Opinion: In U.S., right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists


WHY is Vin Suprynowicz , who edits the editorial pages for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, incorrect?!?!?!?


Number one - this piece is not an account of the events. It's an argument.

Number two - it (like so many conspiracy theories) only asks what he thinks are damning questions - the damning part comes with the insinuations behind the questions.

That's not history - that's not even a journalistic account of events.
It's opinion and conjecture.

So the true version of events is the whitewash provided by Scumbag Schumer?


The truth about what happened has to be found by combing many sources.
No one source will give you the full story.
If not a right winger, how would you classify him? And the others pointed out in the article you choose not to read, such as:

"A similar attack to the one that Frazier Glenn Cross is accused of in Kansas occurred in August 2012 when Wade Michael Page killed six people in a shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Page was a member of a white supremacist band and associated with the Hammerskins, a white supremacist group. Page committed suicide during the attack.

"Page is not, of course, the only right wing extremist to have used lethal violence to achieve political ends. In 2009, for instance, Shawna Forde, Albert Gaxiola, and Jason Bush raided a house in Arizona, killing Raul Flores and his daughter Brisenia. The three attackers sought to use the burglary to finance their anti-immigration vigilante group, Minutemen American Defense. Forde and Bush were convicted and sentenced to death. Gaxiola was sentenced to life in prison."

Uhhh... well gee... fucking retard...


Funny how so many "white supremacists" are "National Socialists"


Could you explain your comment? Am I correct in assuming you are claiming "white supremacists" are leftists, and thus have nothing in common with the survivalist, anti government, anti liberal/progressive movement?

What is missing when "it says nothing about his politics beyond "WHITE SUPREMACY"?

Yes, I'm outright TELLING YOU "white supremacists" are more likely to be leftists. They demand a state that has all the authority to dictate into law protectionist and "moral" policies no real conservative would tolerate.

Their status as "survivalists" is irrelevant. Are you as a bed wetter a "suicidalist"? You certainly seem to advocate policies that have killed millions of unborn children and defied the death sentences of psychopathic killers.

They may be disgusted by your promotion of perverse lifestyles and the current government protection of deviancy, but they are by no means "anti-government". They want just as much or more government as you do. You just may not enjoy sucking cocks at bus stops in San Fransicko under their tyranny, but rest assured there will be no rich white banker jews "oppressing" you.

So Augusto Pinochet was a nice right wing dictator?


You're quoting the LA Times?

Enough said.

Because you've NEVER heard of Pinochet ????
That's just sad.

Yes, I have heard of Pinochet. He saved his country from communist rule. He is the best thing that ever happened to Chile. It's the most prosperous country in South America because of him. Allende would have turned Chile into a Soviet client state. He and all the people who supported him were traitors to their country.
Uhhh... well gee... fucking retard...


Funny how so many "white supremacists" are "National Socialists"


Could you explain your comment? Am I correct in assuming you are claiming "white supremacists" are leftists, and thus have nothing in common with the survivalist, anti government, anti liberal/progressive movement?

What is missing when "it says nothing about his politics beyond "WHITE SUPREMACY"?

Yes, I'm outright TELLING YOU "white supremacists" are more likely to be leftists. They demand a state that has all the authority to dictate into law protectionist and "moral" policies no real conservative would tolerate.

Their status as "survivalists" is irrelevant. Are you as a bed wetter a "suicidalist"? You certainly seem to advocate policies that have killed millions of unborn children and defied the death sentences of psychopathic killers.

They may be disgusted by your promotion of perverse lifestyles and the current government protection of deviancy, but they are by no means "anti-government". They want just as much or more government as you do. You just may not enjoy sucking cocks at bus stops in San Fransicko under their tyranny, but rest assured there will be no rich white banker jews "oppressing" you.

We had some self-proclaimed Nazis as members of this forum. They were all big on welfare, price controls and all the other accoutrements of the liberal regime.
I partially agree, the statement should have read

There has been NOTHING MORE DEADLY IN HISTORY than tyrannical - leftist or rightist - governments.


I'll go as far as agreeing GOVERNMENTS. However you can count on a disfigured hand with 3 fingers blown off how many "rightist" governments have even existed.

The government of Augusto Pinochet indeed killed thousands of commies.

The despot in that case ultimately gave up power and secured all the protection he could and was still prosecuted even though there was little consequence.

NO LEFTIST DESPOTS are compareable. The numbers of innocent people killed aren't even countable, and leftist regimes NEVER willingly released their power.

I personally would support a "rightwing" despot to wipe out a few hundred thousand bed wetters and "encourage" a few million libtarded parasites to flee the country in terror. It will actually save hundreds of millions of lives in the long run.

I'm convinced it's going to go from one extreme or the other. I'm opting for the end result where less people are killed.

Pinochet was the best thing that ever happened to any country in South America. That's why leftists hate him. They will never forgive him for saving Chile from the Communists.

