Opinion: If Trump makes this election about Law and Order, he will lose. He HAS to make it about the economy and China. Big cities isn't the path.

He can only lie about China but unfortunately voters accept lies for some odd reason. Both sides will do this.

It is easy to say things like this, but it takes honesty to back it up.....what lies?

The problem is business. He will never condemn that. China never forced our businesses to move there. To address China you have to address the businesses that moved there, not tax the consumers that have little choice but purchase items from companies that moved there.

We have choices. Maybe not as many as we would like, or, in certain near monopolies we don't, but we have choices.

I've been looking at the back of packaging. Recently I was at the dollar store picking up a simple technical do-hickey product. I looked at the back, and as expected, I stared at the words "Made in China". I was not happy, I stared at it at some length, frozen, and saw the price, $2. I saw another alternative, "Made in Singapore". Price. $4.

I didn't like paying the extra $2, but I felt great doing so. Yeah, we can't do that for everything, and obviously if it's the difference of $2, compared to $200, it makes the decision much tougher. However, we have to do our part.

I pay more for local grown veggies to. Probably cost me $200 over the course of a year, but, I want to support local farming and I trust it more.

Made in Singapore doesn't help us any.
I disagree. Soccer moms saw the lemonade stand get robbed. They see the violence on the way to where they live.
Voters know that they can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.

They also see the cities about to collapse and worry that if they do the degradation will come to suburbia or rural America.
If memory serves, its after the cities are burning that new mayors like Rudy get in to clamp down on crime.
Then the cycle reverses back to democrat every so often.

p.s. red state rural America isn't worried, but suburbia is.
I disagree. Soccer moms saw the lemonade stand get robbed. They see the violence on the way to where they live.
Voters know that they can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.

They also see the cities about to collapse and worry that if they do the degradation will come to suburbia or rural America.
If memory serves, its after the cities are burning that new mayors like Rudy get in to clamp down on crime.
Then the cycle reverses back to democrat every so often.

p.s. red state rural America isn't worried, but suburbia is.

I grew up in the 80's and 90's in NYC and the difference was night and day once Guiliani took over.
He can only lie about China but unfortunately voters accept lies for some odd reason. Both sides will do this.

It is easy to say things like this, but it takes honesty to back it up.....what lies?

The problem is business. He will never condemn that. China never forced our businesses to move there. To address China you have to address the businesses that moved there, not tax the consumers that have little choice but purchase items from companies that moved there.

We have choices. Maybe not as many as we would like, or, in certain near monopolies we don't, but we have choices.

I've been looking at the back of packaging. Recently I was at the dollar store picking up a simple technical do-hickey product. I looked at the back, and as expected, I stared at the words "Made in China". I was not happy, I stared at it at some length, frozen, and saw the price, $2. I saw another alternative, "Made in Singapore". Price. $4.

I didn't like paying the extra $2, but I felt great doing so. Yeah, we can't do that for everything, and obviously if it's the difference of $2, compared to $200, it makes the decision much tougher. However, we have to do our part.

I pay more for local grown veggies to. Probably cost me $200 over the course of a year, but, I want to support local farming and I trust it more.

Made in Singapore doesn't help us any.

Absolutely it does. Any time I don't send money to the Communist Party of China and it's expanding influence, it's a prudent decision.
Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, he might lose it again in 2020. He won key battleground states and counties by a small margin however. If he has a chance in 2020, he can't take the bait that big city mayors seem to be dangling and focus on "Law and Order". He is going to make the same mistake Hillary made in 2016, by neglecting key swing locations.

Now I have no problem with Trump talking about security, including the wall. He should balance it with Justice Reform as well, an optimistic message. If you go with "Law and Order", it's just negative. Worse, you won't get traction with Rust Belt and the swing states. Trump getting an extra 8% in big cities isn't going to help him, he isn't going to win NY, D,C or California. He needs to win the E.C not the local mayoral race.

He is very smart to fly to these various locations this week, talk about the economy, talk about confronting China, yes, talking about making sure citizens rights are upheld, but nobody expects that you as President can run cities, so don't take the bait. Tell people, "we reject Cancel Culture, we believe in Due Process, accountability for police and those destroying government property and terrorizing all neighbourhoods, many of them in need because of poor local leadership".

THAT should be the extent of it. He can't give up the economic ground to Biden, or he will lose those key locations he barely won in 2016. Don't listen to the Echo Chamber that talk about policing 24/7, they aren't political winners, they are focused narrowly, you have a federal election to win.

I will support Trump (in spirit from afar) or ANY politician who wants to stand up to China, defend capitalism and your sovereignty. As America goes, so go the rest of the West. I just hope he has his eyes open, because in 2020, they aren't holding anything back.

