Operation: PaperClip


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2007

So let me see if I have this right...We take 1500 German NAZI's in 1945, bring them into the U.S. and make them head of N.A.S.A and put them in positions of CIA and industrial military and now wonder why the U.S. is shapping into a dictatorship and looking like NAZI Germany all over again???

So let me see if I have this right...We take 1500 German NAZI's in 1945, bring them into the U.S. and make them head of N.A.S.A and put them in positions of CIA and industrial military and now wonder why the U.S. is shapping into a dictatorship and looking like NAZI Germany all over again???

You wouldn't know what Nazi Germany looked liek if it was prying your eyeballs out with a spoon.

So let me see if I have this right...We take 1500 German NAZI's in 1945, bring them into the U.S. and make them head of N.A.S.A and put them in positions of CIA and industrial military and now wonder why the U.S. is shapping into a dictatorship and looking like NAZI Germany all over again???

Little bit of a leap from using people's scientific knowledge to seeing a "dictatorship", no?
Little bit of a leap from using people's scientific knowledge to seeing a "dictatorship", no?

Nope. Fascism is always lurking in the wings, waiting its chance to savage a perfectly functioning democracy.

These people were happy little fascists in Germany, unlike the people who couldn't stomach Nazism, saw what was coming and left. They had a predisposition to fascism and were happy to assist the US in what they saw as fascism's greatest enemy, communism.

Let's not forget that the German medical profession was totally supportive of Nazi eugenics before WWII broke out. They and the folks mentioned here, were facilitators of fascism.
Nope. Fascism is always lurking in the wings, waiting its chance to savage a perfectly functioning democracy.

These people were happy little fascists in Germany, unlike the people who couldn't stomach Nazism, saw what was coming and left. They had a predisposition to fascism and were happy to assist the US in what they saw as fascism's greatest enemy, communism.

Let's not forget that the German medical profession was totally supportive of Nazi eugenics before WWII broke out. They and the folks mentioned here, were facilitators of fascism.

Listen, I'm the last one to support anything the Nazis did. But I do see a utility in keeping their scientific knowledge away from the Soviets at the time. I guess I just don't see it as infiltrating our governmental system.
I know a lot about German history and have known a lot of German people, have Germans in my family, etc etc. I think that a lot of people back then were just trying to survive as best they could. Not everyone wanted to up and leave, they were just waiting Hitler out. People had allegiances to their families and couldn't just abandon everyone they knew because they didn't like Hitler.
What I'm saying is, back then it was pretty much either join the Nazi party or die. They didn't just kill Jews, they killed anyone who said anything negative about Hitler. They had kids as spies in every neighborhood.
I visited a memorial in Berlin where they used to hang dissenters. They hung a minister there who dared to say something negative about Hitler at dinner with neighbors. The little girl reported to her Hitler youth leader, and the guy was killed.

Against that kind of oppression, can anyone say that they wouldn't have joined the party? Just because someone lived in Germany at that time, just because they were forced to join the party did NOT mean that they believed in the principles of the Nazi party.

Also there is a lot of evidence to show that a lot of Germans genuinely did not know what was happening to the Jews when they were put on the trains.
Also there is a lot of evidence to show that a lot of Germans genuinely did not know what was happening to the Jews when they were put on the trains.

I was with you until that one...

there isn't any way they didn't know.

But there were Germans who stood up, too. If more had, things might have been different. Cause an awful lot of people died to protect the "comfort level" of the public, no?
I don't know, I really don't. I guess I would like to believe that there were people who were out in the middle of nowhere who didn't know.
At the same time I would like to believe that people in this country didn't know too.
Little bit of a leap from using people's scientific knowledge to seeing a "dictatorship", no?

its not that much of a leap if you include the influence of the bush family and the role played in regard to Nazis or the influence of skull and bones...or Goerings, hess, himlers favorite pre- war hang out the bohemian grove
its not that much of a leap if you include the influence of the bush family and the role played in regard to Nazis or the influence of skull and bones...or Goerings favorite post war hang out the bohemian grove

There were a lot more people than Prescott Bush who favored the Nazis because they thought they were going with the winning side.

Skull and bones is a way for rich kids to make their life connections. I don't see it as nefariously as you do. It's just a fraternity that "knows someone".

As for the Bohemian Grove, rich, powerful people will always gather. That's the way life is. It isn't nefarious. It doesn't have some dark, evil meaning. It just is.

And this is where my disagreement lies with you. You have put together three things, all of which absolutely exist, and spun them together in a way that is unsubstantiated and adds layer upon layer of negative connotation for things that while certainly not intended to benefit you and me, aren't satan's spawn.
There were a lot more people than Prescott Bush who favored the Nazis because they thought they were going with the winning side.

Skull and bones is a way for rich kids to make their life connections. I don't see it as nefariously as you do. It's just a fraternity that "knows someone".

As for the Bohemian Grove, rich, powerful people will always gather. That's the way life is. It isn't nefarious. It doesn't have some dark, evil meaning. It just is.

And this is where my disagreement lies with you. You have put together three things, all of which absolutely exist, and spun them together in a way that is unsubstantiated and adds layer upon layer of negative connotation for things that while certainly not intended to benefit you and me, aren't satan's spawn.

Well i am encouraged you recognize they absolutely exist but I have not spun them together they are all directly linked through both membership
and agenda and the with further examination there are layer upon layer of further connections and lastly the words of these people themselves..
the fact the world elite have always gathered to conspire to there own benefit..makes it no less reprehensible..and as light hearted frat fun you may find in swearing secret oaths to Moloch in secret societies and having two of these men vying for the presidency, as in bush and Kerry I find it to be indeed Satan's spawn
Listen, I'm the last one to support anything the Nazis did. But I do see a utility in keeping their scientific knowledge away from the Soviets at the time. I guess I just don't see it as infiltrating our governmental system.

Damnit, I may be forced to concede :rofl:
I don't know, I really don't. I guess I would like to believe that there were people who were out in the middle of nowhere who didn't know.
At the same time I would like to believe that people in this country didn't know too.

Just about any nation, given the right circumstances, would go the same way. Human nature, give or take a few cultural differences, is pretty well constant across the continents and across time.
In fifty years there might be people in our country asking us why we didn't stand up when our rights were being violated, why we didn't stand up when our government was violating the Geneva convention and waterboarding people.

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