Operation Wetback

Because the best source for anything is a copypasta email. :cuckoo:

Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

13 million illegals? You're kidding me.

By the end of July, over 50,000 immigrants were caught in the two states. An estimated 488,000 illegal immigrants are claimed to have left voluntarily, for fear of being apprehended. By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and the INS estimated that 500,000 to 700,000 had left Texas of their own accord.

At the most: 1,218,000 illegal immigrants were gone due to Operation Wetback.
Copied from an email I just received

"What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common?

This is something that should be of great interest for you to pass around. I didn't know of this until it was pointed out to me.

Back during the great depression, Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of ALL illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work.

Harry Truman deported over two million illegal aliens after WWII to create jobs for returning veterans.

In 1954 Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million Mexicans. The program was called Operation Wetback. It was done so WWII and Korean veterans would have a better chance at jobs. It took two years, but they deported them!

Now if they could deport the illegal aliens back then, they could sure do it today. If you have doubts about the veracity of this information, enter Operation Wetback into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself.

Why you might ask can't they do this today? Actually the answer is quite simple. Hoover , Truman, and Eisenhower were men of honor, not untrustworthy politicians looking for votes!

Reminder: Don't forget to pay your taxes - 12 to 20 million illegal aliens – are depending on you!"
They also sent legal children back.
We used to put Japanese in camps, should we do that again?
Part 2 of my post of exposing Frank yet again as a complete moron for linking chain emails.

PolitiFact | Chain e-mail says three presidents deported a total of 15 million illegal immigrants

Determining the number of people who were removed from the U.S. as a result of "Operation Wetback" is tricky because some people who would have otherwise been subject to deportation left the country "voluntarily," a step ahead of the authorities. The estimates we've seen ranged from 100,000 forced removals to 1.3 million. But no expert we spoke to said that the 13 million figure was credible.

On President Truman: Our experts were unaware of any evidence to back up the assertion that Truman deported over 2 million illegal immigrants after World War II in order to create jobs.

From 1946 to 1952 -- from the end of the war until the end of Truman's presidency -- the U.S. government recorded the entry of less than 1.5 million legal immigrants, many of them persons of European origin fleeing the war or the Holocaust. Experts we spoke to said that it wasn't credible that an even larger number of people could have been deported during that period.

On President Hoover: The e-mail is partly correct, but somewhat exaggerated. During the early 1930s, there was a "repatriation" campaign in which some cities and counties, such as Los Angeles and Detroit, returned illegal aliens to their country of origin, mostly Mexico. The biggest impetus was the Great Depression and its impact on the availability of jobs.
It really hurts to see so many sticking up for those who openly break our laws.

If it were up to me I would deport every single illegal and every American who complained or championed them would find themselves facing a stiff penalty.

If they are illegally in our country there is only one answer and it is not to reward them with citizenship.


Y'Know what? The ones that (never WHO, because corporations aren't REALLY people too) profit from the illegal status of undocumented workers are the ones you should target for outrage. Their exploitation of others are what allows them to exploit you.

I want the law to be enforced. That means the company or the person who hires them faces the court. that means that Washington gets off their ass and does it's job. And that means that when an illegal is picked up they are not told when to appear in court but are detained until they are escorted to the border.
Part 2 of my post of exposing Frank yet again as a complete moron for linking chain emails.

PolitiFact | Chain e-mail says three presidents deported a total of 15 million illegal immigrants

Determining the number of people who were removed from the U.S. as a result of "Operation Wetback" is tricky because some people who would have otherwise been subject to deportation left the country "voluntarily," a step ahead of the authorities. The estimates we've seen ranged from 100,000 forced removals to 1.3 million. But no expert we spoke to said that the 13 million figure was credible.

On President Truman: Our experts were unaware of any evidence to back up the assertion that Truman deported over 2 million illegal immigrants after World War II in order to create jobs.

From 1946 to 1952 -- from the end of the war until the end of Truman's presidency -- the U.S. government recorded the entry of less than 1.5 million legal immigrants, many of them persons of European origin fleeing the war or the Holocaust. Experts we spoke to said that it wasn't credible that an even larger number of people could have been deported during that period.

On President Hoover: The e-mail is partly correct, but somewhat exaggerated. During the early 1930s, there was a "repatriation" campaign in which some cities and counties, such as Los Angeles and Detroit, returned illegal aliens to their country of origin, mostly Mexico. The biggest impetus was the Great Depression and its impact on the availability of jobs.
Weird, I read that illegals are leaving states like Arizona due to the availability of jobs.
Maybe we should start going after the companies that hire them, because it is pretty obvious if they cannot get work they go home.:eek:
Sounds great! Now where do we find a leader that has both a spine and balls to implement it.

Well we sure as hell won't find him in any of the 2 kosher approved political parties. Those events happened before the Zionists got ahold of American politicians. Once they are in their grasp, they squezze them with their clawhooks, and get any "coolness" or anything patriotic out of them. So I highly doubt this will happen in today's zionist-dominated climate. Through the outreach of the media, they recruited way too many people (leftists) to do their heavy lifting.
It really hurts to see so many sticking up for those who openly break our laws.

