Openly gay Democrat wins House primary, would be first Native American woman elected to Congress

Why in the FK do gays have to BRAG they are gawd dam gay who gives a fk if someone is gay , who gives a fk if some poliical fk is gay DO YOUR JOB and do it fairly with no " GAY ONLY FAIRNESS". not GAY ONLY LAWS that suite just them . JUST DO YOUR FKN JOB and stfup about being gay nobody gives a shit.

Do HETEROSEXUALS get elected by saying " IM AN OPEN HETEROSEXUAL" jesus cripe drop that gawd dam gay bs title.
skin pigmentation, gender & especially 'perceived sexuality' are the preeminent qualifying criteria for any candidate... or didn't you know, lol.
There have been several gay members of Congress. This is hardly unusual.
I couldn't care less if someone is gay.

As long as they do the job be it burger flipper or US Senator.

Doing the job is all I need to see.

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