By the way, Dan Bongino had it right on Fox and Friends this morning, the only solution if you want change is to vote out local leadership. That's it. I agree 100%, Trump can offer assistance, but he can't be mayor and president.
there is no way in hell the vast majority of people living in these cities WANTS this bullshit. you can find them speaking against it but you have to look and dig on off-news channels and indie reporters. mainstream and the big 6 media owners are simply not running it to give the illusion they wish to give.

read comments on most of the posts and you'll still see some ORANGE MAN BAD inserted to keep the hysteria alive and replies to idiots going, but most of us are fucking tired of this shit. period.
He can only lie about China but unfortunately voters accept lies for some odd reason. Both sides will do this.

It is easy to say things like this, but it takes honesty to back it up.....what lies?

The problem is business. He will never condemn that. China never forced our businesses to move there. To address China you have to address the businesses that moved there, not tax the consumers that have little choice but purchase items from companies that moved there.

We have choices. Maybe not as many as we would like, or, in certain near monopolies we don't, but we have choices.

I've been looking at the back of packaging. Recently I was at the dollar store picking up a simple technical do-hickey product. I looked at the back, and as expected, I stared at the words "Made in China". I was not happy, I stared at it at some length, frozen, and saw the price, $2. I saw another alternative, "Made in Singapore". Price. $4.

I didn't like paying the extra $2, but I felt great doing so. Yeah, we can't do that for everything, and obviously if it's the difference of $2, compared to $200, it makes the decision much tougher. However, we have to do our part.

I pay more for local grown veggies to. Probably cost me $200 over the course of a year, but, I want to support local farming and I trust it more.

Made in Singapore doesn't help us any.

Absolutely it does. Any time I don't send money to the Communist Party of China and it's expanding influence, it's a prudent decision.

Trump's argument was bringing back jobs. As long as we understand that was never the idea.
He can only lie about China but unfortunately voters accept lies for some odd reason. Both sides will do this.

It is easy to say things like this, but it takes honesty to back it up.....what lies?

The problem is business. He will never condemn that. China never forced our businesses to move there. To address China you have to address the businesses that moved there, not tax the consumers that have little choice but purchase items from companies that moved there.

We have choices. Maybe not as many as we would like, or, in certain near monopolies we don't, but we have choices.

I've been looking at the back of packaging. Recently I was at the dollar store picking up a simple technical do-hickey product. I looked at the back, and as expected, I stared at the words "Made in China". I was not happy, I stared at it at some length, frozen, and saw the price, $2. I saw another alternative, "Made in Singapore". Price. $4.

I didn't like paying the extra $2, but I felt great doing so. Yeah, we can't do that for everything, and obviously if it's the difference of $2, compared to $200, it makes the decision much tougher. However, we have to do our part.

I pay more for local grown veggies to. Probably cost me $200 over the course of a year, but, I want to support local farming and I trust it more.

Made in Singapore doesn't help us any.

Absolutely it does. Any time I don't send money to the Communist Party of China and it's expanding influence, it's a prudent decision.
he never responded to you about trumps lies did he?

so fucking common of a troll so i stop responding to them. TRUMP LIES - can you name them - ALL OF THEM - can you be more specific - ORANGE MAN BAD = troll.
He can only lie about China but unfortunately voters accept lies for some odd reason. Both sides will do this.
And regarding the economy, the biggest thing he has in his favor is that people don't look beyond the simple headlines. They'll hear about the low unemployment rate before the virus hit, but they don't know about the hyper-Keynesian spending that got us there, or the fact that the NY Fed STILL had to pour $1.4T into short term credit markets to grease the system, or the fact that bond yields (the bond market's view of the economy) had crashed by 60%, or that we had been in a prolonged manufacturing recession, or that the 2.1% GDP rate we were at when the virus hit was not worth what we were paying for it.

Peoples eyes glaze over when you dig that deep into the weeds...Right or wrong, people are more like myself, in the sense that what they do is ask themselves was my situation better 5 yrs ago, or today....And, I believe that answer is clear.

You believe we will be better off with 30 trillion in debt? If so, why not just make it 70 trillion?
democrats are trying.
I disagree strongly the American voters see the Communist Democrats strongly support Communist domestic terrorist groups Antifa and BLM and their violent terrorist actions. :smoke:
The riots are a winning move. Add economy to that and it is a super-winner. In both cases, democrats are terrorizing the people of the United States, be it through Burn, Loot and Murder, or a lock-down order.

China? This should not be the major issue. Sure, make America great again and stand for Americans in general though.
The problem is business. He will never condemn that. China never forced our businesses to move there. To address China you have to address the businesses that moved there, not tax the consumers that have little choice but purchase items from companies that moved there.

What a lot of people don't get either is just because businesses may not have operations in China going forward that doesn't mean they'll come back on shore. They'll just move to another nation like Vietnam, India, etc. It's already happening. I read an article about a week ago.
What a lot of people don't get either is just because businesses may not have operations in China going forward that doesn't mean they'll come back on shore. They'll just move to another nation like Vietnam, India, etc. It's already happening. I read an article about a week ago.

And what a lot of people also don't get is that those moves would put America in a FAR better position....even if they don't come back to America. Getting OUT of China is omnipotent.

Let the Moves BEGIN !!
I disagree. Soccer moms saw the lemonade stand get robbed. They see the violence on the way to where they live.
Voters know that they can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.

