans.

Or it doesn't mean jack shit to me. And with all due respect,. it shouldn't mean jack shit to you either.

" I deal in facts. Rarely opinion. Including my own. "

hows the "sure thing" Keystone Pipeline that you knew for a fact would be finished working out for you ?

oh yeah ...
Donald: The truth is out there. Information does not have to be gleaned from message boards.


Look tinydancer, you may have some idea about the way the world works in your head, but bi-partisan rejection of Trump by foreign policy experts puts Hillary on a winning offensive anytime Trump opens his mouth on the topic.

How the world operates is not in my head. I deal in facts. Rarely opinion. Including my own. Because opinions are a dime a dozen usually based solely on a headline.

Bi partisan rant here. Left and right both commit to opining based on skeletal information. Take the issue with Trump now being buddies with Putin. No proof whatsoever.
Hillary Clinton's campaign manager came out and flatly admitted they were running with this narrative *cough* "because they heard it on CNN".


Meanwhile back at the ranch at the good old USMB board you have your typical minions of the Clinton campaign now claiming treason on the part of Trump.

People and posters like that fail to amuse me anymore. It's just flat out tiresome. And posters who put up all these foolish threads suck up all the air off the front page of USMB and in their own way suppress any meaningful dialogue on issues or candidates outside the realm of the Presidency.

Sadly this board has gone the way of "Republicans have poopy pants" and "Democrats have cooties". Pathetic.

As to the dime a dozen "so and so won't vote for <fill in the blank> threads they are meaningless. Take this OP. Who are these people within what agency and what are their ranks?

How can one actually discuss the OP properly because these are just meaningless people who supposedly work as national security advisors. Really? Prove they do by giving their rank and where exactly they work within the Obama administration AND prove to me they are Republicans.

Or it doesn't mean jack shit to me. And with all due respect,. it shouldn't mean jack shit to you either.
People and posters like that fail to amuse me anymore. It's just flat out tiresome.
Sadly this board has gone the way of "Republicans have poopy pants" and "Democrats have cooties".


Ken Adelman:

Adelman began working for the government in 1969 at the U.S. Department of Commerce, and then served in theOffice of Economic Opportunity. From 1975 to 1977 during the Gerald Ford administration, Adelman was an Assistant to United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and was later a member of the Defense Policy Board. He has also served as a national editor of Washingtonian magazine for more than 17 years.

Ken Adelman, 1981
He was the deputy U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations for two-and-a-half years, working with Jeane Kirkpatrick. He also served as the Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for nearly five years, during the Reagan administration. He was an advisor to President Ronald Reagan during the superpower summits between Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev.

He took part in the Zaire River Expedition in 1975, travelling down the Congo River on the 100th Anniversary of Henry Morton Stanley's exploration.

In 1981, he was selected to be one of the first Young Leaders of the French-American Foundation.[2]

Adelman was a member of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board well-known[by whom?] for his involvement in conservative policy efforts dating back to the 1970s, when he was a member of the Committee on the Present Danger. He strongly supported the war on Iraq and worked for the think tank Project for the New American Century, arguing for new policies to help the United States remain a global leader. Adelman, called "a lifelongneocon activist", worried in 2006 that the incompetence shown in handling the war in Iraq would damage the neoconservative movement; neoconservatism, he said, "is not going to sell" for at least a generation.[3]

David Adesnik is the Policy Director at the Foreign Policy Initiative, where he focuses on defense and strategy issues. Previously, David was a visiting fellow at the Marilyn Ware Center for Security Studies at the American Enterprise Institute. For two years, he served as deputy director for Joint Data Support at the U.S. Department of Defense, where he focused on the modeling and simulation of irregular warfare and counterinsurgency. David also spent several years as research staff member at the Institute for Defense Analyses. In that capacity, he spent several months in Baghdad as an operations research and systems analyst for Multinational Corps – Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 2008, he was part of the foreign policy and national security staff for John McCain’s presidential campaign.

David holds a doctorate and master’s degree in international relations from Oxford University, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar. His dissertation focused on the Reagan administration’s approach to democracy promotion. David received a bachelor’s degree in history from Yale University. He has been the recipient of fellowships from the Council on Foreign Relations, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Harvard University, and the University of Virginia. His work has been published in Foreign Policy, The Weekly Standard, The National Review, The Washington Free Beacon, The Washington Quarterly,, and The Daily Caller. David has served as a commentator on several cable television networks and radio programs.

The first two on the list appear to have knowledge and experience with foreign affairs and to be Republicans. While it is, after all, only 121 people, if you are as "fact" based as you say, you will at least acknowledge they know what they are talking about.
"His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle. He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence."

