Operation Wetback


Do you know how many American citizens were chased across those borders or outright dumped on the other side during that xenophobic purge? Do you realize the economic scapegoating that took place during that time to save the government from finding workable solutions to (or taking responsibility for) high unemployment? Do you connect any of the conditions of that time with what is happening now?

Do you find NOTHING reprehensible about an official US Government operation being termed such?

No? Seriously?

Why don't you tell us? But first, Are you going to accept the current Mexican invasion into the US as lawful compensation for past US mistakes? And if so, can we hold up Mexico's wonderful track record of backing those invasions to flood the US with fifth column "immigrants" that would one day march on the streets of the US and attempt to take over America?
As a Democrat who voted McCain/Palin, I think you can see that I am in an awkward postion. I believe amnesty is not the solution to immigration. I think Operation Wetback is the way to go.

We must realize that illegals and their anchor babies have moved up the ladder to better jobs and even middle management. Recently it was in the news here in L. A. that a satelite installer, a health care giver, a professional tinter of auto and home windows, and a major appliance delivery person were all deported. In our economy these are jobs a lot of Americans would be happy to have. If we get into an operation wetback alternative, we can have all those jobs back from illegals or their anchor babies.

Wow a KoolAid free Democrat!

Take a picture to prove one still exists!

Thank you for your kind words! Seriously, we all know that it should not matter who is in the White House, as long as they put America first, and respectfully try to work together. I will give President Barack Obama credit for doing just that when he started out. I must also say he has turned out to be a lot more moderate than I expected.

That said, I tend to be conservative on economic issues, and socially liberal. There are times that this can prove difficult. But, the Arizona immigration act or Operation Wetback, are NOT those kind of issues. The answer is simple; Should we punish criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies for being criminal illegal aliens and anchor babies?
As a Democrat who voted McCain/Palin, I think you can see that I am in an awkward postion. I believe amnesty is not the solution to immigration. I think Operation Wetback is the way to go.

We must realize that illegals and their anchor babies have moved up the ladder to better jobs and even middle management. Recently it was in the news here in L. A. that a satelite installer, a health care giver, a professional tinter of auto and home windows, and a major appliance delivery person were all deported. In our economy these are jobs a lot of Americans would be happy to have. If we get into an operation wetback alternative, we can have all those jobs back from illegals or their anchor babies.

Wow a KoolAid free Democrat!

Take a picture to prove one still exists!

Thank you for your kind words! Seriously, we all know that it should not matter who is in the White House, as long as they put America first, and respectfully try to work together. I will give President Barack Obama credit for doing just that when he started out. I must also say he has turned out to be a lot more moderate than I expected.

That said, I tend to be conservative on economic issues, and socially liberal. There are times that this can prove difficult. But, the Arizona immigration act or Operation Wetback, are NOT those kind of issues. The answer is simple; Should we punish criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies for being criminal illegal aliens and anchor babies?

You're in the wrong Party, but you know that.

Under Pelosi, the modern Dem Party was cheer leading for the Iraqi Insurgency and the Senate Majority Leader called the War "lost". Another Dem called our Marines "Cold blooded killers" and the Dem Potus nominee prior to the Marxist in the WH said our troops "Terrorize"

Seriously, get out.
Very interesting post.

For politicians to ignore this type of practical solution, tends to confirm the fact that the federal government is intentionally working to destablize America by over-burdening our system with illegal invaders. The reality is this is a similar type of operation that the Mossad run C.I.A. does in South America, and throughout the world. The situation in northern Mexico is by design.

Coupled with two illegal wars brought about by the 9-11 false flag operation to loot the treasury, and surplant American rights and freedom with communism masked as security sounds like an economic coup operation to me.

Warfare is still warfare, whether with standing armies, or an fabian style take-over.

When considering who financed Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky and created the Soviet Union... why does it seem so difficult for so many people to understand the zionist/communist international bankers at the core of the so-called Federal Reserve is working hard to overthrow the government. The bolshevik revolution is how the Zionist did it in Russia, they wanted to take over all of Europe but were stopped by Germany. Stalin was a jew and Soviet communism is a zionist operation created by FED international bankers.

