Opinion: In U.S., right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

as we see folks, CNN hasn't any bias in them what so ever...

It's sickening they would even put that out there...

They should be shunned...that is one ugly piece of work against you the American citizen
They're sinking, and that's why.

They don't represent the American people, and they don't cover the news. All they are are propagandists.
Strange how the Jews, the eternal victims, claim the Cross shootings as an anti semitic attack yet no Jews were killed or injured.


Are the Jews jealous of the christians?

Why won't the Jews allow the christians to claim victims in these shootings?


The victims in the shootings were all christians.

Poor Jews.. They suffered SO MUCH in the Cross shootings... :lol:
Strange how the Jews, the eternal victims, claim the Cross shootings as an anti semitic attack yet no Jews were killed or injured.


Are the Jews jealous of the christians?

Why won't the Jews allow the christians to claim victims in these shootings?


The victims in the shootings were all christians.

Poor Jews.. They suffered SO MUCH in the Cross shootings... :lol:
This will probably be a stretch for you huggy but maybe the Jews are claiming it was an anti-sematic attack because both attacks took place at Jewish centers! The fact that the gunman was to stupid to be able to tell Jews from Christians and vice versa does not change the locations where the shootings took place.
This thread is further empirical proof that the far left has more in common with the "jihadists" than anyone else. Also further proof that the far left is more dangerous than any known terror organization out there.
as we see folks, CNN hasn't any bias in them what so ever...

It's sickening they would even put that out there...

They should be shunned...that is one ugly piece of work against you the American citizen
Isn't it amazing that every time some media source posts negative comments about the gop the drones on the right immediately adopt the "poor victim" defense and condemn that source.
Sometimes those sources that condemn the gop for the behavior of some of its followers have it RIGHT. Sometimes they are shining a light on a truth that you would choose to ignore.
sorry, but you left wing have that title all to yourselves..

look at Peta goes around throwing red paint on people, the people on the ship for the whale wars, radical environmentalist, unions thugs, etc

OMG! Red Paint? LOL!

George W. Bush starts a BS war for nonexistent WMDs which results in the deaths of thousands of Americans, the likely deaths of well over a hundred thousand Iraqis, and the wounding of tens of thousands of Americans who will require long-term care, and you're worried about PETA and red paint?
This thread is further empirical proof that the far left has more in common with the "jihadists" than anyone else. Also further proof that the far left is more dangerous than any known terror organization out there.
Bold statements, and as usual, with no proof. <sigh>
Actually what we see here is Karl Rove's First Rule: Accuse others of what you are doing.
sorry, but you left wing have that title all to yourselves..

look at Peta goes around throwing red paint on people, the people on the ship for the whale wars, radical environmentalist, unions thugs, etc
So, you equate throwing red paint on someone with shooting them with guns. Really???? Seems to be a stretch to me. Say, here is an idea, give us a list of all the liberal organizations that go around condemning the government and killing people. You might also add to that list all those liberals who go around using the phrase "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." If I am not mistaken, isn't that a favorite quote of members of the right?
This thread is further empirical proof that the far left has more in common with the "jihadists" than anyone else. Also further proof that the far left is more dangerous than any known terror organization out there.

Really? How so? Since it's my thread how do you figure I have anything in common with "Jihadists"? Don't be shy now, you made an allegation it's time to prove it (or be known as a liar).
sorry, but you left wing have that title all to yourselves..

look at Peta goes around throwing red paint on people, the people on the ship for the whale wars, radical environmentalist, unions thugs, etc

OMG! Red Paint? LOL!

George W. Bush starts a BS war for nonexistent WMDs which results in the deaths of thousands of Americans, the likely deaths of well over a hundred thousand Iraqis, and the wounding of tens of thousands of Americans who will require long-term care, and you're worried about PETA and red paint?
Was Bush a big part of starting that war? Yes.

Would the war have been possible without the support of the Dems? No.
sorry, but you left wing have that title all to yourselves..

look at Peta goes around throwing red paint on people, the people on the ship for the whale wars, radical environmentalist, unions thugs, etc

OMG! Red Paint? LOL!

