Open letter published to fight "Cancel Culture"

"We"? You have no power and what if I were to "dox" you and let your clients and any potential clients know what a communist sack of shit you are and thus causing you to lose potential business because people in cyberville were pushing the fact that you are a communist asshole? Would you be "fine" with that? Are you proud to be a communist POS and do you let potential clients know about your politics upfront so they can make a decision on whether to let you update their resume or not? I bet that you keep your commie views to yourself and dread the fact that you could be "doxxed" in the same way you wish for others that are not good little marxists like yourself.

You are a fucking coward, Joe are as cowardly as you are one fat sack of shit.

Anybody who knows me knows what my views are, and that they are nowhere near "Communism".

Now stop stalking me, Dmitri.
Thank goodness. It's about time some well-known voices spoke out against "Cancel Culture".

The letter addressed the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests and calls to defund the police — acknowledging that the demands are over due while warning against cancel culture and being intolerant of differences.

“But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity,” the letter read. “The democratic inclusion we want can be achieved only if we speak out against the intolerant climate that has set in on all sides.”

The letter warned that liberals are forming their own version of censorship, one that President Donald Trump and “right-wing demagogues” thrive off of.

“This stifling atmosphere will ultimately harm the most vital causes of our time,” the letter added. “The restriction of debate, whether by a repressive government or an intolerant society, invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation.”


So you are no longer Dem leaning???

She's riding the cotton pony. She's always looking for ANYTHING to have an argument about. She needs a shrink.
All lives that are being snuffed out by criminals that YOU believe should be allowed to be armed like George Floyd that pressed a gun against the belly of a pregnant woman that you weep mighty cyber tears over that never should have been released from prison???? While leaving the populace with no way to defend themselves if you had your way, Joe Blowhard?

The woman wasn't pregnant, and Floyd did his time for that robbery.

Most of the other people BLM is complaining about - Sandra Bland, LaQuan McDonald, Tamir Rice, aren't criminals at all, and some of them are CHILDREN.

I don't think anyone should be armed, that's the point. But as longs as we are all "All Lives Matter", buddy, the fact is, a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member as a bad guy and 76% of homicide victims are killed by friends and family.
Factually false
Because - math.

Romney got 47% of the vote. Trump got 46% of the vote.
Romney got 59% of the white vote. Trump got 57% of the white vote.


Blacks turned out at a 66% participation rate in 2012, but only 59% in 2016.


The LIbertarians got 1% of the vote in 2012, and the Greens got 0.3%
In 2016, Libertarians got 3% of the vote and Greens to 1%.


Now go fuck off, stupid.

Yes - do fuck off stupid.

No one (that votes on a regular basis) stayed home.
Did fewer Blacks shuffle off to the polls than they did for the half-black guy, of course, .

More than offset by total turnout.

2012 - 58.6% of eligible voters turned out.
2016 - 60.2% of eligible voters turned out.

9 out of the 13 states where voter turnout was highest were battleground states.

If people stayed home or voted 3rd party in NY, California, Hawaii, or Illinois, literally no affect on the election.
"We"? You have no power and what if I were to "dox" you and let your clients and any potential clients know what a communist sack of shit you are and thus causing you to lose potential business because people in cyberville were pushing the fact that you are a communist asshole? Would you be "fine" with that? Are you proud to be a communist POS and do you let potential clients know about your politics upfront so they can make a decision on whether to let you update their resume or not? I bet that you keep your commie views to yourself and dread the fact that you could be "doxxed" in the same way you wish for others that are not good little marxists like yourself.

You are a fucking coward, Joe are as cowardly as you are one fat sack of shit.

Anybody who knows me knows what my views are, and that they are nowhere near "Communism".

Now stop stalking me, Dmitri.

Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, you openly stated that you were a socialist which is just a red **** hair away from being a commie. You have blatantly stated that only the state should possess fire-arms and that those that insist on being armed should be (and I quote you) "frog marched" to a re-education camp? You are the same poster that backed the CCP's crackdown on young people at Tienanmen Square and their use of running over protesters with tanks.

Now, if cops so much as pepper sprayed a BLM or ANTIFA member in the act of rioting and destroying the property of others? You would be SOILING yourself in indignant anger and calling the police "fascist pigs" and you fucking know it...ya hypocritical bag of shit.
No one (that votes on a regular basis) stayed home.
Did fewer Blacks shuffle off to the polls than they did for the half-black guy, of course, .

More than offset by total turnout.

2012 - 58.6% of eligible voters turned out.
2016 - 60.2% of eligible voters turned out.

Uh, guy, a 1.6% increase is barely counting population growth.

9 out of the 13 states where voter turnout was highest were battleground states.

Which is a good reason to get rid of the Electoral College. Why should 9 states decide the election. EVERY state should be a a battleground state, because they are competing for every vote.

But my point stands. The same stupid racist fucks who voted for Romney are the same stupid racist fucks who voted for Trump.
Calling for companies to fire someone because you disagree with them is, it just isn't government censorship.

It's petty and cruel, especially over things like words a person says.

I find it hilarious you think that it's usually just fine if a company fires someone for any other reason, but MAN, if they fire some bigot, it's the worst thing ever.

She was defending her step son, who is innocent until proven guilty.

When everything is a bigot, nothing is a bigot.
No. People don't want to be destroyed without actually being countered.


"all lives matter"

"You racist, sexist, homophobic, xenomorph! Fire him"

Then, it actually happens.

Want proof?

You mean when you are in a public place, and we know we have a legitimate concern, if you use the language of the bigots.

"All Lives" aren't the problem here. All Lives are not the ones being snuffed out by thug cops who should have been fired years ago.