Further proof that Trump has no understanding of the issues; that he's reckless, irresponsible, and has no business being president.
thank you.

and *that* is the reality... thank you. it is easy for extremists to discount that reality because it doesn't suit their talking points.
It's a bit early in the morning, but I haven't seen any actual arguments countering what is in the letter here, which is typical with these shit slingers. I'm beginning to lose any respect for the conservative point of view until someone starts actually explaining why these concerned Republicans are wrong. Calling us names is not going to do the trick.
It's their opinion, they are entitled to it and nobody needs your respect. Who do you think you are?

their opinion is based on their expertise and on reality.

keep thinking that way.... it's why you lose national elections and we're all making fun of you

That poster loses at the state level too.

That poster is in my state which is one of the Blue Wall States. Our electoral votes have not gone to a republican presidential candidate in 32 years.

We haven't had a republican governor in about the same amount of time.

The state congress is mostly democrats. All but one of the state top offices are held by democrats.

The only place a conservative can get elected here is out in the middle of the desert on the eastern side of the state which is mostly rural and has low population.

Oh the irony of that post from a far left drone with a clown face..

It's a bit early in the morning, but I haven't seen any actual arguments countering what is in the letter here, which is typical with these shit slingers. I'm beginning to lose any respect for the conservative point of view until someone starts actually explaining why these concerned Republicans are wrong. Calling us names is not going to do the trick.
It's their opinion, they are entitled to it and nobody needs your respect. Who do you think you are?

their opinion is based on their expertise and on reality.

keep thinking that way.... it's why you lose national elections and we're all making fun of you

That poster loses at the state level too.

That poster is in my state which is one of the Blue Wall States. Our electoral votes have not gone to a republican presidential candidate in 32 years.

We haven't had a republican governor in about the same amount of time.

The state congress is mostly democrats. All but one of the state top offices are held by democrats.

The only place a conservative can get elected here is out in the middle of the desert on the eastern side of the state which is mostly rural and has low population.

Oh the irony of that post from a far left drone with a clown face..


Yes we know the far left is irony impaired!
These are the RINOs that ruined the GOP. They are the reason we got Trump. This does not make Trump dangerous, only an idiot thinks that. Hillary's corruption is likely more of a problem.

no. *you* are the RINO's.

they are republicans.

and they're much smarter than you are.

facts matter in the real world.

If they are so smart then they should realize they aren't Republicans and head on over to the Democrats. If they are so smart they should realize they lost. Boo hoo poor babies didn't get Jeb or John.

except that they ARE republicans. they are not insane

your making things up does not change reality....even for drug-addled loons

Pfffft. What did I make up jillian? Come on. Except for your insult laden canned responses you never post anything worthwhile.

Come on. In my post where did I lie?
What else would you expect from the low information, low productivity, low expectation party?

we expect exactly the type of thing you post.

you're welcome.
It's their opinion, they are entitled to it and nobody needs your respect. Who do you think you are?

their opinion is based on their expertise and on reality.

keep thinking that way.... it's why you lose national elections and we're all making fun of you

That poster loses at the state level too.

That poster is in my state which is one of the Blue Wall States. Our electoral votes have not gone to a republican presidential candidate in 32 years.

We haven't had a republican governor in about the same amount of time.

The state congress is mostly democrats. All but one of the state top offices are held by democrats.

The only place a conservative can get elected here is out in the middle of the desert on the eastern side of the state which is mostly rural and has low population.

Oh the irony of that post from a far left drone with a clown face..


Yes we know the far left is irony impaired!


parrot loon should learn the definition of irony.
"His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle. He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence."

Further proof that Trump has no understanding of the issues; that he's reckless, irresponsible, and has no business being president.
Or they don't understand him. Hillary and obie are the ones that fucked up the middle east, not Trump.
their opinion is based on their expertise and on reality.

keep thinking that way.... it's why you lose national elections and we're all making fun of you

That poster loses at the state level too.

That poster is in my state which is one of the Blue Wall States. Our electoral votes have not gone to a republican presidential candidate in 32 years.

We haven't had a republican governor in about the same amount of time.

The state congress is mostly democrats. All but one of the state top offices are held by democrats.

The only place a conservative can get elected here is out in the middle of the desert on the eastern side of the state which is mostly rural and has low population.

Oh the irony of that post from a far left drone with a clown face..


Yes we know the far left is irony impaired!


parrot loon should learn the definition of irony.

Yes you far left drones should learn new words, especially the word irony!

That poster loses at the state level too.

That poster is in my state which is one of the Blue Wall States. Our electoral votes have not gone to a republican presidential candidate in 32 years.

We haven't had a republican governor in about the same amount of time.

The state congress is mostly democrats. All but one of the state top offices are held by democrats.

The only place a conservative can get elected here is out in the middle of the desert on the eastern side of the state which is mostly rural and has low population.

Oh the irony of that post from a far left drone with a clown face..


