Opinion: In U.S., right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

Oh God give me a break bed wetter.

When it comes to you moonbats it's the same thing.

If you oppose the president, you're a klansmen. If you oppose abortion you hate women and want to see orphaned unwanted children starve to death in the gutter. If you believe Christian symbolism in front of public buildings during holidays is a good thing you're the equivalent of the Taliban without beards. If you resist gun control you enjoy mass murder of school children by deranged lunatics.

When it comes to false choices and bullshit personal attacks you moonbats wrote the fucking book. So don't get your asshole in a knot when your tactics are used against you.


I've been called a "racist" so damned many times I have lost count. Funny thing - I'm black.

You're the worst kind of racist. You are prejudiced against yourself!

Well I have no need or desire to censor you. You and others like you have built an ideological foundation on lies, half truths and some very bizarre (for lack of a better word) reasoning. You 'think' you know the truth so you distort factual history to 'prove' you're right and the rest of the world is wrong. It's dishonest at best and likely delusional.

So please, continue to distort history, pretend the Nazi Party was the most popular throughout Germany in 1933 and tell everyone I'm the liar. Guess what, the answer and proof that I know what I've written is true is a simple click away.

NSDAP election poster in Vienna in 1930. Translation: "We demand freedom and bread".

The 1930 elections changed the German political landscape by weakening the traditional nationalist parties, the DNVP and the DVP, leaving the Nazis as the chief alternative to the discredited SPD and the Zentrum, whose leader, Heinrich Brüning, headed a weak minority government. The inability of the democratic parties to form a united front, the self-imposed isolation of the KPD, and the continued decline of the economy, all played into Hitler's hands. He now came to be seen as de facto leader of the OPPOSITION[/B], and donations poured into the Nazi Party's coffers. Some major business figures such as Fritz Thyssen were Nazi supporters and gave generously,[61] and some Wall Street figures were allegedly involved,[62] but many other businessmen were suspicious of the extreme nationalist tendencies of the Nazis, and preferred to support the traditional conservative parties instead."


Yeah, so, are you trying to suggest I was wrong? If so you've failed, though I suspect the morons who support your side of the aisle won't read your link, or if they do they won't understand what I posted is true AND THAT IS WHY PRESIDENT HINDENBURG NAMED HIM CHANCELLOR.

adjective: popular

liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group.
"she was one of the most popular girls in the school"
synonyms: well-liked, favored, sought-after, in demand, desired, wanted;
commercial, marketable, fashionable, trendy, in vogue, all the rage, hot, well-attended;
informalin, cool, big, styling/stylin'
"the most popular restaurant in town"

Well I have no need or desire to censor you. You and others like you have built an ideological foundation on lies, half truths and some very bizarre (for lack of a better word) reasoning. You 'think' you know the truth so you distort factual history to 'prove' you're right and the rest of the world is wrong. It's dishonest at best and likely delusional.

So please, continue to distort history, pretend the Nazi Party was the most popular throughout Germany in 1933 and tell everyone I'm the liar. Guess what, the answer and proof that I know what I've written is true is a simple click away.

NSDAP election poster in Vienna in 1930. Translation: "We demand freedom and bread".

The 1930 elections changed the German political landscape by weakening the traditional nationalist parties, the DNVP and the DVP, leaving the Nazis as the chief alternative to the discredited SPD and the Zentrum, whose leader, Heinrich Brüning, headed a weak minority government. The inability of the democratic parties to form a united front, the self-imposed isolation of the KPD, and the continued decline of the economy, all played into Hitler's hands. He now came to be seen as de facto leader of the OPPOSITION[/B], and donations poured into the Nazi Party's coffers. Some major business figures such as Fritz Thyssen were Nazi supporters and gave generously,[61] and some Wall Street figures were allegedly involved,[62] but many other businessmen were suspicious of the extreme nationalist tendencies of the Nazis, and preferred to support the traditional conservative parties instead."


Yeah, so, are you trying to suggest I was wrong? If so you've failed, though I suspect the morons who support your side of the aisle won't read your link, or if they do they won't understand what I posted is true AND THAT IS WHY PRESIDENT HINDENBURG NAMED HIM CHANCELLOR.