George W. Bush starts a BS war for nonexistent WMDs which results in the deaths of thousands of Americans, the likely deaths of well over a hundred thousand Iraqis, and the wounding of tens of thousands of Americans who will require long-term care, and you're worried about PETA and red paint?
Was Bush a big part of starting that war? Yes.

Would the war have been possible without the support of the Dems? No.

Would the Dems or Reps have supported the war if they knew Bush was lying?
OMG! Red Paint? LOL!

George W. Bush starts a BS war for nonexistent WMDs which results in the deaths of thousands of Americans, the likely deaths of well over a hundred thousand Iraqis, and the wounding of tens of thousands of Americans who will require long-term care, and you're worried about PETA and red paint?
Was Bush a big part of starting that war? Yes.

Would the war have been possible without the support of the Dems? No.

Would the Dems or Reps have supported the war if they knew Bush was lying?

Depends on the individuals and who they were working for at the time.
Yeah, and he voted for Obama too.


He's a KKK Member and a Democrat. So was Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd.

Love how Progressives are taking branding Republicans as "the Enemy" to the next level
H's a right wing White Supremacist, doof.

Pull back to the 1940's a little more -- and the swing your monkey arms up to your favorite LBJ, you wouldn't be Frank without it.

Paperview, Robert Byrd is a Right Winger?

Did someone hack your account to make you look silly?
Was Bush a big part of starting that war? Yes.

Would the war have been possible without the support of the Dems? No.

Would the Dems or Reps have supported the war if they knew Bush was lying?

Depends on the individuals and who they were working for at the time.

Maybe - so the old "the Dems voted for the war" defense is placed in serious question if we don't know what they would have done had they know Bush was lying.

It's why I blame Bush for lying and all in congress for not checking under the hood a lot better.

The truth is that EVERYONE was pissed as hell and itching to kick someone's ass in the wake of 911. Seems everyone was all too happy to accept the Bush lies and pin it on Iraq and get to whoopin' some ass.
Almost all the people you listed are fascists. The only people who go around trying to censor anyone are also on the same list.

Well I have no need or desire to censor you. You and others like you have built an ideological foundation on lies, half truths and some very bizarre (for lack of a better word) reasoning. You 'think' you know the truth so you distort factual history to 'prove' you're right and the rest of the world is wrong. It's dishonest at best and likely delusional.

So please, continue to distort history, pretend the Nazi Party was the most popular throughout Germany in 1933 and tell everyone I'm the liar. Guess what, the answer and proof that I know what I've written is true is a simple click away.

NSDAP election poster in Vienna in 1930. Translation: "We demand freedom and bread".

The 1930 elections changed the German political landscape by weakening the traditional nationalist parties, the DNVP and the DVP, leaving the Nazis as the chief alternative to the discredited SPD and the Zentrum, whose leader, Heinrich Brüning, headed a weak minority government. The inability of the democratic parties to form a united front, the self-imposed isolation of the KPD, and the continued decline of the economy, all played into Hitler's hands. He now came to be seen as de facto leader of the OPPOSITION[/B], and donations poured into the Nazi Party's coffers. Some major business figures such as Fritz Thyssen were Nazi supporters and gave generously,[61] and some Wall Street figures were allegedly involved,[62] but many other businessmen were suspicious of the extreme nationalist tendencies of the Nazis, and preferred to support the traditional conservative parties instead."


Yeah, so, are you trying to suggest I was wrong? If so you've failed, though I suspect the morons who support your side of the aisle won't read your link, or if they do they won't understand what I posted is true AND THAT IS WHY PRESIDENT HINDENBURG NAMED HIM CHANCELLOR.
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Says a lot about people who would hero worship this guy, doesn't it?

Says more about the outcome "people" like you would prefer.

Gulags, internment camps, concentration camps, and systematic mass murder is OK with "people" like you as long as it's conducted according to law right?

The "human resources" need to be managed after all right?

Fascist sociopath.

Yes, because the only two options are murdering thugs or gulags.

You know, one of the most common responses on these boards to arguments one can't answer is to make up a bunch of false choices and personal attacks about the messenger.

It's a sign of defeat

Oh God give me a break bed wetter.

When it comes to you moonbats it's the same thing.