Yes we know the far left is irony impaired!


parrot loon should learn the definition of irony.

Yes you far left drones should learn new words, especially the word irony!


Oh the irony of that post from a far left drone with a clown face..


Yes we know the far left is irony impaired!


parrot loon should learn the definition of irony.

Yes you far left drones should learn new words, especially the word irony!



Yes another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

Antiwar Left apparently upset about the very drone program they forced into existence.

Antiwar Left apparently upset about the very drone program they forced into existence. | RedState
"We the undersigned, members of the Republican national security community, represent a broad spectrum of opinion on America’s role in the world and what is necessary to keep us safe and prosperous. We have disagreed with one another on many issues, including the Iraq war and intervention in Syria. But we are united in our opposition to a Donald Trump presidency. Recognizing as we do, the conditions in American politics that have contributed to his popularity, we nonetheless are obligated to state our core objections clearly:

His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle. He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence.

His advocacy for aggressively waging trade wars is a recipe for economic disaster in a globally connected world.

His embrace of the expansive use of torture is inexcusable.

His hateful, anti-Muslim rhetoric undercuts the seriousness of combating Islamic radicalism by alienating partners in the Islamic world making significant contributions to the effort. Furthermore, it endangers the safety and Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of American Muslims.

Controlling our border and preventing illegal immigration is a serious issue, but his insistence that Mexico will fund a wall on the southern border inflames unhelpful passions, and rests on an utter misreading of, and contempt for, our southern neighbor."

More at link

Open Letter on Trump from GOP National Security Leaders

it is signed by

Ken Adelman
David Adesnik
Michael Auslin
Mike Baker
Christopher Barton
Kevin W. Billings
Robert D. Blackwill
Daniel A. Blumenthal
Max Boot
Ellen Bork
Anna Borshchevskaya
Joseph A. Bosco
Michael Chertoff
Patrick Chovanec
James Clad
Eliot A. Cohen
Gus Coldebella
Carrie Cordero
Michael Coulter
Chester A. Crocker
Patrick M. Cronin
Seth Cropsey
Tom Donnelly
Daniel Drezner
Colin Dueck
Eric Edelman
Joseph Esposito
Charles Fairbanks
Richard A. Falkenrath
Peter D. Feaver
Niall Ferguson
Richard Fontaine
Aaron Friedberg
Dan Gabriel
Greg Garcia
Jana Chapman Gates
Jeffrey Gedmin
Reuel Marc Gerecht
James K. Glassman
David Gordon
Christopher J. Griffin
Mary R. Habeck
Paul Haenle
Melinda Haring
Robert Hastings
Rebeccah Heinrichs
Francis Q. Hoang
Rachel Hoff
Jeffrey W. Hornung
William C. Inboden
Jamil N. Jaffer
Ash Jain
Marc C. Johnson
Myriah Jordan
Robert G. Joseph
Tim Kane
Kate Kidder
Robert Kagan
Rep. Jim Kolbe
David Kramer
Stephen Krasner

Matthew Kroenig
Frank Lavin
Philip I. Levy
Philip Lohaus
Mary Beth Long
Peter Mansoor
John Maurer
Matthew McCabe
Bryan McGrath
Richard G. Miles
Paul D. Miller
Charles Morrison
Michael B. Mukasey
Scott W. Muller
Lester Munson
Andrew S. Natsios
Michael Noonan

Tom Nichols
John Noonan
Roger F. Noriega
Stephen E. Ockenden
John Osborn
Robert T. Osterhaler
Mackubin T. Owens
Daniel Pipes
Everett Pyatt
Martha T. Rainville
Stephen Rodriguez
Marc A. Ross
Nicholas Rostow
Michael Rubin
Daniel F. Runde
Benjamin Runkle
Richard L. Russell
Andrew Sagor
Kori Schake
Randy Scheunemann
Gary J. Schmitt
Gabriel Schoenfeld
Russell Seitz
Kalev I. Sepp
Vance Serchuk
David R. Shedd
Gary Shiffman
Kristen Silverberg
Michael Singh
Ray Takeyh
Jeremy Teigen
William H. Tobey
Frances F. Townsend
Jan Van Tol
Daniel Vajdich
Ruth Wedgwood
Albert Wolf
Julie Wood
Dov S. Zakheim
Roger Zakheim
Sam Zega
Philip Zelikow
Robert B. Zoellick
Laurence Zuriff

and they are REPUBLICANS. (not that fact matters to the radical right)

dumb donald is dangerous.

These are the RINOs that ruined the GOP. They are the reason we got Trump. This does not make Trump dangerous, only an idiot thinks that. Hillary's corruption is likely more of a problem.

That was amazing. I mean I thought you would feel some sort of shame by slapping 121 different people with all being RINO's at one time but not you tho. You're there to suck as much cock as your cock sucker will suck.

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