Here are the results for the German election of 1932:

PARTY Total Votes Percentage of the Total

  1. National Socialist German Workers Party 11,737,021 33.09
  2. Social Democratic Party of Germany 7,247,901 20.43
  3. Communist Party of Germany 5,980,239 16.86
  4. Centre Party 4,230,545 11.93
  5. German National People's Party 2,959,053 8.34
  6. Bavarian People's Party 1,094,597 3.09
  7. German People's Party 660,889 1.86
  8. Christian Social People's Service 403,666 1.14
  9. German State Party 336,447 0.95
  10. German Farmers' Party 149,026 0.42
  11. Agricultural League 105,220 0.3
  12. Reich Party of the German Middle Class 110,309 0.31
  13. German-Hanoverian Party 63,966 0.18
  14. Radical Middle Class 60,246 0.17
  15. Thuringian Agricultural League 60,062 0.17
  16. Christian-National Peasants' and Farmers' Party 46,382 0.13
  17. People's Justice Party 46,202 0.13
  18. Socialist Workers Party of Germany 45,201 0.13
  19. Poland List 32,988 0.09
  20. For Hindenberg and Pope 27,752 0.08
  21. Kleinrentner, Inflationsgeschädigte und Vorkriegsgeldbesitzer 15,727 0.04
  22. Free Economy Party of Germany 11,002 0.03
  23. Schicksalsgemeinschaft deutscher Erwerbslosen, Kleinhandel und Gewerbe 9,250 0.03
  24. Social Republican Party of Germany 8,395 0.02
  25. Handwerker, Handel- und Gewerbetreibende 5,189 0.01
  26. Radical Democratic Party 3,789 0.01
  27. Kampfgemeinschaft der Arbeiter und Bauern 3,308 0.01
  28. National Social Party of the Middle Class 3,052 0.01
  29. Enteigneter Mittelstand 2,737 0.01
  30. National Freedom Party of Germany 1,810 0.01
  31. Schleswig Home 1,694 0
  32. Greater Germany People's Party 1,311 0
  33. Interessengemeinschaft der Kleinrentner und Inflationsgeschädigten 1,086 0
  34. Nationalist Party 588 0
  35. People's Socialists 518 0
  36. Haus- und Landwirtepartei 461 0
  37. National Communist Party of Germany 381 0
  38. German Social Monarchist Party 355 0
  39. German Reform Party 352 0
  40. German Workers Party 308 0
  41. Unitarianist Union of Germany 290 0
  42. Greater German Middle Class Party for Middle Class Dictatorship 286 0
  43. Gerechtigkeits-Bewegung-Meißner 280 0
  44. German National Citizen Bloc 192 0
  45. Party for the Unemployed for Work and Bread 140 0
  46. National German Catholic Reich Party 137 0
  47. German Socialist Struggle Movement 101 0
  48. German Reich against Interest Rate Movement 97 0
  49. Freiheitsbewegung Schwarz-Weiß-Rot 92 0
  50. Middle Class Party 85 0
  51. Kampfbund der Lohn- und Gehaltsabgebauten 63 0
  52. Invalid/blank votes 287,471 –
Total 35,758,259 100

As you can see, the Nazis received more votes by far than any other party. They were clearly not a "minority party."

In short, you're full of shit.
OWS was coopted by a very small number of 'street people', essentially anarchists without portfolio. A collection of apolitical people, disaffected and homeless people, petty criminals and substance abusers.

They didn't kill anyone but they managed to kill an idea - to hold Wall Street, i.e. the financial service industry and its 'masters of the universe' accountable.

Funny how none of those "collection of apolitical people, disaffected and homeless people, petty criminals and substance abusers" didn't even bother "coopting" the Tea Party.

We know a lot of bed wetters infiltrated Tea Party rallies with racist signs and were run off, but for some reason the occutards found no point of view or behavior so reprehensible they ostracized anyone.

If you even have to wonder why that is, you're probably a bed wetting liberal.
Would the Dems or Reps have supported the war if they knew Bush was lying?

Depends on the individuals and who they were working for at the time.

Maybe - so the old "the Dems voted for the war" defense is placed in serious question if we don't know what they would have done had they know Bush was lying.

It's why I blame Bush for lying and all in congress for not checking under the hood a lot better.

The truth is that EVERYONE was pissed as hell and itching to kick someone's ass in the wake of 911. Seems everyone was all too happy to accept the Bush lies and pin it on Iraq and get to whoopin' some ass.

Everyone knew Bush was lying.
Depends on the individuals and who they were working for at the time.

Maybe - so the old "the Dems voted for the war" defense is placed in serious question if we don't know what they would have done had they know Bush was lying.

