Open to Judgement: UN complicity in 7th Oct. massacre

You have a fascist government, an apartheid society and a piece of shit for a PM.

Coming from the filth ridiculing enslavement of non-Muslims,
while demanding exclusive Arab domination over
the entire M. East and N. Africa?

It is illegal to kill non-combatants.
Let's say this is true. (It's not, as stated, but let's say.)

How does would a government and its army conduct a just war* and kill not a single non-combatant? What laws, policies, procedures, technology, intelligence, etc. would have to be in place in order to accomplish this extraordinary feat.

I'm not asking IF this is a just war, I'm putting out a hypothetical. Imagine whatever you need to imagine to get you to just war*. If it helps, reverse the players. How, then, would the "freedom fighters" of Gaza conduct a just war in which they killed not a single non-combatant?

**If you believe that NO war is just, that's fine. Just a different conversation. I'll approach that if it comes up.
Sorry, deaths during war don't equal murder.
That is a pretty dicey claim.

Palestinians have more or less been at war with Israel for some time. Hamas claims to be at war. Does that mean the civilians it murdered on October 7th weren’t murdered…because, well, war?

When does it become murder?
That is a pretty dicey claim.

Palestinians have more or less been at war with Israel for some time. Hamas claims to be at war. Does that mean the civilians it murdered on October 7th weren’t murdered…because, well, war?

When does it become murder?
That's a pretty dicey claim to equivalence.

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