He's one of my heros. The world desperately needs a modern version of him.
Nope. Right-wing governments don't hold a candle to left-wing Utopias.


So Augusto Pinochet was a nice right wing dictator?


You're quoting the LA Times?

Enough said.

OK , in that case let's try the Lewrockwell website which can not be considered leftwing:

"The evidence is abundant, that in the 15 years of military rule, Pinochet either ordered or failed to stop the state-sponsored murder of about 3,000 leftist activists, many of whom were foreigners (prompting Pinochet’s arrest as a "war criminal" in 1998). 1,200 more disappeared and there is some evidence that in the late 70′s, remains of many of the dead were dumped at sea.

It quickly becomes apparent that when considering dead bodies, the Pinochet regime looks less than enlightened. This is partially due to the fact that while Pinochet had a bureaucratic regime that was highly organized and easy to connect to Pinochet himself, the killing under Allende tended to be committed by paramilitary groups that Allende did not have direct control over, but was nevertheless quite friendly with. So the choice the Chileans had was between two kinds of murderous government. One that was haphazard and guerrilla-centered, and one that was ruthlessly efficient. "

The author compares right wingers to Frazier Glenn Cross, a white supremacist who hated jews. I stopped reading right there. The author should be ashamed of himself, as should you for posting that article and giving the author any credence.

If not a right winger, how would you classify him? And the others pointed out in the article you choose not to read, such as:

"A similar attack to the one that Frazier Glenn Cross is accused of in Kansas occurred in August 2012 when Wade Michael Page killed six people in a shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Page was a member of a white supremacist band and associated with the Hammerskins, a white supremacist group. Page committed suicide during the attack.

"Page is not, of course, the only right wing extremist to have used lethal violence to achieve political ends. In 2009, for instance, Shawna Forde, Albert Gaxiola, and Jason Bush raided a house in Arizona, killing Raul Flores and his daughter Brisenia. The three attackers sought to use the burglary to finance their anti-immigration vigilante group, Minutemen American Defense. Forde and Bush were convicted and sentenced to death. Gaxiola was sentenced to life in prison."
Left wing idiot socialists are a lot worse.
The Nazis came to power do to the weakness of the Weimar Constitution (see below) and the ease in which minority and extreme parties could control the debate. A good lesson for American patriots who are critical of the current state of affairs in the H. of Representatives:

Weimar Republic's Constitution

The nexus between the members of he H. of Rep. and the Nazi Party isn't linear; yet it does serve as a warning, when the power of the minority can control the debate and policy decisions chaos results.

The Nazis came to power because their ideas were popular with the vast mass of numskulls in Germany. Libturds just can't get over the idea that a large plurality of people voted the Nazis into power. That's because it undermines all their delusions about the miracles of democracy

The Nazis were a minority party in Germany but were able to get Hitler appointed Chancellor by German President Hindenburg because the Nazi Party was the largest party in the Reichstag. The German President appointed Adolph Hitler Chancellor on January 30, 1933.

Hitler ascended to the Chancellorship the traditional way, using demagoguery, hate and fear, the same three tactics used by the leaders of the Tea Party in their successful takeover of the H. or Reps in 2010. Given that half the population is by definition of below average intelligence, it's easy to see democracies can be easily manipulated, and when the laws are misused bad things happen.

Three weeks after Hitler was appointed, on Feb. 27, 1933 the Reichstag burned. See the details and the consequence to the world here:

The Reichstag Fire, 1933
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Number one - this piece is not an account of the events. It's an argument.

Number two - it (like so many conspiracy theories) only asks what he thinks are damning questions - the damning part comes with the insinuations behind the questions.

That's not history - that's not even a journalistic account of events.
It's opinion and conjecture.

So the true version of events is the whitewash provided by Scumbag Schumer?


The truth about what happened has to be found by combing many sources.
No one source will give you the full story.

OK then. Explain away.

WHY did the BATF invade a Religious compound in these US of A when the Davidians had a license to modify machine guns and sell them?

I don't think that they needed a license , but they got one any ways.


So Augusto Pinochet was a nice right wing dictator?


You're quoting the LA Times?

Enough said.

OK , in that case let's try the Lewrockwell website which can not be considered leftwing:

"The evidence is abundant, that in the 15 years of military rule, Pinochet either ordered or failed to stop the state-sponsored murder of about 3,000 leftist activists, many of whom were foreigners (prompting Pinochet’s arrest as a "war criminal" in 1998). 1,200 more disappeared and there is some evidence that in the late 70′s, remains of many of the dead were dumped at sea.