It's why I blame Bush for lying and all in congress for not checking under the hood a lot better.

The truth is that EVERYONE was pissed as hell and itching to kick someone's ass in the wake of 911. Seems everyone was all too happy to accept the Bush lies and pin it on Iraq and get to whoopin' some ass.

Everyone knew Bush was lying.

So the Dims knew he was lying, but they voted for the war anyway?

Are you sure that's what you wanted to say?
Well I have no need or desire to censor you. You and others like you have built an ideological foundation on lies, half truths and some very bizarre (for lack of a better word) reasoning. You 'think' you know the truth so you distort factual history to 'prove' you're right and the rest of the world is wrong. It's dishonest at best and likely delusional.

So please, continue to distort history, pretend the Nazi Party was the most popular throughout Germany in 1933 and tell everyone I'm the liar. Guess what, the answer and proof that I know what I've written is true is a simple click away.

NSDAP election poster in Vienna in 1930. Translation: "We demand freedom and bread".

The 1930 elections changed the German political landscape by weakening the traditional nationalist parties, the DNVP and the DVP, leaving the Nazis as the chief alternative to the discredited SPD and the Zentrum, whose leader, Heinrich Brüning, headed a weak minority government. The inability of the democratic parties to form a united front, the self-imposed isolation of the KPD, and the continued decline of the economy, all played into Hitler's hands. He now came to be seen as de facto leader of the OPPOSITION[/B], and donations poured into the Nazi Party's coffers. Some major business figures such as Fritz Thyssen were Nazi supporters and gave generously,[61] and some Wall Street figures were allegedly involved,[62] but many other businessmen were suspicious of the extreme nationalist tendencies of the Nazis, and preferred to support the traditional conservative parties instead."


Yeah, so, are you trying to suggest I was wrong? If so you've failed, though I suspect the morons who support your side of the aisle won't read your link, or if they do they won't understand what I posted is true AND THAT IS WHY PRESIDENT HINDENBURG NAMED HIM CHANCELLOR.

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.
-Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

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NSDAP election poster in Vienna in 1930. Translation: "We demand freedom and bread".

The 1930 elections changed the German political landscape by weakening the traditional nationalist parties, the DNVP and the DVP, leaving the Nazis as the chief alternative to the discredited SPD and the Zentrum, whose leader, Heinrich Brüning, headed a weak minority government. The inability of the democratic parties to form a united front, the self-imposed isolation of the KPD, and the continued decline of the economy, all played into Hitler's hands. He now came to be seen as de facto leader of the OPPOSITION[/B], and donations poured into the Nazi Party's coffers. Some major business figures such as Fritz Thyssen were Nazi supporters and gave generously,[61] and some Wall Street figures were allegedly involved,[62] but many other businessmen were suspicious of the extreme nationalist tendencies of the Nazis, and preferred to support the traditional conservative parties instead."


Yeah, so, are you trying to suggest I was wrong? If so you've failed, though I suspect the morons who support your side of the aisle won't read your link, or if they do they won't understand what I posted is true AND THAT IS WHY PRESIDENT HINDENBURG NAMED HIM CHANCELLOR.

Hindenburg named him chancellor because his party had the most votes. Who should Hindenburg have named, the leader of the party with the least votes?

You claimed the Nazis were a "minority party." You have yet to provide a shred of evidence to support that claim.

Read the links. It's really simple, even you will be able to understand if you wanted to, but the willfully ignorant and the congenitally ignorant won't get it. The Social Democratic Party was the largest party in Germany at the time; however, "the Nazi Party was the largest political party within the Reichstag but did not have a majority of seats"1

On 30 January 1933 Adolf Hitler, leader of NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party), was appointed Reich Chancellor by the Reich President, Paul von Hindenburg. At the subsequent elections to the Reichstag, NSDAP, together with its coalition partner DNVP, gained an absolute majority. This was mainly due to the fact that political opponents had been terrorized during the election campaign. 2

1 The Reichstag Fire, 1933

2. The Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Hitler called himself a Christian.

That is enough for our far right to support him.

He also called himself a socialist, enough for YOU to support him Jake.

I bet you have pics of Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin and Mussolini in your study ;)
Hitler called himself a Christian.

That is enough for our far right to support him.

He also called himself a socialist, enough for YOU to support him Jake.

