Open question for Obama supporters

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Has The Obama taken responsibility for anything negative that’s happened while in office?
Have you blamed Him for anything negative that’s happened while in office?

If so, please be sure to cite examples.
One thing he should have done was initiate war crimes trials for those guilty of the illegal invasion of Iraq. He failed there.
One wonders why M14 became so concerned about "taking responsibility" only after Obama took office. Or why he's not talking about congress "taking responsibility."

Actually, one doesn't wonder. Partisan hack double standards need no explanation.
One wonders why M14 became so concerned about "taking responsibility" only after Obama took office. Or why he's not talking about congress "taking responsibility."
Actually, one doesn't wonder. Partisan hack double standards need no explanation.
Observe as the mindless partisan bigot address the question with a red herring.
He allowed the continuation of financial absurdity. Guantanamo stayed open. Militarily dubious involvement remained unchecked. Excess expenditures on wasteful programs were unabated. Un-Patriot Act legislation was not curbed. Greater friendship with Europe was not cultivated.
There is much to reproach. Small stuff compared to his predecessor, but not insignificant.
He didnt.
His point was he was so busy enacting really crucial legislation that he let that bipartisan thing slide.
But you could certainly forgive him since he was busy enacting legislation that prevented the end of the world as we know it.
Libs will fall for anything.
The truth is Obama has never taken responsibility for anything. Iraq, Benghazi, the "shovel ready jobs" that werent (he laughed about it), the reset with Russia that failed, his failed approach in Ukraine, his failure with Iran, his failure with Israel/Palestine,his failed approach to the North Koreans, his failure to lead in the Arab Spring, his failure in supporting Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, his failure in the Bowe Bergdahl scandal, his failure in the VA scandal, his failure to acknowledge the iRS scandal. etc etc etc.
Has The Obama taken responsibility for anything negative that’s happened while in office?
Have you blamed Him for anything negative that’s happened while in office?

If so, please be sure to cite examples.

Here I cited him for his management style during last September:
Is It Obama s Fault The White House Security Failed So Badly Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Again in May of last year
Makes you wonder what we don t know... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Again in June of 2014:
There really is no IRS scandal Page 26 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And here I am citing him in September 2012.
Obama s Biggest Failure US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In short his management style allowed scandals to happen under his watch. Precisely like Ronald Reagan did...he defers to his lieutenants and they are serving him badly in the cases of Treasury (Secret Service), DVA (VA Hospitals) and the IRS. These are criminal acts and Obama has not seen to it that those who committed the crimes were held accountable.

Also, the banks that were too big to fail at the end of the Bush Presidency are still too big to fail. He hasn't done shit to fix them.

So, tomorrow when you claim that no Obama supporter has ever criticized him...please think twice.
Has The Obama taken responsibility for anything negative that’s happened while in office?
Have you blamed Him for anything negative that’s happened while in office?

If so, please be sure to cite examples.
Here I cited him for his management style during last September:
Is It Obama s Fault The White House Security Failed So Badly Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Again in May of last year
Makes you wonder what we don t know... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Again in June of 2014:
There really is no IRS scandal Page 26 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And here I am citing him in September 2012.
Obama s Biggest Failure US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In short his management style allowed scandals to happen under his watch. Precisely like Ronald Reagan did...he defers to his lieutenants and they are serving him badly in the cases of Treasury (Secret Service), DVA (VA Hospitals) and the IRS. These are criminal acts and Obama has not seen to it that those who committed the crimes were held accountable.

Also, the banks that were too big to fail at the end of the Bush Presidency are still too big to fail. He hasn't done shit to fix them.
Has The Obama taken responsibility for anything negative that’s happened while in office?
One mistake; mine are not responses of an Obama supporter.

All the criminals should be punished, of course, starting at the top.
Has The Obama taken responsibility for anything negative that’s happened while in office?
Have you blamed Him for anything negative that’s happened while in office?

If so, please be sure to cite examples.

I believe everything the man tells me. He is my god so naturally I believe everything he says.
He allowed the continuation of financial absurdity. Guantanamo stayed open. Militarily dubious involvement remained unchecked. Excess expenditures on wasteful programs were unabated. Un-Patriot Act legislation was not curbed. Greater friendship with Europe was not cultivated.
There is much to reproach. Small stuff compared to his predecessor, but not insignificant.

I don't see why we have to have a positive relationship with Europe. They are histories has Beens and not worth dealing with anymore.
Lets see?

I didn't agree with him not pushing for a public option
Didn't like him extending the Bush tax cuts
Don't like how he has ducked climate change
Still waiting for him to show some balls and close Gitmo

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