Open Letter to Senator McCain- Shove Off

It was a war with no agenda

No, sir, it did have an agenda.

The agenda was

1. to run our weapons factories
2. to produce the "cloud of smoke" for LBJ to divert our weapons to Israel
3. for Israel to use those weapons to start its "re-conquest of the Promised Land" by starting the 1967 war with our weapons
4. Vietnam was "noise" to distract from the Israeli murder of the USS Liberty

Don't believe that?

Try this... the CIA dossier of the 67 war, where LBJ told us Israel was attacked and was just defending itself...

but LBJ in reality was very very different...

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move"
The Russians also went after senators who put US interests over Russian interests, such as McCain. And McCain knows that.

Oh, senators aren't part of any "chain of command". It's very authoritarian of someone to think that senators owe fealty to a dictator-president.
McCain should retire because he's a douche bag who stabs his party in the back.

So it's party, not country, first?
Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


I would add, that his endless calls to send American troops to every shooting fight is getting old to. I mean, you would think that a dude who technically got shot down twice would not be so eager to get other people killed, yet he endlessly plods on with his girlfriend Lindsey. Chain of command? He was done with that when he became a civilian. No, he should save the last bit of dignity he has and to away quietly like Zell Miller did.

You said he "technically" got shot down twice? Want to explain that little tidbit for the home audience?
Senator McCain has without question, chose to be the leader of dissent within the Republican Party. He should call it a day and pack it in


Two time loser he is.

McCain lost in a primary then lost 4 years later again in a general election, exactly like Hillary did.

Not exactly...McCain is number one in losing the popular vote...Trump is 2nd.

Link to the non-existent popular vote election? I thought not, run along stupid.
Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


I would add, that his endless calls to send American troops to every shooting fight is getting old to. I mean, you would think that a dude who technically got shot down twice would not be so eager to get other people killed, yet he endlessly plods on with his girlfriend Lindsey. Chain of command? He was done with that when he became a civilian. No, he should save the last bit of dignity he has and to away quietly like Zell Miller did.

You said he "technically" got shot down twice? Want to explain that little tidbit for the home audience?

I forgot, public educator. USS Zippo. Google it.
Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


I would add, that his endless calls to send American troops to every shooting fight is getting old to. I mean, you would think that a dude who technically got shot down twice would not be so eager to get other people killed, yet he endlessly plods on with his girlfriend Lindsey. Chain of command? He was done with that when he became a civilian. No, he should save the last bit of dignity he has and to away quietly like Zell Miller did.

You said he "technically" got shot down twice? Want to explain that little tidbit for the home audience?

I forgot, public educator. USS Zippo. Google it.

No, you Google it! I know the story as a close friend's father was the ship's XO at the time. I was on the Forrestal many times. How about you?

Explain the part about "technically being shot down twice".

I want everyone else to see your embarrassment when you fail yet again!
Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


I would add, that his endless calls to send American troops to every shooting fight is getting old to. I mean, you would think that a dude who technically got shot down twice would not be so eager to get other people killed, yet he endlessly plods on with his girlfriend Lindsey. Chain of command? He was done with that when he became a civilian. No, he should save the last bit of dignity he has and to away quietly like Zell Miller did.

You said he "technically" got shot down twice? Want to explain that little tidbit for the home audience?

I forgot, public educator. USS Zippo. Google it.

No, you Google it! I know the story as a close friend's father was the ship's XO at the time. I was on the Forrestal many times. How about you?

Explain the part about "technically being shot down twice".

I want everyone else to see your embarrassment when you fail yet again!

Nice lie. Pull it off google? I bet you would have been there to, blah, blah.
Tell y'all what though, google up "USS Forestall" or "USS ZIPPO". Crazy shit, horrible incident, but allot of of good came of it.



Google the definition. It does not fit your statement because you used the wrong word.

Try to be literate on this forum. There are more than enough illiterates on here.

I make it a habit to ignore public educators. You got he point because it's very important that you come off looking smaht. Your to stupid to even see your being trolled, worse, it's by a "dummy". There you go, now grab your red pen and correct that fag boy.
Sir, thank you for your service, but with all due respect sir, I respectfully request you retire. Your actions and documented interviews where your repeated disregard for the Chain of Command is noted.

Sir, I respect the sacrifice you made for our country. As a grade schooler growing up in the 60's, Vietnam was not something I was totally in tune with, I did note the kill numbers that Walter Cronkite gave us nightly. It was a war with no agenda

It's a different time in America Sir. The people have spoken leveling the Republican establishment to also-ran. We gave you every opportunity to right the ship, but as we have come to find, you sided with the establishment.

With that said, and taking all the other evidence available under consideration.... Sir, I find you in contempt for failure to support the Chain of Command. As someone with your military bearing, I find your conduct unacceptable. As a result, I request you voluntarily step down from the U.S. Senate.


