Open Letter to Senator McCain- Shove Off

The Russians also went after senators who put US interests over Russian interests, such as McCain. And McCain knows that.

Oh, senators aren't part of any "chain of command". It's very authoritarian of someone to think that senators owe fealty to a dictator-president.
McCain should retire because he's a douche bag who stabs his party in the back.

So it's party, not country, first?
McCain isn't for the country. He's for himself only.
Looks like John has finally succumbed to the torture of his captors, and is beginning suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome.
There is and never has been any evidence or reason for an investigation into ANYTHING the Trump campaign or his administration has done. The is however a massive amount of evidence of fraud, threats, conspiracy, constitutional rights violations AND theft by the entire dimshit communist party. It is time to COMPLETELY close the door on them and their pets. Anything ANY of you post to the contrary is just a PURE UNADULTERATED LIE and everyone on earth knows it.
Looks like John has finally succumbed to the torture of his captors, and is beginning suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome.
There is and never has been any evidence or reason for an investigation into ANYTHING the Trump campaign or his administration has done. The is however a massive amount of evidence of fraud, threats, conspiracy, constitutional rights violations AND theft by the entire dimshit communist party. It is time to COMPLETELY close the door on them and their pets. Anything ANY of you post to the contrary is just a PURE UNADULTERATED LIE and everyone on earth knows it.

Wow, Dude, you are seriously in denial.

It's not just the Democrats who are saying Trump is dirty. It's a lot of Republicans, it's the entire intel community, it's the FBI.

The only question becomes, do you guys go down with the ship?
Looks like John has finally succumbed to the torture of his captors, and is beginning suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome.
There is and never has been any evidence or reason for an investigation into ANYTHING the Trump campaign or his administration has done. The is however a massive amount of evidence of fraud, threats, conspiracy, constitutional rights violations AND theft by the entire dimshit communist party. It is time to COMPLETELY close the door on them and their pets. Anything ANY of you post to the contrary is just a PURE UNADULTERATED LIE and everyone on earth knows it.

Wow, Dude, you are seriously in denial.

It's not just the Democrats who are saying Trump is dirty. It's a lot of Republicans, it's the entire intel community, it's the FBI.

The only question becomes, do you guys go down with the ship?

Well of course. The machine is not supporting POTUS. I have 2-1 odds that McCain can't make the 6 year term he won in 2016. In his 80's, he is clearly showing a lack of his faculties. The man should retire/resign and ride off into that hot AZ sun

Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


We, as patriots, (not saying he is not, just old and incompetent) need to start funding people to DEFEAT these lefty Republicans. We know all about the far leftist Democrats, and while I disagree with virtually everything they stand for, at least they get elected by running on their principles.

Not so with Mcain, and a host of other Republicans. They run on being conservative, then stick it to us!

OUR elections are the PRIMARIES! We MUST throw these phony-baloneys out when their election cycle appears.

Are you in a deep blue state that a Republican/conservative has no chance? Then find another district that is red with a primary challenger for the RINO, and fund him even 1 dollar. Win the primary, and you have someone who will fight as the lefty will probably lose in the general. And if the lefty doesn't? Well, better to be screwed by an enemy up front, then be screwed by a supposed friend sticking a knife in your back when you are not looking!
Well of course. The machine is not supporting POTUS. I have 2-1 odds that McCain can't make the 6 year term he won in 2016. In his 80's, he is clearly showing a lack of his faculties. The man should retire/resign and ride off into that hot AZ sun

Guy, are you really trying to claim that McCain is less coherent than the Orange Shitgibbon? Really?

We, as patriots, (not saying he is not, just old and incompetent) need to start funding people to DEFEAT these lefty Republicans. We know all about the far leftist Democrats, and while I disagree with virtually everything they stand for, at least they get elected by running on their principles.

Not so with Mcain, and a host of other Republicans. They run on being conservative, then stick it to us!

Or they realize they have to make laws the whole country can live with an not the 20% of the population that makes up the crazy right wing.

The thing is, the American Conservative Union rates McCain at 81.62% Not as good as Jeff Flake at 91%, but Flake has been equally critical of the Orange Shitgibbon.

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