Opinion: In U.S., right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

You might really believe what you write. That's sad. Or you might not and believe some will believe the bullshit you post. That's both sad and dishonest.

What have I posted that isn't 100% true?

Apparently you believe knowing the facts is "sad." That's because you're a clueless leftwing moron.

For a start, the Social Democrats were the largest political party in Germany at the time. If you weren't so blissfully ignorant you might seek out some evidence to support your opinions. You might then not be perceived as a fatuous potboiler.

Apparently not since they won fewer seats in the Reichstag. What's the justification for claiming it was the "largest party?"
Because you've NEVER heard of Pinochet ????
That's just sad.

Yes, I have heard of Pinochet. He saved his country from communist rule. He is the best thing that ever happened to Chile. It's the most prosperous country in South America because of him. Allende would have turned Chile into a Soviet client state. He and all the people who supported him were traitors to their country.

I agree that Allende was a LEFTWING Marxist scumbag.

But his replacement should have not been a RIGHT WING Marxist Scumbag.


Your claim that Pinochet was a "RIGHT WING Marxist Scumbag" is based purely on your perspective as a communist supporter of Allende. When communists try to take over your country you have to kill them. There is no alternative.
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I would eliminate from consideration liberals, progressives, labor unions, members of OWS, most civil servants, Democrats, the League of Women Voters, the Nuns on the Bus, Jews, real Christians, the ACLU and Doctors without Borders.

Those who idolize are easy to spot, they hate and hope to censor (at least) all of the above.

Almost all the people you listed are fascists. The only people who go around trying to censor anyone are also on the same list.
Holder needs to come down hard on these rw clingers and their violence. By all means necessary. Serious.

Is this also serious?

Of course she's serious.

The biggest mistake the reasonable majority has made in the last 40 years, and which has led to the situation we're in now, is failing to recognize how inherently violent and crazed progressives really are. They are, and always have been, cognizant of the fact that their policies lead to nightmares like WWII concentration camps and communist genocides. They APPROVE of that sort of thing.

These are the same people who result in those nightmares happening the world over. They don't go away..and we're stupid to think that nobody MEANS for that to happen.

Such a powerful argument, filled with evidence and facts providing a clear nexus that progressives and their policies lead to concentration camps and genocide. So clear, so concise so ... ridiculous. Why does she not say, this is my opinion and I stand by it no matter what! At least that would be honest.
OK , in that case let's try the Lewrockwell website which can not be considered leftwing:

"The evidence is abundant, that in the 15 years of military rule, Pinochet either ordered or failed to stop the state-sponsored murder of about 3,000 leftist activists, many of whom were foreigners (prompting Pinochet’s arrest as a "war criminal" in 1998). 1,200 more disappeared and there is some evidence that in the late 70′s, remains of many of the dead were dumped at sea.

It quickly becomes apparent that when considering dead bodies, the Pinochet regime looks less than enlightened. This is partially due to the fact that while Pinochet had a bureaucratic regime that was highly organized and easy to connect to Pinochet himself, the killing under Allende tended to be committed by paramilitary groups that Allende did not have direct control over, but was nevertheless quite friendly with. So the choice the Chileans had was between two kinds of murderous government. One that was haphazard and guerrilla-centered, and one that was ruthlessly efficient. "


Says a lot about people who would hero worship this guy, doesn't it?

Says more about the outcome "people" like you would prefer.

Gulags, internment camps, concentration camps, and systematic mass murder is OK with "people" like you as long as it's conducted according to law right?

The "human resources" need to be managed after all right?

Fascist sociopath.

All these liberal scumbags who start foaming at the mouth whenever Pinochet is mentioned have absolutely no problem with Castro, Che Guevara and their merry band of mass murderers. That's how you know their objection to Pinochet lies purely with the fact that he was a right-winger rather then a left-winger. If he had disappeared 3000 people but implemented socialism, he would be a liberal hero.
Yes, I have heard of Pinochet. He saved his country from communist rule. He is the best thing that ever happened to Chile. It's the most prosperous country in South America because of him. Allende would have turned Chile into a Soviet client state. He and all the people who supported him were traitors to their country.

I agree that Allende was a LEFTWING Marxist scumbag.

But his replacement should have not been a RIGHT WING Marxist Scumbag.


Your claim that Pinochet was a "RIGHT WING Marxist Scumbag" is based purely on your perspective as a communist supporter of Allende. When communists try to take over your country you have to kill them. There is no alternative.

Seriously dude. The guy just called Allende a scumbag and you counter by calling him an Allende supporter.

Bullshit CALLED OUT!
You prove who you are with every word you post...you actually are the evidence, wc.