If it were up to me I would deport every single illegal and every American who complained or championed them would find themselves facing a stiff penalty.

If they are illegally in our country there is only one answer and it is not to reward them with citizenship.

If it were up to me I would deport every single illegal and every American who complained or championed them would find themselves facing a stiff penalty.
STARTING this with president bush and john mccain? ;) would you really recommend this for them ollie?
It really hurts to see so many sticking up for those who openly break our laws.

If it were up to me I would deport every single illegal and every American who complained or championed them would find themselves facing a stiff penalty.

If they are illegally in our country there is only one answer and it is not to reward them with citizenship.


Y'Know what? The ones that (never WHO, because corporations aren't REALLY people too) profit from the illegal status of undocumented workers are the ones you should target for outrage. Their exploitation of others are what allows them to exploit you.

I want the law to be enforced. That means the company or the person who hires them faces the court. that means that Washington gets off their ass and does it's job. And that means that when an illegal is picked up they are not told when to appear in court but are detained until they are escorted to the border.

But does the COMPANY representative get detained too? Not so much, huh? Its an unequal relationship, and unequal justice, and THAT is where the exploitation occurs.
It really hurts to see so many sticking up for those who openly break our laws.

If it were up to me I would deport every single illegal and every American who complained or championed them would find themselves facing a stiff penalty.

If they are illegally in our country there is only one answer and it is not to reward them with citizenship.

If it were up to me I would deport every single illegal and every American who complained or championed them would find themselves facing a stiff penalty.
STARTING this with president bush and john mccain? ;) would you really recommend this for them ollie?

Yes ma'am I would.
Y'Know what? The ones that (never WHO, because corporations aren't REALLY people too) profit from the illegal status of undocumented workers are the ones you should target for outrage. Their exploitation of others are what allows them to exploit you.

I want the law to be enforced. That means the company or the person who hires them faces the court. that means that Washington gets off their ass and does it's job. And that means that when an illegal is picked up they are not told when to appear in court but are detained until they are escorted to the border.

But does the COMPANY representative get detained too? Not so much, huh? Its an unequal relationship, and unequal justice, and THAT is where the exploitation occurs.

I have given up giving a damn about hurting the feelings of illegals. I do not care if they feel exploited. I don't care that the company who is hiring them goes out of business because they can't run a damned company right. I do care that it is not fair to legal immigrants that the law breakers get a free pass.
STARTING this with president bush and john mccain? ;) would you really recommend this for them ollie?

I can't speak for ollie, but I sure as hell would. If it were up to me, Bush and Mcshamnesty would be selling tacos in a barrio in Mexíco y hablando español.
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It really hurts to see so many sticking up for those who openly break our laws.

If it were up to me I would deport every single illegal and every American who complained or championed them would find themselves facing a stiff penalty.

If they are illegally in our country there is only one answer and it is not to reward them with citizenship.


Y'Know what? The ones that (never WHO, because corporations aren't REALLY people too) profit from the illegal status of undocumented workers are the ones you should target for outrage. Their exploitation of others are what allows them to exploit you.

The illegal drug dealers and smugglers (human, drug and weapon) rarely apply for corporate jobs. Just sayin'

You need to wise up a bit.
Part 2 of my post of exposing Frank yet again as a complete moron for linking chain emails.

PolitiFact | Chain e-mail says three presidents deported a total of 15 million illegal immigrants

Determining the number of people who were removed from the U.S. as a result of "Operation Wetback" is tricky because some people who would have otherwise been subject to deportation left the country "voluntarily," a step ahead of the authorities. The estimates we've seen ranged from 100,000 forced removals to 1.3 million. But no expert we spoke to said that the 13 million figure was credible.

On President Truman: Our experts were unaware of any evidence to back up the assertion that Truman deported over 2 million illegal immigrants after World War II in order to create jobs.

On President Hoover: The e-mail is partly correct, but somewhat exaggerated. During the early 1930s, there was a "repatriation" campaign in which some cities and counties, such as Los Angeles and Detroit, returned illegal aliens to their country of origin, mostly Mexico. The biggest impetus was the Great Depression and its impact on the availability of jobs.
Weird, I read that illegals are leaving states like Arizona due to the availability of jobs.
Maybe we should start going after the companies that hire them, because it is pretty obvious if they cannot get work they go home.:eek:

So you would support e-Verify legislation that Republicans keep trying to get passed, but Democrats keep killing, that would make it easy for employers to check whether a person is here legally before they hire them, right?

If not, you're a political hack just like the Dems that keep killing e-Verify. They want to demagogue the "employers are the bad guys" issue, but not solve the problem.

If e-Verify was the law, I would have no problem instituting a "two strikes" law against employers. If you are caught once, you get a $5k fine per illegal you employ. If you are caught a second time, you loose your license to do business in that state for 5 years. Basically a corporate death penalty.
It really hurts to see so many sticking up for those who openly break our laws.

If it were up to me I would deport every single illegal and every American who complained or championed them would find themselves facing a stiff penalty.

If they are illegally in our country there is only one answer and it is not to reward them with citizenship.