I would add, that his endless calls to send American troops to every shooting fight is getting old to. I mean, you would think that a dude who technically got shot down twice would not be so eager to get other people killed, yet he endlessly plods on with his girlfriend Lindsey. Chain of command? He was done with that when he became a civilian. No, he should save the last bit of dignity he has and to away quietly like Zell Miller did.

You said he "technically" got shot down twice? Want to explain that little tidbit for the home audience?

I forgot, public educator. USS Zippo. Google it.

No, you Google it! I know the story as a close friend's father was the ship's XO at the time. I was on the Forrestal many times. How about you?

Explain the part about "technically being shot down twice".

I want everyone else to see your embarrassment when you fail yet again!

Nice lie. Pull it off google? I bet you would have been there to, blah, blah.

Still can't answer what you mean about "technically being shot down twice"?

Why don't you admit that you let your alligator mouth override your canary ass?

Man up and tell the truth. Only liberals try to get away with what you are doing!
Tell y'all what though, google up "USS Forestall" or "USS ZIPPO". Crazy shit, horrible incident, but allot of of good came of it.



Google the definition. It does not fit your statement because you used the wrong word.

Try to be literate on this forum. There are more than enough illiterates on here.

I make it a habit to ignore public educators. You got he point because it's very important that you come off looking smaht. Your to stupid to even see your being trolled, worse, it's by a "dummy". There you go, now grab your red pen and correct that fag boy.

Yeah, we can see you ignored your public educators all through your failed attempt at education.

It is nice of you to admit that you are a troll.
Tell y'all what though, google up "USS Forestall" or "USS ZIPPO". Crazy shit, horrible incident, but allot of of good came of it.



Google the definition. It does not fit your statement because you used the wrong word.

Try to be literate on this forum. There are more than enough illiterates on here.

I make it a habit to ignore public educators. You got he point because it's very important that you come off looking smaht. Your to stupid to even see your being trolled, worse, it's by a "dummy". There you go, now grab your red pen and correct that fag boy.

Yeah, we can see you ignored your public educators all through your failed attempt at education.

It is nice of you to admit that you are a troll.

See there ? See what I did ? You are way to easy. Typical of a public educator. Keep turning out them little Einstein's. I was told once by a guy who fought trade school. He was a welder. He was a class of educator that you wouldn't understand as you became an educator because it's an easy place for a person who is incapable of doing anything else. He quit when he was 48 just because of idiots like you. Failed in every aspect of their lives and get planted in a public school. Your type makes them perfect for gubment work. I mean, without a gubment, you would be at McDonalds or the TSA.

Google the definition. It does not fit your statement because you used the wrong word.

Try to be literate on this forum. There are more than enough illiterates on here.

I make it a habit to ignore public educators. You got he point because it's very important that you come off looking smaht. Your to stupid to even see your being trolled, worse, it's by a "dummy". There you go, now grab your red pen and correct that fag boy.

Yeah, we can see you ignored your public educators all through your failed attempt at education.

It is nice of you to admit that you are a troll.

See there ? See what I did ? You are way to easy. Typical of a public educator. Keep turning out them little Einstein's. I was told once by a guy who fought trade school. He was a welder. He was a class of educator that you wouldn't understand as you became an educator because it's an easy place for a person who is incapable of doing anything else. He quit when he was 48 just because of idiots like you. Failed in every aspect of their lives and get planted in a public school. Your type makes them perfect for gubment work. I mean, without a gubment, you would be at McDonalds or the TSA.

Considering that you have no clue about me, how do you have the balls to say the things you do?

The simple answer is that you are a useless, unqualified troll who likes you to project your lack of self-worth by attacking others.

All you had to do was answer a simple question or admit you lied. I guess that is too much for you.


Google the definition. It does not fit your statement because you used the wrong word.

Try to be literate on this forum. There are more than enough illiterates on here.

I make it a habit to ignore public educators. You got he point because it's very important that you come off looking smaht. Your to stupid to even see your being trolled, worse, it's by a "dummy". There you go, now grab your red pen and correct that fag boy.

Yeah, we can see you ignored your public educators all through your failed attempt at education.

It is nice of you to admit that you are a troll.

See there ? See what I did ? You are way to easy. Typical of a public educator. Keep turning out them little Einstein's. I was told once by a guy who fought trade school. He was a welder. He was a class of educator that you wouldn't understand as you became an educator because it's an easy place for a person who is incapable of doing anything else. He quit when he was 48 just because of idiots like you. Failed in every aspect of their lives and get planted in a public school. Your type makes them perfect for gubment work. I mean, without a gubment, you would be at McDonalds or the TSA.

Considering that you have no clue about me, how do you have the balls to say the things you do?

The simple answer is that you are a useless, unqualified troll who likes you to project your lack of self-worth by attacking others.

All you had to do was answer a simple question or admit you lied. I guess that is too much for you.


Three fingers and all that fuckwad. Now, don't you have young minds to go fuck up? Or an old lady to pat down?

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