That is actually true - it is almost exclusively - Not Black Lives.
They may have the right to fire her, but by doing so in the way they did they have basically made it impossible for her to be hired by anyone else. That should be treated as libel/slander and they should be sued, to at least force them to admit exactly why they fired her and what she did.

Also, just because you have the right to do something doesn't make it right.

All she supposedly did was defend her step son.

I hope you get fired one day for something this stupid, you gutless hack.

This woman did more than defend her thug cop son. She violated company policies.

how so? Did the company release details, or did they just say she did?

They hid their twitter behind a permission wall, so you know they don't want to admit to what actually happened.
No one (that votes on a regular basis) stayed home.
Did fewer Blacks shuffle off to the polls than they did for the half-black guy, of course, .

More than offset by total turnout.

2012 - 58.6% of eligible voters turned out.
2016 - 60.2% of eligible voters turned out.

Uh, guy, a 1.6% increase is barely counting population growth.

9 out of the 13 states where voter turnout was highest were battleground states.

Which is a good reason to get rid of the Electoral College. Why should 9 states decide the election. EVERY state should be a a battleground state, because they are competing for every vote.

But my point stands. The same stupid racist fucks who voted for Romney are the same stupid racist fucks who voted for Trump.

You may not know what "percentage" means,
Yet you think its OK for companies to fire people like this, not legal, OK.

It's amazing how far SJW twits like you will go to dodge answering things directly, you pussy.

I think it's perfectly okay to fire someone for something like this. We live in a non-unionized world of at will employment. You are whining because people get fired? People get fired all the time. There are 40 million on unemployment right now... you are all upset about this one person who was already transitioning out, who was shown the door faster when she violated company policy.

The thing is by firing her this way and making their statements, they slandered her and should be sued to Oblivion.

Joe is always OK when people he doesn't like gets screwed. he is the worst form of cheerleader, a gutless old fart who will make this world a better place when he is six feet under it.
So, we can fire people for being black?

You were so goddamn transparent it's pathetic.

I'm sure it's done all the time. Except that it's called, "inadequate performance".

It's already been established that resumes with black names are rejected more often than ones with white names.
How could that be established? What are "black" names?

One must make that determination before anything can be established.

But, here it is. Efforts to suppress bigotry has the opposite effect. Why not let bigots expose their bigotry so we know who they are?
No one (that votes on a regular basis) stayed home.
Did fewer Blacks shuffle off to the polls than they did for the half-black guy, of course, .

More than offset by total turnout.

2012 - 58.6% of eligible voters turned out.
2016 - 60.2% of eligible voters turned out.

Uh, guy, a 1.6% increase is barely counting population growth.

9 out of the 13 states where voter turnout was highest were battleground states.

Which is a good reason to get rid of the Electoral College. Why should 9 states decide the election. EVERY state should be a a battleground state, because they are competing for every vote.

But my point stands. The same stupid racist fucks who voted for Romney are the same stupid racist fucks who voted for Trump.

Joe Blowhard SEZ?????? "If you don't vote "leftard", you are just a racist and an anti -commie and you should be shunned by those like myself that don't know my ass from a hole in the ground!"

Listen up, Joe Blowhard, there are millions of us that will defend this Republic with all that we have even if it means dying a cruel death in defense of it. You commie fucks have over-played your hand and decided to "move ahead" with your commie coup even though all these fake shootings didn't result in disarmament. Joe Blowhard, the bloated commie? Molon Labe.........

The thing is by firing her this way and making their statements, they slandered her and should be sued to Oblivion.

Joe is always OK when people he doesn't like gets screwed. he is the worst form of cheerleader, a gutless old fart who will make this world a better place when he is six feet under it.

Um, she's the one who made the public spectacle of herself, not her employer. What makes her unemployable is she's the mom of a thug cop.
The thing is by firing her this way and making their statements, they slandered her and should be sued to Oblivion.

Joe is always OK when people he doesn't like gets screwed. he is the worst form of cheerleader, a gutless old fart who will make this world a better place when he is six feet under it.

Um, she's the one who made the public spectacle of herself, not her employer. What makes her unemployable is she's the mom of a thug cop.

What public spectacle?
No one (that votes on a regular basis) stayed home.
Did fewer Blacks shuffle off to the polls than they did for the half-black guy, of course, .

More than offset by total turnout.

2012 - 58.6% of eligible voters turned out.
2016 - 60.2% of eligible voters turned out.

Uh, guy, a 1.6% increase is barely counting population growth.

9 out of the 13 states where voter turnout was highest were battleground states.

Which is a good reason to get rid of the Electoral College. Why should 9 states decide the election. EVERY state should be a a battleground state, because they are competing for every vote.

But my point stands. The same stupid racist fucks who voted for Romney are the same stupid racist fucks who voted for Trump.
Why should ONLY California and NY decide?
Listen up, Joe Blowhard, there are millions of us that will defend this Republic with all that we have even if it means dying a cruel death in defense of it. You commie fucks have over-played your hand and decided to "move ahead" with your commie coup even though all these fake shootings didn't result in disarmament. Joe Blowhard, the bloated commie? Molon Labe.........

The best argument for gun control is a five minute discussion with a gun nut.

Wait, Dale, you've denounced the government as a "Corporate State" that you don't participate in, but now you are going to "Defend the Republic".


Hey, funny thing. I actually DID defend the Republic. I served in the Army for 11 years. What did you do?

The reality is, the combination of the Plague, the Riots and the Recession, Trump is going to lose in EPIC fashion. Then we'll finally get some common sense gun control.

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