The Zionist Kessenger gave the economic foundation/industry of America to Communist China, and a large percentage of homes are being confiscated by FED's economic usury schemes, one has to wonder what more do Americans need to wake up.

Arizona is absolutely right...Thank goodness for true Americans.

States have to right to perform the duties intentionally ignored by the Zionist hijacked federal Government.
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Here's an article that tells the less savory side of Operation Wetback. Operation Wetback: Illegal Immigration Mythmaking / Pierre Tristam [Candide's Notebooks]

The story has a ring of simplicity well suited to this age of one-dimensional solutions framed by force. The reality of “Operation Wetback” wasn’t so simple. Eisenhower’s sweep was effective because it was mass deportation on the Soviet model, not because it was admirable, let alone fair or, in thousands of cases, legal. Mexicans were especially targeted whether they were legal immigrants or not. Children of Mexican parents, who were American citizens for having been born on American soil, were deported, too. ...

...The government’s deportation methods were beyond suspect. A congressional investigation described the Mercurio as a “hell ship” where abuse of deportees may have been rampant. According to a United Press report from August 1956, “The Justice Department permitted the Immigration Service to crowd 500 Mexicans aboard a ship that normally carried seventy to ninety persons.” The Mercurio’s two lifeboats had a total capacity of 48.
It really hurts to see so many sticking up for those who openly break our laws.

If it were up to me I would deport every single illegal and every American who complained or championed them would find themselves facing a stiff penalty.

If they are illegally in our country there is only one answer and it is not to reward them with citizenship.


They are still human beings.
via another "Operation Wetback?"

People who supposedly care about our civil liberties don't care when they want to get rid of all the brown people, whether they be legal or illegal. They only see them as votes for Democrats, so those same people don't care anyway.
Bull shit, and most people on here know why I say that.

Did I ever say you specifically Ollie? Nope. However, there are more than a few people on here who feel that way. Hell, we got members who are willing to have members of our military go be stationed at our borders and fire at anyone whether they be armed or unarmed trying to enter our country.

I find it hilarious and both pathetic that these same people who talk about Stalin and how evil he is while comparing him to Obama while they are willing to employ the same tactics as him.
Bull shit, and most people on here know why I say that.

Did I ever say you specifically Ollie? Nope. However, there are more than a few people on here who feel that way. Hell, we got members who are willing to have members of our military go be stationed at our borders and fire at anyone whether they be armed or unarmed trying to enter our country.

I find it hilarious and both pathetic that these same people who talk about Stalin and how evil he is while comparing him to Obama while they are willing to employ the same tactics as him.

So who is supposed to secure the border?

Wait, are secure borders even important to you?
I'm very willing to see our soldiers patrolling our borders. And hopefully never have an incident when they would actually have to fire on anyone. But i'm not talking about just our southern border. Air and water ports to be included. It's time we took the illegal problem seriously. We have no clue how many members of organizations like Al Queada and Hammas have entered the country illegally. Hell we don't even know how many are here legally.

And then you add in the illegals who are actually running from the law in their own country....
Is there a reading test to become a Mod? Did you slide in under the ESL set aside?

All I did was read your post the same way you read mine, you read what you wanted to read and didn't bother to take in the full post.

Now, care to be more honest in a 2nd response?
Do we have a right to secure our borders?

I'll answer your question as soon as you answer mine.

Do you want members of our military at our borders shooting anyone who tries to enter? Whether they be men, women, children, armed or unarmed?
Do we have a right to secure our borders?

I'll answer your question as soon as you answer mine.

Do you want members of our military at our borders shooting anyone who tries to enter? Whether they be men, women, children, armed or unarmed?

Nice dodge.

How's this:

1. Fliers (in Spanish of course) are distributed to every Mexican border town notifying them that there are now armed US soldiers patrolling the border and they violate the border at their own risk

2. The Mexican government will be warned that they will be held responsible for all Illegal Aliens entering the country and they must immediately cease and desist all activities in support of Illegal entry. Failure to do so will be considered an act of war.

3. Perimeter fencing to be installed along the border with guard towers, predator drones, satellite surveillance, etc.

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