Operation Greenway is a project to create a new nation for citizens of the world


May 9, 2017
Greenway is a proposed model nation, based on the United States constitution and amendments as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, guaranteeing an open and limited secular government that is representative of the people.

See the Operation Greenway website for more information @ https://operationgreenway.wordpress.com/

During World War II, the Allies adopted the Four Freedomsfreedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear, and freedom from want—as their basic war aims. The United Nations Charter "reaffirmed faith in fundamental human rights, and dignity and worth of the human person" and committed all member states to promote "universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion".[7]

considering the lefts outright hate for nonmuslim religion; how do you plan to ensure religious freedom? also keeping in mind that much of the left considers the phrase to mean 'freedom from religion.

how do you plan on taking from one person to ensure that another doesn't want?
The current plan is to create a 650^2km artificial island using electromineral accumulation and dredged sand to make our territory in the southern Atlantic ocean. We are still in the preliminary design/engineering phase/s.

Also is the problem of funding the project. There is of course the possibility of crowdfunding, but I sincerely doubt that will raise even a fraction of the needed money. One idea is to form a cooperative venture that would leave the burden of repaying loans to the government of Greenway, and use the cooperative venture to have multiple individuals take out multi-billion dollar loans from china.
The current plan is to create a 650^2km artificial island using electromineral accumulation and dredged sand to make our territory in the southern Atlantic ocean. We are still in the preliminary design/engineering phase/s.

Also is the problem of funding the project. There is of course the possibility of crowdfunding, but I sincerely doubt that will raise even a fraction of the needed money. One idea is to form a cooperative venture that would leave the burden of repaying loans to the government of Greenway, and use the cooperative venture to have multiple individuals take out multi-billion dollar loans from china.

how do you plan on not taking orders from china on how it operates?

how do you plan on protecting your non-boarders from invasion?
I am not sure if I understand your statement. In Greenway, freedom of spirituality/religion as well as the absence of spiritual/religious beliefs are guaranteed as a person's right.
As far as freedom from want, the Greenway has standards in place to take care of these needs.
since its an artificial island, you will have to import everything. How will that work? What will you export?
I am not sure if I understand your statement. In Greenway, freedom of spirituality/religion as well as the absence of spiritual/religious beliefs are guaranteed as a person's right.
As far as freedom from want, the Greenway has standards in place to take care of these needs.
I don't care what Greenway does.

I want to know how you are going to take money and property from someone that works his ass off for it and give it to someone that won't.

you must, per the UN agreement, ensure that no one 'wants'.
We have the most libertarian right to bear arms than anywhere else in the world. Everybody has the right to property and cannot be discriminated based on such ownership of property. Prostitution is regulated through the legislation of each state in the union.
We have the most libertarian right to bear arms than anywhere else in the world. Everybody has the right to property and cannot be discriminated based on such ownership of property. Prostitution is regulated through the legislation of each state in the union.

how will you feed the populace?
In Greenway, national security is defined as below:

"National security shall mean the freedom from military threat and political coercion both external and internal forces, as well as the protection or the safety of a country’s secrets and its citizens."

That is basically how we plan on not taking orders from china on how it operates.

We have a rule of naturalization and a Department of Immigration, as well as armed forces to protect our boarders from invasion.
It is true that we will have to import a majority of resources, which is a severe limitation on our sovereignty. Our exports include green energy and bio-fuel, cannabis products, food and drugs, psychoactive substances. That is about all I can think of.
In Greenway, national security is defined as below:

"National security shall mean the freedom from military threat and political coercion both external and internal forces, as well as the protection or the safety of a country’s secrets and its citizens."

That is basically how we plan on not taking orders from china on how it operates.

We have a rule of naturalization and a Department of Immigration, as well as armed forces to protect our boarders from invasion.
If you plan on getting most of your funds from china, and since it seems the best of the 3 options listed, they will have undo influence, whether you like it or not.
We have the most libertarian right to bear arms than anywhere else in the world. Everybody has the right to property and cannot be discriminated based on such ownership of property. Prostitution is regulated through the legislation of each state in the union.

So guns and prostitutes. Throw in alcohol, tobacco, and explosives and you can count me in. :biggrin:
It is true that we will have to import a majority of resources, which is a severe limitation on our sovereignty. Our exports include green energy and bio-fuel, cannabis products, food and drugs, psychoactive substances. That is about all I can think of.
you won't be able to do the first 2 since you are an island.
you won't export food as you will need all you can get

and really, 'dope'? What a terrible idea

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