It quickly becomes apparent that when considering dead bodies, the Pinochet regime looks less than enlightened. This is partially due to the fact that while Pinochet had a bureaucratic regime that was highly organized and easy to connect to Pinochet himself, the killing under Allende tended to be committed by paramilitary groups that Allende did not have direct control over, but was nevertheless quite friendly with. So the choice the Chileans had was between two kinds of murderous government. One that was haphazard and guerrilla-centered, and one that was ruthlessly efficient. "


Yep, Pinochet killed the Communist traitors and Cuban agents who were trying to convert Chile into a Soviet client state. They deserved killing. Pinochet was fighting a civil war for his country. He won, the commies lost. That's why they hate him.
So the true version of events is the whitewash provided by Scumbag Schumer?


The truth about what happened has to be found by combing many sources.
No one source will give you the full story.

OK then. Explain away.

WHY did the BATF invade a Religious compound in these US of A when the Davidians had a license to modify machine guns and sell them?

I don't think that they needed a license , but they got one any ways.


But I thought your editorial (and fictional) version told you EVERYTHING?
I wonder why you would even need to ask
I'm tempted to print it out and whip it out at the next party I attend as an ice breaker. What insane claptrap the psychotic left spouts.

Thank goodness they're only representative of a tiny minority of the country. Weirdoes.

So Augusto Pinochet was a nice right wing dictator?


You're quoting the LA Times?

Enough said.

OK , in that case let's try the Lewrockwell website which can not be considered leftwing:

"The evidence is abundant, that in the 15 years of military rule, Pinochet either ordered or failed to stop the state-sponsored murder of about 3,000 leftist activists, many of whom were foreigners (prompting Pinochet’s arrest as a "war criminal" in 1998). 1,200 more disappeared and there is some evidence that in the late 70′s, remains of many of the dead were dumped at sea.

It quickly becomes apparent that when considering dead bodies, the Pinochet regime looks less than enlightened. This is partially due to the fact that while Pinochet had a bureaucratic regime that was highly organized and easy to connect to Pinochet himself, the killing under Allende tended to be committed by paramilitary groups that Allende did not have direct control over, but was nevertheless quite friendly with. So the choice the Chileans had was between two kinds of murderous government. One that was haphazard and guerrilla-centered, and one that was ruthlessly efficient. "


Says a lot about people who would hero worship this guy, doesn't it?
So the true version of events is the whitewash provided by Scumbag Schumer?


The truth about what happened has to be found by combing many sources.
No one source will give you the full story.

OK then. Explain away.

WHY did the BATF invade a Religious compound in these US of A when the Davidians had a license to modify machine guns and sell them?

I don't think that they needed a license , but they got one any ways.


There was a budget crunch and a recession going on.

The ATF needed an excuse to conduct a high profile raid, and some UPS driver who dropped a package saw what he thought were live hand grenades and called in a tip.

The rest is liberal history... which means dead people.
The author compares right wingers to Frazier Glenn Cross, a white supremacist who hated jews. I stopped reading right there. The author should be ashamed of himself, as should you for posting that article and giving the author any credence.

If not a right winger, how would you classify him? And the others pointed out in the article you choose not to read, such as:

"A similar attack to the one that Frazier Glenn Cross is accused of in Kansas occurred in August 2012 when Wade Michael Page killed six people in a shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Page was a member of a white supremacist band and associated with the Hammerskins, a white supremacist group. Page committed suicide during the attack.

"Page is not, of course, the only right wing extremist to have used lethal violence to achieve political ends. In 2009, for instance, Shawna Forde, Albert Gaxiola, and Jason Bush raided a house in Arizona, killing Raul Flores and his daughter Brisenia. The three attackers sought to use the burglary to finance their anti-immigration vigilante group, Minutemen American Defense. Forde and Bush were convicted and sentenced to death. Gaxiola was sentenced to life in prison."
Left wing idiot socialists are a lot worse.

Worse than this?:

A Brief Overview of Argentina's Dirty War of the 1970s and 80s - Yahoo Voices - voices.yahoo.com
You're quoting the LA Times?

Enough said.

OK , in that case let's try the Lewrockwell website which can not be considered leftwing:

"The evidence is abundant, that in the 15 years of military rule, Pinochet either ordered or failed to stop the state-sponsored murder of about 3,000 leftist activists, many of whom were foreigners (prompting Pinochet’s arrest as a "war criminal" in 1998). 1,200 more disappeared and there is some evidence that in the late 70′s, remains of many of the dead were dumped at sea.

It quickly becomes apparent that when considering dead bodies, the Pinochet regime looks less than enlightened. This is partially due to the fact that while Pinochet had a bureaucratic regime that was highly organized and easy to connect to Pinochet himself, the killing under Allende tended to be committed by paramilitary groups that Allende did not have direct control over, but was nevertheless quite friendly with. So the choice the Chileans had was between two kinds of murderous government. One that was haphazard and guerrilla-centered, and one that was ruthlessly efficient. "


Says a lot about people who would hero worship this guy, doesn't it?

Says more about the outcome "people" like you would prefer.

Gulags, internment camps, concentration camps, and systematic mass murder is OK with "people" like you as long as it's conducted according to law right?

The "human resources" need to be managed after all right?

Fascist sociopath.

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