Now back on ignore you go. You're nauseating.
I agree that Allende was a LEFTWING Marxist scumbag.

But his replacement should have not been a RIGHT WING Marxist Scumbag.


Your claim that Pinochet was a "RIGHT WING Marxist Scumbag" is based purely on your perspective as a communist supporter of Allende. When communists try to take over your country you have to kill them. There is no alternative.

Seriously dude. The guy just called Allende a scumbag and you counter by calling him an Allende supporter.

Bullshit CALLED OUT!

Contumacious? Yeah, you're probably right. He isn't a communist like you. However, he has swallowed some of the commie propaganda about Pinochet.
Just to refresh...

Nazis aren't reviled because of their politics.

They're reviled because of their PROGRESSIVISM...the whole "improve the genetic pool" and "any atrocity if it's for the greater good"...it's the exact same mindset that progressives CONTINUE to have. Whatever political party allows them to gain a foothold will end up in the shoes of Hitler's Nazi party, and the most reviled communist regimes...because it is THAT attitude, the attitude that individual life counts for nothing, that is the problem.

Communism and socialism would be fine, if it weren't for the lunatics that believe that it's okay to imprison people for their beliefs, and kill people right and left.
Your claim that Pinochet was a "RIGHT WING Marxist Scumbag" is based purely on your perspective as a communist supporter of Allende. When communists try to take over your country you have to kill them. There is no alternative.

Seriously dude. The guy just called Allende a scumbag and you counter by calling him an Allende supporter.

Bullshit CALLED OUT!

Contumacious? Yeah, you're probably right. He isn't a communist like you. However, he has swallowed some of the commie propaganda about Pinochet.

Ahhh ... the shrewd and completely unexpected "I know you are but what am I ?" defense.

well, I'm just completely devastated. It's gonna take days to research, rehearse, and perfect a counter argument to that.
Yes, I have heard of Pinochet. He saved his country from communist rule. He is the best thing that ever happened to Chile. It's the most prosperous country in South America because of him. Allende would have turned Chile into a Soviet client state. He and all the people who supported him were traitors to their country.

I agree that Allende was a LEFTWING Marxist scumbag.

But his replacement should have not been a RIGHT WING Marxist Scumbag.


Your claim that Pinochet was a "RIGHT WING Marxist Scumbag" is based purely on your perspective as a communist supporter of Allende. When communists try to take over your country you have to kill them. There is no alternative.



General Augusto Pinochet Is Dead

Despite the fact that General Pinochet was able to use his powers as dictator to enact major pro-free-market reforms, dictatorship should never be seen as justified merely as a means of instituting such reforms, however necessary and desirable they may be. Dictatorship is the most dangerous of political institutions and easily produces catastrophic results. This is because a dictator is not restrained by any need for public discussion and debate and thus can easily leap headlong into disasters that would have been avoided had there been the freedom to criticize his proposed actions and to oppose them. And even when his policies may be right, the fact that they are imposed in defiance of public opinion operates greatly to add to their unpopularity and thus to make permanent change all the more difficult.

On the basis of such considerations, when asked many years ago what he would do if he were appointed dictator, von Mises replied, “I would resign.
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And what kind of people idolize a fascist?

I would eliminate from consideration liberals, progressives, labor unions, members of OWS, most civil servants, Democrats, the League of Women Voters, the Nuns on the Bus, Jews, real Christians, the ACLU and Doctors without Borders.

Those who idolize are easy to spot, they hate and hope to censor (at least) all of the above.

Almost all the people you listed are fascists. The only people who go around trying to censor anyone are also on the same list.

Well I have no need or desire to censor you. You and others like you have built an ideological foundation on lies, half truths and some very bizarre (for lack of a better word) reasoning. You 'think' you know the truth so you distort factual history to 'prove' you're right and the rest of the world is wrong. It's dishonest at best and likely delusional.

So please, continue to distort history, pretend the Nazi Party was the most popular throughout Germany in 1933 and tell everyone I'm the liar. Guess what, the answer and proof that I know what I've written is true is a simple click away.
sorry, but you left wing have that title all to yourselves..

look at Peta goes around throwing red paint on people, the people on the ship for the whale wars, radical environmentalist, unions thugs, etc
I think it's kinda funny how folks on both sides of the aisle keeping lobbing the "nazi" bomb back and forth at each other.
Just to refresh...

Nazis aren't reviled because of their politics.

They're reviled because of their PROGRESSIVISM...the whole "improve the genetic pool" and "any atrocity if it's for the greater good"...it's the exact same mindset that progressives CONTINUE to have. Whatever political party allows them to gain a foothold will end up in the shoes of Hitler's Nazi party, and the most reviled communist regimes...because it is THAT attitude, the attitude that individual life counts for nothing, that is the problem.