They also see the cities about to collapse and worry that if they do the degradation will come to suburbia or rural america.
The potential enemy must venture out to those areas. Suburbia is a pretty good amount on their plate as of now. Then the semi rural and rural areas would be logically next. Those men and women are heavily armed and their political affiliation a bit different at a higher percentage. The Prog men and women from the cities and burbs with their extremist agendas brought this upon themselves. And frankly, for them payment may be coming due.
I disagree. Soccer moms saw the lemonade stand get robbed. They see the violence on the way to where they live.
Voters know that they can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.

They also see the cities about to collapse and worry that if they do the degradation will come to suburbia or rural america.
The potential enemy must venture out to those areas. Suburbia is a pretty good amount on their plate as of now. Then the semi rural and rural areas would be logically next. Those men and women are heavily armed and their political affiliation a bit different at a higher percentage. The Prog men and women from the cities and burbs with their extremist agendas brought this upon themselves. And frankly, for them payment may be coming due.

One just has to worry that they will take us down with them.
He can only lie about China but unfortunately voters accept lies for some odd reason. Both sides will do this.

It is easy to say things like this, but it takes honesty to back it up.....what lies?

The problem is business. He will never condemn that. China never forced our businesses to move there. To address China you have to address the businesses that moved there, not tax the consumers that have little choice but purchase items from companies that moved there.

We have choices. Maybe not as many as we would like, or, in certain near monopolies we don't, but we have choices.

I've been looking at the back of packaging. Recently I was at the dollar store picking up a simple technical do-hickey product. I looked at the back, and as expected, I stared at the words "Made in China". I was not happy, I stared at it at some length, frozen, and saw the price, $2. I saw another alternative, "Made in Singapore". Price. $4.

I didn't like paying the extra $2, but I felt great doing so. Yeah, we can't do that for everything, and obviously if it's the difference of $2, compared to $200, it makes the decision much tougher. However, we have to do our part.

I pay more for local grown veggies to. Probably cost me $200 over the course of a year, but, I want to support local farming and I trust it more.

Made in Singapore doesn't help us any.

Absolutely it does. Any time I don't send money to the Communist Party of China and it's expanding influence, it's a prudent decision.
he never responded to you about trumps lies did he?

so fucking common of a troll so i stop responding to them. TRUMP LIES - can you name them - ALL OF THEM - can you be more specific - ORANGE MAN BAD = troll.

It's been done over and over.
He can only lie about China but unfortunately voters accept lies for some odd reason. Both sides will do this.
And regarding the economy, the biggest thing he has in his favor is that people don't look beyond the simple headlines. They'll hear about the low unemployment rate before the virus hit, but they don't know about the hyper-Keynesian spending that got us there, or the fact that the NY Fed STILL had to pour $1.4T into short term credit markets to grease the system, or the fact that bond yields (the bond market's view of the economy) had crashed by 60%, or that we had been in a prolonged manufacturing recession, or that the 2.1% GDP rate we were at when the virus hit was not worth what we were paying for it.

Peoples eyes glaze over when you dig that deep into the weeds...Right or wrong, people are more like myself, in the sense that what they do is ask themselves was my situation better 5 yrs ago, or today....And, I believe that answer is clear.

You believe we will be better off with 30 trillion in debt? If so, why not just make it 70 trillion?
democrats are trying.

Both parties are trying.
The problem is business. He will never condemn that. China never forced our businesses to move there. To address China you have to address the businesses that moved there, not tax the consumers that have little choice but purchase items from companies that moved there.

What a lot of people don't get either is just because businesses may not have operations in China going forward that doesn't mean they'll come back on shore. They'll just move to another nation like Vietnam, India, etc. It's already happening. I read an article about a week ago.

That was what I predicted (or at least hoped), but it's still a better outcome than manufacturing in China and arming Americas #1 enemy. Also, the more Western nations punish excessive, low wage outsourcing, the better it is to ensure companies consider their options.

It's a start, a slow move away from the Communists. Unlike China, other nations should NOT be artificially suppressing their currency. That was another major abuse by the communists to ensure the Yuan didn't rise to high and make their labour an unattractive options. It's artificial and a violation.
The problem is business. He will never condemn that. China never forced our businesses to move there. To address China you have to address the businesses that moved there, not tax the consumers that have little choice but purchase items from companies that moved there.

What a lot of people don't get either is just because businesses may not have operations in China going forward that doesn't mean they'll come back on shore. They'll just move to another nation like Vietnam, India, etc. It's already happening. I read an article about a week ago.

That was what I predicted (or at least hoped), but it's still a better outcome than manufacturing in China and arming Americas #1 enemy. Also, the more Western nations punish excessive, low wage outsourcing, the better it is to ensure companies consider their options.

It's a start, a slow move away from the Communists. Unlike China, other nations should NOT be artificially suppressing their currency. That was another major abuse by the communists to ensure the Yuan didn't rise to high and make their labour an unattractive options. It's artificial and a violation.

We manipulate our currency all the time.

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