If you oppose the president, you're a klansmen. If you oppose abortion you hate women and want to see orphaned unwanted children starve to death in the gutter. If you believe Christian symbolism in front of public buildings during holidays is a good thing you're the equivalent of the Taliban without beards. If you resist gun control you enjoy mass murder of school children by deranged lunatics.

When it comes to false choices and bullshit personal attacks you moonbats wrote the fucking book. So don't get your asshole in a knot when your tactics are used against you.

Says more about the outcome "people" like you would prefer.

Gulags, internment camps, concentration camps, and systematic mass murder is OK with "people" like you as long as it's conducted according to law right?

The "human resources" need to be managed after all right?

Fascist sociopath.[/COLOR]

Yes, because the only two options are murdering thugs or gulags.

You know, one of the most common responses on these boards to arguments one can't answer is to make up a bunch of false choices and personal attacks about the messenger.

It's a sign of defeat

Oh God give me a break bed wetter.

When it comes to you moonbats it's the same thing.

If you oppose the president, you're a klansmen. If you oppose abortion you hate women and want to see orphaned unwanted children starve to death in the gutter. If you believe Christian symbolism in front of public buildings during holidays is a good thing you're the equivalent of the Taliban without beards. If you resist gun control you enjoy mass murder of school children by deranged lunatics.

When it comes to false choices and bullshit personal attacks you moonbats wrote the fucking book. So don't get your asshole in a knot when your tactics are used against you.


I've been called a "racist" so damned many times I have lost count. Funny thing - I'm black.
Well I have no need or desire to censor you. You and others like you have built an ideological foundation on lies, half truths and some very bizarre (for lack of a better word) reasoning. You 'think' you know the truth so you distort factual history to 'prove' you're right and the rest of the world is wrong. It's dishonest at best and likely delusional.

So please, continue to distort history, pretend the Nazi Party was the most popular throughout Germany in 1933 and tell everyone I'm the liar. Guess what, the answer and proof that I know what I've written is true is a simple click away.

NSDAP election poster in Vienna in 1930. Translation: "We demand freedom and bread".

The 1930 elections changed the German political landscape by weakening the traditional nationalist parties, the DNVP and the DVP, leaving the Nazis as the chief alternative to the discredited SPD and the Zentrum, whose leader, Heinrich Brüning, headed a weak minority government. The inability of the democratic parties to form a united front, the self-imposed isolation of the KPD, and the continued decline of the economy, all played into Hitler's hands. He now came to be seen as de facto leader of the OPPOSITION[/B], and donations poured into the Nazi Party's coffers. Some major business figures such as Fritz Thyssen were Nazi supporters and gave generously,[61] and some Wall Street figures were allegedly involved,[62] but many other businessmen were suspicious of the extreme nationalist tendencies of the Nazis, and preferred to support the traditional conservative parties instead."


Yeah, so, are you trying to suggest I was wrong? If so you've failed, though I suspect the morons who support your side of the aisle won't read your link, or if they do they won't understand what I posted is true AND THAT IS WHY PRESIDENT HINDENBURG NAMED HIM CHANCELLOR.

Hindenburg named him chancellor because his party had the most votes. Who should Hindenburg have named, the leader of the party with the least votes?

You claimed the Nazis were a "minority party." You have yet to provide a shred of evidence to support that claim.
Yes, because the only two options are murdering thugs or gulags.

You know, one of the most common responses on these boards to arguments one can't answer is to make up a bunch of false choices and personal attacks about the messenger.

It's a sign of defeat

Oh God give me a break bed wetter.

When it comes to you moonbats it's the same thing.

If you oppose the president, you're a klansmen. If you oppose abortion you hate women and want to see orphaned unwanted children starve to death in the gutter. If you believe Christian symbolism in front of public buildings during holidays is a good thing you're the equivalent of the Taliban without beards. If you resist gun control you enjoy mass murder of school children by deranged lunatics.

When it comes to false choices and bullshit personal attacks you moonbats wrote the fucking book. So don't get your asshole in a knot when your tactics are used against you.


I've been called a "racist" so damned many times I have lost count. Funny thing - I'm black.

You're the worst kind of racist. You are prejudiced against yourself!

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