Communism and socialism would be fine, if it weren't for the lunatics that believe that it's okay to imprison people for their beliefs, and kill people right and left.

This here. Marxism was the way of life for hunter gathering tribes and even Native Americans right until we conquered.

However, Marxism only works in the smallest social circles --- tribes, a hard numerical limit of no more than 200 people maximum.

But that's it, only on very small levels does it work, and it only works because the FAILURE to Marxist leaders to uphold the law and "fair share" philosophy in these VERY SMALL communities would lead to the death and starvation of the entire tribe. Everyone has to work and labor very hard for the benefit of themselves and the rest of the tribe, including the leaders.

Once the tribe settles and flowers into a civilization, the leaders are free to abuse their power due to an abundance of resources, labor and subjects. Marxism becomes totalitarian and despotic very quickly in large societies. Constitutional Government is the ONLY solution (and it's not perfect as you can see) for CIVILIZATION.
Abortion is the Holocaust by the Left!

Count the babies murdered and compare it to any 'Right Wing' acts.
But as to Original Post:

There ARE right wing terrorists and there are left wing terrorists. One is no better than the other.

But to be clear - Islamic jihadists are reactionaries. They (along with American reactionaries) want to turn back the clock to the golden days of yore when "people of god" were calling the shots and making the rules. (Oddly enough Sharia Law has it's roots in Mosaic Law are the two are very close). And reactionaries fall at the extreme right on the political spectrum.

That doesn't make them any worse than far left-wing terrorists (or revolutionaries).
I would eliminate from consideration liberals, progressives, labor unions, members of OWS, most civil servants, Democrats, the League of Women Voters, the Nuns on the Bus, Jews, real Christians, the ACLU and Doctors without Borders.

Those who idolize are easy to spot, they hate and hope to censor (at least) all of the above.

Almost all the people you listed are fascists. The only people who go around trying to censor anyone are also on the same list.

Well I have no need or desire to censor you. You and others like you have built an ideological foundation on lies, half truths and some very bizarre (for lack of a better word) reasoning. You 'think' you know the truth so you distort factual history to 'prove' you're right and the rest of the world is wrong. It's dishonest at best and likely delusional.

So please, continue to distort history, pretend the Nazi Party was the most popular throughout Germany in 1933 and tell everyone I'm the liar. Guess what, the answer and proof that I know what I've written is true is a simple click away.

NSDAP election poster in Vienna in 1930. Translation: "We demand freedom and bread".

The 1930 elections changed the German political landscape by weakening the traditional nationalist parties, the DNVP and the DVP, leaving the Nazis as the chief alternative to the discredited SPD and the Zentrum, whose leader, Heinrich Brüning, headed a weak minority government. The inability of the democratic parties to form a united front, the self-imposed isolation of the KPD, and the continued decline of the economy, all played into Hitler's hands. He now came to be seen as de facto leader of the opposition, and donations poured into the Nazi Party's coffers. Some major business figures such as Fritz Thyssen were Nazi supporters and gave generously,[61] and some Wall Street figures were allegedly involved,[62] but many other businessmen were suspicious of the extreme nationalist tendencies of the Nazis, and preferred to support the traditional conservative parties instead."

I would eliminate from consideration liberals, progressives, labor unions, members of OWS, most civil servants, Democrats, the League of Women Voters, the Nuns on the Bus, Jews, real Christians, the ACLU and Doctors without Borders.

Those who idolize are easy to spot, they hate and hope to censor (at least) all of the above.

Almost all the people you listed are fascists. The only people who go around trying to censor anyone are also on the same list.

Well I have no need or desire to censor you. You and others like you have built an ideological foundation on lies, half truths and some very bizarre (for lack of a better word) reasoning. You 'think' you know the truth so you distort factual history to 'prove' you're right and the rest of the world is wrong. It's dishonest at best and likely delusional.

So please, continue to distort history, pretend the Nazi Party was the most popular throughout Germany in 1933 and tell everyone I'm the liar. Guess what, the answer and proof that I know what I've written is true is a simple click away.

Who won the most seats in the Reichstag in the election of t932? After you answer that, we can discuss which party was the most popular.

Guys, this is garbage which at best is a sorry attempt by CNN to draw ratings and at worse media propaganda to drive division in this country.

Quit dividing up everything and simply come to the conclusion that most Americans - right or left - want nothing but peace and prosperity for their children. We may disagree, but that doesn't mean we must hate and fear one another.

I really, really, abhor these sorts of stories and OPs.


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