I bet you have pics of Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin and Mussolini in your study ;)

Since either you have a very Low IQ or are uneducated thus ignorant

National Socialism negates the concept of class struggle and Marx , and believes in uniting across class lines to engage in a race struggle. Hitler most specifically claims that societal upheaval is based on racial and ethnic tension. Since Marxist socialism is a fundamentally economic philosophy, with social aspects more expanded upon by later theorists, we can see that economically they have nothing in common. In socialism the workers are meant to control the wealth of society and distribute it based upon one's work. In national socialism, the ownership of wealth and productive forces in society does not undergo a radical change from the old society where a wealthy ruling class pays you wages based on what's best for their own profits.
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Yeah, so, are you trying to suggest I was wrong? If so you've failed, though I suspect the morons who support your side of the aisle won't read your link, or if they do they won't understand what I posted is true AND THAT IS WHY PRESIDENT HINDENBURG NAMED HIM CHANCELLOR.

Hindenburg named him chancellor because his party had the most votes. Who should Hindenburg have named, the leader of the party with the least votes?

You claimed the Nazis were a "minority party." You have yet to provide a shred of evidence to support that claim.

Read the links. It's really simple, even you will be able to understand if you wanted to, but the willfully ignorant and the congenitally ignorant won't get it. The Social Democratic Party was the largest party in Germany at the time; however, "the Nazi Party was the largest political party within the Reichstag but did not have a majority of seats"1]

You're obviously too stupid to read the election results I posted. In 1932 the Nazi Party got 33% of the total vote. The SDP got 20% of the total vote. Yet here you are stupidly persisting in claiming that the SDP was bigger than the Nazi party.

On 30 January 1933 Adolf Hitler, leader of NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party), was appointed Reich Chancellor by the Reich President, Paul von Hindenburg. At the subsequent elections to the Reichstag, NSDAP, together with its coalition partner DNVP, gained an absolute majority. This was mainly due to the fact that political opponents had been terrorized during the election campaign. 2

1 The Reichstag Fire, 1933

2. The Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Listen up, knucklehead: 1932 - Nazi party 33% received of the vote. SDP received 20% of the vote. Which party was bigger?
Hindenburg named him chancellor because his party had the most votes. Who should Hindenburg have named, the leader of the party with the least votes?

You claimed the Nazis were a "minority party." You have yet to provide a shred of evidence to support that claim.

Read the links. It's really simple, even you will be able to understand if you wanted to, but the willfully ignorant and the congenitally ignorant won't get it. The Social Democratic Party was the largest party in Germany at the time; however, "the Nazi Party was the largest political party within the Reichstag but did not have a majority of seats"1]

You're obviously too stupid to read the election results I posted. In 1932 the Nazi Party got 33% of the total vote. The SDP got 20% of the total vote. Yet here you are stupidly persisting in claiming that the SDP was bigger than the Nazi party.

On 30 January 1933 Adolf Hitler, leader of NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party), was appointed Reich Chancellor by the Reich President, Paul von Hindenburg. At the subsequent elections to the Reichstag, NSDAP, together with its coalition partner DNVP, gained an absolute majority. This was mainly due to the fact that political opponents had been terrorized during the election campaign. 2

1 The Reichstag Fire, 1933

2. The Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Listen up, knucklehead: 1932 - Nazi party 33% received of the vote. SDP received 20% of the vote. Which party was bigger?

Registered voters in the SDP were greater than in the Nazi Party, dunderhead. I suspect, though you didn't post a link, is the Nazi Party got 33% of the vote in the Reichstag, but the SDP and other liberal parties got the remainder (approx. 67% of the vote); but none of these parties had sufficient numbers or organization to work together and defeat the Nazi Party because of fear, pointed out in links I posted).
Hitler called himself a Christian.

That is enough for our far right to support him.

He also called himself a socialist, enough for YOU to support him Jake.

I bet you have pics of Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin and Mussolini in your study ;)

Since either you have a very Low IQ or are uneducated thus ignorant

National Socialism negates the concept of class struggle and Marx , and believes in uniting across class lines to engage in a race struggle. Hitler most specifically claims that societal upheaval is based on racial and ethnic tension. Since Marxist socialism is a fundamentally economic philosophy, with social aspects more expanded upon by later theorists, we can see that economically they have nothing in common. In socialism the workers are meant to control the wealth of society and distribute it based upon one's work. In national socialism, the ownership of wealth and productive forces in society does not undergo a radical change from the old society where a wealthy ruling class pays you wages based on what's best for their own profits.

Average IQ 131.

But smart enough to know that you and those like you just are not intelligent s=enough to beyond your own noses.

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