Y'Know what? The ones that (never WHO, because corporations aren't REALLY people too) profit from the illegal status of undocumented workers are the ones you should target for outrage. Their exploitation of others are what allows them to exploit you.

The illegal drug dealers and smugglers (human, drug and weapon) rarely apply for corporate jobs. Just sayin'

You need to wise up a bit.

WTF :wtf: did that even mean, or apply to? Was it supposed to mean that corporations don't employ people at low wage jobs? Maybe you need to wise up a bit.
Y'Know what? The ones that (never WHO, because corporations aren't REALLY people too) profit from the illegal status of undocumented workers are the ones you should target for outrage. Their exploitation of others are what allows them to exploit you.

The illegal drug dealers and smugglers (human, drug and weapon) rarely apply for corporate jobs. Just sayin'

You need to wise up a bit.

WTF :wtf: did that even mean, or apply to? Was it supposed to mean that corporations don't employ people at low wage jobs? Maybe you need to wise up a bit.

Your response means you didn't read my post just above your response where I say what to do with the corporate issue.

My post was in response to statement that corporate exploitation is the problem. I was pointing that you miss a huge segment of the problem if you focus on the corporate exploitation issue alone. Further, the segment I complain about in my post is the most malignant part of the illegal problem. The violent and illegal smuggling trade that leads to kidnapping, murder and rape as ancillary crimes committed in furtherance of the primary crime of human, drug and weapons smuggling.

I think I'm plenty informed on the issues, I haven't seen evidence that you are though. You seem overly focused on just one aspect of a multifaceted problem that requires a multifaceted response.
The illegal drug dealers and smugglers (human, drug and weapon) rarely apply for corporate jobs. Just sayin'

You need to wise up a bit.

WTF :wtf: did that even mean, or apply to? Was it supposed to mean that corporations don't employ people at low wage jobs? Maybe you need to wise up a bit.

Your response means you didn't read my post just above your response where I say what to do with the corporate issue.

My post was in response to statement that corporate exploitation is the problem. I was pointing that you miss a huge segment of the problem if you focus on the corporate exploitation issue alone. Further, the segment I complain about in my post is the most malignant part of the illegal problem. The violent and illegal smuggling trade that leads to kidnapping, murder and rape as ancillary crimes committed in furtherance of the primary crime of human, drug and weapons smuggling.

I think I'm plenty informed on the issues, I haven't seen evidence that you are though. You seem overly focused on just one aspect of a multifaceted problem that requires a multifaceted response.

That "one aspect" happens to be the one routinely ignored by government, an oversight bought and paid for by the corporate sponsors of political war chests, and one that directly leads to the exploitation of undocumented workers as well as being the most compelling invitation to enter (or remain in) the country without documentation.
WTF :wtf: did that even mean, or apply to? Was it supposed to mean that corporations don't employ people at low wage jobs? Maybe you need to wise up a bit.

Your response means you didn't read my post just above your response where I say what to do with the corporate issue.

My post was in response to statement that corporate exploitation is the problem. I was pointing that you miss a huge segment of the problem if you focus on the corporate exploitation issue alone. Further, the segment I complain about in my post is the most malignant part of the illegal problem. The violent and illegal smuggling trade that leads to kidnapping, murder and rape as ancillary crimes committed in furtherance of the primary crime of human, drug and weapons smuggling.

I think I'm plenty informed on the issues, I haven't seen evidence that you are though. You seem overly focused on just one aspect of a multifaceted problem that requires a multifaceted response.

That "one aspect" happens to be the one routinely ignored by government, an oversight bought and paid for by the corporate sponsors of political war chests, and one that directly leads to the exploitation of undocumented workers as well as being the most compelling invitation to enter (or remain in) the country without documentation.

Then you have no problem with my approach to ending it by dealing harshly with corporations as I noted above, right?

Now what do you propose to do about the violent smugglers investing our country?
Your response means you didn't read my post just above your response where I say what to do with the corporate issue.

My post was in response to statement that corporate exploitation is the problem. I was pointing that you miss a huge segment of the problem if you focus on the corporate exploitation issue alone. Further, the segment I complain about in my post is the most malignant part of the illegal problem. The violent and illegal smuggling trade that leads to kidnapping, murder and rape as ancillary crimes committed in furtherance of the primary crime of human, drug and weapons smuggling.

I think I'm plenty informed on the issues, I haven't seen evidence that you are though. You seem overly focused on just one aspect of a multifaceted problem that requires a multifaceted response.

That "one aspect" happens to be the one routinely ignored by government, an oversight bought and paid for by the corporate sponsors of political war chests, and one that directly leads to the exploitation of undocumented workers as well as being the most compelling invitation to enter (or remain in) the country without documentation.

Then you have no problem with my approach to ending it by dealing harshly with corporations as I noted above, right?

Now what do you propose to do about the violent smugglers investing our country?

Nope. I'm all for going for the head shot.

As far as the "violent smugglers" are concerned, while I think the issue is overplayed regarding percentages of undocumented people are concerned, we already have laws on our books that cover those activities. Apply those laws. What's the problem?

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